2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. The store offers maintenance and repair lessons to the public (including Philadelphia school students). The shop hosts poetry nights, open mics, comedy shows and other events. It even offers typewriters to public places such as bookstores, libraries and coffeeshops to bring the machines back into the collective consciousness.
  2. Sep 2024
    1. Type-in activities:<br /> - learning about typewriters, both using and how they work;<br /> - demonstrations of typewriter maintenance, cleaning, how to change a ribbon, and small repairs for common problems - typewriter tool showcases - what tools might you need to maintain, clean, and repair your typewriter? - lots of machines to try out, which might best suit your writing style, and typing touch? If you don't have a typewriter, this is a great way to try some out before buying your first one - typewriter purchasing and collecting advice - encouraging typing as a distraction and screen-free writing tool - writing (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) along with potential writing prompts (this could dovetail in with other library-related writing endeavors); - A group story: A single typewriter is reserved to one side upon which each participant can contribute by typing a single sentence to create a collaborative/group story "exquisite corpse"-style; - typewriter art and arttyping - Speed typing contest (with small prizes) - We'll bring stationery (paper, envelopes, stamps) to encourage participants to type letters to friends or family (bring an address for someone you'd like to write to); - typewriter swap and sale (optional depending on the venue's perspective; sales are not the primary purpose here) - typewriter repairs using 3D printing or designing replacement parts (if the venue can support this) - typewriter handicrafts (typewriter covers and sewing/repairing cases) - typewriter resources (repair shops, where to find ribbon, how old is my machine?, et al.) - a possible typewriter mystery game? - share stories - encourage community

      For a local library-specific type in:<br /> - library card applications which can be typewritten for potential patrons who don't have a library card - typewriter books (particularly if hosted at a library; place a hold on several typewriter-related books which attendees can browse through at the event and check out afterward) - 3D printing typewriter keys, spare parts; design of replacement parts for 3D printing

      Attendees are encouraged to bring one (or many more of their own favorite manual typewriters) to use, showcase, or demonstrate to others, but having your own typewriter is NOT a requirement for attendance.