50 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. Eine Empfehlung des Zusammenschlusses nationaler Akademien der Wissenschaften und eine zusammenfassende Studie zum globalen Plastiksystem empfehlen die Reduktion des Verbrauchs um 50% und eine Reihe weiterer Schritte wie das fast vollständige Recycling von Plastik und die Produktion aus Biomaterialien. Anlass sind die Verhandlungen zum internationalen Plastikabkommen. Plastikproduktion und Verbrauch führen schon jetzt – abgesehen von zahlreichen anderen negativen Folgen – zu Emissionen von ca einer Gigatonne CO2 im Jahr. Ohne drastische Änderungen wird sich diese Menge vervielfachen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205422/wissenschaft-fordert-radikale-abkehr-von-herkoemmlicher-plastikproduktion

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06939-z.epdf?sharing_token=-UPbgMcUGHbtK4Uscd0XZdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0MMo2Wo13ejTIFhNPD522LiogzEIVWxfHy01bK9MbFLdv59qFdQ73NDNguF2Bf0icTMUsLgWI2hE3OyG7VDGuf_3LODlHS0WEkABpLs5LAtVCiW0_JyVU7n_UL0EP7LiRS0q6s0fIpcIjaEfVFyDe4cez-4KdfAAphy-2weBUevmIZv9sURtFCEk7-LtaOTCmM%3D&tracking_referrer=www.derstandard.de

  2. Jan 2024
    1. in general countries tend to excavate enormous volumes of earth and this earth is incredibly considered as a waste material

      for - circular economy - building - excavation waste - circular economy - construction - excavation waste - key insight - repurpose excavation waste as building material

      key insight - She makes an pretty important observation about the inefficiency of current linear construction process - The excavation part requires enormous amounts of energy, and the earth that is excavated is treated as waste that must be disposed of AT A COST! - Instead, with a paradigm shift of earth as a valuable building resource, the excavation PRODUCES the building materials! - This is precisely what BC Material's circular economy business model is and it makes total sense!<br /> - With a simple paradigm and perspective shift, waste is suddenly transformed into a resource! - waste2resource - waste-to-resource

      new meme - Waste-2-Resource

    2. bc materials this pioneer cooperative in belgium

      for - BC Materials - https://bcmaterials.org/ - building cooperative - circular construction - earth - Belgium - building cooperative

    1. for - circular economy - kitchen - circular economy - furniture - circular kitchen - Stykka - modular furniture

      comment - sadly, it's not open source, but this is to be expected with most mainstream businesses. - the problem is in trying to protect one's IP and look after self-interest, it scales very slowly. - we need open-source, circular economy, open-source, circular furniture and open-source circular kitchen

  3. www.stykka.com www.stykka.com
    1. for - circular furniture - Stykka

      comment - I only wish it were OPEN SOURCE!

  4. Dec 2023
  5. Nov 2023
    1. Phenomenologyexplains that consciousness, treated as an object, limits this pretension: human subjectivity is thefoundation of all scientific knowledge. Therefore, there is a logical error in trying to explain thefoundation through what it has founded.
      • for: scientific naturalism - circular argument, logical error, subjectivity - explanation, quote, quote - studying consciousness

      • quote: consciousness

        • Human subjectivity is the foundation oof all scientific knowledge. Therefore, there is a logical error in trying to explain the foundation through what it has founded.
      • author: Doris Elida Fuster Guillen

      • comment

        • Alternative way to state it
          • Human subjectivity is the foundation oof all scientific knowledge. Therefore, there is a logical error in trying to explain the foundation through what itself.
  6. Aug 2023
    1. aybe that's the most 00:06:49 important thing um where uh would just citizen science or participatory science dialogue with really uh inclusive participation play a role in the r d 00:07:05 programs of the future in what you're kind of thinking about yeah so so um i i i framed this this r d program that is it's conceptual at the 00:07:18 time it's not funded yet you know i'm hoping that we can secure funds but i frame it as a partnership between this global science community and local communities 00:07:29 so it's very so dialogue with the public and within the science community and among interested stakeholders is extremely important
      • for: earth system boundaries, cosmolocal, local movement, transition town, circular cities, TPF
      • comment
        • integrating science with local communities
        • this statement is key, to bring extra capacity to communities that are handicapped and don't have scientific, technological and engineering capacity -paraphrase
      • This project is a collaboration between the global scientific community and local communities to improve societal systems. It's not a one-size-fits-all process, but many different experiments.
      • TPF and SRG strategy is well aligned with Science-driven societal transformation ethos:
    1. we hope that in the future you want 00:16:18 to be a part of the decentralized city that we're building that we're already starting to expand the nodes all over the world and we think there will be thousands more of them that start to form these decentralized uh almost 00:16:30 city-states
      • for: regenerative cities, sustainable cities, doughnut cities, earth system boundaries, urban planetary boundaries, circular cities
      • comment
        • if they are envisioning a lot of cities, they need to carefully think about earth system boundaries for each city, otherwise, they will simply be adding to the problem of cascading tipping points.
        • They also have to be designed to be climate resilient as extreme weather will make any human settlement of the future very challenging
  7. Apr 2023
  8. Mar 2023
  9. Dec 2022
    1. "There's so much pressure and emphasis on getting the Green Revolution happening that it's almost by any means necessary without that pause of 'well it is green, but is it as green as it should be?"

      Circular Economy for the Energy Transition

    1. first thing's first is we reorder the vital industrial hubs. 00:38:13 Now yes, those industrial hubs will actually have to have decision makers what considers a vital hub. What's a vital activity? Then we need the people to actually operate those in industrial services. So you'll have a population inserted. Around that population, we have our food production and it all has to be local. So you have now a series of localized, decentralized networks that are actually, you'll have a 00:38:39 hub where everything balances, but in a local area.

      !- alignment : Michaux's vision of industrial transformation and many others working in the commons - relocalization, dense local circular economies, community owned for democratization of production - in addition, commons theory of cosmolocal production networks all these relocalized dense production hubs together for information sharing efficacy

    2. there's an order to do things in. And so the first order of business was to reshuffle and reorder our industry sites around energy hubs. Where is their energy coming from? 00:35:16 And if we can't project it over such a long period of time, over a long distance anymore, how do we reorder our industry where each industrial site will be attached to other sites, where they function almost like an industrial version of an organic farm. The outputs of one industry unit and its waste plume inputs to another industrial unit, and 00:35:44 they're all attached to the same energy system.

      !- overview : restructuring industry around an energy constrained future - redesign for circular colocated factory networks - output waste streams of one plant feeds input feedstock of nearby plants - relocalize to minimze unnecessary transportation

  10. Nov 2022
    1. To avoid the worst case scenario, we need to embrace the circular economy of "repair, redesign, reuse" to reach net zero.


  11. Jul 2022
    1. if we've looked at the synthetic a priori of time he also addresses the synthetic a priori of 00:15:46 space and one very interesting distinction he draws is between animals who have semi-circular canals in their heads somewhere and animals which don't now we do fishes do 00:15:58 limpets don't for an animal with semicircular canals the word this the nature of space is to have right left up down forward backwards it's to be suspended or the 00:16:11 head to move through a volumetric space that we is so familiar with us we think of that as space as simply existing an animal not so endowed with no 00:16:24 semicircular canals encounters space in an entirely different way and he discusses how space arises for something like a limpet or a paramecium so he has taken the synthetic a prioris 00:16:36 of time and space and reconsidered them in a manner appropriate to the 1920s and 30s paying keen attention to the structures and processes of the body 00:16:48 this is work that we still need to do

      Uexkull also studies how animals synthetic apriori sense of space differ between species. Humans and other animals have semi-circular canals in the ear and this helps then determine forward/backwards, up/down and left/right of volumetric space. Limpets and paramecium do not have such a semi-circular canal and therefore do not sense "3 dimensional space" the way that we do.

  12. Jun 2022
    1. Although “renewable energy promoters claim that we can replace our current energy needs without fossil fuels,” adds Berman, the truth is this: “The triumph of technology may allow that but it will do little to end the ongoing ecosystem disaster.”

      There are researchers looking at the amount of fossil fuel energy required for the transition. One research group is MIT: https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/does-concrete-needed-build-renewable-energy-negate-good

      Other researchers have estimated fossil fuel budgets that need to be reserved for building the initial renewable energy production infrastructure for the transition.

      Research is nonlinear. A recent breakthrough might circularize cement industry:

      ‘If Cambridge Electric Cement lives up to the promise it has shown in early laboratory trials, it could be a turning point in the journey to a safe future climate. Combining steel and cement recycling in a single process powered by renewable electricity, this could secure the supply of the basic materials of construction to support the infrastructure of a zero emissions world and to enable economic development where it is most needed.’ http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/news/cambridge-engineers-invent-world-s-first-zero-emissions-cement

    1. Sewage sludge is commonly used on agricultural land as a sustainable and renewable source of fertiliser throughout European countries, in part due to EU directives that promote the diverting of sewage sludge away from landfill and incineration and towards energy production and agriculture.

      This EU directive led to the spread of the unintended consequence.

    2. the team estimate that microplastics removed from raw sewage at wastewater treatment plants go on to make up roughly 1% of the weight of sewage sludge, which is commonly used as a fertiliser on farms across Europe.

      This case illustrates the potential unintended consequences from attempting to do good.

      This is a classic example of how progress traps occur.

      Capturing nutrients in waste water closes a nutrient waste loop and seems a good example of applying circular economy thinking.

      HOWEVER, at the time the decision was made to process sewage sludge into fertilizer ignored the relationship of sludge to microplastics was unknown or insufficiently explored. After the decision was made, the practice was adopted across many countries in the EU. After years of practice, the new knowledge reveals that there has been years of silent microplastic contamination. To fix the solution will require another solution, perhaps even more complex..

      This illustrates the danger of applying circular economy techniques when the waste stream is not fully characterized.

    1. What can we do with a shift in thinking backed by a total of $3.6 trillion in funds under management? I’m backing strategic circular initiatives to convert the highest return on value for anyone’s money. Stay tuned as we crack open new investment opportunities.

      Her diagram explicitly shows a synthesis of planetary boundaries and circular economy. This is a connection that many in this area are tacitly aware of but is good to explicate it in a diagram of this sort..

      If circular economy is about ultimate reuse and recirculating material flows to eliminate the concept of waste, then how does energy consumption fit into the picture? Obviously, CO2 emissions is a form of material waste that is an undesirable byproduct of carbon-based energy usage. Capturing CO2 and reusing it is one method, but not a very scalable solution presently.

  13. May 2022
    1. For four years, an accelerated and intensive global effort will be made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and restore ecological stability. It will be “fast and furious” because it will involve startup action as well as implementation. It is focused on the remaining “low-hanging fruit” for fastest global reductions

      The Tipping Point Festival can introduce the Bend-the-Curve (BtC) gamification to engage as many cities, towns, rural communities and bioregions as possible. A 3 year research program to dis-aggregate planetary boundaries can allocate a fairshare of local biophysical targets each city, town, rural community and bioregion must aim to achieve if we as a civilization are to meet the 1.5 deg C target, as well as other Anthropocene and planetary boundary targets.

      Doughnut economic framework can be adopted immediately and educated across all communities to plant seeds of local change actor chapters who can start their own local doughnut economies and begin reshaping their local economy into circular bio WEconomies.

      When the dis-aggregated planetary boundary metrics are available, then each community can adopt and aim to bend their local curve, in order that we altogether bend the global curves back to a safe operating space.

      it may be questionable whether we are able to develop highly accurate targets, but even if we are close enough, the greater value is to allow citizens to have a tangible and compelling and measurable reason to work together, organize and mitigate our human impacts in a systematic way. In this way, we can expose the hyperthreat by breaking it down into digestable, identifiable pieces that are cognitively more accessible and can lodge into the salience landscape of the individuals of a community.

  14. Feb 2022
    1. There is one reliable sign if you managedto structure your workflow according to the fact that writing is not alinear process, but a circular one: the problem of finding a topic isreplaced by the problem of having too many topics to write about.

      Writing is a circular generative process and not a finite, linear one.

  15. Jan 2022
    1. And no child in highschool regardless should be able to do that either because of dresscode, horny hormone infused teenage boys, and you never know if some of the teacher are attracted to children.

      The writer of this argument does not use a specific type of evidence (first-hand, second-hand, and quantitative). The writer does not use facts proven by trustworthy authority, personal experience that would be reasoning for the writers opinion, or data that can be measured, but rather simply stating their opinion as evidence.



    1. Dismayingly, Spielberg didn’t have the courage or the insight to imagine it.

      Throughout the whole article, Brody has been stating that Spielberg was not creative enough. By stating this as the last sentence he is leaving his readers with one last opinion from him that tries to prove his point.

    2. Spielberg didn’t open up the story to involve new ideas and experiences, nor did he reckon with the cultural and political forces that gave rise to “West Side Story” in the first place.

      He is stating his claim again to make a point and leave his audience with this bit of information and opinion left in their heads.

  16. Jul 2021
    1. What is risky here is that the concern (mixin) knows a lot about the model it gets included in. It is what is called a circular dependency. Song and Album depend on Trashable for trashing, Trashable depends on both of them for featured_authors definition. The same can be said for the fact that a trashed field needs to exist in both models in order to have the Trashable concern working.
  17. Mar 2021
    1. A energia é provida pelo Sol em abundância e todo o ”lixo” de uma espécie é alimento de outra. Tudo nasce para depois morrer e se transformar em energia para o ambiente novamente. O ciclo funciona em harmonia - ou deveria. O ser humano cada vez mais desequilibra essa balança e torna difícil para os serviços ecossistêmicos suportarem ou se recuperarem.
    1. decarbonization also creates opportunities, and investors are keen to put capital to work on these areas. Many of them directly involve, or are adjacent to, chemicals production, including battery materials, green hydrogen, and materials that can enable energy efficiency.

      Circular economies are good news for everyone

  18. Oct 2020
    1. Specifically, since Root, Rule and AtRule all extend Container, it's essential that Container is evaluated (and therefore, in the context of a Rollup bundle, included) first. In order to do this, input.js (which is the 'gateway' to all the PostCSS stuff) must import root.js, root.js must import rule.js before it imports container.js, and rule.js must import at-rule.js before it imports container.js. Having those imports ensures that container.js doesn't then try to place Root, Rule or AtRule ahead of itself in the bundle.
    2. import './at-rule'; // break cyclical dependency deadlock
    3. Unfortunately something along these lines will always be necessary when handling these sorts of pathological cyclical dependency cases without using require.
    1. For simpler patterns, such as A -> B -> A, refactoring may be necessary. Perhaps the modules that live in B could be moved to A. Or, necessary code could be extracted to a C that both A and B reference.
  19. Apr 2020
    1. The FounderCharlie WilsonCEO, Salvex Corp.The founder, Charlie Wilson, has been dedicated for 30 years finding solutions in the circular economy through repurposing commercial assets. Putting social responsibility in front of profit has been our mission since 1990.
  20. Apr 2018
  21. Sep 2016
    1. It is an outdated burden on the Cuban people.  It's a burden on the Americans who want to work and do business or invest here in Cuba.  It's time to lift the embargo.

      This a use of "Begging the Question", or circular reasoning because it asserts that [the embargo] is a burden on the Cuban people, and goes on to invoke that it likewise impedes Americans. But is the embargo actually burdensome to either populations? It is not addressed.