7,054 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
    1. Triángulo rojo señalando hacia arribaArtículo cientifico #COVIDー19

      Triángulo rojo señalando hacia arribaEstilo APA

      Triángulo rojo señalando hacia arribaLi, R., Pei, S., Chen, B., Song, Y., Zhang, T., Yang, W., & Shaman, J. (2020). Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2). Science, eabb3221.

    1. One way to think about "core" biodiversity data is as a network of connected entities, such as taxa, taxonomic names, publications, people, species, sequences, images, and collections that form the "biodiversity knowledge graph". Many questions in biodiversity informatics can be framed as paths in this graph. This article explores this futher, and sketches a set of services and tools we would need in order to construct the graph. New information In order to build a usable biodiversity knowledge graph we should adopt JSON-LD for biodiversity data, develop reconciliation services to match entities to identifiers, and a use a mixture of document and graph databases to store and query the data. To bootstrap this project we can create wrappers around each major biodiversity data provider, and a central cache that is both a document store and a simple graph database. This power of this approach should be showcased by applications that use the central cache to tackle specific problems, such as augmenting existing data.
    1. The success of distributed and semantic-enabled systems relies on the use of up-to-date ontologies and mappings between them. However, the size, quantity and dynamics of existing ontologies demand a huge maintenance effort pushing towards the development of automatic tools supporting this laborious task. This article proposes a novel method, investigating different types of similarity measures, to identify concepts’ attributes that served to define existing mappings. The obtained experimental results reveal that our proposed method allows to identify the relevant attributes for supporting mapping maintenance, since we found correlations between ontology changes affecting the identified attributes and mapping changes.
    1. As the amount of scholarly communication increases, it is increasingly difficult for specific core scientific statements to be found, connected and curated. Additionally, the redundancy of these statements in multiple fora makes it difficult to determine attribution, quality, and provenance. To tackle these challenges, the Concept Web Alliance has promoted the notion of nanopublications (core scientific statements with associated context). In this document, we present a model of nanopublications along with a NamedGraph/RDF serialization of the model. Importantly, the serialization is defined completely using already existing community developed technologies. Finally, we discuss the importance of aggregating nano-publications and the role that the ConceptWiki plays in facilitating it.
    1. SKOS—Simple Knowledge Organization System—provides a model for expressing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, folksonomies, and other similar types of controlled vocabulary. As an application of the Resource Description Framework (RDF), SKOS allows concepts to be composed and published on the World Wide Web, linked with data on the Web and integrated into other concept schemes. This document is a user guide for those who would like to represent their concept scheme using SKOS. In basic SKOS, conceptual resources (concepts) are identified with URIs, labeled with strings in one or more natural languages, documented with various types of note, semantically related to each other in informal hierarchies and association networks, and aggregated into concept schemes. In advanced SKOS, conceptual resources can be mapped across concept schemes and grouped into labeled or ordered collections. Relationships can be specified between concept labels. Finally, the SKOS vocabulary itself can be extended to suit the needs of particular communities of practice or combined with other modeling vocabularies. This document is a companion to the SKOS Reference, which provides the normative reference on SKOS.
    1. We first analyze differences between the data sources in the coverage of documents, focusing for instance on differences over time, differences per document type, and differences per discipline. We then study differences in the completeness and accuracy of citation links.


    2. Scopus is compared in a pairwise manner with each of the other data sources


    3. 2008-2017


    4. all scientific documents


    5. multidisciplinary bibliographic data sources


    1. ABSTRACT:Organic chemosensors remain one of the mostinvestigated topics in thefield of sensor technology. This is duemainly to the fact that organic molecules are modular by nature,leading to theoretically limitless possibilities for discovering newmolecular scaffolds to be used as sensors. As a consequence, anumber of organic chemosensors have been developed that candetect various kinds of analytes, resulting in the uses of thesesensors in other disciplines, such as environmental science. In thisarticle, we demonstrate how the advancement of organic chemo-sensors can contribute to the design of undergraduate experimentsrelated to chemical security, particularly through the detection ofdual-use chemicals. Specific examples highlight practicality andillustrate their interdisciplinary nature, including mainly organicsynthesis and spectroscopy. Introducing undergraduate students toorganic chemosensors offers students a unique and interesting experience, which in turn may deepen their interest in pursuingcareers related to chemistry and chemical security.

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    2. appearing to be instrument-demanding atfirst glance, can in factbe exploited forfield testing with certain groups of sensors. Thatis, portable UV sources can be used as an excitation means forfluorescence detection. With the large selection of modern UV-LED light sources covering the entire UV spectral range, it isquite possible tofind a light source that matches the excitationwavelength of any sensor molecules.26,27Overall, this hasattracted several research groups around the world to constantlydemonstrate new types of sensors, which serve to detect a varietyof analytes, ranging from metal ions, to small molecules, andoccasionally biomolecules.15−17,28−30Importantly, while the wide availability of organic chemo-sensors have led to the applications in many discipli

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  2. Jul 2020
    1. We analyze the English language edition of Wikipedia collected in May 2017 (ENWIKI2017) [30] containing N = 5 416 537 articles (nodes) connected by Nl = 122 232 932 directed hyperlinks between articles (without self-citations). From this data set we extract the Ncr = 37 types of cancers listed at [24]. From [25] we also collect names of drugs related to cancer diseases obtaining the list of Nd = 203 drugs present at Wikipedia. The lists of 37 cancer types and 203 drugs are given in Table 1 and 2. This reduced set of Nr = 240 nodes is illustrated in the inset of Fig 1. For global influence investigations, it is complemented by Ncn = 195 world countries listed in [28]. Thus in total we have the reduced network of Nr = Ncr + Nd + Ncn = 435 ≪ N nodes embedded in the global network with more than 5 millions nodes.

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    2. Using PageRank and CheiRank algorithms


    3. wikipedia