949 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Table 3 shows loadings for the first three components.

      We should discuss and analyze this further. What's a reasonable interpretation? How much of the variation do each of these explain?

    2. The table above already looks a bit worrying: typically no more than half of our evaluators’ midpoints fall within their co-evaluator’s 90% credible interval

      I'd like to dig into this to find some specific instances. Are these all the 'real CIs' and not the ones we imputed from the earlier likert CI data?

    3. Krippendorff's Alpha

      Some comparison numbers would also be helpful. I asked chatgpt

      give some comparison alpha's from other contexts to help understand this measure


      Krippendorff's alpha is used across a variety of disciplines to measure inter-rater reliability. Below are some examples from different contexts to provide a point of reference for interpreting the values in your data:

      1. Content Analysis (Media Studies):
      2. A typical Krippendorff's alpha for coding reliability in content analysis (e.g., categorizing themes in media) might range from 0.6 to 0.8. Values below 0.67 are often considered insufficient for drawing strong conclusions, though thresholds can vary depending on the field. For example, a study evaluating news articles might report an alpha around 0.7.

      3. Healthcare (Medical Diagnostics):

      4. In medical diagnostics, particularly in assessments involving subjective judgment (e.g., radiology, pathology), alpha values are expected to be relatively high—often above 0.75. An alpha of 0.8 or higher is often considered acceptable for diagnostic consistency. For instance, a study on agreement among radiologists in interpreting mammograms might report an alpha of around 0.81.

      5. Education (Grading & Evaluation):

      6. In educational assessment, inter-rater reliability for grading essays or open-ended responses typically yields alphas in the range of 0.6 to 0.9, depending on the specificity of the rubric and training provided to raters. A study on grading consistency among multiple teachers might report an alpha of 0.65 to 0.75.

      7. Psychology (Behavioral Coding):

      8. In psychology, for tasks like coding behavior or assigning labels based on psychological interviews, Krippendorff’s alpha values of 0.4 to 0.6 are relatively common, but higher values (above 0.7) are preferred for more reliable and replicable findings. For example, coding nonverbal behaviors in therapy sessions might produce an alpha of 0.5.

      9. Social Science (Survey Coding):

      10. When coding open-ended survey responses, social science researchers often see alpha values ranging from 0.6 to 0.7, reflecting moderate agreement. An alpha of 0.65 might be reported in a study on the reliability of coding responses to survey questions about political preferences.

      11. Linguistics (Speech Annotation):

      12. In linguistics, particularly in tasks such as speech transcription or annotation, inter-rater reliability can vary widely depending on the complexity of the task. Alphas around 0.7 are often considered acceptable. For example, a study transcribing dialectical variations in speech might report an alpha of 0.72.

      General Guidelines for Interpreting Krippendorff's Alpha:

      • >0.80: Strong agreement, generally considered acceptable for high-stakes decision-making.
      • 0.67 - 0.80: Moderate to strong agreement, often considered sufficient for exploratory studies or content analysis.
      • 0.50 - 0.67: Moderate agreement, acceptable in some fields, but may require more consistency for high-stakes or formal evaluations.
      • <0.50: Low agreement, indicates significant variability in ratings; further training or clarification of criteria may be needed.

      Comparison to Your Data:

      • Your highest alpha values (e.g., 0.804 for "gp_relevance" and 0.778 for "merits_journal") indicate strong agreement, similar to the reliability found in high-stakes fields like medical diagnostics or well-defined content analysis tasks.
      • The lower values (e.g., 0.271 for "adv_knowledge" and 0.134 for "methods") suggest substantial disagreement among evaluators. These values are below what would be considered acceptable in most research contexts, even for exploratory analysis, and might require addressing the clarity or consistency of evaluation criteria.

      These comparisons provide a framework for assessing where your data stands in relation to typical expectations in various research areas.

    4. pe=1/6. Krippendorff’s alpha is a widely accepted statistic that corrects for pe and also defines “agreement” appropriately for different levels of measurement.

      I think you are missing the basic characterization here ...

      1 indicates perfect agreement, 0 indicates no agreement beyond chance, and negative values indicate systematic disagreement.

    5. Krippendorf's alpha statistics for our quantitative measures. N = 21 papers, 39 evaluations.

      Do we have an interpretation of this? Are these high, low, reasonable?

      (By the way if you wanted to integrate this into a permanent dashboard you might not want to add a narrative about the actual values, but you could still add a general discussion of 'what is considered a high alpha')

    6. There is a single paper with three evaluations; adding this in would give us many missing values in the “third evaluation” column, and we’d have to use more advanced techniques to deal with these.

      We should find some way to integrate this in,. There's so little data it's a shame to drop these.

    7. we have many evaluators, each contributing only one or two evaluations.

      Very rarely 2. I'm guessing it's only about 10% repeat evaluators atm.

    8. So we need to adjust for the expected amount of agreement. To do this most measures use the marginal distributions of the ratings: in our example, a 1 in 6 chance of each number from 0 to 5, giving

      This seems like a wild oversimplification. This would be if they both gave uniformly distributed random ratings.

      A more reasonable baseline for 'meaningless ratings' would be something like "they both draw from give the underlying distribution of all papers, without using any information about the paper being rated itself." Perhaps some of the other statistics you mention get at this?

    9. Choosing a reliability statistic

      Is there any way to make these boxes foldable in the blog post format?

    10. Out of 342 confidence intervals, 0 were degenerate, 0 were uninformative and 7 were misspecified.

      We should look at this more closely.

      1. Which were misspecified? The newer interface actually doesn't permit this.

      2. As I noted above, some people simply refused to give CIs at all ... which is essentially giving a 'degenerate' interval

      3. For journal ranking tiers I'd still like to see the results in some way. If evaluators understood how we intended this measure to work, they should basically never give degenerate intervals.

    11. We also check if people straightline lower bounds of the credible intervals (0 straightliners) and upper bounds (0 straightliners).

      However, IIRC some people didn't give bounds on the CIs at all, or they gave meaningless bounds; maybe we dropped those bounds?

    12. Here are some things we might hope to learn from our data.

      You left out one thing I had suggested: Do evaluators with different attributes (country, field, anonymity choice) rate the papers differently? Again, this need not imply biases, but it might be suggestive.

    13. Do evaluators understand the questions in the same way? Are different evaluators of the same paper answering the “same questions” in their head? What about evaluators of different papers in different fields?

      Should we reference 'construal validity' here?

    14. About the data

      Can we give some links here to data and code? Even a setting to 'turn on the code' or some such? I like to do this for transparency and other reasons we've discussed.

      OK we do link the github repo -- maybe add a note about that, and about how to find the code that produces this blog for people who want to see/check?

    15. Warning: Duplicate rows found in ratings data.

      Do we want this to show here? Maybe some note to the reader is in order?

    16. Overall assessment: “Judge the quality of the research heuristically. Consider all aspects of quality, credibility, importance to knowledge production, and importance to practice.” Advancing our knowledge and practice: “To what extent does the project contribute to the field or to practice, particularly in ways that are relevant to global priorities and impactful interventions?…” Methods: Justification, reasonableness, validity, robustness: “Are the methods used well-justified and explained; are they a reasonable approach to answering the question(s) in this context? Are the underlying assumptions reasonable? Are the results and methods likely to be robust to reasonable changes in the underlying assumptions?…

      Formatting here: text is a bit bunched up, a bit harder to read

    1. Blog Posts

      I think the 'blog post' might be a bit buried here? Perhaps it should be made more prominent?

    1. The UnjournalJournal-independent peer review of research that informs global prioritiesUnjournal on PubPubSearch for contentLog in/sign upUJ homepageCompleted UJ evaluation packages

      I thing the spacing and fonts might be improved? Too much vertical space perhaps

    2. The UnjournalThe Unjournal seeks to make rigorous research more impactful and impactful research more rigorous. We encourage better research by making it easier for researchers to get feedback and credible ratings. We focus on quantitative work that informs global priorities, especially in economics, policy, and social science. We commission public journal-independent evaluation of hosted papers and dynamically presented projects. We publish evaluations, ratings, manager summaries, author responses, and links to evaluated research on this PubPub – to inform practitioners and other researchers.As the name suggests, we are not a journal. We don’t “publish”, i.e., we don’t claim ownership or host research. We don’t charge any fees. Instead, we offer an efficient, informative, useful, and transparent research evaluation system. You can visit Unjournal.org and our knowledge base for more details or contact us at contact@unjournal.org.

      Probably worth making this text punchier

  2. Jul 2024
    1. What’s the best way to measure individual wellbeing? What’s the best way to measure aggregate wellbeing for groups?

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions'

      By our above standards, this is far too broadly defined; however, there is a wealth of recent (empirical, theoretical, and methodological) work on this; some of which (e.g., ‘WELLBYs’) seems to be influencing the funding, policies and agendas at high-impact orgs. Elicit.org (free version) summarizes the findings from the ‘top-4’ recent papers:

      Recent research highlights the complexity of measuring wellbeing, emphasizing its multidimensional nature. Studies have identified inconsistencies in defining and measuring wellbeing among university students in the UK, with a focus on subjective experiences and mental health (Dodd et al., 2021). Global trends analysis reveals distinct patterns in flourishing across geography, time, and age, suggesting the need for comprehensive measures beyond single-item assessments (Shiba et al., 2022). Scholars argue for well-being indicators that capture physical, social, and mental conditions, as well as access to opportunities and resources (Lijadi, 2023). The concept of "Well-Being Capital" proposes integrating multidimensional wellbeing indicators with economic measures to better reflect a country's performance and inform public policy (Bayraktar, 2022). These studies collectively emphasize the importance of considering subjective experiences, cultural factors, and ecological embeddedness when measuring individual and aggregate wellbeing, moving beyond traditional economic indicators like GDP.

      This suggests a large set of more targeted questions, including conceptual questions, psychometric issues, normative economic theory, and empirical questions. But I also suspect that 80k and their funders would want to reframe this question in a more targetted way. They may be particularly interested in comparing a specific set of measures that they could actually source and use for making their decisions. They may be more focused on well-being measures that have been calibrated for individuals in extreme poverty, or suffering from painful diseases. They may only be interested in a small subset of theoretical concerns; perhaps only those that could be adapted to a cost-benefit framework.

      ^[Asking it to “...please focus on recent work in economics and decision theory, and measurements that have been used for low and middle-income countries.” yields [excerpted]

      Recent research … aim[s] to move beyond traditional economic indicators like GDP. The Global Index of Wellbeing (GLOWING) proposes a simple, meaningful measure using secondary ecological data (Elliott et al., 2017). The Multidimensional Wellbeing Index for Peru (MWI-P) incorporates 12 dimensions based on what people value, revealing disparities among subgroups (Clausen & Barrantes, 2022). Another approach suggests using the Condorcet median to aggregate non-comparable wellbeing facets into a robust ranking (Boccard, 2017). New methods for measuring welfare include stated preferences over aspects of wellbeing, life-satisfaction scales, and the WELLBY approach, as well as comprehensive frameworks like Bhutan's Gross National Happiness Index (Cooper et al., 2023).]

      This seems promising as the basis for a ‘research prioritization stream’. We would want to build a specific set of representative questions and applications as well as some counterexamples (‘questions we are less interested in’), and then we could make a specific drive to source and evaluate work in this area.

    2. When estimating the chance that now (or any given time) is a particularly pivotal moment in history, what is the best uninformative prior to update from? For example, see our podcast with Will MacAskill and this thread between Will MacAskill and Toby Ord for a discussion of the relative merits of using a uniform prior v. a Jeffreys prior.

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions' -- not quite operationalized but seems close to workable 5/10

    3. How frequent are supervolcanic eruptions and what size of eruption could cause a volcanic winter scenario? (Adapted from Toby Ord, The Precipice, Appendix F)

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions' -- operationalizable but out of our current scope.

    4. What’s the average lifespan of the most common species of wild animals? What percent die via various means

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions' -- operationalizable but out of our current scope.

    5. What’s the minimum viable human population (from the perspective of genetic diversity)? (Michael Aird, Crucial questions for longtermists)

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions' -- operationalizable but out of our current scope.

    6. What are the best existing methods for estimating the long-term benefit of past investments in scientific research, and what have they found? What new estimates should be conducted? (Adapted from Luke Muehlhauser (writing for Open Philanthropy), Technical and Philosophical Questions That Might Affect our Grantmaking)

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions'

      Reframe as ‘what has been the long term benefit {defined in terms of some specific measure} of investment in scientific research’ – 6/10 as reframed

    7. E.g. does creatine actually increase IQ in vegetarians?

      [The “e.g.”, is 9/10 although it’s on the borderline of our scope]

    8. E.g. does creatine actually increase IQ in vegetarians?

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions'

      The “e.g.”, is 9/10 although it’s on the borderline of our scope

    9. How well does good forecasting ability transfer across domains?

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions'

      Could be operationalized ... what measure of ability, which domains (or how to define this?)


    10. Will AI come to be seen as the one of the most strategically important parts of the modern economy, warranting massive state support and intervention?

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions'

      Could this be operationalized? 3/10

    11. Could advances in AI lead to risks of very bad outcomes, like suffering on a massive scale? Is it the most likely source of such risks? (Adapted from Michael Aird, Crucial questions for longtermists)

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions' ‘Could’ is vague. ‘Very bad outcomes’ needs a precise measure. Reframe as ~‘what is the increase in the risk of {specific VBO} as a function of the level of AI progress {specifically defined}.


    12. How much do global issues differ in how cost-effective the most cost-effective interventions within them are?

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions'

      ‘Global issues’ is vague; we need more specific categorizations. Cost-effectiveness needs a metric –


    13. long-term rate of expropriation of financial investments? How does this vary as investments grow larger? (Michael Aird, Crucial questions for longtermists)

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions'

      This is fairly definite, although it’s not clear what the precise motivation is here.


    14. What is the effect of economic growth on existential risk? How desirable is economic growth after accounting for this and any other side effects that might be important from a longtermist perspective? (See a recent paper by Leopold Aschenbrenner for some initial work on this question.)

      Unjournal 'pivotal questions' -- Needs some refinement – what measure of growth, what units of x-risk, etc.


  3. May 2024
    1. Note: The figures in this report are from our February 2024 cost-effectiveness analysis. Our estimates change over time as we gather new information and update our analysis, and so the numbers in this report may not exactly match those in our most recent cost-effectiveness analysis (available here).

      could they make these reports dynamic ?

    2. We adjust for this risk in our analysis (reducing our estimate of vaccine efficacy by around 20%).

      These ad-hoc adjustments seem particular sketchy and this ripe for critique and a more systematic approach

    3. Proportion of children enrolled who would be vaccinated in the absence of New Incentives’ program (more)

      The hover content is helpful

    4. We use a cost-effectiveness analysis to quantify our reasoning. Here is a summary of our analysis, using one state, Bauchi, as an example.

      The linked Google sheet is hard to parse and hard to read. This makes it less than fully transparent. E.g., the columns are frozen in a way that you can barely navigate the by-region columns.

      Linking something people can't use doesn't add transparency, it just wastes people's attention. If you feel the need put these links at the bottom, in a 'data section' or something. Anyone who wants to dig into it will need to do so as part of a separate and intensive exercise -- not just a glance while reading this. At least that's my impression.

      But also note that a code notebook based platform can be far more manageable for the reader.

    5. New Incentives (Conditional Cash Transfers to Increase Infant Vaccination)

      I think all reports should have an 'update date' prominently listed. OK it says 'April' below

  4. Apr 2024
    1. In both cases the estimated effects are very small and not statistically distinguishable from zero

      But can they actively rule out a substantial effect ... equivalence test. I see some positive effects. Maybe it is just underpowered.

    2. we focus on pre-trends

      Is this the usual pre-trend diagnostic for DiD?

    3. Vote Switching Before Area B

      I want to see the voting levels by group

    4. Hence, in this case, Diesel-Euro5 car owners constitute a “fake” treatment group

      robustness tests -- what are some other 'fake' control groups?

    5. The null result on the Democratic Party is particularly interesting, as it suggests that voters did not penalize the party of the incumbent mayor, who was directly accountable for the introduction of the traffic ban.

      But I suspect they might have reported this result as supporting their hypothesis. Thus a multiple comparison test seems appropriate.

    6. 27 Our findings are robust to restricting the control group to Diesel-Euro5 owners only, and to controlling for the number of kilometers driven per year, as well as for the frequency of car use (see Supplementary Tables SI-8–SI-10, respectively).

      they did some reasonable robustness checks. What about restricting it to all Diesel cars?

    7. substantively sizable shift considering that the baseline rate of support for Lega in the sample was 24.4%. Put differently, owning a car affected by the vehicle ban raised the probability of voting for Lega in the subsequent elections by 55% ab

      I'm surprised it's so large ... hmmm

    8. Table 2. Voting for Lega in EU Elections of 2019

      a key first table of results. Looks like a linear probability model, here.

    9. Our main dependent variable is an indicator that takes the value 1 if the respondent reports voting for Lega, and 0 otherwise. We also investigate potential treatment effects on support for other parties. In particular, to assess potential anti-incumbent effects, we examine support for the Democratic Party, the party of the city’s mayor.

      That would be other plausible outcomes?

      Any good way to correct for multiple comparisons here?

    10. we do not know the exact timing of the disbursement, that is, whether the compensation was actually received by the time the EU elections took place.Footnote 25 In other words, our indicator variable equals 1 if the respondent has received compensation at any point in time prior to the survey (January 2021), and zero otherwise

      so it should understate the effecgt

    11. eassuringly, earlier studies (e.g., Colantone and Stanig Reference Colantone and Stanig2018) show that individuals with these characteristics tend to be less likely to support a radical-right party such as Lega. Hence, the composition of the treatment group should in fact work against finding a pro-Lega effect of the policy.Footnote

      Hmm... Note that the treated group is also more male. But I don't think any of this matters after you control for these demographics, so their comment is misguided.

      OK this is probably something we can ignore.

    12. Table 1 compares the characteristics of the different groups of car owners in terms of their age, gender, education, and income.

      to do: I would want to see a table including vote shares here

    13. specifications of the following form:(1)

      Leading robustness check suggestion: The key outcome variable is a percentage of the vote total, I guess. But the treated and groups may have started from a different baseline level of voting. If the true model is nonlinear, the results here may be misleading. E.g., suppose the true effect on voting was the same for both groups as a percentage of the initial vote. Or suppose the impacts have diminishing returns, a sort of ceiling effect.

      Other possible robustness checks ... what are some other plausible forms? Car type random effects? Limit analysis to diesel only? Euro-5 only?

      Use demographic controls differently (?interact with a random effect or something?) Note, this DiD does not involve any time difference.

    14. As another type of control group, we also interviewed 303 owners of new cars in the Euro6 category (both Diesel and Petrol). These car owners serve as a useful placebo test, for reasons we detail below.

      the 'placebo test' -- Possible robustness test: what if we made them part of the control group?

    15. Starting in April 2019, city residents affected by the ban could apply for compensation from the Municipality of Milan.Footnote 12 The initial 2019 call for compensation was open only to low-income car owners (i.e., with an adjusted household income below €25,000 per year, or €28,000 if aged 65+). In the next year, the income criterion was dropped, and hence the call was effectively open to all residents

      compensation scheme

    16. aim is to compare owners of affected cars to owners of relatively similar-yet-unaffected cars.Footnote 10 Specifically, our treatment group will consist of owners of Diesel-Euro4 cars, while the control group will consist of Petrol-Euro4, Diesel-Euro5, and Petrol-Euro5 car owners.Footnote

      Possible robustness test: compare other plausible vehicle treatment and control groups

    17. The policy identifies the most polluting categories of vehicles and bans them from accessing and circulating within the area.

      the policy

    18. seem to

      "seem to" is vague

    19. If anything, affected car owners exhibited slightly more environment-friendly attitudes.

      I guess they mean 'after the policy these people became relatively more environmentally friendly'

    20. was even larger

      Check: significantly larger?

    21. owners of banned cars were 13.5 percentage points more likely to vote for Lega in the European Parliament elections of 2019

      main claim, quantified

    22. close to zero and well below statistical significance.

      But how big a violation is 'substantial enough to matter' here?

    23. owners of banned vehicles—who incurred a median loss of €3,750—were significantly more likely to vote for Lega in the subsequent elections

      In the paper, they are basically making the stronger claim that "this policy CAUSED these people to vote for Lega". That's the argument behind their discontinuity DiD approach .

    24. we exploit arbitrary discontinuities in the rules dictating the car models that would be covered by the ban and employ a difference-in-differences estimation to identify the policy’s effect on voting behavior.

      The DiD approach

    25. the electoral impact of the introduction of the Area B ban.

      the thing they want to measure

    26. original survey with a targeted sampling design that we conducted among residents of Milan. The survey collected detailed information about respondents’ car ownership, environmental views, and political behavior.

      the data

    27. In line with this pattern, recipients of compensation from the local government were not more likely to switch to Lega.

      A claim of a 'null finding' (bounded or just underpowered?) And is the difference significant?

    28. indicates that this electoral change did not stem from a broader shift against environmentalism, but rather from disaffection with the policy’s uneven pocketbook implications.

      A secondary claim

  5. Mar 2024
  6. static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
    1. AI-concerned think the risk that a genetically engineered pathogen will killmore than 1% of people within a 5-year period before 2100 is 12.38%, while the AIskeptics forecast a 2% chance of that event, with 96% of the AI-concerned abovethe AI skeptics’ median forecast

      this seems like a sort of ad-hoc way of breaking up the data. What exactly is the question here, and why is this the best way to answer it?

    2. hose who did best on reciprocal scoring had lower forecasts ofextinction risk.72 We separately compare each forecaster’s forecast of others’ forecasts on ten key questions, for both expertsand superforecasters. We rank each forecaster’s accuracy on those 20 quantities relative to other participants,and then we compute each forecaster’s average rank to calculate an overall measure of intersubjective accuracy.73 This may be because superforecasters are a more homogenous group, who regularly interact with eachother outside of forecasting tournaments like this.74 Pavel Atanasov et al., “Full Accuracy Scoring Accelerates the Discovery of Skilled Forecasters,” SSRN WorkingPaper, (February 14, 2023), http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4357367.

      This seems visually the case, but I don't see metrics or statistical inference here.

    3. ithin both groups—experts and superforecasters—more accurate reciprocalscores were correlated with lower estimates of catastrophic and extinction risk. Inother words, the better experts were at discerning what other people would predict,the less concerned they were about extinction

      But couldn't this just be because people who think there is high Xrisk think others are likely to think like themselves? Is it more finely grained 'better reciprocal accuracy' than that?

    4. otal Catastrophic Risk

      The differences in the total x-risk are not quite so striking-- about 2:1 vs 6:1 What accounts for this? Hmm, this look different from the 'Total Extinction risk' in table 4. Here a notebook would be helpful. Ahh, it's because this is for catastrophic risk, not extinction risk.

    5. First, we can rule out the possibility that experts can’t persuade others of the severityof existential risks simply because of a complete lack of sophistication, motivation,or intelligence on the part of their audience. The superforecasters have all thosecharacteristics, and they continue to assign much lower chances than do experts.

      This paragraph seems a bit loosely argued.

    6. Question and resolution details

      They seem to have displayed the questions along with particular “Prior Forecasts” — is that appropriate? Could that be driving the persistent difference between the superforecasters and experts?

    7. general x-riskexperts

      What are 'general x-risk experts'? Give some examples.

    8. The median participant who completedthe tournament earned $2,500 in incentives, but this figure is expected to rise asquestions resolve in the coming years.

      fairly substantial incentives ... but it may have been time consuming; how many hours did it take?... and how much variation was there in the incentive pay/how sensitive was it to the predictions?

    9. with 111completing all stages of the tournament

      Would this attrition matter?

    10. Participants made individual forecasts2. Teams comprised entirely of either superforecasters or experts deliberated andupdated their forecasts3. Blended teams from the second stage, consisting of one superforecaster team andone expert team, deliberated and updated their forecasts4. Each team saw one wiki summarizing the thinking of another team and againupdated their forecasts

      with incentives for accuracy (or 'intersubjective' accuracy) at each stage, or only at the very end? Aldo incentives for making strong comments and (?) convincing others/

    11. We also advertised broadly, reaching participants withrelevant experience via blogs and Twitter. We received hundreds of expressions ofinterest in participating in the tournament, and we screened these respondents forexpertise, offering slots to respondents with the most expertise after a review of theirbackgrounds.1

      Recruitment of experts.

    12. We explained that after the tournament we would show the highest-qualityanonymized rationales (curated by independent readers) to panels of online surveyparticipants who would make forecasts before and after reading the rationale. Prizesgo to those whose rationales helped citizens update their forecasts toward greateraccuracy, using both proper scoring rules for resolvable questions and intersubjectiveaccuracy for unresolvable questions.21

      Is this approach valid? Would it give powerful incentives to be persuasive? What is are these rationales used for? Note that 'intersubjective accuracy' is not a ground truth for the latter questions.

    13. One common challenge in forecasting tournaments is to uncover the reasoningbehind predictions.

      How does this 'uncover the reasoning behind predictions'?

    14. scoring ground rules: questions resolving by 2030were scored using traditional forecasting metrics where the goal was to minimize thegap between probability judgments and reality (coded as zero or one as a function ofthe outcome). However, for the longer-run questions, participants learned that theywould be scored based on the accuracy of their reciprocal forecasts: the better theypredicted what experts and superforecasters would predict for each question, thebetter their score.

      Is the 'reciprocal scoring' rule likely to motivate honest (incentive-compatible) predictions? Is it likely to generate useful information in this context?

    15. When we report probabilities of long-run catastrophic andexistential risk in this report, we report forecasters’ own (unincentivized) beliefs. But,we rely on the incentivized forecasts to calculate measures of intersubjective accuracy

      This is a bit confusing. The language needs clarification. What exactly is 'intersubjective accuracy'?

    16. the XPT:• What will be the global surface temperature change as compared to 1850–1900, indegrees Celsius? (By 2030, 2050, 2100)• By what year will fusion reactors deliver 1% of all utility-scale power consumed inthe U.S.?• How much will be spent on compute [computational resources] in the largest AIexperiment? (By 2024, 2030, 2050)• What is the probability that artificial intelligence will be the cause of death, within a5-year period, for more than 10% of humans alive at the beginning of that period?(By 2030, 2050, 2100)• What is the overall probability of human extinction or a reduction in the globalpopulation below 5,000? (By 2030, 2050, 2100)18 Participants also consented to participate in this study, via the University of Pennsylvania’s InstitutionalReview Board. The consent form detailed the format of the study.19 We define a catastrophic event as one causing the death of at least 10% of humans alive at the beginning ofa five-year period. We define extinction as reduction of the global population to less than 5,000.

      I appreciate these links to the full question content.

  7. Dec 2023
    1. feed these motivations through several potential mechanism

      I don't see the connection to household bargaining here

    2. conflict environments can also exacerbate existing gender-basedinequalities or challenge traditional gender roles in a society

      This seems logically incoherent. Why would conflict challenge gender roles? And if the opposite, why would greater inequality (favoring men, I guess) make them want to resort to violence to 'reassert' their power?

    3. establishment of peace in the public space has substantial positive spillover effects in enhancingwomen’s well-being in the private space

      relevant to prioritization

    4. Therefore, we identify the population average treatment effect (PATE) ofarmed combat exposure

      whole population or only 90%?

    5. Probing the mechanisms, our analysis first renders the use of violence as an instrumental behavior in intrahousehold bargaining as an unlikely mechanism by eliminating labor market outcomes and economic- and social-controlling behaviors from the list of usual suspects.

      This sentence is confusing. And why would I expect that 'violence ... [for[ intrahousehold bargaining' would be particularly driven by having been assigned to a conflict zone?

    1. Usage

      I think you need to explain a possible workflow here. E.g.,

      1. Open the tex, markdown, etc. file in a text editor
      2. Apply the suggested suggestions using the above syntax and save it with a different name
      3. Use the 'suggs' tools below to manage this

      Or 1. Open the old.txt (tex, markdown, etc. file) in a text editor 2. Just make your suggested changes (and comments?) and save it as new.txt, don't use the syntax 3. Use the utility 'suggs diff' to make a third file that highlights these suggestions (what is the name of the new file? do I need to pipe it into something?)

      Also, would you want to have this syntax and style of suggs mapped for key text editors for syntax highlighting and maybe shortcut keys?

    2. Create a suggestions file from the difference between old.txt and new.txt: suggs diff old.txt new.txt

      I'm curious how this will work -- who does it attribute the changes to?

    3. To review suggestions:

      Can you signpost or tease whether this will be done manually or whether there will be suggested shortcut keys etc?

    4. The original text, ++[your suggested addition,]++

      why two "+" signs and not just one?

    5. The handle must start with @ and must be the last word:

      See above suggestion about how people grok the "@". I suggest --David or something like this instead... maybe even three dashes to avoid confusion with actual double-dash content.

    6. You can sign the comment with a @handle as the last word.

      "@" always makes me think you are flagging the OTHER guy ... and you expect it alerts them somehow. Maybe a double dash instead?

      %%[ This clarifies the argument, right, @stephen? --Reinstein ]%%

    7. To make a comment, enclose it in %%[ and [%%:

      Typo -- close bracket

    8. ke this: The original text, ++[your suggested addition,]++ and more text.

      Formatting of this documentation file -- I can barely see the text in those boxes ... make the boxes taller

  8. static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
    1. 3. How the XPT works

      A web site/wiki thing with dynamic explanations seems better for this section

    2. 1.33% [0.17,

      tables should be forematted better

    3. The median is straightforward tocalculate, transparent, robust to extreme outlying observations, and understandableto people with a basic knowledge of statistics. Also, reassuringly, it is never thehighest nor the lowest of the five methods we considered as potential aggregationmethods. For these reasons, we think the median provides an ideal middle ground foraggregating forecasts in this project.

      This seems very much ad-hoc and not meant for a specialist audience. There is a whole literature on this, and much more theoretically grounded approaches, as you know. The justification given here is rather incomplete.

    4. otal Extinction Risk

      This stuff could be better presented as a dashboard/hosted Quarto type thing

    5. bold claims that attract audiences and funding—and to keep their predictions vagueenough so they can never be proven wrong.

      this seems somewhat contradictory

    6. Some have argued more broadl

      if this were a part of the project being evaluated we would ask for a reference here ('who are these people?'). But maybe OK for exec. summary.

    7. I"m not sure a pdf is the best format for this. I suspect more interactive web presentation would be better

  9. Nov 2023
    1. Do ‘broad’ approaches to improving effective governance, and ultimately serving the farfuture, tend to be more or less effective in expectation than ‘narrow’ approaches (such asworking on reducing the risk of bioengineered pandemics)?

      A very big question -- would be helpful to pose some possible building blocks to answering this question that gives people a hint at how to take a stab at it.

    2. How can evidence be disseminated mosteffectively?

      Disseminate: By whom, to whom, with what theory of change/path to impact?

    3. Under what conditions should a social planner preserve ‘option value’ bydelaying an important, irreversible decision to acquire more information, thereby delegatingdecision-making authority to future agents with potentially different values and preferences(cf. Bishop 1982; Dixit and Pindyck 1994)?

      To me this seems distinct from the rest of the bullet point

    4. hen et al 2023; Toma andBell 2023

      biblio entries missing

    5. Intergenerational governance and policy-making

      It's unclear whether we are talking about A. "intergenerational governance and international policymaking" or

      B. "1. International governance and 2. Policymaking in general".

      The latter bullet points and cited papers (e.g., Vivalt and Coville) do not seem to always relate to intergenerational governance

    6. Vivalt, Coville, KC 2023

      This seems relevant for The Unjournal's consideration/evaluation (but this may fall into the 'ask authors' permission' category). It is empirical and apparently rigorously quantitative and seems highly-relevant to policymaking and impact evaluation research, and influencing policy, all crucial to 'the impact agenda'. Hopefully also follows open, robust science standards (prereg, etc.).

    7. Gonzalez-Ricoy and Gosseries 2017

      biblio entry missing

    8. Can we design mechanisms to ensure that AI systems exhibit desirable behavioursuch as truth-telling or a lack of deception?

      Perhaps this should be elaborated and defined somewhat more formally. Reference a particular issue in mechanism design here that is particularly relevant to AI systems, perhaps.

    9. govern powerful non-state entities

      I'm not sure what is meant by 'powerful non-state entities' here. This seems under-defined.

    10. inequalities,

      political inequalities?

    11. Read and Toma, 2023

      biblio entry missing. Would be useful to know what this one is.

    12. Song et al 2012)

      biblio missing

    13. Healy and Malhorta 2009
    14. economic models predict the impact of advancedAI systems on political institutions and inequalities

      A reference would be very helpful here. It's hard for me to see what sort of economic models are relevant here.

    15. (Acemoglu, 2023

      biblio missing. This seem potentially relevant for an Unjournal evaluation, although we tend not to focus on 'broad think piece' work, which this might be

    16. Bersiroglu andErdil, 2023

      biblio entry missing

    17. Shulman, C., & Thornley, E. (2023). How Much Should Governments Pay to Prevent Catastrophes? Longtermism'sLimited Role. In Barratt, Greaves, Thorstad (eds.) Essays on Longtermism.

      interesting but probably not quantitative/formally specific enough for The Unjournal

    18. Alexandrie and Eden, forthcoming

      biblio missing

    19. E.g. Jordà et al. 2022

      not sure this is getting at 'long run' in the sense that longtermists care about

    20. ased on the historical record of such events, what is the tail distributionof harmful impacts (e.g., fatalities) from pandemics, asteroids, wars, and other potentialdisasters? (E.g. Marani 2021;

      not really economics but that's not so important

    21. Aschenbrenner2019

      biblio entry missing

    22. 2023

      This is mainly about the welfare tradeoff between economic growth and x-risk in a theoretical sense; I don't think it's about the 'impact of growth on GCRs' per se

    23. Klenow et al. 2023

      biblio entry missing

    24. To what extent are forecasting methods informative for assessing the probability of globalcatastrophic risks and other future events of special importance for social welfare? (Karger

      empirical and seems very relevant and strong; adding it to the Unjournal database

    25. Karger, E., Rosenberg, J., Jacobs, Z., Hickman, M., Hadshar, R., Gamin, K., ... & Tetlock, P. E. (2023). ForecastingExistential Risks Evidence from a Long-Run Forecasting Tournament. FRI Working Paper No. 1.
    26. Kalai & Kalai 2001)

      biblio entry missing

    27. Andreoni 2018

      this is a practical applied policy paper that seems informative for donors considering their own charity decisionmaking

    28. 1.1 Strategic issues in altruistic decision

      they largely mention theory papers (micro theory, optimization, axiomatic/normative), not empirical work here

    29. (cf.Andreoni & Payne 2003)

      The Andreoni and Payne paper is about the government crowdout of private philanthropy (there are a bunch of papers about this), not about the reverse nor about crowding out among donors.

    30. Whatdetermines the optimal spending schedule for altruistic decision-makers?

      Practically speaking, this seems largely about the impact of interventions (funded by charity) over time; however it does connect with donors' to the extent it involves personal finance and issues like value drift.

      OK but the Trammell paper is addressing something different -- coordination in a public goods provision model.

    31. n altruistic decision-maker that funds a charitable intervention may crowd out fundingfrom other actors (e.g., governments or philanthropists)

      I might add a related issue -- decisions to give to one charity may crowd out other donations; the extent to which this is the case ('donations are substitutes') informs strategies for convincing people to give 'more effectively' vs 'give to effective causes.' See my notes: https://daaronr.github.io/ea_giving_barriers/chapters/substitution.html

    32. Research agenda draft for GPI Economics

      Does anyone know if this is the most updated statement of GPI’s economics agenda?

      “Economics ‘draft agenda’” Anyone know when it was updated?

  10. Oct 2023
    1. single chat requests: chatgpt_single()

      chatgpt_single(prompt_role = 'user', prompt_content = 'say something relevant' , temperature = 0.8 , n = 2 , max_tokens = 15)

      n = 2 -- 2 responses max_tokens = 15 ... maybe it means 'try 15 times' to get the best 2 from

      prompt_role = 'user' -- just ask a question for the gpt ('assistant') to respond. I'm not sure why it would make sense for single chat requests to choose the role 'system' or 'assistant' as this wouldn't persist (?)

    1. ecause military shocks generate plausibly exogenous variationin economic production, the findings improve upon the correlational evidence in Section 3.Second, the implied biodiversity-GDP elasticities from the quasi-experiment are largerthan their OLS counterparts. By leveraging shocks in a 2SLS setting, the quasi-experiment-based elasticity estimates alleviate classic measurement error and endogeneity problems.However, the fact that the two methods produce elasticities of similar order of magnitudeadds confidence to the overall credibility of the estimates.

      are they ignoring the heterogeneity and "LATE" issue?

    2. states’relative differences in response to aggregate military buildups (which are themselves largelydriven by geopolitical factors) – are unlikely to be correlated with unobservable determinantsof local biodiversity. That is, we assume the United States will not increase national mili-tary spending because states that receive larger military procurement contracts have worsebiodiversity

      but couldn't both of these be driven by a third factor ... the state is less environmentally friendly. or maybe I am missing something

    3. First, we producecausal estimates of the elasticities between biodiversity outcomes and air pollution. We use aresearch design that isolates variation in local pollution driven by transported pollution fromdistant, upwind cities (e.g., Deryugina et al., 2019; Anderson, 2020). We show that “upwindpollution” coming from areas over 300 km away generates substantial variation in local airquality, and these imported pollution shocks cause reductions in local biodiversity outcomes.Second, we estimate the impact of the military spending shocks on air pollution, and multiplythese estimates by the biodiversity-pollution elasticities we obtain from step one. Together,these exercises give us the expected impact of the military shocks on biodiversity throughair pollution. We find that pollution accounts for 20-60 percent of the reduced form effect ofmilitary shocks, suggesting air pollution is a first-order pathway underlying the production-biodiversity link

      have they successfully shown this 'mediation' channel ... with 2 separate sources of exogenous variation? (That's always very challenging to identify)

    4. Second, there is substantial distributional heterogeneity, where the negativeassociation at the lowest decile of biodiversity is almost twice as large as the average.

      But could this reflect something mechanical like a nonlinearity?

  11. Aug 2023
  12. Jul 2023
    1. We are now planning a further update in response to additional comments (e.g., from James Snowden and GiveWell). We expect this will include updating our analysis with recently completed studies  and refining some technical aspects of the analysis, including:Our systematic review, and the weight we place on different sources of evidenceEstimated spillover benefits for household membersCost estimatesTechnical details, such as:How long do the effects of psychotherapy last?How important is the expertise of the deliverer or number of sessions?Are the effects of psychotherapy affected by publication bias?

      This seems extremely high-value and potentially ideal for the Unjournal's non-academic stream. Ryan 'had this in mind too'

    2. but longtermists often claim priorities such as AI alignment and preventing pandemics are important, even if we solely consider present wellbeing, so we shouldn’t dismiss the possibility.

      I don't see how this argues against the 'suspicious convergence' claim... OK, I see Jack Malde's comment now, which basically gets at my doubts here.

    3. we have a full list of research ideas that we hope to explore

      this is the list you linked above under 'organizations'. fwiw it's an interesting list but it's very sparsely populated (most columns have a name only). Some fleshing out and ranking/prioritizing could be helpful here.

    4. If such views are true, that would count against longtermism

      I don't see this as a promising research agenda. My sense of it is that it is pretty intractable. (I'm not saying if it is true/false/wrong/right, just that I am not sure if there will be a lot of practical value in pursuing it? OK I see some approaches that might be helpful, if one has a tractible way to model welfare considerations with PAV it might win some people over.)

    5. credible cause for longtermists.

      'cause' or indirect instrumental goal?

    6. We’ve published two working papers on moral uncertainty: The property rights approach to moral uncertainty and Wheeling and dealing: An internal bargaining approach to moral uncertainty, which both explore a novel, bargaining-based approach to acting when you’re uncertain what’s morally right. (This is very roughly akin to the ‘moral parliament’ approach.) We’re currently working with two external  co-authors  on a new paper that combines these ideas, which we plan to publish in an academic journal.

      Potential relevant to #unjournalresearchprioritization, depending on the approach

    7. 5.1 Using WELLBYs to compare the value of extending lives against improving lives

      Somewhat relevant to #unjournalresearchprioritization

    8. Although unlikely, we may also do some work relating to animal welfare; a challenge is that we prefer to rely on self-reports, which animals can’t give.

      this could be relevant for Unjournal. How unlikely? If it's so unlikely, why mention it?

    9. Assess the social desirability bias and other self-reporting biases in SWB data (for example: Do people give answers surveyors want? Is it a problem? If so, can anything be done?)Explore whether the measure of SWB matters (for example, if the key outcome is happiness rather than life satisfaction, do we get different priorities?)


    10. Our working paper A Happy Possibility about Happiness (and other) Scales, a working paper attempts to provide the first overview of both the theory and evidence of the comparability of subjective wellbeing scales (e.g., is your 7/10 the same as my 7/10?). We plan to revise this for publication in an academic journal.
    11. Our article To WELLBY or not to WELLBY? sets out the WELLBY method, its strengths, weaknesses, and areas for future work. To expand on this, we are:

      This seems very relevant for Unjournal

    12. 3. The nature of wellbeing

      Probably not relevant for the Unjournal at this point, but there may be some overlap

    13. existing work (where a public document is available)

      academics (at least in my field) would distinguish a fourth stage 'having been accepted in a journal after peer review'. Not sure how important that distinction is for you.

      Note that The Unjournal is trying to make that last stage less burdensome and more informative by commissioning public evaluation and rating of work (rather than relying on tedious and imprecise the 'which journal was it published in' measure)

    14. Some work is both existing and current (where we have extant research we are updating).

      that's the best, I like to see all research as 'permanent alpha' mode

    15. which means we have a number of ongoing projects.

      'which means' --- the implication is not clear here

    16. The notable ones are:

      for me the more concrete measurement issues are at least as important ... you include these, but I don't see it in this paragraph.

    17. We also have a long list of organisations we would like to explore, including the Shamiri Institute, Action for Happiness, and Koko.
      1. The airtable view is linking interventions and cause areas, not organizations
      2. Why and how did you choose and prioritize these? It's a huge space to explore?
    18. e expect others will provide different types of mental health interventions, such as social-emotional learning. We expect to examine Friendship Bench, Sangath, and CorStone unless we find something more promising.

      Does that mean you will need to assess (and consider research evidence) on these other non-psychotherapy interventions? If so, that deserves its own section perhaps?

    19. Based on our cause area report on mental health and our cost-effectiveness analysis of psychotherapy, we think mental health is a promising area in which to find cost-effective interventions to improve wellbeing.

      this paragraphs seems unneeded and repetitive. Or am I missing something here?

    20. so we will also update our assessment of StrongMinds after we update our psychotherapy evaluation.

      Maybe restate this to clarify that you are not reevaluating SM as an organization again, but will update the evaluation of their impact in light of your updated evaluation of the intervention?

    21. 2.1 Updated evaluation of psychotherapy

      this part still seems like an intervention not an organization

    22. Are the effects of psychotherapy affected by publication bias?

      Pedantic: I'd say the 'estimated effects' here ... obviously the effects themselves are not affected by this bias

    23. e’ve found that psychotherapy for depression is several times more cost-effective than cash transfers for improving happiness, deworming has an unclear long-term effect,

      in the statement in the 1-pager, you stated

      we’ve found that psychotherapy is several times more cost-effective than cash transfers or deworming for improving happiness.

      That's not entirely consistent with this sentence

    24. From this work, we’ve found that psychotherapy is several times more cost-effective than cash transfers or deworming for improving happiness. We concluded that comparing psychotherapy to antimalarial bednets, a life-saving intervention, depends heavily on various philosophical assumptions: treating depression ranges from about as good as to several times better than antimalarial bednets, depending on the assumptions.

      these sentences repeat the sentences above in the one-pager

    25. evaluated the cost-effectiveness of organisations that provide  psychotherap

      The psychotherapy report doesn't seem to be about a particular organization. I'm a bit confused about the structure here. How does this differ from a 'cause area exploration' at this point?

    26. e, including psychedelics, opioids, poverty, loneliness, sleep, and air pollution.

      These again combine problems with potential remedies and interventions. And 'psychedelics' -- is that aimed at curing 'problems' or boosting the upper end joys of life?

    27. Longlist of future cause areas to explore

      this needs a header (it now is under 1.4). Not sure this long list is helpful here though? What's actionable about this? Is it linked to an appeal for more funding?

    28. 1.2 Child development effects (e.g., abuse, trauma, nutrition)

      I suspect some strong Unjournal/academic research links here. Also to the house improvement ones and possibly the fistula ones too.

    29. that may have large impacts on wellbeing as well. So far we have completed shallow reviews on pain, lead exposure, and immigration.

      For unjournal research prioritization, I guess I will have to dig into those reviews to identify the most pivotal research to have evaluated?

      These link articles but don't contain a 'list of works cited' at bottom. Could you provide that ... even better an 'annotated/categorized/prioritized list' explaining which ones you rely on most heavily, and which you have the most uncertainty over?

    30. Research agenda

      In the previous agenda you tried

      to articulate, within each research area, where additional research seems more (or less) useful, and therefore what our research agenda is for the next one to two years.

      This seemed particularly relevant to helping the Unjournal help you. Not sure this new agenda does this as much.

    31. A working paper exploring a bargaining-based approach to moral uncertainty

      How are you defining and considering a 'working paper' here?

      "Units of value" .. maybe add a few more words to clarify this?

      I assume this will be a theoretical paper (i.e., no surveys or data?)

    32. A revised paper on the theory and current evidence on scale cardinality (e.g., is your 7/10 the same as my 7/10?)

      I see a lot of benefit in engaging with academics on this paper, and getting and responding to feedback, possibly within The Unjournal's framework

    33. An academic paper setting out our method for measuring impact using wellbeing

      Not sure what is meant by 'an academic paper'. Typically it would be hard to publish a paper in an academic journal that simply 'describes' (or even justifies) the approach that a particular organization takes.

      You might have to frame it more as answering or providing evidence on a question of general interest, and/or formally arguing for the 'most appropriate approach' under certain defensible criteria.

    34. We will conduct new research on how to measure and interpret subjective wellbeing measures:

      A 2021 priority was "Examining how best to convert between different SWB, as well as other, measures (1.2.1)" This seems to have strong academic links relevant to the Unjournal. Is it still a priority?

    35. 2. Organisation evaluations

      I expect Unjournal-evaluated research to provide inputs relevant to these evaluations, but not to directly evaluate particular organisations. However, we might be able to cover some of this within our 'less academic stream'.

    36. Non-mood-related mental health issues (e.g., psychotic and trauma-related disorders)Child development effects (e.g., abuse, trauma, nutrition)Fistula repair surgeryBasic housing improvements (e.g., concrete floors)

      I suspect there are a range of academic papers (in development economics, health economics, psychology, policy, and the social-sciency side of biomedicine) that will inform this, that Unjournal might evaluate.

      This can include work that constitutes - impact evaluation of specific interventions, including RCTs non-experimental causal inference - work exploring the impact of specific paths to impact through these interventions (e.g., the career costs of childhood trauma) - work exploring costs and impacts on the market (e.g., impact of housing improvements on the local economy, price elasticities, etc.)

    37. 1. Cause area explorations

      In the 2021 agenda you stated "Our main current focus, and where the majority of our eΛort will go, is Area 2.3: using subjective well-being scores to compare the cost-effectiveness of highly-regarded health and development interventions used in low-income countries."

      Is this still your priority? Is this in line with the 'Cause area explorations" category here?

    38. Conduct further theoretical work:

      The boundary between theoretical and applied is not always clear here. Some research, maybe the methodological and measurement research in particular, has both theoretical aspects and very applicable and even empirical aspects. Calling this 'theoretical' might confuse people who would conflate theoretical with philosophical. E.g., research into which survey and other reporting instruments are more reliable, better reflect the actual measures of interest ... this seems very applied to me, and probably relevant to The Unjournal's scope as well.

    39. asurement of wellbeing. This has included evaluating philosophical views of wellbeing and life satisfaction, pioneering methods to conduct cost-effectiveness analyses using wellbeing, and conducting novel research on wellbeing measurement. We

      I think you may have moved a lot of the content outlined in the previous Research Agenda into those linked reports?

    40. Where relevant, we hone in and compare the top organisations implementing those interventions.

      Is this necessary in the wheelhouse of HLI? If your focus is on assessing impact from the wellbeing perspective, does that interact with things like 'organizational capabilities' at all?

      Maybe better to outsource the latter?

    41. picking new cause areas to investigate, then narrowing down to the specific organisations – which will enable us to look broadly and deeply at the same time.

      When will you do each? Do you anticipate returning to broad cause areas you've previously decided not to pursue?

      How much will you defer to other orgs and researchers in the broader prioritization?

    42. large, solvable, and unduly neglected.

      why not just namecheck the ITN framework here?

    43. broad analyses of different causes.

      how do you divide up the 'cause space' and define each 'cause'? Give some examples here? E.g., is "animal welfare' a cause area ... or 'farmed animal welfare' or 'chicken welfare' or 'promoting regulation of chicken farms' (the latter is more of an intervention IMHO)

    44. An ultimate goa

      one of several ultimate goals? To be pedantic, the 'improve global wellbeing' would seem to be the ultimate goal .... the 'identify the opportunities' is instrumental to that

    45. We will explore whether we should improve the wellbeing of people alive now or in future generations:

      Why not both? Maybe rephrase this?

      Also, will you consider the empirical tradeoffs here, or deeper philosophical issues, or?

    46. An academic journal book review of Will MacAskill’s What We Owe The Future

      what academic journal are you thinking?

    47. An experimental survey to test assumptions about subjective wellbeing measures, including comparability, linearity, and the neutral point

      I talked to someone recently who had done some survey work in this area -- maybe remind me to get back to you on it.

    48. An academic paper on life satisfaction theories of wellbeing

      This seems underexplained ... what and why? (add a bit or link)

    49. the cost-effectiveness of several organisations (partially informed by our cause exploration work)

      mention how you will do it better/different or add value to what other orgs are doing?

    50. Applied research to maximise global wellbeing

      Doing this yourselves? Synthesizing work? Sponsoring work?

    51. Non-mental health organisations (organisations TBD)

      Non mental-health orgs within the global health or global health and development space, or much more widely ranging, across vastly different causes etc?

    52. To find new promising solutions to the biggest problems,

      this phrase seems a bit vague? Also, are these 'cause areas' or possible interventions, or a mix?

    53. From this work, we’ve found that psychotherapy is several times more cost-effective than cash transfers or deworming for improving happiness.

      I think you would be more convincing if you linked or footnoted some of the critiques of this, as well as your responses. This reads well for a general audience but maybe not for a research and EA audience?

    54. engineering a paradigm shift towards a wellbeing approach among decision-makers

      This seems to move a bit towards advocacy, perhaps in contrast to the more neutral approach you mention elsewhere or previously. In other writings it's more like 'get people to consider a well-being based approach, and whether and when it makes sense to use it'.

    55. Ultimately, we measure impact in WELLBYs (wellbeing-adjusted life years), a method born in academia

      A citation/link here would be great

    56. For the first time in human history

      Very small comment ... 'for the first time in human history' tends to come across as overblown whenever people use it. At least it has that connotation

    57. The idea that the quality of a society should be judged by the happiness of its people is an old idea, stretching back at least to the Enlightenment, if not Aristotle.

      Your previous "Research Agenda and Context" sent a lot of time defining and arguing for this. I don't see that here (for better or for worse).