1,029 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2021
    1. a user de-fined extension namespaces

      What is that?

    2. Each SPARQL implementation has its own protocol torealize the binding between extension namespaces and function definitions

      I don't get. An example?

    3. limits the interoperability of the query

      How so?

    4. query and search

      What's the difference between "query" and "search"?

    1. Given the restrictions of the sandboxed iframe, it is not able to make calls outside of its own frame, nor is it able to read or modify anything about the parent page.

      Very nice.

    1. they can perform I/O using XMLHttpRequest (although the responseXML and channel attributes are always null) or fetch (with no such restrictions).
    1. It is an isolated environment that is insulated from the window object, the document object, direct internet access

      Is it so?

    1. more difficult to maintain

      How so?

    2. make our components larger

      Overhead of FRP engines baked into WCs may indeed add up to a substantial size by Web standards.

    3. convolute the code

      How so?

    1. Notes

      I'm curious to see how an example case of 30 ReactJS components with different ReactJS versions are going to look like. Having dependency on a different version of a library is the most likely scenario in practice. How will dependencies be managed in this case?

    2. All components will share the library code

      How does it work?

    1. Automatic linking of other resources and discussions

      What problem is it meant to solve?

    2. Portability across hosting services

      What is meant to be hosted?

    3. Rich connections to other online resources
    4. Discovery and linking of annotations across different content instances (html vs. pdf)
    5. Rich

      What is meant by "rich"?

    6. Many different clients that support basic functionality

      Are there any implementations?

    7. Tags that help filter, sort, identify annotations by date, relevance, topic…factual annotations vs. comments  (pragmatic vs. true semantic interoperability)

      Perhaps RDF is a good fit for it.

    8. People identifiers within groups and globally (SSO including with ORCID), w/ Twitter, other SM groups

      Can this problem of identifying people be solved by WebID?

    9. repositories

      What is it?

    10. versions of content

      What is meant by it?

    11. Selection

      What is it?

    12. ability to evolve permissions on selected annotations

      How to control who's allowed to evolve?

    13. branded

      What is it?

    14. authoritative

      What is it?

    15. private group

      What is it?

    16. but

      Why "but"?