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  1. Nov 2015
    1. This article was referenced by "Brutally Hard Math Is Its Own Reward" on Friday, August 18 2006.

    2. This article was referenced by "Book review: Perfect Rigor" on Tuesday, January 12 2010.

    3. This article was referenced by "An equation for controversy" on Friday, August 25 2006.

    4. This article was referenced by "Grigori Perelman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" on Tuesday, August 22 2006.

    5. This article was referenced by "Clay Research Conference 2010 - Paris" on Sunday, June 13 2010.

    6. This article was referenced by "Agol's Virtual Haken Theorem (part 1)" on Monday, March 26 2012.

    7. This article was referenced by "Russian mathematician rejects $1 million prize" on Thursday, July 1 2010.

    8. This article was referenced by "Manifold Destiny" on Monday, August 28 2006.

    9. This article was referenced by "Is Math a Young Man's Game?" on Friday, May 16 2003.

    10. This article was referenced by "Roadmap to learning about Ricci Flow?" on Saturday, August 9 2014.

    11. This article was referenced by "Bill Thurston « What’s new" on Friday, August 31 2012.

    12. This article was referenced by "Poincaré conjecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" on Sunday, June 18 2006.

    13. This article was referenced by "Geometrization conjecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" on Wednesday, November 8 2006.

    14. This article was referenced by "Slashdot | Government Makes NIH Research Open Access" on Thursday, December 27 2007.

    15. This article was referenced by "What is the most difficult scientific paper?" on Wednesday, October 1 2014.

    16. This article was referenced by "Roadmap to learning about Ricci Flow?" on Saturday, August 9 2014.

    1. This article was referenced by "reference request for essential equivalence of top. groupoids" on Sunday, September 23 2012.

    2. This article was referenced by "Learning higher differential geometry" on Tuesday, June 3 2014.

    3. This article was referenced by "Learning higher differential geometry" on Tuesday, June 3 2014.

    4. This article was referenced by "Is there a good notion of morphism between orbifolds?" on Saturday, December 14 2013.

    5. This article was referenced by "Diffeology as a sheaf on the site of smooth manifolds" on Tuesday, August 5 2014.

    6. This article was referenced by "Large Smooth Categories | The n-Category Café" on Friday, June 29 2007.

    7. This article was referenced by "Grothendieck topology for a non-small category" on Wednesday, January 23 2013.

    8. This article was referenced by "Diffeology as a sheaf on the site of smooth manifolds" on Tuesday, August 5 2014.

    1. This article was referenced by "Quiver reps and vector 2-bundles" on Monday, August 29 2005.

    2. This article was referenced by "Seminar on 2-Vector Bundles and Elliptic Cohomology, I" on Thursday, February 23 2006.

    3. This article was referenced by "Seminar on 2-Vector Bundles and Elliptic Cohomology, I" on Thursday, February 23 2006.

    4. This article was referenced by "Seminar on 2-Vector Bundles and Elliptic Cohomology, I" on Monday, February 6 2006.

    5. This article was referenced by "Seminar on 2-Vector Bundles and Elliptic Cohomology, I" on Thursday, February 2 2006.

    6. This article was referenced by "good covers and simplicial maps" on Monday, March 19 2012.

    7. This article was referenced by "This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 197)" on Monday, September 5 2005.

    8. This article was referenced by "Whose 2-Vector Spaces? | The n-Category Café" on Friday, June 29 2007.

    9. This article was referenced by "Seminar on 2-Vector Bundles and Elliptic Cohomology, I" on Monday, February 6 2006.

    1. This article was referenced by "Cantor's theorem for presheaves?" on Sunday, December 21 2014.

    2. This article was referenced by "Applications of Lawvere's fixed point theorem" on Friday, May 15 2015.

    3. This article was referenced by "Classical vs Quantum Computation (Week 8)" on Thursday, November 30 2006.

    4. This article was referenced by "Is there a general setting for self-reference?" on Thursday, September 23 2010.

    5. This article was referenced by "Applications of Lawvere's fixed point theorem" on Sunday, May 18 2014.

    6. This article was referenced by "Fixed point theorems" on Wednesday, April 10 2013.

    7. This article was referenced by "What are some deep theorems, and why are they considered deep?" on Wednesday, February 25 2015.