6,999 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2019
    1. vagabonds

      Really cool animated example of a vagabond.


    2. by speaking sharply, though decently, to them, and by that he discovered their spirit and presence of mind

      I relate to this. Sometimes when I am bored, I speak with my true morals and ideas to another to see what they are truly like. Or you bring up a conversation that allows them to show their true self. It really allows them to remove their mask that they put on in society.

    3. begot

      Begot - simple past tense and a past participle of beget.

      Beget - (especially of a male parent) to procreate or generate (offspring).

    4. with a great slaughter of the poor people that were engaged in it.

      To me, Moore would find the slaughter of poor people to be cruel. To the main character, this is a regular political practice. But to Moore (I think I forgot his name), this is not the type of civilization he is use to.

    5. Flanders

      a medieval country in W Europe, extending along the North Sea from the Strait of Dover to the Scheldt River: the corresponding modern regions include the provinces of East Flanders and West Flanders in W Belgium, and the adjacent parts of N France and SW Netherlands.

    6. impracticable

      Impracticable - not practicable; incapable of being put into practice with the available means:

    7. Louvain

      a city in central Belgium.

    8. Chester

      Chester is a walled city in Cheshire, England, on the River Dee, close to the border with Wales.


    9. Archdeacon

      Archdeacon - a senior Christian cleric (in the early Church a deacon, in the modern Anglican Church a priest) to whom a bishop delegates certain responsibilities.

    10. He was more familiar with Latin because he wanted to better understand the Roman philosophers Seneca and Cicero

    11. Greek studies from Italy

      This is interesting. In the "Schoolmaster", bringing culture from Italy was considered an act of the devil in half of the story. Though, the first half told how they taught people to translate from English to Greek. Maybe this writer was part of the general population who "flocked in" into Italy in order to learn.

    12. Canterbury

      From the Canterbury tales?

    13. hair shirt

      a shirt of haircloth, formerly worn by penitents and ascetics.

    14. It was no ill simile by which Plato set forth the unreasonableness of a philosopher’s meddling with government.  ‘If a man,’ says he, ‘were to see a great company run out every day into the rain and take delight in being wet—if he knew that it would be to no purpose for him to go and persuade them to return to their houses in order to avoid the storm, and that all that could be expected by his going to speak to them would be that he himself should be as wet as they, it would be best for him to keep within doors, and, since he had not influence enough to correct other people’s folly, to take care to preserve himself.

      Hythloday, citing Plato, tells More he'll never compromise by serving the king of a corrupt state.

    15. No doubt, very deaf

      More agrees with Hythloday's conclusion that his counsel could only fall on deaf ears in a king’s court.

    16. he would rather govern rich men than be rich himself; since for one man to abound in wealth and pleasure when all about him are mourning and groaning, is to be a gaoler and not a king

      A king who cannot rule except by harming his subjects is not fit to rule at all.

    17. He is an unskilful physician that cannot cure one disease without casting his patient into another. 

      This is a good analogy.

    18. Who quarrel more than beggars?

      Even cats fight for food.

    19. I earnestly beg you would describe that island very particularly to us

      I too am excited to know about this island.

    20. first and dine

      I wonder how long they've spent on the discussion lol

    21. Book 1 doesn't seem like a story to me, although it is. It's more like a social critique. It's a sad truth that the inequalities and injustices which Hythloday couldn't stand still exist in today's world.

    22. Let him live upon what belongs to him without wronging others, and accommodate his expense to his revenue.  Let him punish crimes, and, by his wise conduct, let him endeavour to prevent them, rather than be severe when he has suffered them to be too common.  Let him not rashly revive laws that are abrogated by disuse, especially if they have been long forgotten and never wanted.  And let him never take any penalty for the breach of them to which a judge would not give way in a private man

      Literary device: Anaphora creating a spiritual sentiment

    23. never to have at once above a thousand pounds of gold in his treasures, or so much silver as is equal to that in value.  This law, they tell us, was made by an excellent king who had more regard to the riches of his country than to his own wealth, and therefore provided against the heaping up of so much treasure as might impoverish the people. 

      The Macarians do not permit their king to have more than a thousand pounds of gold or silver in his treasury, and by this measure they make sure that he enriches his country and not himself.

    24. Macarians

      translates as "happy people” in Greek

    25. Their friends are allowed to give them either meat, drink, or clothes, so they are of their proper colour; but it is death, both to the giver and taker, if they give them money; nor is it less penal for any freeman to take money from them upon any account whatsoever: and it is also death for any of these slaves (so they are called) to handle arms.  Those of every division of the country are distinguished by a peculiar mark, which it is capital for them to lay aside, to go out of their bounds, or to talk with a slave of another jurisdiction, and the very attempt of an escape is no less penal than an escape itself.

      Their friends can give them anything except money or clothing, but they don't get to carry weapons. They also have to wear a special badge indicating that they're convicts, and escape plans are punishable by death.

    26. prerogative

      If something is the prerogative of a particular person or group, it is a privilege or a power that only they have.

    27. transgress

      If someone transgresses, they break a moral law or a rule of behavior.

    28. antiquated

      old; ancient

    29. pretence

      an action or way of behaving that is intended to make people believe something that is not true

    30. To this I would add that after all those warlike attempts, the vast confusions, and the consumption both of treasure and of people that must follow them, perhaps upon some misfortune they might be forced to throw up all at last

      Hythloday is pretty sure that the French king would dismiss the story and continue to pursue his warlike ways.

    31. they by joint counsels made an humble address to their king, desiring him to choose which of the two kingdoms he had the greatest mind to keep, since he could not hold both; for they were too great a people to be governed by a divided king

      The Achorians forced their king to choose one kingdom to govern, because in governing both he was merely half a king.

    32. Achorians

      translates as “those who live in a place that does not exist” in Greek

    33. fermentation

      excitement; agitation

    34. pretension

      If you say that someone has pretensions, you disapprove of them because they claim or pretend that they are more important than they really are.

    35. avowedly

      If you avow something, you admit it or declare it.

    36. scoundrel

      If you refer to a man as a scoundrel, you mean that he behaves very badly towards other people, especially by cheating them or deceiving them.

    37. Elisha
    38. zeal

      Zeal is great enthusiasm, especially in connection with work, religion, or politics.

    39. copiously

      in large quantities

    40. but if their government is the best, and their religion the truest, then they pray that He may fortify them in it, and bring all the world both to the same rules of life, and to the same opinions concerning Himself, unless, according to the unsearchableness of His mind, He is pleased with a variety of religions. 

      They have the upmost trust in God.

    41. suppose the sheep should increase ever so much, their price is not likely to fall; since, though they cannot be called a monopoly

      Oh I love the economics concepts.

    42. therefore eat flesh so much the more willingly, as they find that by this means they are the more able to work:

      This makes sense because meat provides an abundant amount of protein and fills the stomach over longer period of time compared to plant based diet

    43. avarice

      extremely strong desire for money and possessions

    44. Father of All,


    45. before they could gain the day, they will rather let their enemies all escape than pursue them when their own army is in disorder

      This is very kind of them and it makes me respect them even more

    46. take so severe a revenge on those that have injured t

      Revenge is never the answer. Crazy how harsh and unreasonable this sounds. Getting revenge will only cost more harm

    47. detest

      dislike intensely

    48. hey are really more troubled for the crimes they have committed than for the miseries they suffer,

      Regret really can eat people up.

    49. dolefully

      depressing; miserable

    50. There are many things that in themselves have nothing that is truly delightful; on the contrary, they have a good deal of bitterness in them; and yet, from our perverse appetites after forbidden objects, are not only ranked among the pleasures, but are made even the greatest designs, of life.

      I think this is pretty much saying about how desire can be turn out to cause negative effects to people.

    51. vexed

      causing trouble

    52. but if any man goes out of the city to which he belongs without leave, and is found rambling without a passport, he is severely treated, he is punished as a fugitive, and sent home disgracefully; and, if he falls again into the like fault, is condemned to slavery. 

      Crazy but this kind of reminds me of the way the illegal immigrants get treated sometimes while being punished by being in camps and being treated ill and being separated from their families and months later being sent home. Just saying.

    53. No family may have less than ten and more than sixteen persons in it, but there can be no determined number for the children under age; this rule is easily observed by removing some of the children of a more fruitful couple to any other family that does not abound so much in them.  By the same rule they supply cities that do not increase so fast from others that breed faster; and

      These rules seem pretty extreme to me. I can't imagine living life where there are rules set in place for my private life

    54. d these are all of one colour, and that is the natural colour of the wool.  As they need less woollen cloth than is used anywhere else, so that which they make use of is much less costly; they use linen cloth more, but that is prepared with less labour, and they value cloth only by the whiteness of the linen or the cleanness of the wool, without much regard to the fineness of the thread.  While in other places four or five upper garments of woollen cloth of different colours, and as many vests of silk, will scarce serve one man,

      Great imagery and description in the part of the section

    55. languish

      lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble.

    56. mettle

      a person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way.

    57. which cannot be obtained so long as there is property,

      It interesting to see that poverty is truly the root of most bad things in the world and creating a happy nations means elevating the poverish environment which hurts not only the poor but society around them.

    58. reproach

      If you look at or speak to someone with reproach, you show or say that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong.

    59. restitution

      the act of giving back to a person something that was lost or stolen, or of paying them money for the loss

    60. ; for if you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this but that you first make thieves and then punish them?’

      This statement is true. You really can not fully judge them or blame them for committing crimes that make sense to them. maybe its the only way for them to get buy. This sort of reminds me of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs and how self actualization comes last and first for most is food and shelter and if those needs are not met than the person moral compass is not fully developed and their decision making is altered as well.

    61. for your learning and knowledge, both of men and things, is such, that you would not only entertain them very pleasantly, but be of great use to them, by the examples you could set before them, and the advices you could give them; and by this means you would both serve your own interest, and be of great use to all your friends.”  “

      This is good to hear for him. He is practically praising him a little bit and letting him know how useful his knowledge can be to others. Not only that but using knowledge to serve your own interest as well. The last statement didn't seem as humble to me but hey this is only the beginning.

    62. The patron used, afterwards, his wealth or influence in helping his young client forward in the world. 

      This makes sense. Helping the youth progress using your own power and knowledge is great. Good patron

    63. The change of the word,” said he, “does not alter the matter.

      He is kind of blunt.

    64. abounded


    65. disband


    66. incessantly

      constantly; continuously

    67. but that they would willingly do it; many of them have already done it by their books, if those that are in power would but hearken to their good advice.

      Hythloday points out that many philosophers already have given advice in printed books but they were ignored. I really love reading his argument; it's so convincing!

    68. your friend Plato thinks that nations will be happy when either philosophers become kings or kings become philosophers.

      This is from Plato's "The Republic". Plato believed that philosophers would be the best rulers of society because they're able to understand true goodness and justice in a way that other people cannot.

    69. for God having taken from us the right of disposing either of our own or of other people’s lives, if it is pretended that the mutual consent of men in making laws can authorise man-slaughter in cases in which God has given us no example, that it frees people from the obligation of the divine law, and so makes murder a lawful action, what is this, but to give a preference to human laws before the divine?

      Wow this is something I've never thought of. This is obviously an blasphemy!

    70. if he is convicted of theft as if he were guilty of murder, this will naturally incite him to kill the person whom otherwise he would only have robbed

      Oh I just said this in my previous annotation! =)

    71. no punishment, how severe soever, being able to restrain those from robbing who can find out no other way of livelihood.

      I agree with what he says here: killing thieves won't prevent others from committing a similar crime, but only further demonstrate the cruelty of the government.

    72. simple theft not being so great a crime that it ought to cost a man his life

      Apparently, Hythloday values the lives of citizens over the possession of material goods.

    73. entering into the garden, sat down on a green bank

      His garden seems be a great place to have philosophical conversation!

    74. confutation

      The act to prove wrong

    75. amiss

      wrong; mistaken

    76. thieves, ‘who,’ as he said, ‘were then hanged so fast

      In England at the time, all sorts of crimes were punished by hanging, even theft.

    77. For most princes apply themselves more to affairs of war than to the useful arts of peace; and in these I neither have any knowledge, nor do I much desire it; they are generally more set on acquiring new kingdoms, right or wrong, than on governing well those they possess

      Hythloday argues that princes are more interested in expanding their power and dominions than in governing well the people already in their kingdom.

    78. Utopians

      We are first introduced to Utopians.

    79. we made no inquiries after monsters

      They are not very interested in knowing about the monsters. They'd rather discuss government and politics.

    80. thence

      a particular place

    81. Utopia

      translates as “noplace” in Greek

    82. Raphael

      translates as "God’s healer” in Hebrew

    83. Hythloday

      translates as “distributor or peddler of nonsense” in Greek

    84. civility

      politeness or courtesy, esp when formal

    85. who seemed past the flower of his age; his face was tanned, he had a long beard, and his cloak was hanging carelessly about him, so that, by his looks and habit, I concluded he was a seaman

      This stranger guy sounds mysterious.

    86. “As for my friends,” answered he, “I need not be much concerned, having already done for them all that was incumbent on me; for when I was not only in good health, but fresh and young, I distributed that among my kindred and friends which other people do not part with till they are old and sick: when they then unwillingly give that which they can enjoy no longer themselves.  I think my friends ought to rest contented with this, and not to expect that for their sakes I should enslave myself to any king whatsoever.

      This is the first time we hear from Hythloday directly. He is saying he has already been generous to his family and friends and is totally not interested in being a slave to some king.

    87. dismally


    88. insinuated

      implied; hinted

    89. New Castile

      a historic region of Spain

    90. discoursing


    91. if you knew the man, for there is none alive that can give so copious an account of unknown nations and countries as he can do, which I know you very much desire.

      Giles knows More would want to meet Hythloday.

    92. eloquent

      persuasive and expressive

    93. Margrave

      Margrave was originally the medieval title for the military commander assigned to maintain the defense of one of the border provinces of the Holy Roman Empire or of a kingdom.

    94. Cuthbert Tonstal
    95. Book I

      Book I has a long title: The Best State of the Commonwealth, A Discourse by the Extraordinary Raphael Hythloday, as recorded by the noted Thomas More, Citizen and Sheriff of the famous City of Britain, London

    96. elder sister

      More's wife was Jane Colt (1488 - 1511). They got married in 1505 and had four children in five subsequent years.

    97. knighted

      More was knighted by Henry VIII in May 1521 and appointed Lord Chancellor in October 1529.

    98. Amerigo Vespucci
    99. Antwerp

      a city in Belgium

    100. Peter Giles
    101. communism

      Communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society.

    102. Plutarch
    103. Plato’s “Republic,
    104. Erasmus
    105. Cuthbert Tunstal
    106. Usurpation

      an act of usurping; wrongful or illegal encroachment, infringement, or seizure

    107. Archbishop Morton

      Cardinal Morton served as Archbishop of Canterbury from 1486 until his death.

    108. College of Physicians
    109. Thomas Linacre
    110. William Grocyn
    111. Canterbury College, Oxford

      Canterbury College was a University of Oxford college owned and run by Christ Church Priory, Canterbury. Shortly after the dissolution of the monasteries, the college's hall, chapel and other buildings were surrendered on 10 April 1540 and acquired by Christ Church.

    112. Tower
    113. Richard III
    114. Cardinal John Morton
    115. King’s Bench
    116. Sir Thomas More
    117. Sir Thomas More

    1. And ouer all a blacke stole she did throw

      uses the color black to represent mourning

    2. more white then snow,

      comparing her complexion as being white as snow

    3. To winne him worship, and her grace to haue, Which of all earthly things he most did craue; And euer as he rode, his hart did earne To proue his puissance in battell braue Vpon his foe, and his new force to learne; Vpon his foe, a Dragon horrible and stearne.

      to win the queen over for which he craved, he would prove himself brave in battle against the dragon hoping to gain her grace

    4. liuing euer

      noticed the use of "u" instead of "v"

    5. Y cladd in mightie armes and siluer shielde, Wherein old dints of deepe wounds did remaine, The cruell markes of many’ a bloudy fielde; Yet armes till that time did he neuer wield:

      the knight bared arms and a silver shield but never used them


      the hero of the book


      meant to represent Queen Elizabeth

    1. Yet I know when God’s Bible was banished the Court, and ” Morte Arthur ” received into the prince’s chamber.

      This holds true today. The bible and other holy books are often neglected and not used to follow strictly as they were before

    2. For ill doings breed ill thinkings. And of corrupted manners spring perverted judgments.

      True statement. People who already have a dark personality will always see bad in others. They are naturally pessimistic in a sense

    3. circumspect

      wary and unwilling to take risks.

    4. anity and vice and any licence to ill living in England was counted stale and rude unto them. And so, being mules and horses before they went, returned very swine and asses home again

      Is this man implying that their style of teaching does not good for their students in the future when they are adults in the real world?

    5. , this number, this person, this degree, this gender; he would have used this mood, this tense, this simple rather than this compound; this adverb here,

      This is a good example of an anaphora

    6. et the master praise him, and say, Here you do well.

      This school for sure seems very optimistic and keeps reassuring the kids to encourage there learning even more, regardless of their pace

    7. doubteth

      third-person singular simple present indicative form of doubt.

    8. construe

      interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.

    9. ork a true choice and placing of words, a right ordering of sentences, an easy understanding of the tongue,

      It seems that this was a book that taught a language

    10. scholes,

      Strange how School is spelt this way.

    11. Papist

      Papist - a Roman Catholic

    12. man’s will, man’s mind

      To me this is referencing to the idea in religion that man has three parts. The body, soul, and spirit. In these different parts, there is a different function. Look at the diagram for help.

    13. become devils in life and condition.

      I wonder why the mixing of English and Italian cultures were thought as devilish? Maybe it is a historical background? To me he is just in the mindset of "You do your stuff there. We will do our stuff here." More of a Isolationist point of view. Though it seems weird that somebody in Great Britain would have that point of view, saying that they colonized the world.

    14. mar

      Mar - to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil:

    15. factious

      Factious - given to faction; dissentious

    16. Inglese Italianato e un didbolo inoarnato

      Italian English and a didbolo inoarnato

      Or maybe it means Italian English is a devilish practice

    17. Yanity and vice

      Does anybody know what this means?

    18. .

      Man, I wish the public school system was like that. Not pushing down students when we make mistakes, but making simple corrections that help the students. Whoever this man or women is, I like them

    19. Epistles of Cicero

      Epistles - a letter, especially a formal or didactic one; written communication

      so in this case, they are saying once the master reads the Latin book of Cicero.

    20. Yet I know when God’s Bible was banished the Court, and ” Morte Arthur ” received into the prince’s chamber.

      People are promoting more books that are for pleasure reading, than religious books to avoid religious conflicts.

    21. Morte Arthur,

      the death of King Arthur.

    22. the mind is soon drawn from truth to false opinion.

      Kind of reminds me of how people believe other people views and opinions rather than follows their own beliefs that they believe to be true.

    23. opinions be the works of the flesh and fruits of sin.

      Mean/ wrong opinions are a type of sins.

    24. Ten sermons at Paul’s Cross do not so much good for moving men to true doctrine as one of those books do harm with enticing men to ill living.

      Is the language barrier what is causing the mis-perception of the other kind of people?

    25. should carry at once in one body the belly of a swine, the head of an ass, the brain of a fox, the womb of a wolf.

      A lot of simile's are used comparing different animals.

    26. eschew

      Eschew= purposely avoid using. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/eschew

    27. Let your scholar be never afraid to ask you any doubt

      Always encourage students to ask questions.

    28. ‘Tully would have used such a word, not this; Tully would have placed this word here, not there

      He would use simple corrections and not degrading corrections.

    29. Yet I know when God’s Bible was banished the Court, and ” Morte Arthur ” received into the prince’s chamber.

      so they would keep people from reading the bible, possibly a tactic to get them to be drawn to Catholicism because without reading the bible they then become intrigued ??

    30. few books were read in our tongue, saving certain books of chivalry, as they said, for pastime and pleasure, which, as some were made in monasteries by idle monks or wanton canons: as one, for example, ” Morte Arthur,” the whole pleasure of which book standeth in two special points in open manslaughter and bold bawdry. In which book those be counted the noblest knights that do kill most men without any quarrel, and commit foulest adulteries by subtlest shifts

      Few books were translated into English but one of the few Morte Arthur which praised manslaughter and adultery.

    31. praise him, and say, Here you do well

      This definitely promotes individual learning. Also it encourages children to be rewarded/ praised, it never suggests punishing a child.

  2. earlybritishlit.pressbooks.com earlybritishlit.pressbooks.com
    1. Blessed be all they that counselled me to take it! And now, friends, let us go without longer respite; I thank God that ye have tarried so long. Now set each of you on this rod your hand, And shortly follow me: I go before, there I would be; God be our guide.

      Without any further hesitation or thought they are ready to live a holy life and follow where God tells them to and put their complete trust in him

    2. O glorious fountain that all uncleanness doth clarify, Wash from me the spots of vices unclean, That on me no sin may be seen; I come with Knowledge for my redemption, Repent with hearty and full contrition; For I am commanded a pilgrimage to take, And great accounts before God to make. Now, I pray you, Shrift, mother of salvation, Help my good deeds for my piteous exclamation. Confession. I know your sorrow well, Everyman; Because with Knowledge ye come to me, I will you comfort as well as I can, And a precious jewel I will give thee, Called penance,

      To be forgiven Everyman needs to realize and become aware of their sins and so long as they feel worthy enough for redemption God will give it to them. God suffered painfully and would not any child of his to suffer in the same way especially if they are aware of what they have done wrong and are willing to change.

    3. For thou mayst say this is the day That no man living may scape away.

      This is so scary. Our natural instinct as humans is to flee or escape any dangerous or threatening situations but when you are literally faced with death you can't escape you just have to face it and accept it as scary as it is.

    4. And am wholly content with this good thing; Thanked be God my Creator.

      Knowing that they are a child of God is enough to keep them satisfied

    5. .

      Wow, this was a wonderful play/story. It truly had meaningful messages throughout the play. From all the reading we have done throughout the semester, this was the most relatable and connectable. It was very different than a romantic medieval tale. I appreciated this reading. From the beginning of life to the end of life, has moral teachings that are deep.

    6. gramercy.

      Middle English grand mercy, from Anglo-French grand merci great thanks

    7. alms

      Gift given for someone else -- natural means of faith kind of like charity

    8. Living without dread in worldly prosperity: Of ghostly sight the people be so blind,

      Ghostly meaning spiritual sight

    9. For ye shall hear, how our heaven king Calleth Everyman to a general reckoning: Give audience, and hear what he doth say.

      Judgement day kind of? Scaled on the good or bad scale

    10. Go thou to Everyman, And show him in my name A pilgrimage he must on him take, Which he in no wise may escape;

      Go even needs a "sure reckoning" in order to clear Everyman of sins

    11. Five-wits. I trust to God no such may we find; Therefore let us priesthood honour,

      Seems to be in a disbelief and denial toward sinful priests. Doesn't want accept that its possible. Finding the good in people or just ignorant?

    12. Sinful priests giveth the sinners example bad; Their children sitteth by other men’s fires, I have heard; And some haunteth women’s company, With unclean life, as lusts of lechery These be with sin made blind.

      Opposing Five Wits' speech. Not all priests are necessarily good, they are sinners as well

    13. My body sore punished shall be: Take this body for the sin of the flesh;

      Basically saying the body is punishable but the soul is not. The physical body is what creates the problems, the soul remains pure.

    14. As, to the poor give part of me, Then shouldst thou not in this dolour be, Nor in this great sorrow and care.

      Goods becoming good deeds

    15. For my love is contrary to the love everlasting. But if thou had me loved moderately during,

      Love to goods versus love to god are absolute opposites

    16. Yea, a thousand pound shalt thou have, And defer this matter till another day.

      Money does not buy more time or help every situation. You can't bribe death

    17. God. Go thou to Everyman, And show him in my name A pilgrimage he must on him take, Which he in no wise may escape; And that he bring with him a sure reckoning Without delay or any tarrying.

      Pilgrimage to death? Interesting concept. Thats an interesting metaphor.

    18. How that all creatures be to me unkind, Living without dread in worldly prosperity:

      I understand every person or EVERYMAN, but all creatures? Even wild animals?

    19. Ye think sin in the beginning full sweet, Which in the end causeth thy soul to weep,

      Talking about sins. Beginning and ending of stories and life. I love how in the beginning of the play everything is being clearly laid out

    20. transitory

      not permanent

    21. That of our lives and ending shows How transitory we be all day.

      The play is emphasizing on transitoriness clearly

    22. seven deadly sins

      The seven deadly sins according to the Bible are: Lust (strong sexual desires), Gluttony (excessive eating or drinking), Greed (excessive desire for material items), Sloth (excessive laziness), Wrath (feeling strong hatred or anger towards someone), Envy (desiring someone else's possessions), and Pride (excessive view of one's self over others)

    23. TREATISE

      noun. a written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject.

    24. Doctor.

      I think its cool how the Doctor summarizes the story and puts the message of it all together

    25. Take example, all ye that this do hear or see, How they that I loved best do forsake me, Except my Good-Deeds that bideth truly.

      I think that is really powerful that everyman is talking to the readers and portraying a message to them directly

    26.  In faith, I care not;

      Okay so my opinion that I had about strength was kind of off because he doesn't not seem very kind at all

    27. Sinful priests giveth the sinners example bad;

      This is the one sad yet realistic part about religion, and that is the bad people who may hold church power that do not guide us the right way

    28. I pray God reward you in his heavenly sphere. Now hearken, all that be here,

      It is really sweet yet sad that everyman is going to have to leave everyone

    29. We will bring him all thither, To his help and comfort, ye may believe me.

      I think strength is the very optimistic and trust worthy character

    30. hither?


    31. Messenger. I pray you all give your audience, And hear this matter with reverence, By figure a moral play– The Summoning of Everyman called it is, That of our lives and ending shows How transitory we be all day. This matter is wondrous precious, But the intent of it is more gracious, And sweet to bear away.

      There's a rhyme scheme of AABCDBEEA. However, the ending of the words in lines C and D are very close to rhyming.

    32. .

      This is definitely my favorite read, perhaps of all time. It made me emotional and made me really reflect on myself. I find it terrifying to think that people, even myself, might be caught by death and are not ready to face him. Then being sure that others will come with him, for him to rely on and be supported by, but be left alone, except for Good-Deeds, at the end. On a literary note, this author was very easy to understand and used some excellent analogies and examples to illustrate his words. Really well done. Well thought out and well executed.

    33. commendo spiritum meum

      commend my spirit

    34. In manus tuas

      Into your hands

    35. I thank God, now I can walk and go; And am delivered of my sickness and woe.

      Everyman not only did not give Good-Deeds anything to grow upon, but left her in sickness, deprived of her basic necessities.

    36. Everyman. Why, is there anything on you fall? Good-Deeds. Yea, sir, I may thank you of all; If ye had perfectly cheered me, Your book of account now full ready had be. Look, the books of your works and deeds eke; Oh, see how they lie under the feet, To your soul’s heaviness. Everyman. Our Lord Jesus, help me! For one letter here I can not see. Good-Deeds. There is a blind reckoning in time of distress!

      I am literally tearing up.

    37. dolour

      A state of sadness or distress.

    38. I have the cramp in my toe

      Best excuse ever.

    39. liefer

      Is this German? If so, it means deliver.

    40. For Adam’s sin must die of nature.

      This is interesting. Eve was the first to sin and coerced Adam to do the same. I mean, they bought brought about the fall of man though.

    41. the tide abideth no man

      Wonderful analogy here. There are just somethings that man cannot control.

    42. Everyman, it may not be by no way; I set not by gold, silver, nor riches, Ne by pope, emperor, king, duke, ne princes. For and I would receive gifts great, All the world I might get; But my custom is clean contrary. I give thee no respite: come hence, and not tarry.

      Death is a faithful servant because he takes part in no worldly riches to be distracted by.

    43. O Death, thou comest when I had thee least in mind; In thy power it lieth me to save, Yet of my good will I give thee, if ye will be kind, Yea, a thousand pound shalt thou have, And defer this matter till another day.

      What is ironic about this is that he is asking Death to defy God because he will no longer do so himself.

    44. Now is your Good-Deeds whole and sound, Going upright upon the ground.

      Does this mean that his good deeds will lead him to heaven since he said "going upright upon the ground"?

    45. bequeath

      leave (a personal estate or one's body) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.