- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for - Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - adjacency - web 3 and Blockchain / crypto technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal strategy as leverage point - safe and just cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Tipping Point Festival - Web 4 - Indyweb
Summary adjacency between - web 3 and crypto / Blockchain technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal lens and framework as a leverage point for synthesis - cosmolocal projects as leverage points - cross scale translated safe and just earth system boundaries as necessary cosmolocal accounting system - meme: sync global, act local - new relationship - This article explores the untapped potential and leverage point offered by recognising a new adjacency and concomitant synthesis of - globalising Web 3 and crypto/Blockchain technology - communities engaged in regenerative and relocation interventions - The fragmentation between these areas keeps activists working in each respective one - tinkering at the edge - severely constraining their potential impact - This is a case of the whole Berlin car greater than the sun of its parts - By joining forces in a global, strategic and systemic way, each can achieve fast more through their mutual support - A cosmolocal lens offers a perspective and framework that makes joining forces make sense<br /> - Projects that recognize that the adjacency between - the globalizing technologies of web 3 and Blockchains and - interventions at the local community level - offer a significant leverage point to bottom up efforts to drive a rapid transition are themselves a leverage point - In this regard, incorporation of an equitable accounting system such as safe and just earth system boundaries that can be cross scale translated to - bioregional, - city and - community, district and ward scale - are an important cosmolocal component of a system designed for rapid transition - Global bottom up community scale events such as the Tipping Point Festival can help rapidly advocate for a cosmolocal lens, framework and strategy - At the same time, Web 4 technology that's goes beyond decentralising into people-centered can contribute another dimension to humanizing technology
Addendum - 2024, Dec 26 - added a comment to the actual substack page - My substack comment makes commenters of the article aware that we have a public hypothes.is discussion going on in parallel. - This makes the hitherto invisible discussion visible to them
To put it bluntly, Web3 and the crypto economy is still largely an ‘exit’ play for financial and coding elites, practicing the arbitrage of nation-states, but without much connections to local communities and resilient production; Similarly, local communities engaged in relocalized and regenerative production are not in sync with the mutual coordination capacities developed in the crypto/web3 context.
for - quote - silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - adjacency - desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation - educate cud events such as - Tipping Point Festival - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
quote - silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - (see quote below) - To put it bluntly, Web3 and the crypto economy is still largely an ‘exit’ play for financial and coding elites, - practicing the arbitrage of nation-states, - but without much connections to local communities and resilient production; - Similarly, local communities engaged in relocalized and regenerative production - are not in sync with the mutual coordination capacities developed in the crypto/web3 context.
// - We need to create opportunities such as events and workshops to bring these two spheres into dialogue - Tipping Point Festival, as a cosmolocal event can do this by - holding locally organized events hosted by - local community activists at their community level, and - in larger urban centers, at ward and district level - thec internet can be used to facilitate the emergence of trans-national alliances
To achieve the next great civilizational advance, towards a cosmo-local world order, we will need to bring those two worlds together!
for - desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation via cosmolocal strategy for generating a cosmolocal world order - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
// - need to move from web 3 to web 4 by adding 'people-centered' to 'decentralized'.
one hand, we have a thriving and well-funded field of Web3 technologies, unconnected and unrelated to actual physical production; on the other hand, we have an explosion of underfunded local production
for - new local community project funding stream - Web 3 / Blockchain - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
faced with the potential hostility of nation-states that are under the influence of extractive forces of trans-national finance, the local is no longer just the local, but a local that is also cosmo-local, and can mobilize counter-power.
for - quote - constructing Cosmo local as a counter power to the current dominating power of trans-national finance - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
quote - constructing Cosmo local as a counter power to the current dominating power of trans-national finance - (see below) - The idea here is a potential ‘entanglement’ between the local and the translocal level, - which creates new levels of strength and capacity for the local. · Hence, faced with the potential hostility of nation-states that are under the influence of extractive forces of trans-national finance, - the local is no longer just the local, but - a local that is also cosmo-local, and - can mobilize counter-power. - Faced with the potential hostility of nation-states - that are under the influence of extractive forces of trans-national finance, - the local is no longer just the local, - but a local that is also cosmo-local, and - can mobilize counter-power.
// This is a very important observation Local communities by themselves don't have the capacity to stand up against trans-national power, but uniting together gives local communities this capacity and a fighting chance
- A large network of people accessing an open knowledge commons increases the local information capacity of a community,
- compensating for the specific knowledge deficits of a community and enabling projects to co-create healthy, local,autonomous wellbeing culture and economy.
- A large network of people accessing an open knowledge commons increases the local information capacity of a community,
The idea here is a potential ‘entanglement’ between the local and the translocal level, which creates new levels of strength and capacity for the local.
for - key insight - leverage point of the 99% - our numbers - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - key insight - 6 levels of individual / collective gestalt - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
key insight - 6 embedded levels of individual / collective gestalt, - first level is from individual quanta to collective atoms - second level is from individual atom to collective molecules - third is from individual molecule too collective living cells - fourth is from individual living cells too collective multicellular living organism - fifth is from individual multi-cellular organism to collective culture at local level - sixth is from individual local culture to to collective trans-national alliances - At each level except the first, a perspective shift occursc in which the collective is seen from a different lens as an individual
key insight - leverage point of the 99% - our numbers - The trans-national companies power is in their capital - The trans-national alliances leverage point is our large numbers of people - Through our strength in numbers, we can mobilize trans-alliance resources such as human innovation resources, which most local actors are lacking in
two potential kinds of ‘nomadic’ players
for - QUESTION - somewheres, nowheres, everywheres - how do the somewheres fit into this strategy? - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
The blockchain, as universal ledger, creates a vast capacity for translocal coordination
for - progress trap - blockchain - one unintended consequence is that it is very energy inefficient - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
Open source technology, now responsible for 80% of all used software
for - stats - 80% of all used software is open source - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
‘factor 20’ movement can be imagined, in fact, already exists, which aims to reduce energy usage by 95%, coupled with significant savings in the use of materials. This movement is already active in various European cities
for - research further - EU movement - factor of 20 - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
mutualizing forms of governance and ownership, can also have extraordinary effects on the amount of needed energy and materials. For example, in the context of shared transport, one shared car can replace 9 to 13 private cars, without any loss of mobility.
for - stats - climate crisis - example - positive impacts of mutualisation / sharing - car sharing - 1 Shared car can replace 9 to 13 cars without loss of mobility - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
This is what we have called ‘True Accelerationism’.
for - definition - accelerationism - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
current system is ‘closed source’, and is carried out by competitive agents that do not share innovations for very long time periods; the competitiveness of these agents requires behaviors that externalize costs
for - examples - closed source IP externalises cost - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
examples - closed source IP externalises cost - closed source circular economy is much more challenging than open source circular economy because - if inputs are kept secret and proprietary, reuse of End of life products are difficult to break down and reuse as input in a re-manufacturing process - closed IP creates fragmented and completing de facto standards that make interoperability impossible
The current system of production is based on mass production, and requires the constant creation of new desires and needs, which need to be created through advertising, and require massive forms of potentially unnecessary material production
for - addendum - add ecological footprint of advertising industry to material waste generated by consumer culture - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
addendum - add ecological footprint of advertising industry to material waste generated by consumer culture - The advertising industry itself has a huge ecological footprint as well, in addition to the extra, unneeded material that planned obsolescence creates - references to be added
The current global system of production and trade is reported to use three times more of its resource use for transport, not for making. This creates a profound ‘ecological’, i.e. biophysical and thermodynamic, rationale for relocalizing production
for - stats - motivation for cosmolocal - high inefficacy of resource and energy use - 3x for transport as for production - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation via cosmolocal strategy for generating a cosmolocal world order - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- adjacency - web 3 and Blockchain / crypto technology - communities engaged in regeneration and relocalization - tinkering at the edge - missed opportunity - cosmolocal strategy as leverage point - safe and just cross scale translation of earth system boundaries - Tipping Point Festival - Web 4 - Indyweb
- progress trap - blockchain - one unintended consequence is that it is very energy inefficient - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- question - somewheres, nowheres, everywheres - how do the somewheres fit into this strategy? - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- definition - accelerationism - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- new local community project funding stream - Web 3 / Blockchain - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- examples - closed source IP drawbacks - circular economy more difficult - de facto standards make interoperability between different brands challenging or impossible
- key insight - leverage point of the 99% - our numbers - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - key insight - 2 levels of individual / collective gestalt - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- quote - constructing Cosmo local as a counter power to the current dominating power of trans-national finance - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- examples - closed source IP externalises cost - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- silos - web 3 and crypto silo - localization silo - desiloing can bring about significant empowerment to people everywhere - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens
- Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- stats - 80% of all used software is open source - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- stats - climate crisis - example - positive impacts of mutualisation / sharing - car sharing - 1 Shared car can replace 9 to 13 cars without loss of mobility - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- addendum - add ecological footprint of advertising industry to material waste generated by consumer culture - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- key insight - 6 levels of individual / collective gestalt - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- stats - motivation for cosmolocal - high inefficacy of resource and energy use - 3x for transport as for production - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- Addendum - 2024-Dec-26
- adjacency - desilo web 3 / Blockchain and localisation - educate cud events such as - Tipping Point Festival - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
- research further - EU movement - factor of 20 - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
www.google.com www.google.com
for - from - Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20 - annotation - reply to - Me2We2All -Local economic permaculture? - Research question - third search - https://hyp.is/UrdJmMHKEe-nGLd7p-JTcA/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/the-cosmo-local-plan-for-our-next