6 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The distinction in computer programming between classes and objects is related, though in this context, "class" sometimes refers to a set of objects (with class-level attribute or operations) rather than a description of an object in the set, as "type" would.
The distinction is important in disciplines such as logic, linguistics, metalogic, typography, and computer programming.
The sentence "they drive the same car" is ambiguous. Do they drive the same type of car (the same model) or the same instance of a car type (a single vehicle)?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In the simple biology example, dog is a hypernym and Fido is one of its hyponyms. A word can be both a hyponym and a hypernym. For example, dog is a hyponym of mammal and also a hypernym of Fido.
I wish they hadn't used tokens/objects in this example. Wouldn't it be just as clear or clearer if they had stuck to only comparing types/classes?
It may be okay to mix them like that in some contexts, but in other cases it seems like this would be suffering from ignoring/conflating/[better word?] the Type–token distinction.
Does linguistics just not make the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type%E2%80%93token_distinction ?
This statement seems to reinforce that idea:
words that are examples of categories are hyponyms
because an example of a category/class/type could be either a sub-class or an instance of that category/class/type, right?
words that are examples of categories are hyponyms
So linguistics doesn't make the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type%E2%80%93token_distinction ?