- May 2018
transcripts.cnn.com transcripts.cnn.com
They are originally from bacteria in fungi and they were designed to be much faster, 10 hundred times faster than the original within a period of five to 10 years.
Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.
transcripts.cnn.com transcripts.cnn.com
Again after public outrage grew and the two issues as you say, have come together, one is about the continuing concern about violence against women and people are asking more than five years after that awful rape, gang rape in Delhi in 2012.
Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.
transcripts.cnn.com transcripts.cnn.com
But I'll tell you, some of these flexes that we're having here, one story I picked up that I've never told before or written, but William Webster, former head of the CIA, told me that -- it's one of his best stories, he's allowing me to tell it -- that they created a body double for George Herbert Walker Bush at CIA, meaning somebody who looked just like him and it was uncanny how much CIA had created a human that looked like 41.
Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.
transcripts.cnn.com transcripts.cnn.com
Do you -- do you -- do you -- I'm sorry, do you disagree with the $4 million for school safety -- $4 billion for school safety, the $6 billion for opioids
Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.
transcripts.cnn.com transcripts.cnn.com
I will do two things, balance the budget, balances over five years with a 1 percent across the board cut, but also expand health savings accounts larger than anyone has tried in the past.
Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.
A 1 percent cut each year is about $13 billion, actually balances the budget in five years.
Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.
I think when you win by three million votes but lose by less than 80,000 votes in three states that decided the election, there's a lot that should be factors, but I think this was a very significant factor.
Hello, fact-checkers! This statement, taken from CNN interviews and discussions, may be worth your scrutiny. It was selected using ClaimBuster, a tool developed in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Arlington.