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  1. Aug 2020
    1. Optimizing Research Collaboration
    2. Webinar: Virtual Networking for Nerds: How to network and find collaborations from afar
    1. The Case for Releasing the Young from Lockdown: A Briefing Paper for Pol­i­cy­mak­ers
    1. In­ter­gen­er­a­tional Ties and Case Fatality Rates: A Cross-​Country Analysis
    1. De­mo­graphic De­ter­mi­nants of Testing Incidence and COVID-19 In­fec­tions in New York City Neigh­bor­hoods
    1. The COVID-19 Conundrum in the De­vel­op­ing World: Pro­tect­ing Lives or Pro­tect­ing Jobs?
    1. Ex­plain­ing Governors’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
    1. Should Contact Bans Be Lifted in Germany? A Quan­ti­ta­tive Pre­dic­tion of Its Effects
    1. The Short-​Term Economic Con­se­quences of COVID-19: Exposure to Disease, Remote Work and Gov­ern­ment Response
    1. Did Cal­i­for­nia’s Shelter-​In-Place Order Work? Early Coronavirus-​Related Public Health Effects
    1. How Do We Think the COVID-19 Crisis Will Affect Our Careers (If Any Remain)?
    1. Socio-​Demographic Factors As­so­ci­ated with Self-​Protecting Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    1. COVID-19, Family Stress and Domestic Violence: Remote Work, Isolation and Bar­gain­ing Power
    1. Economic Policy Response to the Pandemic: From COVID-19 Emergency to Economic Democracy
    1. Timing is Every­thing when Fighting a Pandemic: COVID-19 Mortality in Spain
    1. Did the Wisconsin Supreme Court Restart a COVID-19 Epidemic? Evidence from a Natural Ex­per­i­ment
    1. Turning Vietnam’s COVID-19 Success into Economic Recovery: A Job-​Focused Analysis of In­di­vid­ual As­sess­ments on Their Finance and the Economy
    1. The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners: Evidence of Early-​Stage Losses from the April 2020 Current Pop­u­la­tion Survey
    1. Impacts of Social and Economic Factors on the Trans­mis­sion of Coro­n­avirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China
    1. Immigrant Key Workers: Their Con­tri­bu­tion to Europe’s COVID-19 Response
    1. In­equal­ity in the Impact of the Coro­n­avirus Shock: Evidence from Real Time Surveys
    1. When to Release the Lockdown? A Wellbeing Framework for Analysing Costs and Benefits
    1. When Do Shelter-​In-Place Orders Fight COVID-19 Best? Policy Het­ero­gene­ity across States and Adoption Time
    1. The Cost of the COVID-19 Crisis: Lockdowns, Macro­eco­nomic Ex­pec­ta­tions, and Consumer Spending
    1. Oc­cu­pa­tional Exposure to Contagion and the Spread of COVID-19 in Europe
    1. The COVID-19 Crisis and Telework: A Research Survey on Ex­pe­ri­ences, Ex­pec­ta­tions and Hopes
    1. Social Capital and the Spread of COVID-19: Insights from European Countries