10,000 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. This article was referenced by "Moerdijk on Orbifolds, II" on Wednesday, February 1 2006.

    2. This article was referenced by "Learning higher differential geometry" on Tuesday, June 3 2014.

    3. This article was referenced by "Kapranov and Ganter on 2-Characters" on Monday, February 27 2006.

    4. This article was referenced by "Learning higher differential geometry" on Tuesday, June 3 2014.

    5. This article was referenced by "Is there a Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem for orbifolds?" on Wednesday, January 26 2011.

    6. This article was referenced by "The Principle of General Tovariance | The n-Category Café" on Saturday, December 1 2007.

    7. This article was referenced by "Is there a good notion of morphism between orbifolds?" on Friday, December 13 2013.

    8. This article was referenced by "Examples of Simplicial Groupoids in Nature" on Sunday, December 25 2011.

    9. This article was referenced by "Moerdijk on Orbifolds, III" on Wednesday, February 1 2006.

    10. This article was referenced by "Looking for an introduction to orbifolds" on Saturday, October 24 2009.

    11. This article was referenced by "Moerdijk on Orbifolds, III" on Wednesday, February 1 2006.

    12. This article was referenced by "When are $k$-sectors of a Lie groupoid a manifold?" on Tuesday, October 16 2012.

    1. This article was referenced by "Is there a relative version of Tannakian reconstruction?" on Saturday, March 13 2010.

    2. This article was referenced by "Module categories over $Rep(G)$." on Tuesday, January 5 2010.

    3. This article was referenced by "The Brauer Groupoid « Secret Blogging Seminar" on Thursday, August 12 2010.

    4. This article was referenced by "Klein 2-Geometry VII | The n-Category Café" on Saturday, December 1 2007.

    5. This article was referenced by "Bimodules, Adjunctions and the Internal Hom, Part II" on Tuesday, January 3 2006.

    6. This article was referenced by "Dilemma: Fusion space from a direct sum of anyons or NOT" on Sunday, April 26 2015.

    7. This article was referenced by "Bimodules, Adjunctions and the Internal Hom, Part II" on Tuesday, January 3 2006.

    8. This article was referenced by "Bimodules, Adjunctions and the Internal Hom, Part I" on Monday, January 2 2006.