614 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2022
    1. At its core, learning is the process of creating new dendritic branches through practice, study bouts, and sleep. When we wake up every morning, we do so with a different brain than when we went to sleep.


    2. There are two main modes of thinking: focused and diffuse. The focused mode uses familiar thought patterns, methodical routines and fixed awareness, while the diffuse mode makes broader connections and usually occurs during a state of relaxation or mind-wandering. Switching back and forth between the two is essential for learning.  Abstract concepts can be more difficult to understand and manipulate than more emotional or concrete ones. To better grasp them,  practice bouncing back and forth between focused and diffuse mode. It will help you strengthen the neural connections required to really understand new ways of thinking.


    1. One part of the method involves coming as close to sleep as possible (without actually falling asleep). This frees up your mind to explore uncharted territory, and reexamine what you've learned.  Diffuse mode may look like daydreaming or mind wandering to others, but it is essential to processing what you read, and making varied connections.


    2. Reflect The final part of the URL strategy involves thinking.  While reading, we tend to home in on the author’s position, as well as the evidence that he or she might provide. But we often don’t consider the larger context of the work, or how we can apply what we’ve learned to real-world situations. In the popular online learning course Learning How to Learn, Professor Barbara Oakley differentiates between two core types of thinking: focused and diffuse. In focused mode, you have tunnel vision. Your awareness is on the task at hand. In this mode, you attempt to develop a narrow slice of understanding, whether it be in a skill or a course subject. However, in diffuse mode, your connections loosen up, and you are able to form more wide-ranging associations. You begin to think in ways that you couldn’t before. The key to switching into diffuse mode is developing a state of relaxed awareness.


    3. When you think about it, creativity is a superpower. It involves taking familiar elements and producing something unique. If you want to remember more of what you are learning, creativity can help there as well; it turns out that memory and creativity are interconnected.


    4. Create This is the magic ingredient that many people miss. By taking what you have learned or read about and transforming it into a diagram, a product, or a piece of art, you end up internalizing it. You manipulate the concepts, and discover the relationships between them. When I started doing book summary infographics, I realized that arranging my notes into design points gave me a much better grasp of what I had read. 


    5. When you read actively, you do more than just process the information a single time. You engage and interact with the book. If passive reading is like listening to a lecture, active reading is like having an open conversation with the professor. An active reader asks questions, clarifies important concepts, and gets critical feedback. To read better, you need to look for weak points as well as areas where you should update your knowledge. This process is key to learning more effectively.


    6. Even during focused reading, your limited working memory prevents you from retaining concepts and details. This is because focused reading can still be passive reading.  In passive reading mode, you aren’t interacting with the book. The ideas flow in one direction: from the author, to you. You aren’t doing the work, because the author already has.


    7. When you are reading a book, you probably don’t scan or skim as much. You may slow down at points where the information is dense.  You end up paying more attention than you would when reading a magazine or instruction manual. We can call this type of reading focused reading. 


    1. sometimes you can do everything right for many years but not enjoy any results. For example, if you started investing in 2001, by 2008 you would have earned zero return (thanks to the GFC). This can happen despite employing a sound, evidence-based approach. But investor’s that have the discipline and fortitude to stick with it, play the long game, have faith in evidence-based strategies, are always well-rewarded in the long run.


    2. if they started investing $3,000 per month 20 years ago. The investor’s investment portfolio would be worth $1,828,000 today consisting of $720,000 of capital contributions plus $1.1 million of growth. And if they continue investing, the investor’s portfolio could be worth $4.6 million by 2031 i.e. in 10 years from now (consisting of $780,000 of capital plus $3.8m of growth).


    1. 7. other, which is anything that doesn’t fit in the preceding categories.Use two separate bank accountsYour salary income should be directed into one account, typically the (offset) account that is linked to your home loan. We will call this a ‘savings’ account. Pay all non-discretionary expenses from this account (categories 1 to 3 above).Then transfer a set amount each week, fortnight or month into the ‘spending’ account and pay all expenses in categories 4 to 7 (above) from the ‘spending’ account.


    2. Non-discretionary expenses1. financial commitments, such as rent, mortgages, car leases and child support.2. utilities, including costs for gas, electricity, rates, phone, water, internet and contents insurance.3. health and education, such as school fees, health insurance, medical expenses and child care.Discretionary expenses4. shopping and transport, like food, clothing, beauty, petrol, car maintenance and public transport expenses.5. entertainment, including spending on annual holidays, gifts, eating out, movies and coffees.6. cash, which is all withdrawals from ATMs


    1. Aspects connected to decision-making such as (1)  Affordability: living within our means; (2) Needs vs wants; (3) Delay gratification; (4) Planning a purchase; (5) Appreciating our requirements; (6) Ignoring peer pressure; (7) Benefits of product research; (8) Basic of borrowing (debt); (9) Budgeting.


    2. Most investor problems can be traced to a lack of informed decision making. We have all made bad decisions and money mistakes when we started earning and spent years undoing these mistakes. Why should our children go through the same pain?Well begun is half-done. If we can teach our kids how to make the right money decisions, they can avoid mistakes, spend prudently and start building wealth as soon as they start earning.


    3. As parents, if we had to groom one ability in our children that is key not only to money management and investing but for any aspect of life, what would it be? My answer: Sound Decision Making.


    1. The idea is to avoid the conflict of interest that inevitably tags along with commission-based product recommendations.Unfortunately, many fee-based financial planners have chosen to ignore this regulation. Some have shifted their distribution business in the name of a family member.


    2. A fee-based planner receives a fee for financial advisory and commissions from fund houses and/insurers for the products they recommend.  The investment is made through the planner. Typically, clients would be ‘gently’ dissuaded from investing on their own, often with flimsy excuses.


    3. A fee-only planner is someone who charges a fee for financial plan creation and advisory and does not receive any commissions/incentives from mutual fund houses, insurers or other financial product sellers. Financial advice is provided, and clients are expected to take necessary action on their own.These are flat-fee financial advisors: Their fee does not depend on your net worth.


    1. I hated being measured by the number of financial products I sold rather than the quality of the financial advice I gave to clients. Although I did well at my job, it disturbed me to know that I could have recommended better solutions to clients but could not do so because my employer did not offer those products or solutions.A few years later, I finally got a job that I loved, at the government’s pension board as a ‘financial advisor’. It required me to give ‘unbiased’ advice to government employees and pensioners. As there was no need for the government to sell any financial products, I was free to give advice that best suited the client’s needs


    2. I was 23 and was excited to put all my learning into practice and finally be a financial planner. But there came my first roadblock. The jobs offered to CFPs were more about being a glorified salesman, expected to do 10% financial planning and 90% product selling and achieving targets.


    1. Instead, it is much better to invest in assets that provide compounding returns over many decades, as I’ve discussed here.  The trick with investing is to have patience. Investors with the most patience are rewarded in the long run.


    2. Investment mistake # 2: to reduce risk, aim for a quick profit  For almost 20 years I have written ad nauseam that ‘playing the long game’ gives you the greatest chance of successfully building wealth. That is, make investment/financial decisions that are focused solely on maximising outcomes in 10+ years’ time. This allows you to drown out all the (media) noise and focus on sound fundamentals. Fundamentals, not noise (rhetoric), drive investment returns in the long run.However, the main challenge with playing the long game is delayed gratification. Take property as a good example. It is likely that you will need to hang onto a property for 10 to 20 years before you make a decent return in dollar terms (as this chart demonstrates eloquently). That is a long time for you to maintain faith and confidence in your investment decisions.  But for many people, this approach feels risky. Generating immediate investment returns gives them the confidence that they are making progress. As such, they start to consider investment methodologies, products and strategies that aim to make quick returns.


    1. (A) Net sale proceeds – this includes the amount that you received less any direct selling costs such as advertising expenses, agent fees, legal fees, brokerage and so forth. If you have gifted the asset or sold it to a related party for less than market value, then your net sale proceeds are deemed to be equal to its market value.(B) Cost Base – this includes the total cost of the asset, which is what you originally paid for it plus any related costs such as brokerage for shares, stamp duty and buyers’ agent fees for property, legal fees, professional fees and so forth. You may be able to include any holding costs and capital improvements in your cost base if you haven’t already claimed a tax deduction for them. The cost base will be reduced by any depreciation or amortisation claimed on the asset during the ownership period.(C) 50% discount – if you have owned the asset for more than 12 months and you are a resident for Australian Tax purposes, you are entitled to reduce the net capital gain by 50%.(D) Marginal Tax Rate – The final step is to multiple the discounted capital gain by your marginal tax rate. For example, if you earn between $120,000 and $180,000, your marginal tax rate is 39% (including 2% Medicare levy).


    2. Capital Gain Tax basicsThe amount of tax you must pay on any capital gain is calculated using the below formula

      .c1 CGT formula

    1. 2) Perform deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is crucial to reaching mastery, and it’s distinct from mere repetition because it’s solitary, it’s goal-oriented, and it consistently pushes you past your current ability. Pushing yourself, failing, reflecting, and trying again are necessary to create mental models and achieve mastery. 3) Use memory cues like mnemonics. Memory cues help you organize and retain information using familiar triggers. Memory cues include mnemonic devices like acronyms or more complex tools like memory palaces.Thesde are all examples that effortful learning builds new connections and capabilities in our brains and that the path to mastery is all about self-discipline, grit and persistence rather than any innate ability.


    2. Here are three strategies for raising your abilities:1) Have a growth mindset. People with growth mindsets understand that effort and discipline are critical to learning, so they work harder, take more risks, and view failures as learning opportunities. By contrast, people with fixed mindsets believe intelligence is fixed and that it determines success, so they become helpless in the face of failure because they attribute it to their lack of innate ability.


    3. Intelligence isn’t fixed and Make It Stick highlights research that shows that self-discipline, motivation and focus are much more important and impactful on success in life. T


    4. This is something called the fluency effect when you believe that you have mastered a topic but in fact you are only part of the way towards mastery. You’re less likely to spend the extra time practicing the things you need to work on, and when a real-life situation calls for that knowledge, you fall flat.


    5. Monitoring your own thinking is what psychologists call metacognition from the Greek word meta meaning about. In order to expand your learning, you need to know what you know, what you don’t know, and what you need to work on. But people are poor judges of their own knowledge and abilities, and those miscalculations can inhibit learning.


    6. The most effective testing schedule is to build in a slight delay before the first test, and then follow up with regular testing at various intervals.3) Corrective feedback is crucial to prevent students from remembering the wrong answer, and to reinforce the correct information.Corrective feedback is most effective when it’s slightly delayed, because immediate feedback can become a crutch in learning and mastering the material.


    7. 2) Repeated testing improves retention. Regular testing deepens your comprehension, which improves your ability to apply the knowledge in different contexts.


    8. 1) Effortful retrieval leads to better retention. The harder your brain has to work to retrieve the information, the more firmly it cements it in your memory.One way to create this “desirable difficulty” is by using generation, which requires you to generate the answer from memory (for example, using flashcards or short-answer questions instead of multiple-choice questions).


    9. if you want to improve your learning, you need to define your goals for learning and studying. The book suggests that the two main goals of learning a new skill or concept are:Comprehension: You want to gain a deep understanding of the underlying principle in order to understand how it applies to different situations.Retention: You need to remember the information when a problem or situation calls for it, and when you get a chance to build upon it with more advanced knowledge.


    10. Learning is MisunderstoodMake It Stick starts off with a powerful story of a pilot landing a plane with a stalling engine and uses this example to demonstrate how practice rather than simply reading is the best way to learn. Most people hold false beliefs about learning that lead them to use ineffective study methods, such as rereading and highlighting which feels productive but is actually an ineffective way to learn. These ineffective strategies and learning myths are ingrained in our educational system and taught to us by teachers, coaches, parents, and pretty much everyone


    1. High energy efficiency helps prolong display lifetime, reducing environmental pollution caused by waste. Furthermore, the PowerSensor monitor is made from eco-friendly materials (lead-free)


    2. PowerSensor helps to reduce the CO2 emission In addition to the easy cost savings, the PowerSensor helps you to effortlessly take care of the environment. CO2 emission is one of the main polluters of the environment. Saving energy with the PowerSensor means being an active part of reducing CO2 emission.


    3. The PowerSensor enables organizations to easily reduce energy costs. As soon as a user is away, the monitor dims its brightness and energy consumption is immediately reduced - each and every time the user is away. This means that as an organization you will lower your operating costs.


    1. Whether or not we have hope depends on the two dimensions of Permanence and Pervasiveness taken together. Finding permanent and universal causes of good events along with temporary and specific causes for misfortune is the art of hope finding permanent and universal causes for misfortune and temporary and specific causes of good events is the practice of despair.


    2. The optimist believes good events will enhance everything he does, while the pessimist believes good events are caused by specific factors.


    3. People who make universal (pessimistic) explanations for their failures give up on everything when a failure strikes in one area. People who make specific (optimistic) explanations may become helpless in that one part of their lives, yet march stalwartly on in others.


    4. People who give up easily believe the causes of the bad events that happen to them are permanent—the bad events will persist, are always going to be there to affect their lives. People who resist helplessness believe the causes of bad events are temporary.


    5. People who believe good events have a permanent cause are more optimistic than those who believe they have temporary causes.


    6. Here are your scores on the Optimism Test. The following two sections will explain the two basic dimensions of optimism. There are two crucial dimensions to your explanatory style: permanence and pervasiveness.


  2. Dec 2021
    1. Sham contracting is when an employer disguises an employment relationship as an independent contracting arrangement. This is usually done to avoid paying employee entitlements.


    2. An independent contractor is someone who is self-employed and provides services to clients. It's also known as contracting or sub-contracting.Usually, independent contractors set up as a sole trader and run their business with their own Australian Business Number (ABN). But you can also be a contractor who works in your own company, partnership or trust.What kind of jobs do contractors do?Independent contractors are usually hired for a specific task and invoice the client when it's done. They're paid for the results they achieve and are personally responsible for whether their business makes a profit.


    1. During our onboarding, we train mentors to think in a “non-consulting approach”. Which means guiding the startups by asking the right questions instead of merely transferring knowledge.


    2. The ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes once famously noted that: “we have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less“. The act of listening as a means of truly understanding an entrepreneur is an important skill when it comes to tackling the challenges they face.


    1. Why Organic products are more expensive as compared to the conventional agricultural products?As the pesticides are not used, the organic produce is much more susceptible to the pests and possible ailments that can damage the crop and can get easily spoiled. Similarly the yield per acre is also less as compared to the conventional produce because no chemical fertilizer e.g. urea etc is used. Apart from this, costly measures have to be used for the storage and warehousing of these products to avoid any exposure to the chemicals, otherwise used with conventional products. All this adds to the cost of the input significantly and hence it is costlier as compared to conventional products.


    2. What is Organic?Organic means in harmony with nature. In simple words, the produce that doesn’t have any exposure to chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides is termed as organic. No amount of chemicals are used at any stage, right from sowing till the time it reaches to the stores for selling.


    1. Moreover, Covax does not use its purchasing power to push corporations to share the science, knowledge and technology behind their vaccines, which could lead to scaled up production. We are also deeply concerned that Covax is considering a tiered pricing model that would mean many middle-income countries, already facing economic turmoil and with under-resourced health systems, may not be able to afford the vaccine or would be forced deeper into debt.


    2. Covax is an initiative led by three global organisations: Gavi; Cepi; and the World Health Organisation (WHO). It is currently the only global mechanism for pooling demand for COVID-19 vaccines to try and secure access for poorer countries. While it is encouraging that at least 170 countries have agreed to work together, rich countries continue to cut bilateral supply deals with pharmaceutical companies which undermine this global effort and limit supply to poorer nations. So far Covax has not been transparent about the deals it is making with pharmaceutical companies and remains silent on how it will tackle monopolies.


    1. Once someone pledges, how will you make sure they follow through?The pledge is a moral commitment, not a legal contract. Every Entrepreneur will be judged by his or her children and grandchildren googling and finding a status on the Entrepreneur’s Pledge website.


    2. How does the Entrepreneur’s Pledge work?Each Entrepreneur who chooses to sign the pledge will be featured on the website and get updates about new social start-up ideas, successes and lessons learned. Stories can be exchanged individually or in specific groups, and all pledgers commit themselves to support fellow pledgers who decided to start a new social venture. Connections to philanthropists and social investors will be established to facilitate the best match for maximum Social Impact ROI.


    1. For corporations, donations also result in tax savings, albeit in the form of a deduction from income, rather than a credit. Similar to individuals, unused charitable contributions may be carried forward for up to five years.


    2. For individuals, eligible donations made provide a non-refundable tax credit, reducing any personal income taxes owing. Unused donations can be carried forward up to a maximum of five years


    1. Again, we recognize that a simple rule won’t work perfectly for all possible situations, so we encourage members to consider the spirit of the Pledge: using a significant portion of one’s income to benefit others.


    2. In general, we define income as your gross salary, wages, or self-employed income. For most people, this yields a good approximation of what they would consider their income. In cases where it yields something strange, a sensible alternative is to use whatever your government counts as your income for tax purposes.


    1. Because they are free and also offer ways to set up and manage family accounts, Bark recommends Gmail, iCloud email, and Outlook. For younger children, there are a few paid options with built-in features that make them more appropriate for kids, including KidsEmail, Tocomail, and Zoobuh.


    2. when it comes to creating a personal email account, you and your child should discuss the topic when you feel like they need one and are mature enough to use it appropriately. It’s important for families to be on the same page as kids start to explore the digital world, and ongoing conversations around digital citizenship are a great way to help kids be responsible online.


    1. The funding for non-net costs does NOT come from public donations to AMF. Non-net costs are covered by a small number of donors who have arranged with us for donations to be allocated for this specific purpose.


    2. Non-net costs are all costs associated with a net distribution excluding the cost of the nets themselves. Distribution non-net costs include: all shipping, pre-distribution and distribution costs. Pre-distribution activities include establishing accurate net need per household based on a count of household population and/or sleeping spaces. Distribution costs are those associated with the logistics of handing nets to beneficiaries. There is a further category of post-distribution non-net costs. Post-distribution activities involve monitoring, typically at 9-month intervals for a period of two and a half years and of 1.5% of the nets distributed, to assess net presence, use and condition.


    1. charities can sometimes do more good by lobbying the government than by trying to directly address the problem with their own resources. Homeless shelters do important work, but ending homelessness is going to involve changes to local, state, and federal policy to help the poor — nonprofits don’t have anywhere near the budget to do it all themselves. Feeding the hungry is important, but you might get more leverage from helping them sign up for food stamps, or convincing their state to expand eligibility for food stamps so that they qualify.


    2. What a shift to policy-oriented philanthropy means Here’s one way to think about what GiveWell’s up to. A charity that distributes malaria nets can do good with each net it distributes. But a charity that persuades a local government to change a law that’s affecting malaria net distribution might be able to do as much good, with less money. Obviously, a complete solution to global poverty will involve a lot of both approaches. But up until now, GiveWell has largely — though not entirely — focused on the first approach


    1. Additionally, we did not give credit to money pledged but not yet given out. Therefore philanthropists like Twitter and Square cofounder Jack Dorsey, who announced in April that he plans to donate $1 billion to support Covid relief and other causes, were only scored on what they have parted with so far. Forbes will annually track and update the scores as these billionaires make good on their promises. 


    2. We did not count money put into donor-advised funds. These tax advantaged accounts have neither disclosure nor distribution requirements; so while the list members may use their donations to get tax deductions, their dollars may not reach nonprofit beneficiaries for years. Forbes only took distributions from donor-advised funds into account when list members shared details about the grants that were actually paid.


    1. use an impact-focused charity evaluator. For instance: GiveWell evaluates global poverty charities. Animal Charity Evaluators evaluates charities focused on animal welfare. Founders Pledge evaluates charities in many different areas. If you want to make a serious commitment to improving the world with your donations, you can join Giving What We Can by taking a pledge to give a percentage of your income to effective charities.


    2. the world's biggest problems wouldn't be so big if they were easy to solve. And there are plenty of big problems to work on. Where should you begin? Thankfully, you're not alone. We all struggled with the same question. And while we don't have all the answers — far from it! — we've made real progress. By reading up on past research, you can make a better plan — and save time in the process. We recommend the Effective Altruism Handbook for an introduction to the key ideas of effective altruism.


    1. the total cost to achieve the equivalent of four person-months of SMC coverage is $6.59.


    2. on average, 93% of targeted children received at least one month of SMC (out of four possible months), 81% received at least two months, 70% received at least three months, and 56% received all four months.


    3. its seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) program, which distributes antimalarial drugs to children 3 to 59 months old in order to prevent illness and death from malaria, typically in four monthly cycles during the high transmission season;


    1. Advancing technology may make the next century one of the most important in history.Our generation can wreck the climate for thousands of years, or we can build a sustainable economy. We can continue to expand factory farming, or we can eradicate it. We can allow new technologies like nuclear weapons to end civilisation, or we can usher in a future better than we can easily imagine – and be good stewards for all future generations.Our aim is to help people like you understand this new power. If you have the good fortune to have options about how you spend your career, you can help change the course of history on these vital issues.This is not an easy path, but it is a worthwhile one.We’ve often felt racked with uncertainty about what to do, and overwhelmed at the scale of the issues. But we’ve also found a great deal of meaning and satisfaction in our efforts, especially as more and more people have united around them.


    2. How is it possible that such big differences in impact exist?One reason is the massive economic and technological bounty of the industrial revolution, which means that today, many ordinary citizens of rich countries have what would have been kinglike wealth and power in previous centuries.


    3. We associate ‘ethical living’ with things like recycling or reducing your CO2 emissions, but even with great effort, the best you could do is cut your personal footprint to near zero. But by thinking carefully about your career, you can affect the consumption of hundreds or even millions of people, and also contribute to even bigger and more neglected priorities.


    4. How much do careers differ in impact?We’ve shown that you can have more impact by:Finding a bigger and/or more neglected problemFinding a more effective solutionFinding a path with more leverageFinding work that fits you better


    5. a doctor can only treat a limited number of people each year. This motivated both Greg and Cassidy (from earlier) to switch from clinical medicine to public health and policy.Another reader, Suzy Deuster, wanted to become a public defender to ensure disadvantaged people have good legal defence, but she realised that while that path might improve criminal justice for perhaps hundreds of people over her career, by changing policy she might improve justice for thousands or even millions.


    6. Once you’ve picked a problem to focus on and identified some promising solutions, you need to choose a career that will let you make them happen. And some careers will let you contribute far more resources to great solutions than others. We call this your leverage.People who want to have an impact often focus on jobs where they help people directly: teaching and healthcare are two of the most common paths for college graduates. But you might well be able to find options with more leverage.


    7. Cassidy realised she could help more people by working on pandemic policy than by seeing one patient at a time as a doctor.The importance of working on neglected issues means that following your current passions could easily point you in the wrong direction. You’re most likely to stumble across the same issues everyone is already talking about, which will usually be the least neglected. The best options are probably unconventional.


    8. As individuals, our role should be to find the biggest gaps in the priorities served by the current economic and political system, and do our best to fill them.Inspired by this argument, one of our readers, Cassidy, realised that the knowledge she’d learned as a doctor might be put to even better use in pandemic prevention.She applied to a masters in public health programme, and from there was able to get into a biosecurity PhD at Oxford. Since the field of pandemic control was relatively small before COVID-19, she was able to advance quickly. When COVID-19 broke out, she was ready to advise the U.K. government on policy ideas to control COVID-19, as well as how to prevent the next (potentially much worse) outbreak.


    1. If your scheduled transfer is sent directly from your balanceThe scheduled date of your transfer is the day we send the money to your recipient — not the day they receive it. Your recipient should get the money within 3 days from the scheduled date.


    2. Scheduled transfers are transfers you’ve requested to be sent out at a later date(s) of your choice.Anyone can set up a scheduled transfer. If you don’t hold a balance in the currency you’re planning to send money from, we’ll open one for you. You’ll use this balance to see your money coming into Wise, and being sent to our recipient.


  3. Nov 2021
    1. From the date you cease to be an Australian resident, there is no need to disclose your foreign-source income in your tax return. Also, all Australian-sourced interest, dividends and royalties derived after you ceased to be an Australian resident are subject to the withholding tax provisions as a final tax and should not be included in your tax return.


    2. Residency makes a big difference to your tax situation. If you are an Australian resident you are generally taxed in Australia on your worldwide income from all sources. You are also entitled to the tax-free threshold and you must pay a Medicare levy. If you are not a resident you are generally only taxed in Australia on your Australian-sourced income. Also, you are not entitled to the tax-free threshold. You do not pay the Medicare levy meaning you are not entitled to Medicare health benefits.


    1. How can my business make a difference? A robust CSR approach is more valuable than ever to businesses. People are increasingly aware about the importance of ethical choices. Everyone expects more from their workplace, their politicians, the not-for-profits they support, and the businesses where they buy goods and services.  As a business, you can fulfill your corporate social responsibility by joining forces with a charitable organisation


    2. How can I ask the business I work for to make a difference? If you are an employee who wants to encourage their company to support a worthy cause, you can look into Workplace giving, which allows you to make small donations to The Fred Hollows Foundation on a regular basis directly from your pre-tax pay. It is a simple, low cost and effective way to help people who need your support the most.


    1. Apple has announced that the iPadOS 15 is compatible with it. Consequently, you’ll get features like seamless multitasking, an app library, and home screen widgets that can be placed anywhere. So if you want an iPad that can not only act as an entertainment zone but also as a learning tool for your kids this is the one for you. 


    2. The iPad Air 2 is a feat of engineering that for the time pushed the limits of what makes a premium slate. With a keyboard accessory, it’s a great portable writing tool. This is unlike the iPad Mini 2 and Mini 4, which are both just a tad too small for keyboards. Its screen is well-suited to watching movies.


    1. You can run your business through a discretionary trust or a unit trust. While running your business through a trust has tax advantages, the biggest disadvantage is distributing any profit or income to beneficiaries each financial year. Running a growing business with this restriction is difficult. Further, if you are looking to bring on investors, they will generally only want to invest in a company structure, rather than a trust structure.


    2. A trust must distribute its profit/income to beneficiaries each financial year. Otherwise, the trustee must pay tax on any undistributed (i.e. accumulated) income at the highest marginal rate. Therefore, if the business requires any working capital, a company structure is more appropriate as you only pay tax on undistributed company profits at the company rate.


    1. When you make a purchase in a foreign currency, PayPal always defaults to doing the currency conversion for you. Why? Well, they would tell you it’s for your convenience so you know exactly what you are going to pay. The caveat is that this often isn’t exactly what you are going to pay because banks often add a foreign transaction fee if the merchant is overseas, even if you pay in your local currency. This is especially true here in Australia. The real reason PayPal defaults to doing the currency conversion is because they charge excessively high conversion fees, so they make a lot from you when you choose to use their conversion service. To avoid these fees and make sure you are using your foreign balance on your Wise card, always choose to pay in the billing currency without PayPal currency conversion. Here’s how. Proceed to pay as you normally would. After logging into your PayPal account to process payment, select your Wise card.


    2. Select the original currency (in this case, USD) from the currency conversion options screen.


    1. If you have a corporate trustee for a trust, that company should register a TFN for the trust in its capacity as trustee. The company then uses that TFN when submitting any tax returns for the trust or having any other tax dealings on behalf of the trust. Again, if the trustee changes to another company in the future, that new company will continue using the same TFN for the trust.


    2. A trust should have its own TFN. This requirement is like an ABN for a trust. Specifically, it means that the TFN is registered by the trustee of the trust in their capacity as trustee.


    1. none of this matters if you own an older Apple Watch: even if you’re using the proper fast charging cable, the fast charging technology still needs a Series 7 watch to work. As Apple’s website notes: “Fast charging is only compatible with Apple Watch Series 7. Other models will have regular charge times.


    2. Apple recommends its own 20W USB-C charger, of course).


    3. the Apple Watch Series 7 is its newly added fast charging system, which Apple claims is 33 percent and capable of charging the watch to about 80 percent charge in about 45 minutes. But if you want to take advantage of the fast charging, you’ll need to make sure to use the charger that comes with the Series 7


    1. If you are on the web browser version, tick the Apply to existing and future transactions


    2. How do I create category rules for similar transactions? When you recategorise your transactions you can create category rules to apply to similar existing transactions and future transactions – saving you time. Similar transactions are transactions that have the same transaction description (after we remove dates, account and reference numbers, and other irrelevant information) You can create category rules for similar transactions when you recategorise your transactions.


  4. Oct 2021
    1. I already use Wallet for this on iOS, and scans of cards when that's not available, which I keep in 1Password. But in cases where neither of those work, it's simply because the merchants have antiquated systems that simply can't read off a mobile device screen, so 1Password couldn't help there either. But as merchants upgrade their systems over time I suspect that will improve.


    2. I've moved all my Rewards Programs info into 1Password. It would be really nice, and likely easy, to have a barcode added into 1Password to allow scanning of those Rewards Program numbers. I used this functionality from Stocard before moving my info it into 1Password. Stocard even provided away to export these barcodes into Apple Wallet for scanning. I'd like to see both of these in 1Password.


    1. In summary, the plagiarism detector so far is restricted in detecting the plagiarism in the form of text form. There is no way to detect the sounds in videos, by my understanding. If you can extract texts from the YouTube, yes, you can detect the plagiarism. Otherwise, there would have no way to compare the sound data with the database information.


    2. Turnitin is a detector that would compare your paper work to its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles, etc. Same with Unicheck. it verifies the originality of the submitted texts or documents. However, as the words in the video itself, so far, it seems there has had no tools yet to detect the plagiarism inside the video in a direct way. Generally, instructors and educators usually check the main sources of information about the webinars, interviews and lectures, and detect the theft from there.


    1. It doesn’t use any third-party URL shortening service, because Twitter already offers its own link shortening service (t.co). Users can track clicks and other related data using Twitter’s Analytics service for free. Hence, you don’t need any third-party link shortening or analytics service now.


    2. The Share on Twitter is a privacy-friendly and lightweight browser extension for Twitter users. It is available for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and other Chromium-based browsers. It enables users to easily share the current tab, links and selected text on Twitter.


    1. "How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives," wrote author Annie Dillard. "What we do with this hour and that one is what we are doing."No matter what you think your priorities are, what you actually devote your time to is what you’re choosing to make a priority in your life. But how many people really know how they spend every minute or their days?We actually have a lot of minutes every day—1,440 of them to be specific. Even accounting for a healthy eight hours of sleep, that’s nearly 1,000 minutes to fill with everything you want to do. And yet, I often get to the end of the day and feel like I didn’t have enough time for everything that mattered. Something must be taking more time than it deserves, and I wanted to figure out what so I could stop wasting time and make every day more meaningful.


    1. how often to revise them? It is good to make it at least once a year. Each of us has a time in the year in which usually thinks about what’s going on in life, about the accomplishments, the issues, about what would like to achieve, etc. Whether it’s Christmas / New Year or around your birthday when another year is counted, use these moments to review, reconsider and correct the direction you are moving to.


    2. Regularly revise your old goals and set new ones It is not a must that you have to achieve all the goals you’ve already set. While following the path to a goal you may realize that this is not exactly your goal. And then you can change it or quit it – just be sure you are aware of the reasons why. It is a good idea to check and re-think your goals from time to time and not just follow them blindly once they are set. Also since the last time you revised your goals has probably been some time and it is likely that you have new goals to add. Add them but be aware they should not get too much. It is considered that the maximum number of goals should not exceed 7.


    3. Write down your goals Write down what you would like to achieve in your life and put the list in a place where your eyes will meet it often. The more often you see it, the more your thoughts and focus will return to what you really care about and the more often you can think how to make the next small step towards achieving them. You will begin to see opportunities and come up with ideas that have eluded you so far. Furthermore there are many evidences that when one has a clear focus thoughts are turning into reality.


  5. Sep 2021
    1. For one, because a branded link is memorable and pronounceable. Since it uses your brand name which can be easily read and remembered by others. It increases your brand recognition. Sharing popular content with a branded domain will help make your brand more visible and provide a much greater brand recognition. A branded domain inspires trust and can increase your Click Through Rate by 39%:  By being willing to share your brand name with your link it offers a guarantee that you are leading them to the destination suggested in your link. Branded links make you unique: a branded link leaves no doubt about who has shared the content. Unlike generic short links, a branded domain is yours only. And thus users will quickly begin to notice and associate it with great content.


    2. A branded link is a short version of a URL you want to share online built to include your brand and related term. They are also known as Vanity URLs and Custom Short Links. Branded Links is a more advanced way to share your content. Unlike generic short links branded links, as the name suggests they also incorporate the brand name. This allows a company to associate itself with content it shares, build brand awareness and increase the brand recognition. Many brands today already use branded links to share and distribute their content.


    1. WordPress has it’s own URL shortener and you can get the short URL of any post by clicking the “Get Shortlink” button from the Edit Post panel. The short URL is automatically generated and is of the form – http://wp.me/ppeaz-1zu. But the short URL’s generated by WordPress are not branded, they tell nothing about which site the link points to.


    2. Using a branded URL shortener on your website has it’s own advantages. First, you can create short links of important pages of your site and then promote those links in social networks like Twitter, Facebook.It also helps in spreading your website’s brand – when people see the domain name in a tweet or in a status update, the name will stick in their mind and they may visit your site at a later time.

      .urlshortener-why Examples

    1. people call webhooks reverse APIs, but perhaps more accurately a webhook lets you skip a step. With most APIs there’s a request followed by a response. No request is required for a webhook, it just sends the data when it’s available. To use a webhook, you register a URL with the company providing the service. That URL is a place within your application that will accept the data and do something with it. In some cases, you can tell the provider the situations when you’d like to receive data. Whenever there’s something new, the webhook will send it to your URL.


    1. In addition to that, as protection measures, most good APIs pose a rate limit on the number of calls per certain period of time, say, per hour. You certainly don’t want to waste these already limited resources by making empty calls. This is when you can turn to additionally setting up Webhooks instead of simply polling APIs.


    2. there is no guarantee that every call you make to API will have something ready for you on the other end. What if your data is not updated constantly and regularly? What if out of 8 API calls to a server, for example, to an inventory management system, only one gets an actual response? Just imagine this: Zapier is said to have made about 30 million poll requests over a substantial amount of time, out of which only 460,000 returned some results, which is only 1,5 percent.

      .c1 .api-con

    3. If you have rapidly changing data, for example, from outdoor sensors in an IoT integration scenario or shipment tracking systems in an eCommerce-related scenario, then you can be sure that data updates will be waiting for your call whenever you make it. In other words, you won’t find yourself empty-handed when polling API in such scenarios.


    4. APIs are a great fit for application integration when you know you will have a constant change of data. The huge advantage of polling APIs for data is that you are the captain of your own ship. If you want more data, you just increase the paging size. If you know that right now you have a traffic jam somewhere on your server, then you, logically, reduce the paging size. This is practically an implicit flow control, which is very important when it comes to high data volumes and retaining the performance capability.

      .c1 api-whento

    5. In this case, using a Webhook is probably the only way to sync data between applications automatically. The message will be sent directly to the Webhook that is configured specifically to “dissect” it and map its “contents” to another application, e.g. a fulfilment management system. In a nutshell, Webhooks integration can be actually regarded as a perfect, and sometimes even essential complement to API-based application integration.


    6. when would you prefer a Webhook to APIs in order to sync data between applications, platforms or databases? I guess, one of the most obvious scenarios would be is when need real-time data updates but you don’t want to waste your resources by constantly polling APIs. Another very common scenario is when your integration flow includes some external application or system that has a bad API or no API at all. A good example would be a logistics company that sends shipment status updates only via a message.

      .c1 .webhook-whento

    7. one of the dangers of using a Webhook is that you may never learn about any changes if the other system that sends updates to your Webhook goes offline at the wrong time for some reason. In addition to that, you’ll have considerably less control over the flow of data because you’ll have to accept as much data as you get. Of course, there are ways to tackle this aspect effectively, for example storing data in a message queue. Yet this is by far not so efficient as being able to e.g. scale the paging size freely according to your immediate needs.


    8. Then, Webhooks can “activate” the whole integration workflow to act on these updates. The main point here is, however, that this activation happens for a reason (i.e. because there is a real update to process), and not just because it’s time to make yet another check for an update. Another good thing about Webhooks is that they provide other applications and services with (near) real-time information. This is possible through APIs only too, but it involves then an extra configuration step and is extremely resources-consuming. Webhooks make real-time really simple.


    9. The main difference between how Webhooks and APIs generally work is that, while APIs place calls without knowing whether they get any data update as a response or not, Webhooks receive calls through HTTP POSTs from external systems only when those have some data updates.

      .c1 .webhook-whento

    1. In addition to REST, other API conventions include SOAP, COBRA and XML-RPC. To date, however, REST the most widely used set of API architecture guidelines. In 2015, the engineering team at Facebook released GraphQL––a new query language for APIs intended to provide a more flexible alternative to sending requests to endpoints on REST APIs. Without getting too deep into the complexities of GraphQL, the main advantage it offers over traditional REST APIs is its ability to return the exact data needed with each request while avoiding “over fetching” and “under fetching,” problems typically encountered with traditional APIs. For example, consider the following situation. A restaurant review app needs to display the titles of the most recent reviews a user has published, along with the last three people to follow that user. Using a REST API, the client would typically have to make three different requests to different endpoints––one to fetch the initial user data, a second to return all the reviews for that user, and a third to return a list of that user’s followers. Using GraphQL, a client could access the same data with a single query


    2. In addition to receiving data, APIs can also handle the full gamut of “CRUD” (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations between two applications. In other words, APIs aren’t just for displaying data to a user in an interface––they can also be used to make changes to it in the application where it is stored.


    3. An important feature of APIs is that they provide two-way communication between different software programs via a request-response cycle, most commonly using the HTTP protocol. In a typical API use case, one software program will ask for a specific set of data from another using an HTTP GET request. Provided the request is valid, the receiving system will respond with the requested data in a machine-readable format, commonly XML or JSON. This is what allows applications to share data regardless of their individual programming languages or internal specifications.

      .c1 .api-why

    4. Each API is a blank canvas waiting for developers to tie it into other applications and use it in new, creative ways.


    5. An API is like a portal through which information and functionality can be shared between two software services. The word “interface” is key to understanding an API’s purpose. Just like a web browser is an interface for a human end user to receive, send, and update information on a web server, an API is an interface that provides software programs with the same functionality. 

      .c1 .api-whatis

    6. The same characteristics that make webhooks relatively easy to implement are also the reasons why they are far more limited than APIs. Updating the data a webhook delivers requires reconfiguring it entirely to listen for a different event, and in most cases it would be more efficient to create a new webhook. When two systems share data via an API with multiple endpoints, the receiving system has access to a much broader range of data from the sending system. Also, unlike APIs, webhooks do not allow the sending system to add, update and delete data on the receiving end, which is why webhooks alone are too limited to offer full integration between two applications.

      .webhook-con .api-why

    7. a key advantage of webhooks is that they are easier to set up and less resource-intensive than APIs. Creating an API is a complex process that in some cases can be as challenging as designing and building an application itself, but implementing a webhook simply requires setting up a single POST request on the sending end, establishing a URL on the receiving end to accept the data, then performing some action on the data once it is received. Common use cases for webhooks include sending new email list subscriptions and unsubscriptions to a CRM system, automatically updating accounting software when invoices are paid, or setting up any type of notifications. In each of these types of events, the information flows in one direction, and no request is necessary to receive updated data.


    8. Say for instance you want to receive Slack notifications when tweets that mention a certain account and contain a specific hashtag are published. Instead of Slack continuously asking Twitter for new posts meeting these criteria, it makes much more sense for Twitter to send a notification to Slack only when this event takes place. This is the purpose of a webhook––instead of having to repeatedly request the data, the receiving application can sit back and get what it needs without having to send repeated requests to another system.


    9. A webhook can be thought of as a type of API that is driven by events rather than requests. Instead of one application making a request to another to receive a response, a webhook is a service that allows one program to send data to another as soon as a particular event takes place.

      .c1 .webhook-whatis

    1. This Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Calculator is developed for Australian parents to estimate their possible Child Care Subsidy payment amount from the Australian Government and out-of-pocket child care costs when using Centre Based Day Care, Family Day Care or Outside School Hours Care.


    1. Bonuses work so well for affiliates because they not only give your leads a reason to purchase from you, but they also help you create a unique offer that separates yourself from the competition! So instead of selling the same product as hundreds or thousands of affiliates, your offer is entirely unique and they are forced to use your referral link.


    2. Not only will it help increase conversion rates, you’re customers will have a much better experience and be willing to purchase from you again!


    3. You should be offering bonuses for any of your higher-ticket offers. If you can afford to give away the bonuses, you should be willing to do so! It’s important to not offer the same bonuses for every product you promote, since your core audience will catch on and realize you’re practically giving them away…

      .c1 .affiliateproductbonus-why

    4. Software may seem overwhelming at first, but it’s fairly easy to acquire white-label rights. In most cases, you can contact the developer and ask how much it will cost for the rights to sell it yourself (or use as a bonus). While you can develop your own software for bonuses, it can be a huge time and money investment!


    5. Another bonus you should be offering is a training. No matter what you are promoting, there’s always going to be a learning curve. Creating a simple training, guide, or ebook can go a long way with your referrals getting results, so I’d highly recommend this one!

      .affiliateproductbonus-whatis .idea Offer ongoing training on the product.

    6. Everybody loves getting free templates. They can be used in most cases, so creating a library of templates for your favorite product can really help push your visitors into customers! This offer is especially useful when promoting to beginners, since it’ll help them get their business off the ground much faster.

      .affiliateproductbonus-whatis .idea Offer a quick start course or guide.

    7. Support is one of the most powerful bonuses you can offer, your support. Whether it’s 1-on-1 support or group support, it gives your referrals peace of mind knowing you’ll be there to help out! It’s incredibly simple to implement, since you don’t need to create anything. All you need is a good understanding of the product and how it can help others!

      .affiliateproductbonus-whatis .idea Offer access to self-supporting community.

    1. Automatic updates mean that, if you had WordPress 4.7.0 and version 4.7.1 was released, your WP website would update itself automatically. Conversely, if WordPress 4.8 was released (a major version), you would have to update to it manually. In WordPress, automatic background updates are divided into four types: Core updates Plugin updates Theme updates Translation file updates Core updates are subdivided into three types: Core development updates, known as the “bleeding edge” (beta test versions of WP) Minor core updates, such as maintenance and security releases Major core release updates Every WP website on WPX has automatic updates enabled by default for minor core releases and translation files.

      .wordpressupdate-whatis .wpxhosting-feature

    1. Our Top Editing shortcuts   Type *, -, or + followed by space to create a bulleted list.Type [] to create a to-do checkbox. (There’s no space in between.)Type 1. followed by space to create a numbered list.Type # or ## or ### followed by space to create an H1-H3 heading.Type > followed by space to create a toggle list.Type " followed by space to create a quote block.


    1. Only short links leading to YouTube could be created with this, so internet browsers were reassured knowing that if they clicked on a youtu.be link, it could only lead to a video – and not spam or phishing sites. To be honest, we admire the concept and Rebrandly was later founded for similar reasons. Our custom short links help brands take control of their URLs so they can provide link trust to followers and get more click-throughs. People know that brands won’t associate their names with poor quality content so though you can link to any platform with a Rebrandly custom URL, people feel safe clicking through to the content being shared. We highly recommend setting up your own custom URL shortener using our service, so you can track and share on-brand short links.


    1. Physical: breathe, eat, sleep, bathe, groom, and exercise to survive and care for physiological needs, providing a platform of health and energy. Financial: budget, purchase, and invest to satisfy needs for survival, security, hope, and freedom to pursue callings. Professional: plan, prepare, learn, and work for distinctive, ethical service to meet financial needs, enjoy personal success, and provide value to society. Personal: plan for life, develop yourself for mental and emotional health, intellectual development, and independence; nurture your home, read, play, listen to music, enjoy hobbies, other activities primarily for you. Social: share and do, with and for others—through recreation and responsibility, for fun and fulfillment—to belong, care for, love and serve interdependently. Philanthropical: contribute time for service and resources for communities, charities and causes that match your mission synergistically and improve society. Spiritual: pray, study, worship, serve, and give to fulfill your callings, gifts and talents—to fulfill the purpose of life—to live a spiritual journey faithfully, love and serve others meaningfully, and do my best joyously. You can review the areas and descriptions and write plans to fulfill priorities in areas important to you to enhance success and balance.


    1. Hemingway is invaluable in helping write for the web. Sentences should be short and tight. No paragraph should ever be more than two or three sentences long.A word of caution. Use Hemingway as a guide and teacher but don't become a slave to its suggestions. Knowing when to break rules is also a basis for good writing.


    1. features: Readability: Grammarly premium gives you an advanced view of your reader’s perspective. It essentially predicts the level of energy that they will expend to understand your writing. Vocabulary Enhancement – It unlocks more effective and impactful words. Plagiarism Detector – Grammarly will scan your article against thousands of other databases to ensure that there is no duplicate text.


    2. Set goals and customize your Grammarly to provide the feedback you seek. You can customize your goals based on the following: Audience – Grammarly lets you set your editing based on the expertise of your targeted audience, so you can choose General, Knowledgeable, or Expert. Formality – You can also set the tone for your article. The app lets you choose between formal, informal, or neutral. Domain – Grammarly also lets you choose which group your article is most suited for. Whether your work is for business or academic purposes, you can set it on Grammarly.


    3. features: Work offline – If you want to avoid the distraction of the online world or fancy working from some remote location that may or may not have network reception, then the app version is completely suitable for you. Direct publishing – From the Hemingway app, you can publish your articles directly to your WordPress blog or elsewhere. PDF exports – You can create PDF versions of your work after you have pasted them on the Hemingway editor. This can be really useful for a project’s sake since the PDFs will retain the colored highlights as they appear on the editor.


    4. even though Hemingway points out monotonous sentences in your work and suggests what to cut out, it is ultimately up to you to decide if you should take any of its recommendations. If you do at all, I reckon that you wouldn’t want to take all the recommendations as it tends to strip your writing of its true voice if you do.


    1. Although Hemingway is very easy to use. Although, if I had to choose, I would choose ProWritingAid. I say this because: Using ProWritingAid is like having a personalized tutor. The software provides an in-depth look into your areas of strength and weakness, no software does it like them.   No matter what your writing style is, the software can tailor to it 


    2. Hemingway is able to analyse your writing to be able to assess the reading level it is written at.   As stated by the creators of Hemingway, the average American is able to read at a tenth-grade level. Making sure your writing is below or at this level will make it easy for the average american to access.   Enrest Hemingway's writing is said to be fifth-grade level. Proof that clear and concise language does not weaken the quality of one's writing.


    3. suggestions that are made by Hemingway: Yellow Sentences:  Hemingway identifies these sentences as structurally complex or lengthy. So the tool gives a suggestion to simplify or split the yellow highlighted sentences.  Red Sentences: Hemingway identifies these sentences as sentences that could confuse readers. Best thing to do here is reword the sentences until the red highlight disappears.    Purple Words: Hemingway feels these sentences have a more simpler and suitable replacement. To see Hemingways suggestention hover over the words.    Blue Words: These words are adverbs or hesitant and weak language. Hemingway suggests omitting these words.   Green Phrases: These phrases indicate that passive voice has been applied. This can be appropriate under some contexts, but active voice is usually preferred.


    4. Hemingway is named after a well known master of literacy, Ernest Hemmingway. The tool aims to “make your writing bold and clear.” But that being said it isn’t a comprehensive writing coach or grammar checker, like ProWritingAid and Grammarly.     Instead, it’s a powerful and minimalist device to better the method of your writing. 


    5. Unlike other writing tutors like ProWritingAid, Hemingway is not a comprehensive writing tutor. This is because it instead focuses on securing words and making them more impactful and concise.

      .c1 .hemingway-whatis

    1. if I wanted to write long form content on the ‘Best AI Writing Tool’ I could run through this chain of commands: /instruct [write an introduction to Best AI Writing Tool]/instruct [give me some headline ideas for Best AI Writing Tool]/instruct [give me some topic ideas for Best AI Writing Tool]/instruct [create an outline for Best AI Writing Tool]/instruct [write a conclusion to Best AI Writing Tool]


    1. Have a clear idea where to start with notes Every workspace deserves its notespace. Jot down your ideas. Save reminders of what you’ve been working on last time.


    2. Focus on a single project at a time. Jump to the next one in just a few clicks. Because switching between folders is now ridiculously fast, you can easily juggle the projects.


    3. Work, don’t search The age of constant search for resources is over. Now you have everything at hand.

      .c1 .workspace-why

    4. Just choose a workspace and press START. Workspaces launches all resources (files, folders, websites, etc)for a project you're working on with one click.It gathers all resources in one place, so you don't need to look for them.


    1. Copy the video URL and paste it into the annotation text editor:

      .hypothesis-howto testing video link in description https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJxCH-aOrwE

    2. Return to the Hypothesis sidebar and click on the image button in the text editor. The following bit of code will appear:

      .hypothesis-howto Annotate an image with surrounding text. Describe Image

    1. Machine + human powered insights. Not everything you save deserves to be read beginning to end. But not everything deserves to be reduced to a summary either. We’ve woven insights from both machines and humans into the product to help you focus on what matters.


    1. The most obvious application of Themed Reviews is to create stacks of topically related highlights, such as "Spirituality,” or “Crypto.”  But the possibilities for Themed Reviews are go far beyond subject-based reviews and mastery. You can use Themed Reviews to learn new skills and concepts, spark connections, think through hard problems, and even fuel a writing practice.


    1. most of us save more things than we can actually get through. As a result, your inbox runneth over, turning your digital garden into a digital graveyard. We discovered that you can avoid this fate through a game-like workflow that helps you decide what to read now, what to read later, and what to file away, keeping your library neat, tidy, and delightful. Some of our users have actually backed into this using some combination of folders in Instapaper, tags in Pocket, databases in Notion, or reading lists in Roam. But organizing things this way quickly becomes a chore, like pulling weeds or cleaning your house. So we've embedded a fun, guilt-free triage workflow directly into the Readwise reading app

      .readwise-whatis .content-overload-why

    2. With the new Readwise reading app, not only will these resurfacing and syncing features not go away, they will be enhanced through tight integration into the reading experience. Some examples: Whenever you take a new highlight, you can see that highlight instantly propagated throughout your note-taking apps. Whenever you annotate a document, you can forge connections to other documents, authors, notes, and highlights — using the same fuzzy search, autocomplete and backlinking you'd expect in any modern tool for thought. Whenever you tag or add an annotation to a resurfaced highlight, you can see that update reflected in the margin of the original document (and vice versa). In addition to expanding the quantity of things you can retain, the Readwise reading app also facilitates the ease with which you can recall.


    3. the best way to start growing more in any domain is to first lose less. We see this first principle everywhere: In a subscription business, you're better off reducing churn before increasing sign-ups. In personal finance, you're better off spending less before earning more. In investing, you're better off stopping losses before seeking gains. If you want to fill a leaky bucket, you first need to stop the leak. If you want to get more out of reading, you first need to forget less.

      .lose-less- whatis

    4. separate reading into three components: before, during, and after you read. If we can build software that helps you be twice as effective in each of these stages — choose twice as efficiently before you read, comprehend twice as deeply while you read, and retain twice as much after you read — the compounded effect will be the Thielian 10x improvement we’re shooting for.


    5. Reading for entertainment is any reading where the primary pursuit is pleasure. This includes reading fictional books, of course, but also most newspapers, magazines, and casual web browsing. This kind of reading actually has been disrupted by technology, most notably by social media which is, at its core, a form of entertainment. Reading for betterment, on the other hand, is where we see the opportunity for software to improve reading by an order of magnitude. Reading for betterment can be pleasurable, but pleasure is not the ultimate intent. Instead, there is a deeper purpose. This might be to expand the boundaries of knowledge through original research; to become a more eloquent speaker; to inquire into the meaning of life; or to simply internalize a memo for work.

      .read-whyto .read-types

    1. Reading at a Higher Level Not only does inline tagging make it easy to add keywords and categories to your highlights, consistent use will also elevate your reading practice to the next level. Distilling a highlight down to a single keyword or forging an association between a passage and something you're working on are both forms of actively engaging with what you're reading. And actively (rather than passively) reading is essential to getting more of what you want out of books

      .tag-why .read-howto

    2. Keyword tags can help you quickly recall a passage's content, reference relevant material on a topic of interest, or identify interesting patterns in your thinking. And categorical tags can help you organize your highlights into actionable workflows for later use.

      .c1 .tag-whyto Use both Keyword and Categorical tags.

    3. inline tagging — the subject of this guide — makes it even easier because adding keywords and categories in the moment is much faster than adding them after the fact.


    4. An inline tag is a special note taken while you read that's automatically converted into a tag in Readwise. Tagging in the moment is much faster than tagging after the fact, and once your highlights have keywords and categories, they're much easier to review and reference.


    1. Any highlight you tag as a heading won’t show up during reviews/Readwise’s daily emails, but the structure will show up in the Readwise (web) app and in your exports to Roam


    1. Add tags to documents (books, articles, etc) 📃

      .tags-howto Use Document Tags at book/article level instead of adding the same tags repeatedly at paragraph level.

    1. How to Add Chapters to Your Highlights in Readwise

      .tags-howto Summary: Use heading tags to organise the highlights. They can also be used to summarise the article sections later.

    1. Useful tools: Feedly, Pocket & Kobo

      Filter out what to read from Feedly Move to read-later app Pocket Consume content in Kobo

    1. Feed your Roam graph using Readwise

      .readwise .roam-research Summary Note on Article heading:

    1. Why Reading This Article Won’t Help You Be a Better Entrepreneur

      .h1 Can I write the Summary Note using the tag 'dot h1'?

    1. Test Page note from Hypothesis - can this be treated as a Literature note for articles? Feedly has only notes/insights at page level - another reason to use this practice.

    1. Unless you follow the advice from books and do something, even the smartest advice is a waste of your time.


    2. Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk wrote why reading wouldn’t help you become a better entrepreneur, saying:“But how many books from these ‘experts’ do you need to read before you can actually do something? You can only read so much and at some point, you just have to do. Stop being a student, and start being an entrepreneur.”Be careful about whether you’re procrastinating with reading and whether it holds you back from taking action.How to apply this adviceWhen you finish the book, ask yourself what to do with what you’ve just read. Go back to the pages you highlighted or put stickers on. Put what you’ve learned into action items.


    3. #7. Apply Your Knowledge


    4. The filter function is a clear upside for Goodreads. In your “Want to Reads,” you can search for “date added” and “avg rating.” For ideas for your reading list, you can also use Goodreads to browse your friend’s lists.


    5. How to apply this adviceHave a “reading list” in place and feed the list regularly. If you already have a list tracking in place, us it.


    6. #6. Keep a “Want-To-Read” ListReading is like every other part of life: Unless you choose what you want to read, others, like the airport’s bookshelves, will choose for you.Moreover, the best motivator to continue reading your book is a long list of books you want to read after finishing.The “want-to-read” piles on my bookshelf motivate me to read.


    7. How to apply this adviceBe okay with reading a few books at the same time. You can start a new book before you finished the one you’re reading.


    8. You don’t want to eat the same dish for breakfast, lunch, and breakfast. Why would you read the same book at different times of the day?


    9. #5. Read Different Books SimultaneouslyYou don’t feel like reading before you go to sleep? Chances are high it’s the wrong book on your bed table.


    10. The only thing you can do in bed, besides sleeping, should be reading. Carry books with you while commuting. Instead of grabbing your phone, grab your book.


    11. #3. Replace Your Phone with Your BookDid you know the average person spends over four hours a day on their device? If you spent half the time reading, with a reading speed of 250 words per minute and an average book length of 90,000 words, you’d finish more than two books a week.The less time you spend on your phone, the more you’ll read.Changing my phone habits was probably the hardest part but also the most effective one. I didn’t need to skip any activities to read 52 books a year. Decreasing my screen time enabled me to read (and write).


    1. 4.1 How I seek great contentMy creative process starts with the search for great content. To do so, I rely on my friends’ recommendations and my curiosity. I also use content discovery tools like Feedly, Bookshlf, GoodReads, Refind, Inoreader, Flipboard, or Mailbrew. When you feed your brain with good content, it will develop good ideas.


    2. Assign tags by thinking about topics you’re working on, not by looking at the note in isolation. By using helpful tags, you unlock the bi-directional linking power. Once you search for answers with a question in mind, the Roamkasten will give you all the answers and related ideas.


    3. Tags:: # (In which circumstance do I want to find this note? What would I google for to find this note (not a general single term), When and how will I use this idea?)


    4. 3.2 How to take great literature notesCreate these notes whenever you find something valuable in the content you consume. You can take literature notes from books, podcasts, articles, online courses, videos, or even conversations.There are three rules for taking literature notes: make them brief, use your own words, and note bibliographic references.


    5. Networked thinking includes interactions and relationships between thoughts. Connecting notes leads to new ideas and better ways of thinking. As you will see in some minutes, the Roamkasten has an inbuilt feature (tagging and bi-directional linking) that will help you make more connections between individual thoughts. Thereby, you create a larger web of ideas.


    6. 3) Networked instead of hierarchical note-taking. The problem with traditional note-taking approaches (even with apps such as Notion or Evernote) is the linear structure. Ideas get locked in a folder and, with time, are forgotten. With the Zettelkasten, it’s different.As Luhmann writes: “Given this technique, it is less important where we place a new note. If there are several possibilities, we can solve the problem as we wish and just record the connection by a link or reference.”
