- Dec 2018
a-d-d-y.com a-d-d-y.com
#1 Most Commonly Used Language: 231,122,908 Speak only English at home #2 Most Commonly Used Language:37,458,470 Speak Spanish at home
I know you excluded the bars for English and Spanish because they extended too far in the viewport, but you really need to include them. Try other charting libraries that let you set the domain and range of the X axis. That should scale the width so it reflects the data but stays within the div.
A Portrait of the American 'Melting Pot'
The header looks great. Nice work.
adriannavu.com adriannavu.com
"Today humani
I love this section. And you built the rotating Earth with an API. Nice.
You don't need a separate Sources section if you link to everything in the article text and chart captions.
y index of cities,
What cities? It's fine that the map is in Chinese -- if your intended audience is Chinese -- but you need to include a translated version for other audiences. Most English-speaking users, for example, won't know what geographic area they're looking at. You might be able to get the user's location from their IP address and pass it into the API as the center of the map.
I would also make this a title, not a caption. Users need to see it immediately and clearly. Finally, the map is much more effective if you zoom it out to show the entire world. That really tells a story about air quality.
This table defines the Air Quality Index scale as defined by the US-EPA 2016 standard
Show the index scale in a map legend, not a link. Users need to be able to quickly understand the map markers without going to an external site. And wow, this data is disturbing. Good map in that respect.
Global GDP is 20 times higher than it was in 1900, having grown at a rate of 2.7% per annum; CO2 emissions have grown at an annual rate of 3.5% since 1900, reaching an all-time high of 100 million metric tons of carbon in 2001; and the ecological footprint, a composite measure of consumption measured in hectares of biologically productive land, grew from 4.5 to 14.1 billion hectares between 1961 and 2003, and it is now 25% more than Earth’s “biocapacity”
Show these numbers in a chart! Take advantage of the interactive digital medium: a picture is worth a thousand words.
City Folk Consume Less
Make this bolder to match the other section titles, and make the cards the same size. Remember, consistency is key.
What's the source for your audio? You need to mention that this is from a podcast, etc.
Population and the Environment
I love the header image and title. I would use a sans serif font through the site to keep up the modern, urban style.
h 9.2 billion by 2050.
Your source says 9.7 billion by 2050, not 9.2. And add target=_blank to your external links so they open in a new window and users don't have to hit the back button.
distribution a
This link is jarring and confusing for users, because it just sends them down about 200px to the next area, but it looks like a new page. Add scroll-behavior: smooth; to the links.
that population growth will eventually cause an environmental catastrophe
In fact, the worry dates back to 1798 and Thomas Malthus, who famously predicted that population would eventually outgrow resources.
seven billion three hundred million bodie
Wait, where does the number 7.3 billion come from? You said we're already at 7.6, and by 2050, it will have increased by 2.4. ??
www.samanthadikolli.com www.samanthadikolli.com
Glendale, Arizona, East Rutherford,
Glendale and East Rutherford are suburbs of Phoenix and NYC. I would just list the stops with the names of major cities, like Atlanta, Chicago, etc.
So, what is the deal with the "snake" theme?
This is fun, but users may miss it because there's no cue that the answer is available on click, and it's broken on mobile (both sides are showing on top of each other).
The Tour Venues Across America
The map is broken. Error: initMap is not a function. There are several possible reasons for this and several possible solutions. . It's working on my iPhone in Chrome, so no biggie, but try to fix it before you put this in your portfolio.
video below for
Why is the height so narrow on the video player? You need to maintain the aspect ratio of the video and use your viewport effectively. There's too much empty space below the video.
...Ready For It?
This link is broken.
The reputation Lyrics
This MusixMatch API isn't really doing much for your story, especially since each song title is just a link to an external website. That makes the section just feel like a list of HTML links, not something built with JS and APIs. If you can't build something that displays inside your app with the MusixMatch JSON (or provides data that you can use to build a chart, etc.), then choose another API.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/brittanyhodak/2018/11/30/taylor-swift-breaks-u-s-record-with-reputation-stadium-tour/#44cb6adf348e https://variety.com/2018/music/reviews/concert-review-taylor-swift-soars-at-reputation-tours-dublin-date-1202848882//li> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift%27s_Reputation_Stadium_Tour https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/chart-beat/8039679/taylor-swift-reputation-debuts-no-1-billboard-200-albums https://www.spin.com/2018/05/taylor-swift-snake-kim-kardashian-reputation-tour-opener-video/ https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-live-reviews/why-taylor-swifts-reputation-tour-is-her-finest-yet-628294/ https://hellogiggles.com/reviews-coverage/taylor-swift-reputation-tour-review/ https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/oct/20/taylor-swift-review-tour-shows-a-star-and-reputation-still-in-ascendance https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/step-inside-the-taylor-swift-biodome/2018/07/11/d87ecfd0-8516-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78_story.html?utm_term=.738f843f710e
This text is way too small, and they should be links to the sources, not just text. You don't need a modal window. Just put links to your sources in keywords in the article; that's the standard now for most publications. If you want a modal window for the sources, keep working on the design. This looks a bit unprofessional.
highest-grossing in American history
you need to cite a source for this
An insider look into the Reputation Staidum Tour
I would try a thinner font for the subhead.
The rise of the snake
The header background image is broken because of a bad URL path. It should be ../img/mypic.jpg
26 cities.38 shows.
Nice job with the typewriter effect, but it would be a lot more effective without the white background.
rachelmckinn.com rachelmckinn.comAmazon HQ211
Overall, this looks great, but it feels like the start to something robust, not the finish. I think there's more you can do to make the story interactive, immersive and user-friendly. I know you're capable of it. Keep fleshing this out (adding markers, maybe ones that appear on a dropdown menu selection, etc.), and reworking the layout.
Downtown Raleigh, NC
There are more universities in the Triangle than just UNC, Duke and NCSU, for example, NC Central University, an historically African-American college in Durham, and Meredith College in Raleigh. Make sure you include all of them, otherwise it won't be an accurate comparison between cities.
Also, experiment with the Google Maps styling options to make the markers stand out more against the surrounding area.
Keep up with the latest Amazon news here:
This is broken, argh.
no money was spent in the campaign
I find that hard to believe. I'm sure they paid some people to help out with the campaign. You need to cite your source if this is true.
National Landing, Arlington, VA
Your Terp audience will be upset to find the University of Maryland missing from this map.
Score out of 100. Data from Walk Score
You should also add an info cue next to each score, with tooltips explaining how the scores were calculated. Readers will be unfamiliar with these metrics. I like the icons.
Given that you're comparing these three cities, your audience will want to be able to do that, visually, in a single screen. I would redo the layout so all three are in the viewport at once, and change the cards (tax incentives, housing costs, etc.) into charts comparing the numbers for each city.
Long Island City, New York, NY
Again, there are a lot more colleges in NYC than these three.
As I've said, this is a great idea for a story.
(Business Insider)
Just put this link on one of keywords in the sentence.
sarahannekreitzer.com sarahannekreitzer.com
Click each icon to find out how!
Again, I like this, but it's glitchy and essentially unusable on mobile. Hover events tend to be that way.
Great illustrations, though.
About A National Crisis Visit Inspiration Benefit A Park
Your hamburger menu is broken and/or unfinished.
Nice job with the Google Books API, but it feels a bit arbitrary, like you just threw it in to meet the requirements (and you had already met the three-API/chart quota, by the way). It doesn't add a lot of value. I've never used that API, so I don't know what's available in it (I was excited to see students using it, but I've been underwhelmed by the results from the API). If this is all you can do, I would get rid of it. Users might also get stuck in the book viewer, trying to scroll back to the top of the site.
Search for
You should have the Flickr photos change to match the chosen park in the search section.
Total Yearly
Great job on the chart
ess to the 1%, disadvantaging millions.
Great point.
A Brief History
I like the timeline, but it's glitchy. You need to fix the mouseover code so the previous modal text disappears when users hover over the next dot.
And I think the timeline would be more immersive and effective if you used a vertical alignment and included photos with the modal text.
for them.
There's too much negative space below this on desktop.
instated in office
this phrase is awkward. Perhaps, 'since being elected...'
Are the last living vestiges of America's once vibrant wildlife. Started in 1872, the n
Left-align your copy. That's the standard in most publications now.
verybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike. Keep close to Nature's heart and break clear away once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. - John Muir
The header looks fantastic, but the section immediately below is a let-down, visually speaking. It looks a bit too sparse and dated (and perhaps unfinished); it needs to keep up the style that you established in the header. The quote is great. It begs for a punchy pull-quote design, maybe with a slight parallax.
I'm not crazy about the speckled blue background in the search section, either. Keep experimenting.
bridgethhwilliams.com bridgethhwilliams.com
bleaching. Cont
Nice YT video. You need to add/fix code so the video pauses or stops when users close the modal, though. The audio keeps playing in the background. You have .pauseVideo in player2, but it's not working.
Coral in North Carolina?
The map isn't showing up sometimes in the live site, error: initMap is not a function. There are several things that could be causing this, and several solutions. Try declaring the initMap function in the head of your HTML. I've heard that often fixes the intermittent fail problem.
Also, I think you said you were planning to make info windows for each the coral icons. Definitely do that; users will expect it.
What's the big deal about Coral?
Users will expect the coral logo in the top left corner to be a link. Go ahead and make it the home button. Make your navbar sticky (that will also give users a way to easily go back up from the bottom, especially on mobile) and use the coral illustration as Home.
Your nav is too jumpy; add scroll-behavior: smooth. Also, keep working on the layout of your Sources window.
Search a location, coral type or other keyword
Nice feature here. It's a little glitchy, though. If you just click search without entering a query, it loads the first four results from the overall data (I think). Instead, you should show a message (e.g., 'please enter a query') when this happens. And use a suggested keyword as a placeholder in the search box to help users (e.g., placeholder="Chile").
Since the cards are different sizes depending on the length of the content, you might want to use a masonry plugin on the results. Some of the descriptions bleed beyond the cards, too. Just need to keep tweaking it.
As you continue to develop this, consider using a map for the location-based results and adding a dropdown for coral type options.
While coral reefs take up only 1% of the world's ocean space, they contain over 25% of the ocean's species. And, they're dis
Left-align your copy. That's standard for most publications now.
ungi and B
Calcium Carb
Carbon Dioxid
What is heterotrophy, the act of bringing the food into their mouths? Define unfamiliar terms for your audience
sea anemone
A tooltip with photos comparing a polyp and an anemone would be nice here.
lower case on coral, or uppercase on everything in the section title
Here’s why,
This phrase is a bit awkward. Here's why they already knew that?
d, t
no comma needed
In class, you said that you aimed this piece at a younger audience; I can see that. The visual scheme would appeal to young schoolchildren. You may want to add an About modal that explains the purpose and intended audience for the project (e.g., it was a UNC assignment, geared toward children).
brookesnook.us brookesnook.us
e c
hyphen (game-changer).
And you're clearly a Gaga fan -- as well you should be -- but this story reads like a PR piece. I'm a fan myself, but statements like, 'her music has been considered a game-changer' are matters of opinion. You need reputable sources for an opinion like this (e.g., music legends and most critics have said she is a seminal musician). It will lend it journalistic credibility.
I love the background photo, but on mobile, you need to resize and recenter it. It just shows up as a blue rectangle on a phone.
ht La
brought in
n 1976, Barbara Streisand and Kris Kristofferson.
Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson took the lead roles in 1976.
ady Gaga's debut film, Gaga
In her debut film, Gaga stars as...
country music-inspired,
inspired by country music and includes the ballad, 'A Million Reasons.'
ideo icons t
You need to add some code to the YT players so they pause or stop when users click on the next section in the timeline. Right now, the audio keeps playing in the background.
Also, the controls below the timeline are too hard to see. Make them more prominent and add a swiping feature, if possible. There's also a glitch keeping the timeline from returning to the beginning after you click to the end and try to go back. It cuts off the first few boxes.
www.sivonne-ward.com www.sivonne-ward.com
emapping Asian American History
Nice job with the Google Books API, but it's inclusion feels somewhat arbitrary, as if you threw it in to meet the requirements. And the book canvas areas are too small to make the text inside readable. If you zoom in, the text goes beyond the edge of the canvas.
The API is glitchy, too. Sometimes it doesn't load. Keep working on it or come up with another option for this section. There are a lot of things you can do with your JS and API knowledge. I know the deadline was tight, but take your time after the semester and get this right. You're too talented not to.
Nice job on the mega menu code. You might want to stack the subnav items vertically, or add piping between the titles if you keep them horizontal. And the some of the category links (home, education, gov) go to your portfolio site, not the relevant sections of this story. This is a big problem when users go to one of the article pages and then try to click back to the main section (e.g., after reading an education article, they click the Education menu item or Home, to get back to where they were, only to end up at your portfolio). They'll get frustrated and confused. You need to fix this before putting it in your portfolio.
Citizenship & Immigration
The second and third links in this section take you back up to the top, instead of showing the 'under construction' message. Users will be confused.
Asian-Americans make up over 12% of the Chapel Hill population. But is the town adapting to fit this growing population?
I like the clean blue space for the header, but the corner of a building seems like an odd and arbitrary image for this story. Keep looking for other images. And with the different sky backgrounds, the subnav, and interior sections, you have four or five different shades of greenish-blue in this site. Remember the 187 principles about color.
I would consider other options for all of the background images in this story.
The Univeristy of North Carolina at Chapel Hill plays a significant role in any happenings of the town. Click on the articles below to read about some ways in which education affects Asian-American representation in Chapel Hill.
Don't repeat the exact same copy from earlier in the story. And if you only have one article for this section, just present it within the page. The arrangement right now makes the section seem unfinished, like you haven't added the other articles yet. Maybe you plan to?
sian America Through the Lens
Nice job on the back to top button. I would get rid of the empty space below this section unless you plan to include footer info.
About This Project
This section is a bit messy and doesn't have a professional design. Keep working on the layout; proximity, alignment, etc. Knowing your design skills, I think you just ran out of time.
any happenings of the town
This phrasing is a bit awkward.
But is the town adapting to fit this growing population?
This subhead is too hard to read. If you want to use this color, I would also use it in the subnav, for consistent branding.
www.sivonne-ward.com www.sivonne-ward.com
Float then photo and wrap the text
www.sivonne-ward.com www.sivonne-ward.com
Float the photo and wrap the text
www.sivonne-ward.com www.sivonne-ward.com
Float the photo and wrap the text, or make the photo full width and centered.
www.sivonne-ward.com www.sivonne-ward.com
Float the photo and wrap the text.
www.sivonne-ward.com www.sivonne-ward.com
Nice job with News API, but you need to clean up this layout. Just make a basic card layout, with thumbnails and text to the right or left.
rachaellhead.com rachaellhead.com
The Reign of the Empire
On desktop, there's too much empty space between the map and the text. I would make them both larger and move them closer together.
Met’s open collection.
Great job with the Met API. You could combine the three separate AJAX calls into a single function, but this works fine and it's easy to read (and hard-coding those arrays must have taken awhile).
On mobile, you should add some nav so users can go back up to earlier sections when they've scrolled down a long series of images in the Art section results.
The Inca had a strong eye for design, which can be seen from their impressive stonework to their detailed craftsmanship. Art was extremely important in the empire, as it helped assert the Inca’s dominance over their ruled subjects. Wool from llamas, alpacas, and vicunas were used to create intricate textiles. While the Inca imposed a structure for textile designs across the empire, they allowed cultures to maintain their traditional colors and motifs. Watch the video below to see how tradition runs deep in textile creation.
Again, this text is too small; making it larger would make the site more user-friendly and use the available space.
Nice job with the video scrolling control and background change. You should change the YT code so the video just pauses when you scroll or mouse out; it would give users the ability to explore other parts of the site and then resume watching the video where they left off.
he empire ruled 10 million subjects who spoke 30 different languages
Wow. And this was at time when the total world population was only 50-100 million people.
i w
the INCAN empire
I love this typography and animation. You need to give users a cue to scroll down; something subtle, like an arrow.
steveen-vargas.us steveen-vargas.usCaravan15
Remove this Sources section and just link to your sources in on the relevant words your article. That's the standard for most major publications, and it will clean up your layout. You also need to add some padding to the bottom of the page.
by https://www.facebook.com/DailyMail, Daily Mail
I'm not crazy about the white glow around the News cards; it looks a bit dated.
ince the majorit
You need some text to introduce or briefly explain the YouTube video and News feed. If nothing else, add a title to each of those sections (e.g. Latest News on the Caravan). Right now, it feels like they were just thrown in arbitrarily.
ring his family together! Drag his picture here!
Nice job on the draggable code, but it feels too gimmicky and "fun," especially for a serious story like this.
migrated to the United States with their parents.
If you have data on this, build a chart to show it. That would really strengthen your story.
d men
or T
s. The
I think this is supposed to be one sentence, joined by a comma (?)
Attachment Theory, argues that disruptions in ‘affectional bonds’ with parental figures (especially mothers) can have profound negative psychological and developmental implications later in life. The loss of this bond with parents triggers grief responses that affect behavior.
The text in your first paragraph is much larger than the text elsewhere. I'm not sure you meant to do that, but it looks like a mistake. Remember to be consistent.
I love the mapbox. Great job. As I said in class, this animated map is your story. Put it right at the top, as your header image, with the animated title. As it is now, many users will miss the animated red line in the map because it will be done before they scroll down to that section. Just swap the sections: put the map up top with the title, and the background video next, with text on top of it. Maybe add some parallax.
. As a result, once the child arrives to the United States they experience acculturation challenges such as loneliness, lack of motivation in school, and overall defining a new identity to adapt to this new place.
This phrasing is a bit awkward. Keep working on it. Also, note that the text bleeds beyond the green background. Need to fix that. I don't think you need the green background, anyway.
g re
The still photo below the opening GIF is from the same scene, I believe. It doesn't add much value to your story. Replace it with a different photo or get rid of it entirely.
Scroll Down
This could just be an arrow; it would be cleaner, and users would understand what it means.
The Central American Caravan
Nice job with the animated title. Keep trying other fonts, though. This feels a bit bland. Look at some custom Google fonts.
linh-ly.com linh-ly.com
The Different Types of Boba
This is broken. When you hover over one of the teas, the modal window appears for a split second (not long enough to read it), then the tea illustration disappears with the modal, and the new image (that you set with jQuery .attr) isn't showing up.
The search is really glitchy. I searched 'Chicago, IL' and the number of results decreased as I expanded the radius; there should be more locations in the list as you create a larger radius.
Also, the map feature is broken; I think the map is supposed to change to show the chosen city with markers for the boba locations. It's stuck on Chapel Hill. It looks like the Geocoding API isn't working, based on your code.
Finally, you need to display a message when users enter an invalid query, or when there are no results for the chosen city.
Keep working on this. Right now, even without the map, the search feature isn't really user-friendly or effective.
The Results div bleeds over the Sources section when there are a lot of results for a search. There are a lot of relatively easy ways to fix that wth some JS and CSS. An even simpler solution would be to put links to your sources in your article and eliminate the Sources section entirely.
radius (in meters)
This isn't a practical unit of measure. People think in miles or kilometers. They will have to multiple by 1000 to get km.
rsulaski.com rsulaski.com
At La Clusaz, ski more than 75 miles of lift-accessible runs or venture into the backcountry on a guided tour. With five peaks and nearly 5,000 feet of elevation gain from the base to top, your options are endless. Explore the slopes that Candide Thovex calls home in the beautiful French Alps.
Users will expect these cards to be links to more content. And you're capable of adding more content and making this site even more robust. I would consider putting everything into a one-stop-shopping dashboard, with just these three cards and the weather banner. When users click the Ski card, show the Google map with custom tooltips about certain ski runs. When they click Eat, show a map with the markers for the restaurants, etc.
Rob Sulaski
You should add a link to an About modal window in the footer, explaining that this was a project for UNC, and your purpose was to produce a spec marketing site for La Clusaz. Marketing people in La Clusaz might see this and get upset that you built it without their permission; with the disclaimer, you cover your butt -- and they'll probably be impressed.
Skip the Video
The full-screen video looks great, but I'm not sure about how it's presented. Users must actively choose to play the video, and many won't, especially since you (wisely) give them the option to skip it. The video is essentially a background video (e.g., a sequence of shots without dialogue), so just use it as such. Either use HTML5 video or a GIF. Then let users scroll down into the rest of the site. HTML5 video won't autoplay on mobile, but it will when they scroll; you could have content slide up over the video.
jp-rickabaugh.com jp-rickabaugh.com
The popups for each rapper are basically rehashes of the same bios you show at the bottom. It seems redundant, and at times, confusing. I would get rid of the text at the bottom and just use the popups; especially on mobile. The double bios cause some usability problems on a phone.
The color scheme in some of the popups makes the text too hard to read. Users will expect the Latest Releases images to be links.
J.P. This site looks great. The design fits the topic, and you were smart to keep it all in a single screen. A few things: users will expect the Dreamville logo to be a link and audio to accompany the video background; if possible, I would add that. Also, the text in the About modal is way to hard to read (blue on black).
joannalynwilliams.com joannalynwilliams.comProject 411
I'm glad you created a fallback for the maps after the 'changing maps on the dropdown' option didn't pan out. You can still make the map more interactive, though. Just connect the map to the videos. When the user clicks a marker, it plays the video. Display the map and video panels side by side, and invite exploration. Put each video player in the same div, and hide/show the videos that correspond to the markers with display: none. Add some custom text descriptions of each place, either in the tooltips or below the videos.
PS A big part of web development is strategy and planning. Early on, you have to realize what's possible in terms of coding and APIs and data, plan accordingly, and have a fallback option if things don't work out. Your original plan was ambitious, and when you ran into trouble, you didn't have time to work on a fully realized Plan B design. Just keep that in mind in the future. This project wasn't ready at the deadline, but I cut you some slack and didn't take off any points for what I saw (or didn't see) then.
Top Places to Visit in Each City
Again, you can still make the Top 10 Places feature part of an interactive map experience. Just use the same methods you would use to change the videos (see my other comment). Hide/show the top 10 map for the chose city when the user clicks the marker. Make the entire story an interactive, one-stop-shopping experience with everything in a single dashboard.
1.Tulum, Mexico 2. Amsterdam, Netherlands 3. Greek Islands (Santorini, Mykonos, Corfu, and Naxos) 4. Mexico City, Mexico 5. The Maldives 6. Algarve, Portugal 7. Marrakech, Morocco 8. Positano, Italy 9. Cappadocia, Turkey 10. Bali, Indonesia
Putting the stacked list above the maps creates a lot of awkward empty space; just move the list to the right or left of the chart.
You probably just ran of time to polish the visual design. Keep working on it. I would try other background colors (or none), sans serif fonts, new layouts, etc. to make the piece look more modern and professional. See my other comments about putting everything in a single dashboard.
Travel Habits and Where They're Going
This title is a bit awkward. Maybe, 'Where they travel and how they do it.'
Also, you need to resize and re-center your header image on mobile. Right now, it's just a blue rectangle on a phone.
“Airbnb and the Rise of Millennial Travel.” Airbnb, Airbnb, 26 Nov. 2016, 2sqy5r1jf93u30kwzc1smfqt-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/MillennialReport.pdf. Biesiada, Jamie. “Millennials Traveling and Spending More than Any Other Age Group This Summer.” Travel Weekly- The Travel Industry's Trusted Voice, 18 May 2018, www.travelweekly.com/Travel-News/Travel-Agent-Issues/Millennials-traveling-and-spending-more-this-summer. Im, Jimmy. “These Are the Top 10 Travel Destinations on Earth, According to 100,000 Young People.” CNBC, CNBC, 29 July 2018, www.cnbc.com/2018/07/26/earth-media-top-travel-destinations-for-young-people.html. “The Impact of Social Media on Travel Inspiration | Olapic.” Olapic | Visual Commerce and Marketing Platform, www.olapic.com/resources/the-impact-of-social-media-on-travel-inspiration_blog-p1aw-f1tr-v1th-t1sm/. “Millennials: Fueling the Experience Economy.” Eventbrite, Eventbrite, eventbrite-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/marketing/Millennials_Research/Gen_PR_Final.pdf. Price, Will. “Millennial Travel Trends & How to Brands Reach Them | Internet Marketing Inc. - Generation Statistics & Size.” Internet Marketing Inc, Internet Marketing Inc, 21 Feb. 2018, www.internetmarketinginc.com/blog/millennial-travel-trends/. “U.S. Millennials Expected to Spend the Most on Vacations in 2018.” LODGING, 5 Oct. 2018, lodgingmagazine.com/us-millennials-expected-spend-most-vacations-2018/. “60% Of Travelers Share Photos on Social Media While on Vacation.” Travel with Val, 28 Apr. 2015, www.travelwithval.com/60-of-travelers-share-photos-on-social-media-while-on-vacation/. Images: Airplane Photo. cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1330/1*_6EdJgpcWyeWne36eFH7eA@2x.jpeg.
This is way too small, and you don't need a separate list of sources anyway. Just link to the sources in keywords in your article. That's the standard for most major publications now.
Explore Related Articles:
As I move farther down your site, I find myself practically begging you to adopt the suggestions I've made above. It would be a fantastic piece: everything would be linked to the map markers. Click on a marker, and a relevant video plays, a secondary map appears showing the top 10 places, and a current news feed shows up about the selected city. You know how to do all of this.
arth ranked the following places as the top millennial travel destinations:
Don't underline text unless you intend for it to be a link.
mbining multiple generations, only 60% of travelers post their trips to social media.
If you have the data, it would be more effective to compare one generation to another, not one generation to the whole.
than buying a house
Again, this is likely because millennials experienced the housing crash before they were of age to buy a house. Many saw the financial dangers, and want no part of it.
35% of Gen X and 22% of Baby Boomers said they planned to travel more in 2018
This stat is misleading; I would argue that it doesn't reflect preference as much as circumstance. Fewer Gen X-ers plan to increase travel because they're the generation that has children in the house right now, and travel is expensive and often difficult. Baby Boomers are in their 70s now, so they're slowing down.
A study conducted by Eventbrite concluded that 78% of American millennials would rather spend money on meaningful experiences or live events as opposed to tangible items. To millennials, many of these desired “meaningful experiences” include traveling.
Align your article text to the left; that's the standard in most major publications.
evanmillican.com evanmillican.com
top 5
the current top five...that's important to point out, since the artists are being loaded to the site dynamically by the API.
I love the background image, but I'm not crazy about this font. It doesn't seem to fit the story. Keep looking around for some custom fonts. And the background image needs to be resized and re-centered on mobile. Right now, it only shows the top part of the image (the light blue light); this makes the title hard to read.and the image doesn't tell a story.
They have grown up in a world of school shootings, rocky political climate, and increased social isolation, and they like to know that they’re not the only ones who think the world is a messed up place. Emo rap validates their feelings. Whether that's a good thing or not, we will find out as the genre continues to grow alongside its millenial listeners and take its place in the world of rap.
Great analysis, well written. Strong way to close the article.
The music reflects indie and R&B influences, and seems to contradict the severity of the lyric
Again, because the song playing in the SoundCloud clip isn't Joycelyn Flores, users will be confused; and they'll want to hear the song you're discussing here in the article.
Jocelyn Flores
The layout of the Examples section will likely confuse some of your audience. They won't realize that the song playing isn't the one in the lyrics below it, at least at first. And there's no clear visual distinction between the lyrics card and your own text next to it. It makes the lyrics look like another paragraph in your article.
I would have these examples available as modal windows higher up in the article; when users click on the rappers' names, these videos come up. I think your audience will want to hear the examples as they're reading.
ongoing legal drama,
Either link to an article about the criminal charges or briefly explain them. Many readers won't be familiar with the allegations. This another reason why this topic would be a great fit for a timeline; there are noteworthy moments: deaths, legal drama, etc.
of emo rap around 2013.
This story would be a natural fit for a timeline. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. Especially if it's interactive. Use the interactive medium to your advantage whenever possible.
This is an awkward phrase, with 'traces' twice.
correlation of
connection between
Nice job on the modal nav. It's a nice touch.
andrea-brucculeri.com andrea-brucculeri.com
railer alone (provided belo
Float the video to the left or right and wrap the text around it. There's too much negative space.
The tool below
This is terrific. Great job.
food before it expires
And of course, the internet of things is now playing a role in this: fridge that gives recipes based on what foods are about to expire
emember that buying in bulk only saves money if all the food is actually used,
Given the American proclivity for Costco-style bulk groceries, I'm curious to see how American food waste compares to other countries. If you can find that data, it would be a great chart to add to your story.
This line chart is fantastic; exactly what you want to accomplish in data visualization. It's tells a little-known and important story with numbers. That being said, I'm not crazy about the beige background. Maybe just get rid of it and keep the clean white background of the surrounding page.
North America and Oceania
Why only those two areas?
due to the wastefulness of the average household.
and inefficiencies in the system (growing, processing, transportation)
52 million tons
Wait, earlier you said the wasted food weighed 133 billion pounds. I think you mean that the loss from growing, processing and transportation creates an additional 53 billion pounds.
food-insecure households
Most people are unfamiliar with this term, so you need to define it on first use, even if you have a link to the source. Just a journalism thing.
It starts with you.
Nice section header. Smart choice.
An estimated 30-40 percent of the United States’ food supply is wasted. In 2010, about 31 percent of food loss occurred at the retail or customer levels, which corresponds to 133 b
Watch your indentations. The first sentences need to align flush against the edge.
Combat Food Waste
Given that this story is about food waste, perhaps an photo of wasted food would make for a more effective header background image. This looks fine, but kinda has the vibe of a recipe website; not the aesthetic I think you're going for in this story.
clark-creative.com clark-creative.comFinal8
More on Kylie...
Keep working on the layout of your News section. Smaller thumbnails with the headlines to the right. And either limit the number of articles in the search results, or even better, use a jQuery infinite scroll plugin to make the news feed into an infinite scroll. That would really give this app the feel of a modern, professional publication.
Sources × Sources... News API Books API YouTube API Coding for modal windows Google Font Images
A few things about this sources button. First of all, change it to an About section that appears as a modal. Include info about the project (it was for a UNC class assignment etc.). Move it to the top, especially if you're going to have the sticky banner; put it in the banner with a logo link to your portfolio in the left corner. That way, the banner is an actual menu and makes more sense. As it is now, it's way to small and awkward; it leaves a ton of negative space, doesn't serve much a purpose for your audience (aside from me, of course), and comes before the News section, making that section seem arbtiirary, like an afterthought.
Kardashian Dynasty
Excellent job with the Google Books API code. I'm not sure that displaying the book in a viewer canvas helps your story, though. It seems odd and out of place for this piece. Keep exploring other ways you can use that API.
summer collection to he
Modal windows! Nice. But keep working on the content, layout and visual design. They look unfinished and don't add much value to the story. They only have one, off-center item in them. Users will expect multiple items, hence collection. Add more images with links and horizontal scroll inside the modals
add _target="blank" on your links so they open in another window
his video has over 8 million views.
You have too much empty space after this paragraph.
Kylie Jenner's Prescence in Modern Society
Great job coding the translucent sticky banner, but I'm not sure it's necessary; your title is already front and center in the landing page (and looks great). The banner just clutters the site as you scroll down.
At age 21, Kylie Jenner has created an empire. With over 120 million followers on her instagram, 25.8 million followers on her twitter, and millions more purchasing her cosmetics, Jenner is everywhere. She has a massive presence in modern society, and here is the proof.
I would try some sans serif fonts. The story is cool and modern; the Times font looks old fashioned.
brianshurney.com brianshurney.com
There's so much data, some searches are slow even on desktop, and they freeze the app on mobile. You'll learn more about optimizing performance as you go along in your coding career.
When there's a long list of schools in the search results, users will likely miss the chart at the bottom. I would change the layout on desktop so the search results and the chart sit next to each other in two horizontal panels. Add overflow:scroll on the search results, so the entire app stays in a single screen.
Set the initial zoom farther out on map load. Users need to see where the school is located in the state (or US).
This is impressive as a student project, but as a working app, it has some major glitches that keep it from being professional-quality. For example, when you search 'North Carolina,' it only shows schools with those keywords in the name; so Duke, Wake Forest, etc. aren't included in the results. I believe the Dept. of Education API has location-based data; I would consider trying to build the geographic searches around that dataset and use the search bar for keyword searches of all data in the API.
You need to add a message that displays when users click submit without entering a query. And it might take awhile, but it's worth it to add some logic to match acronyms to the schools they represent in the API.
The search function is everything in this app, so make it larger and prominent. If you want to keep the minimalist design with negative space, put the search bar in the center of the screen and shrink it to just a magnifying glass after users enter a query. Also, use html form code so the submit button works when users hit enter, not just when they click the button,
Type in the name of a college or university system to analyze the statistics of relevant accredited colleges. You can also type in a state name to compare that state's colleges. For example, try typing in "University of North Carolina" to compare North Carolina's public universities, or just "North Carolina" to compare all of its state colleges.
Keep the intro short and punchy. This is an app, so sell it. Maybe, 'Search for a school and see that stats that matter. Search for a location and see how the schools in the area stack up.'
Brian, this is a really action-oriented, robust use of the APIs. Well done. I think you had so much code to write that you ran out of time to polish the visual design. This looks a bit unfinished, like it's still in testing. Keep working on the visual scheme, the colors, typography, images, layout etc. I like a minimalist design, but this needs a graphic on page load to fill the negative space and give the app some branding and visual appeal; an illustration would be nice.
College Finder and Analyzer
Try to come up with an actual name for this app, something short and catchy.
- Nov 2018
steveen-vargas.us steveen-vargas.usArticle16
Link to your sources in the text of the article. That's the standard now for most major publications.
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The social media menu and copyright above the footer should be code, not an image.
In the same way, Ecuador’s GDP has increased significantly in this past decade allowing the economy to stabilize
This chart seems to contradict what you said at the beginning of the article. In your introduction, you said that the adoption of the US dollar in 2000 led to economic turmoil and migration. But this chart shows that the economy actually improved beginning in 2000.
I know this story has a lot of personal meaning to you, and I applaud you for taking a quantitative, objective look at the data. Perhaps your personal experience skewed your interpretation of the statistics. Regardless, you need to rewrite the article so it's clear what happened; most Americans, unfortunately, aren't familiar with this story and won't understand how Ecuadorians simultaneously lost money while the economy improved.
World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files
You need to fix a few things to make this chart clearer. The title should be 'Gross National Product of Ecuador, 1987-2017,' with the World Bank data link as a subtitle or caption. The legend with the blue dot should be "Ecuador," not 'No Gross Domestic Product
we see a great decline of migration out of the country
And your reader will want to see it in a chart! Show this fact with a data visualization. The table doesn't bring the numbers to life the way that a chart can.
6 Ec
Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lin
You have some numbers in your JSON that are causing the dips down to zero and making what would have been a great chart hard to read and understand. You need to add some if-else logic to the AJAX request to eliminate the null values and mention that in the chart caption. That's what the World Bank did in their version of this chart. But the bigger question is why are there any zero values in the data? I don't think the poverty rate actually dropped to zero at any point in these countries.
Finally, what exactly is the 'poverty headcount ratio'? You need to explain unfamiliar terms to your readers.
Net Number of Migrants in South Am
Is this in thousands? And go ahead and set the default number of entries to 25. There are only 14 in the whole table, so just show them all at once.
United Nations,
Link to your source
ountry did not lose financially and mistrust in the governmen
This is awkward; I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
January 9th, 2000
Move this into the first paragraph. As it is, it looks like the date to the article.
Steven, overall, this looks good -- you matched the general visual style of the Post. But you're missing some key features in their design, e.g., the subscription call-to-action, the user login button, the sticky social media side nav, the Most Read section in the right sidebar, etc.
amygtownsend.com amygtownsend.com
n Bicycle Crashes, 2007 to 2015
And the 50-50 age is significantly more likely to crash in rural areas than other groups. Interesting. I'm seeing a story here...
...but then the article ends. I think you just ran out of time to explore this further. It's an interesting topic, and I think there are a lot of different angles you could take on it. This is a good start, but I would keep working on it for your portfolio. Find the insights in the data, visualize them, and discuss them in the article.
Your sidebar is missing several key features of the Post's design and branding: the Most Read section, the subscription call-to-action, the headlines newsletter signup, and the footer info.
Bicycle Crashes in Orange County
Instead of a table, this dataset calls for another chart (or charts). A stacked area chart would be great for this.
Bicycle Crashes in Orange County per Biker Age Group
The high number in the 50-59 group is interesting and unexpected. Hmm.
arge student population at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
How does this compare to Durham and Wake counties? Those areas also have a lot of students (Duke, NC State), but I'll bet there crash numbers are lower because fewer students bike to campus. Maybe I'm wrong. You should look into this.
Great job on the header. PS Go ahead and make the hamburger menu actually work. You know how.
Bicycle crash trends in Orange County, North Carolina
Keep digging for fonts. This doesn't quite match the Post.
adriannavu.com adriannavu.com
rom a diversity of races/ethnic groups
this phrase is a bit awkward
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Adrianna, you were supposed to emulate the visual design of the chosen publication using code, not images. The point was to try to match their CSS techniques, etc. All of your design features, e.g., the hamburger menu, most read section, social media side nav, etc., should be built with code.
partnered with a major business school to
name the school
global energy compan
Name the company
Be consistent. If you describe the first gap as a positive number (14%), do the same for the others.
Professional vs Executive
Again, this is the same data that you already showed in the two tables. A line chart is a fine way to show it, but it would be more effective -- and more accurate -- if you included all of the races in single chart with multiple lines, rather than splitting them up into separate chart. That way, the audience would able to see the trends, not just within each group, but in comparison to other groups.
Also, you're getting into dubious journalistic territory in the three minority representation line charts. When you confine the numbers in the Y axis to a narrow range (e.g, 3.5 to 6.5 percent), that skews the visual and makes small changes seem large. We talked about that problem in class. The Hispanic representation chart, for example, only changes one percent from 2008 to 2015, and the black representation chart hardly changes at all; just a one-percent blip downward in one category in 2011. But with such a small Y range, the charts make the changes look large. Please let me know if you're uncertain about this. You need to fix this before putting it in your portfolio.
I would also consider a stacked bar chart instead a line chart for this dataset.
It is easy to understand why Asian American representation in the workforce may not seem to be an issue. In some key measures, Asian Americans are the most successful U.S. demographic — more highly educated, for example, and with higher median incomes than any other racial group. More significant, Asian Americans are 13% of the professional workforce while making up only 5.6% of the U.S. population. However, Asians are only 6% of the executive workforce.
This is a great analysis and explanation of the problem and the common misconceptions.
statistically negligable
That's a story in and of itself.
White professionals are about twice as likely to be promoted into management as their Asian American counterpart
Wow, that's alarming. But readers will want to see this visualized in a chart. Your charts show the breakdown -- professional v. executive -- but they don't show the trends in how likely people are to move from the first category to the next. What you need is data on trends in upward mobility by race; how long and how likely it is for people of different races to be promoted with a certain timeframe, or in certain industries, etc.
Executive and Professional Percentages
This second table is really just another presentation of the same data from the first one. And the way it's organized makes it hard to read. I would move the Executive and Professional categories into columns, as subcategories in each year, e.g., 2008 - Executives, 2008 - Professionals