- Jun 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
“Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.”
"true" knowledge ie not just being able to recite things but actually understanding
robin? what is this?
space of cognition not information
the seminar style, if you will
sub-human receptacles
woah harsh...
“As a classroom community, our capacity to generate excitement is deeply affected by our interest in one another, in hearing one another’s voices, in recognizing one another’s presence.”
love this
our real selves and our virtual selves
the difference between "avatars" and the individual, online personas can vary greatly from the truth...catfish anyone?
assessment over engagement
our emphasis on recognition rather than recall
‘A’ with ‘B’.
education as a togetherness, a joint effort
“Unless the mass of workers are to be blind cogs and pinions in the apparatus they employ, they must have some understanding of the physical and social facts behind and ahead of the material and appliances with which they are dealing.”
kinda marxist eh?
“There is no such thing as a neutral educational process.” ~ Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
we knew this would come back around someday ;)
pedagogues teach while also actively investigating teaching and learning.
kinda like teaching about teaching
The web is asking us to reimagine how we think about space, how and where we engage, and upon which platforms the bulk of our learning happens.
like when we skype with someone who isn't physically in class but is still "in class"
It is not simply work done in the mind, on paper, or on screen. It is work that must be done on the ground.
it's more than a movement. it's a call to action that must be carried out physically and technologically
- Feb 2016
www.nku.edu www.nku.edu
With so much rhyme and little reason
criticizing his poetry?
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
our animosities and factions
We should soon see an honest emulation among the married women, which of them could bring the fattest child to the market. Men would become as fond of their wives, during the time of their pregnancy, as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, or sow when they are ready to farrow; nor offer to beat or kick them (as is too frequent a practice) for fear of a miscarriage.
the Pretender
it would greatly lessen the number of Papists
he doesn't like catholics...?
there are more children born in Roman Catholick countries about nine months after Lent
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
And may ten thousand abler pricks agree To do the wronged Corinna right for thee.
everyone else can bang her better than you?
thou dar’st not stand.
he's talking about his dick isn't he
With virgin blood ten thousand maids has dyed,
wow...you've slept with a lot of women haven't you bro
Ev’n her fair hand, which might bid heat return To frozen age, and make cold hermits burn, Applied to my dear cinder, warms no more Than fire to ashes could past flames restore.
she tries to jerk him off but even that doesn't work?
In liquid raptures I dissolve all o’er, Melt into sperm, and spend at every pore.
pre-mature ejaculation...?
Her nimble tongue, love’s lesser lightning, played Within my mouth, and to my thoughts conveyed Swift orders that I should prepare to throw The all-dissolving thunderbolt below.
second mention of thunder/lightning, interesting imagery that keeps popping up in his poems
andromeda.rutgers.edu andromeda.rutgers.edu
With tales like these I will such heat inspire, As to important mischief shall incline. I'll make them long some ancient church to fire, And fear no lewdness they're called to by wine.
he's gonna get everyone all hot and bothered and drunk and to set stuff on fire?
Whether the boy fucked you, or I the boy.
um what
I'll tell of whores attacked, their lords at home, Bawds' quarters beaten up, and fortress won, Windows demolished, watches overcome, [35] And handsome ills by my contrivance done.
comparing conquering a woman to that of a fort?
Bawds' quarters beaten up, and fortress won
When I was strong and able to bear arms.
get it up?
the ghost of my departed vice
Which my too-forward valour did procure, Frighten new-listed soldiers from the wars. Past joys have more than paid what I endure
scaring away women?
Nor shall the sight of honourable scars
The wise and daring conduct of the fight,
From his fierce eyes, flashes of rage he throws, As from black clouds when lightning breaks away, [10] Transported, thinks himself amidst his foes, And absent yet enjoys the bloody day;
reminiscing about war? real war? metaphor?
Two rival fleets appearing from afar,
men and women?
andromeda.rutgers.edu andromeda.rutgers.edu
A Youth more glitt'ring than a Birth-night Beau, 6 (That ev'n in Slumber caus'd her Cheek to glow) Seem'd to her Ear his winning Lips to lay, And thus in Whispers said, or seem'd to say.
a man is waking her up?
What dire Offence from am'rous Causes springs, 2 What mighty Contests rise from trivial Things, I sing — This Verse to C——, 3 Muse! is due; This, ev'n Belinda may vouchfafe to view: Slight is the Subject, but not so the Praise, If She inspire, and He approve my Lays. Say what strange Motive, Goddess! cou'd compel A well-bred Lord t'assault a gentle Belle? Oh say what stranger Cause, yet unexplor'd, Cou'd make a gentle Belle reject a Lord? [1.10] And dwells such Rage in softest Bosoms then? And lodge such daring Souls in Little Men?
what could cause tension between men and women?
ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.auOroonoko40
Harry Martin, the great Oliverian
’Tis a continent whose vast extent was never yet known, and may contain more noble earth than all the universe beside; for, they say, it reaches from east to west one way as far as China, and another to Peru: it affords all things both for beauty and use; ’tis there eternal spring, always the very months of April, May, and June; the shades are perpetual, the trees bearing at once all degrees of leaves and fruit, from blooming buds to ripe autumn: groves of oranges, lemons, citrons, figs, nutmegs, and noble aromatics continually bearing their fragrancies. The trees appearing all like nosegays adorned with flowers of different kinds; some are all white, some purple, some scarlet, some blue, some yellow; bearing at the same time ripe fruit, and blooming young, or producing every day new. The very wood of all these trees has an intrinsic value above common timber; for they are, when cut, of different colors, glorious to behold, and bear a price considerable, to inlay withal. Besides this, they yield rich balm and gums; so that we make our candles of such an aromatic substance as does not only give a sufficient light, but, as they burn, they cast their perfumes all about.
bounty, prosperity, again with the economic reason for colonizing
So that obliging him to love us very well, we had all the liberty of speech with him, especially myself, whom he called his Great Mistress; and indeed my word would go a great way with him.
how does she know them? is he just living in the colony?
for all the breed is theirs to whom the parents belong
born into slavery
I had forgot to tell you that those who are nobly born of that country are so delicately cut and raised all over the fore-part of the trunk of their bodies that it looks as if it were japanned, the works being raised like high point round the edges of the flowers. Some are only carved with a little flower, or bird, at the sides of the temples, as was Caesar; and those who are so carved over the body resemble our ancient Picts that are figured in the chronicles, but these carvings are more delicate.
tattoos? brands?
who is we?
he soon saw Imoinda all over her; in a minute he saw her face, her shape, her air, her modesty, and all that called forth his soul with joy at his eyes, and left his body destitute of almost life: it stood without motion, and for a minute knew not that it had a being; and, I believe, he had never come to himself, so oppressed he was with over-joy, if he had not met with this allay, that he perceived Imoinda fall dead in the hands of Trefry.
so it is her? or nah
is this her western name???
all the slaves perpetually at her feet
is she like the black cleopatra? i get those vibes
exotic trope with women
Trefry, who was naturally amorous, and loved to talk of love as well as anybody
love = definitely a theme of this novel
Mr. Trefry told Caesar that most of these young slaves were undone in love with a fine she-slave, whom they had had about six months on their land
his wife/girlfriend?!
he endured no more of the slave but the name
how is this story problematic? is it really representing this period? how was this story received?
I ought to tell you that the Christians never buy any slaves but they give ’em some name of their own, their native ones being likely very barbarous, and hard to pronounce; so that Mr. Trefry gave Oroonoko that of Caesar; which name will live in that country as long as that (scarce more) glorious one of the great Roman: for ’tis most evident he wanted no part of the personal courage of that Caesar, and acted things as memorable, had they been done in some part of the world replenished with people and historians that might have given him his due.
more allegories
Trefry soon found he was yet something greater than he confessed; and from that moment began to conceive so vast an esteem for him that he ever after loved him as his dearest brother, and showed him all the civilities due to so great a man.
The prince, having drunk hard of punch and several sorts of wine, as did all the rest (for great care was taken they should want nothing of that part of the entertainment), was very merry, and in great admiration of the ship, for he had never been in one before; so that he was curious of beholding every place where he decently might descend. The rest, no less curious, who were not quite overcome with drinking, rambled at their pleasure fore and aft, as their fancies guided ’em: so that the captain, who had well laid his design before, gave the word, and seized on all his guests; they clapping great irons suddenly on the prince, when he was leaped down into the hold to view that part of the vessel; and locking him fast down, secured him. The same treachery was used to all the rest; and all in one instant, in several places of the ship, were lashed fast in irons, and betrayed to slavery. That great design over, they set all hands to work to hoist sail; and with as treacherous as fair a wind they made from the shore with this innocent and glorious prize, who thought of nothing less than such an entertainment.
he got them all drunk and then captured them?! this isn't his first rodeo
harem? what does this mean???
she remained a spotless maid till that night
to rob his son of a treasure
women as property
her eternal empire over him, she condescended to receive him for her husband; or rather, received him as the greatest honor the gods could do her.
wow...that's beautiful
beautiful black Venus to our young Mars
more Roman imagery
He came into the room, and addressed himself to me and some other women with the best grace in the world. He was pretty tall, but of a shape the most exact that can be fancied: the most famous statuary could not form the figure of a man more admirably turned from head to foot. His face was not of that brown rusty black which most of that nation are, but of perfect ebony, or polished jet. His eyes were the most awful that could be seen, and very piercing; the white of ’em being like snow, as were his teeth. His nose was rising and Roman, instead of African and flat. His mouth the finest shaped that could be seen; far from those great turned lips which are so natural to the rest of the negroes. The whole proportion and air of his face was so nobly and exactly formed that, bating his color, there could be nothing in nature more beautiful, agreeable, and handsome.
all european features
He had nothing of barbarity in his nature, but in all points addressed himself as if his education had been in some European court.
western ideals
extreme good and graceful mien, and all the civility of a well-bred great man.
every human is essentially good
the deplorable death of our great monarch;
the one who got his head chopped off?
as soon as i read the whole "noble savage ideal" this was the first thing i thought of! othello
Or be there more or less of either sex, you are obliged to be contented with your lot.
that probably didn't go over too well
Those then whom we make use of to work in our plantations of sugar are negroes, black slaves altogether, who are transported thither in this manner.
dichotomy between black slaves and native peoples
word choice...why?
Religion would here but destroy that tranquillity they possess by ignorance; and laws would but teach ’em to know offense, of which now they have no notion.
wow...behn totally goes against everything going on during this time period...how interesting
before the Fall
"noble savage ideal"
This adornment, with their long black hair, and the face painted in little specks or flowers here and there, makes ’em a wonderful figure to behold. Some of the beauties, which indeed are finely shaped, as almost all are, and who have pretty features, are charming and novel; for they have all that is called beauty, except the color, which is a reddish yellow; or after a new oiling, which they often use to themselves, they are of the color of a new brick, but smooth, soft, and sleek.
for once, the native people are portrayed in a nice light...
long stripe of linen
loin cloth?
Adam and Eve
first biblical reference
to ’em
interesting grammar choices
faculty.winthrop.edu faculty.winthrop.edu
castrated chicken for consumption
she'd have made me believe the Moon had been made of a Christmas pie.
so gullible
Mrs. Pinchwife: O would you make me believe that? Don't I see every day at Londonhere, women leave their first Husband and go and live with other men as their Wives. Pish, pshaw, you'd make me angry, but that I love you so mainly.
so london women cheat on their husbands all the time?
Horner: I cannot be your Husband, Dearest, sinceyou are married to him.
oh so he doesn't care about sleeping with everyone's wife but he respects the sanctity of marriage? lol
Horner: No my life,'tis that I may love you long. 'Tis to secure my loveand your Reputation with your Husband. He'll never receive you again else.
does he actually care for her?
Lady Fidget: Ladies, this is my false Villain. Squeamish: And mine too. Dainty: And mine. Horn.Well then, you are all three my false Rogues too, and there's an end on it.
are they all saying that they've slept with him??
Velvet Vizard
what is this?
You have been too merry,Sir, at your wedding dinner sure.
drunk? she's embarrased i think
sexual reference?
Sparkish: Pshaw,what pleasure canthou have with women now, Harry?
he believes the rumor?
Why, wert thou not well cured of thy last clap?
like...the clap?
kill my Squirrel
um what does this mean
Horner: So there 'tis---a man can't show his friendship to a married man.
homosocial stuff
Squeamish: Oh Lord I'llhave some China too, good Mr. Horner. Don't think to give other people China and me none. Come in with me too.
horner is in demand?
Pinchwife: Well you are a good Girl then. Come let me lock you up in your chamber till I come back. And be sure you come not within three strides of the window when I am gone. (Exit Mrs. Pin.Pinchwife locks the door.) If we do not cheat women, they'll cheat us. And fraud may be justly used with secret enemies, of which a Wife is the most dangerous. Now I have secured all within, I'll deal with the Foe without with false intelligence.
he's NUTS
Write as I bid you, or I will write “Whore”with this knife in your Face.
does pinchwife call her that? horrible
Invincible stupidity, I tell you he would marry me as yourRival, not as your Chaplain.
she knows it's harcourt?
Why, I'll tell you all. Frank Harcourt,coming to me this morningto wish me joy and present his service to you, I asked himif he could help me to a Parson, whereupon he told mehe had a Brother in Town who was in Orders, and he went straight awayand sent him, you see there, to me.
this is a joke right...it's harcourt?
all this for no other purpose but as People adorn and perfume a Corpse, for a stinking second-hand-graveI think Master Sparkish's bed.
ooooh burn
all this for no other purpose but as People adorn and perfume a Corpse, for a stinking second-hand-graveI think Master Sparkish's bed.
ooooh burn
all this for no other purpose but as People adorn and perfume a Corpse, for a stinking second-hand-graveI think Master Sparkish's bed.
ooooh burn
all this for no other purpose but as People adorn and perfume a Corpse, for a stinking second-hand-graveI think Master Sparkish's bed.
ooooh burn
- Jan 2016
faculty.winthrop.edu faculty.winthrop.edu
You have only squeezed my Orange, I suppose, and given it me again.
sexual innuendo?
Horner: Well, you may go on, but this pretty young Gentleman . . . (Takes hold of Mrs. Pinchwife)
reversal of man playing woman's part?
Who for his businessfrom his Wife will run; Takesthe best careto have her business done
second couplet thing
And I would as soon look upon a Picture of Adamand Evewithout fig leaves as you.
back to religion
As Gout in Age, from Pox in Youth proceeds; So Wenching past, then jealousy succeeds: The worst disease that Love and Wenching breeds.
reminds me of the couplets at the end of shakespeare acts
What is wit in a Wife good forbut to make a Man a Cuckold?
stupid women make good wives because they aren't smart enough to have affairs?
But they have always coarse, constant, swingeing stomachsin the Country.
fat and unattractive?
rally? really?
A Mistress should be like a little Country retreat near the Town, not to dwell in constantly, but only for a night and away.
metaphors for extramarital affairs
Thou art an Ass.
great line
He's an innocent Man now
but he wasn't before
The Council
local government? parliament? it is london
Because your Virtue is yourgreatest affectation, Madam.
I have broughtover not so much as a Bawdy Picture, new Postures, nor the second Part of the Ecole des Filles . .
I have taken my eternal leave of the Sex already, Sir.
satire on sex and religion
you are the first would be thought a Man unfit for Women.
Orange Wenches at thePlayhouses?
like william of orange?
- Dec 2015
samplereality.com samplereality.com
At the most obvious level, the work is a parody of academic discourse, amplifying the already jargon-heavy language of academia with even more incomprehensible language.
sounds like my kind of stuff
Other strange transpositions occur. Every fact is a fad and print is a prison. Instructors are insurgents and introductions are invasions. Questions become quicksand. Universities, uprisings. Scholarly associations wither away to scholarly asthmatics. Disciplines are fractured into discontinuities. Writing, the thing that absorbs our lives in the humanities, writing, the thing that we produce and consume endlessly and desperately, writing, the thing upon which our lives of letters is founded—writing, it is mere “yacking” in Hacking the Accident.
this is so cool! would love to see more examples
subjected them to the N+7 algorithm used by the Oulipo writers.
what is this...sounds fancy
Deformed Humanities tears apart existing structures and uses the scraps.
derrida! glad i'm not the only one who made that connection
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
For it gave me my Portia.
money gave me my wife...that's a nice sentiment
Portia said: “Papa, he has said you haven’t a situation in your gift that he’d take; and I feel just as hurt as–” “My darling, is that your papa?” “Yes; he’s my step-papa, and the dearest one that ever was. You understand now, don’t you, why I was able to laugh when you told me at the minister’s, not knowing my relationships, what trouble and worry papa’s and Uncle Abel’s scheme was giving you?”
oh my god yes best twist ever
my brother Abel and I made.
more biblical stuff
I mean I never saw a painful story – a story of a person’s troubles and worries and fears – produce just that kind of effect before.
she is the audience...this story is meant to be ridiculous
I could go down on my knees for it!
like praying......? right.......?
an English girl of twenty-two, named Portia Langham, whom I fell in love with in two minutes, and she with me – I could see it without glasses
i love this
Lady Anne-Grace-Eleanor-Celeste-and-so-forth-and-so-forth-de-Bohun
there's the satiric stuff...
No; I had nothing in the world but a million pounds
such irony!
“The Continent?”
“I am sorry if it is an inconvenience, but I must insist. Please change it; I haven’t anything else.”
not even possible...haha
and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
I was clean—artificially—like the rest; and like the rest I fell when temptation came.
so much biblical stuff going on here...
At home the Richardses had to endure congratulations and compliments until midnight.
sad. this isn't going to end well is it
This was become their evening habit now: the life-long habit which had preceded it, of reading, knitting, and contented chat, or receiving or paying neighbourly calls, was dead and gone and forgotten, ages ago—two or three weeks ago; nobody talked now, nobody read, nobody visited—the whole village sat at home, sighing, worrying, silent. Trying to guess out that remark.
it's eating them alive
But, Mary, you know how we have been trained all our lives long, like the whole village, till it is absolutely second nature to us to stop not a single moment to think when there’s an honest thing to be done—
His wife sat brooding, with a drawn face, and did not seem to be aware that she was alone. Now and then she murmured, “Lead us not into t . . . but—but—we are so poor, so poor! . . . Lead us not into . . . Ah, who would be hurt by it?—and no one would ever know . . . Lead us . . . ” The voice died out in mumblings. After a little she glanced up and muttered in a half-frightened, half-glad way—
religion? "lead us not into temptation"
“It is a confession. I am ashamed, but I will make it. I was the only man who knew he was innocent. I could have saved him, and—and—well, you know how the town was wrought up—I hadn’t the pluck to do it. It would have turned everybody against me. I felt mean, ever so mean; ut I didn’t dare; I hadn’t the manliness to face that.”
what did he do?!
an honest town, an incorruptible town
an honest town, an incorruptible town
in reality an incorruptible town
something tells me this is going to change
is this actually a word?
- Nov 2015
digitalhumanities.org digitalhumanities.org
A dissertation presented as a virtual world installation would naturally be much more challenging to the established system than a personal research blog or a research oriented Twitter feed
Looking at where we do find complex, multimodal, interactive and networked expressions in the humanities, it is clear that they are more common — but by no means very common — in undergraduate education than in faculty research.
kinda meta...that's what we're doing now? right?
Part of the reason is probably exactly the difference in main modes of engagement, and there also seems to be a sense in the digital humanities community, not least the parts more engaged with the digital as a study object, that internet research is too large or too traditional (alluding to the institutional placement) to be included under the heading digital humanities. Looking at the internet research community on a more general level, there seems to be a sense that the perceived independence is quite important.
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
There was never any more inception than there is now, Nor any more youth or age than there is now, And will never be any more perfection than there is now, Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now
carpe diem?
the talkers
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
his once angelic nature
how hoary-bearded elders of the church have whispered wanton words to the young maids of their households; how many a woman, eager for widow’s weeds, has given her husband a drink at bed-time, and let him sleep his last sleep in her bosom; how beardless youth have made haste to inherit their father’s wealth; and how fair damsels–blush not, sweet ones–have dug little graves in the garden, and bidden me, the sole guest, to an infant’s funeral.
secret sin, very scarlet letter
to the communion of your race!
sounds like an exorcism to me...
My Faith is gone
could this be anymore obvious?!
Come witch, come wizard, come Indian powow, come devil himself!
Is that any reason why I should quit my dear Faith
his wife is literally religion...
the shape of old Goodman Brown.
Goody Cory,
giles cory!?!
“Sayest thou so?”
is hawthorne using this language because of the setting?
he of the serpent
can't help but think adam and eve...
making more haste on his present evil purpose
uh oh
www.hu.mtu.edu www.hu.mtu.edu
till sunk in his motor incapacity and nursling dependence, would seem to exhibit in an exemplary situation the symbolic matrix in which the I is precipitated in a primordial form
the child is dependent yet independent because it recognizes itself and realizes there are others
libidinal dynamism
like libido?
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de nier ce qui est, et d’expliquer ce qui n’est pas
deny that which is, and explain that which is not
this is no human hair.
Think, too, how great must have been that strength which could have thrust the body up such an aperture so forcibly that the united vigor of several persons was found barely sufficient to drag it down!
good point old chap
a posteriori.
This relieves us of all doubt upon the question whether the old lady could have first destroyed the daughter and afterward have committed suicide.
i was thinking that might be a possibility but nope
Appeared to be that of a German. Might have been a woman’s voice. Does not understand German.
how do you know that it's german then?!
Could not be sure that it was a man’s voice. It might have been a woman’s.
stories are already starting to conflict each other
cool word
lots of french words in this text and i know very few of them...sad since i took 4 years of french
this is really annoying :(
those who examined shape and size of the head in order to "determine character and intelligence"
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I may say an excellently well constructed house.
i'm confused...didn't their house burn down? is this a different house?
At one period I thought of cutting the corpse into minute fragments, and destroying them by fire. At another, I resolved to dig a grave for it in the floor of the cellar. Again, I deliberated about casting it in the well in the yard—about packing it in a box, as if merchandize, with the usual arrangements, and so getting a porter to take it from the house.
the most blatantly violent poe story i've read for sure
Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan.
holy crap
the image of a hideous—of a ghastly thing—of the GALLOWS!—oh, mournful and terrible engine of Horror and of Crime—of Agony and of Death!
yes, even in this felon’s cell
he's in prison. ooh interesting
hung it because I knew that it had loved me, and because I felt it had given me no reason of offence;—hung it because I knew that in so doing I was committing a sin—a deadly sin that would so jeopardize my immortal soul as to place it
slightly disturbing
fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame. I took from my waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat
I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others. I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. At length, I even offered her personal violence.
a cat
this will be important later i feel
a small monkey
they must be rich
With these I spent most of my time, and never was so happy as when feeding and caressing them.
oh not another thomas grainger.......
perhaps, some intellect may be found which will reduce my phantasm to the common-place—some intellect more calm, more logical, and far less excitable than my own, which will perceive, in the circumstances I detail with awe, nothing more than an ordinary succession of very natural causes and effects.
maybe someone else will read this and think you're crazy hmmm?