- May 2023
www.tech-invite.com www.tech-invite.com
The GMLC invokes a Nudm_UECM_Get service operation towards the home UDM of the target UE to be located with the GPSI or SUPI of this UE.
The external location services client sends a request to the GMLC for a location for the target UE identified by an GPSI or an SUPI. The request may include the required QoS, UE unaware indication and Supported GAD shapes. If location is required for more than one UE, the steps following below may be repeated and in that case the GMLC shall verify whether the number of Target UEs in the LCS request is equal to or less than the Maximum Target UE Number of the LCS client. If Maximum Target UE Number is exceeded, the GMLC shall reject the LCS request, the step 2-10 are skipped, and then GMLC respond to the client with proper error cause in the step 11.
外部位置服务客户端向GMLC(Gateway Mobile Location Centre)发送一个请求,以获取由GPSI或SUPI标识的目标UE的位置信息。该请求可以包括所需的位置服务质量(QoS)、UE无感知指示和支持的位置辅助数据(GAD)形状。
如果需要为多个目标UE获取位置信息,则可以重复以下步骤。在这种情况下,GMLC需要验证LCS请求中的目标UE数量是否等于或小于LCS客户端的最大目标UE数量。如果超过了最大目标UE数量,GMLC将拒绝LCS请求,并跳过步骤2-10,然后在步骤11中向客户端回复适当的错误原因。 简单来说,这段描述描述了以下过程:
- Feb 2021
thenewinquiry.com thenewinquiry.com
demilitarization and peace
heroic struggle for the globalization of liberal freedoms
military hegemony as moral hegemony
yellow peril
model minority
a permanently abjected enemy whose depravity eclipses and necessitates the domestic and international brutalities of the U.S. world order
emergence of the contemporary liberal republic in South Korea (itself the imperfect achievement of decades of protracted working-class struggle) is retroactively presented as proof of how the U.S. “saved” Korea
“just war.”
“forgotten war,”
narratives of the pandemic
paragon of technocratic governance, a liberal-democratic foil in villainizing narratives of China, and a stage for classic Orientalist bloviations on Eastern collectivity and automatism versus Western individualism and indomitability
- Sep 2019
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Accuracy (recovery
Recovery studies and quality control
LC-MS Analysis
HPLC Analysis
Extraction and Cleanup
Sampling point, Sample Size and Sample collection
Analysis of Imidacloprid residues in various food commodities and hazard index estimation
Test Material
- Aug 2019
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Sucrosc, 'frizma base, PMSI:, EIYSA, Tween-40TM IPolyoxycthylene (20) sorbitol ~nonopalmitatej. Tween-20TM, Glycerol, a-n~ercaptoethanol (2-ME), 1)imethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), TEMED. Ammoniu~n persulphate (APS), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SIX). Brilliant Blue G, Coomassie Blue, OPD, N-cthylmaleimide (NEM). Bovine Serum Albumin (USA), azetidinc-2-carboxilic acid (Azt). I,-canavanine (L-can). phosphatidylclioline, pl~osphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine. cycloheximidr, 1,-amino acids, 1)-amino acids, valinomycin, CCCP, PercollTM, I,-proline agarose, L-argir~ine agarose, n-octyl-p-D- glucopyranoside, dansylated amino acids and egg-phoshatidylclioli~le (Egg-PC) were purchased from Sigma Chemicals Co. (St. Louis, USA
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Preparation of ZnO/Ag2Onanocomposites
- Jul 2019
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Photography, evaluation and documentation
Procedurefor SDS-PAGE
Materialsrequired for SDS-PAGE
Effect of temperature on xylanase activity
Effect of pH on xylanase activity
Effect of various carbon sourceson xylanase activity
Assayof xylanase activity
Dinitrosalicylate reagent (DNS)(per liter)
Citrate phosphate buffer
Xylanase activity
Harvesting of cultures
Enzyme production (EP) medium
Inoculum preparation
Sporulation medium used for Trichodermasp
Maintenance of Trichodermasp. culture
Materials for xylanase induction
Induction of xylanase from Trichodermasp
Evaluation of bioagents against the pathogen
Laboratory screening of antagonists against the test pa
Effect of pHon growth and sporulation of the bioagent
Effect of temperature on growth of bioagent
Effect of different media on growth of bioagentTrichoderma
Cultural characteristicsof bioagent Trichoderma
Mycelial characteristicsof pathogen
Identificationof bioagent
Isolation and purification of Trichoderma sp.
Isolation and purification of pathogen, Fusarium udum
Isolation, purification and morphological characterization of pathogen and bioagent
Collection of the diseased materia
Sterilization of laminar air flow
Sterilization of media and distilled water
Sterilization of glasswares
Sterilization procedure
Source of chemicals
Experimental site
- mt-9-mt-9
- mt-9-mt-4
- mt-7
- mt-9
- mt-3-mt-1
- mt-9-mt-2
- mt-1
- md-1-md-2-mt-3
- mt-6-mt-6-mt-2-mt-1
- mt-9-mt-8-mt-2
- mt-6-mt-1
- md-1-md-2-mt-2
- mt-6-mt-2
- mt-9-mt-8
- mt-8-mt-1
- mt-9-mt-8-mt-1-mt-2
- mt-9-mt-8-mt-1
- mt-7-mt-2
- mt-7-mt-3
- mt-4
- mt-9-mt-7
- mt-6-mt-3
- mt-9-mt-10
- mt-6
- mt-9-mt-1
- mt-7-mt-1
- mt-3-mt-2
- mt-8
- mt-9-mt-5
- mt-2
- mt-5
- mt-3-mt-3
- mt-3
- mt-9-mt-6
- mt-9-mt-8-mt-1-mt-1
- mt-9-mt-11
- mt-9-mt-3
- md-1-md-2-mt-1
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Gel documentation and image analysis
Screening for virulence genes in V. parahaemolyticusfrom Cochin estuary, shrimp farm and seafood
Statistical analysis
Detection of hemolytic activity
Production of caseinase
Production of phosphatase
Bacterial strains used
Detection of virulence genes tdhand trhby multiplex
Detection of type III secretion system genes
Production of chitinase
Production of DNas
Production of gelatinase
Production of Lipase
Production of amylase
Bacterial strains used
Screening of Vibriostrains for extracellular enzymes
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Plasmid curing experiment
Plasmid profiling of the drug resistant strains
Gel documentation and image analysis
Detection ofblaNDM-1gene
Detection of blaCTX-Mgene
Detection of blaTEMgene
DNA isolation
Detection of beta-lactam antibiotic resistancegenes
MAR indexing
Antibiotic sensitivity tes
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Statistical analysis
Gel documentation and image analysis
Detection of toxR gene
Detection of tlhgene
Extraction of genomic DNA
Detection of V. parahaemolyticusspecies-specific gene
Isolation of V. parahaemolyticuson HiCrome Vibrio
Isolation and identification of V. parahaemolyticus
PCR amplification of 16S rRNA gene
DNA isolatio
Molecular confirmation of Vibrioby 16S rRNA gene se
Resistance to ampicillin
Citrate utilisation tes
Nitrate reduction test
Production of β-galactosidase (ortho-Nitrophenyl β-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG)) test
Urease production
Gelatinase production
Growth at different temperatures
Salt tolerance tes
Voges Proskauer (acetoin production) test
Indole production
Carbon source utilisation tes
Carbohydrate fermentation test
Amino acids utilisation test (Decarboxylase/dihydrol
Species level identification
Oxidative-Fermentative test
Oxidase test
Gram staining
Presumptive identification
Isolation of Vibriospecies from water and sediment of Cochin estuary
Sample collection
Analysis of hydrographical parameters
Description of sampling site
Molecular confirmation of Vibrioby 16S rRNA gene s
Resistance to ampicillin
Citrate utilisation tes
Nitrate reduction tes
Production of β-galactosidase (ortho-Nitrophenyl β-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG)) test
Urease productio
Gelatinase productio
Growth at different temperature
Salt tolerance tes
Voges Proskauer (acetoin production) tes
Indole production
Carbon source utilisation t
Carbohydrate fermentation tes
Amino acids utilisation test (Decarboxylase/dihydrola
Species level identification
Oxidative-Fermentative test
Oxidase tes
Gram staining
Presumptive identification
Isolation of Vibriospecies from water and sediment of Cochin estuary
Sample collection
Analysis of hydrographical parameters
Description of sampling site
- mt-6-mt-13
- mt-6-mt-8
- mt-6-mt-7
- mt-5-mt-3
- mt-12
- mt-10
- mt-7
- mt-9
- mt-6-mt-10
- mt-6-mt-11
- mt-5-md-3
- mt-8-mt-2-mt-3
- mt-6-mt-1
- mt-11
- mt-6-mt-2
- mt-8-mt-2-mt-2
- mt-13
- mt-8-mt-1
- mt-7-mt-2
- mt-6-mt-6
- mt-4
- mt-6-mt-12
- mt-6-mt-3
- mt-6-mt-4
- mt-8-mt-2
- mt-6
- mt-8-mt-2-mt-1
- mt-7-mt-1
- mt-5-mt-1
- mt-8
- mt-5-mt-2
- mt-2
- mt-5
- mt-6-mt-9
- mt-3
- mt-6-mt-5
- mt-8-mt-2-mt-4
- mt-1
- mt-14
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Plasmids and bacterial strain
Seed collection of different crops
Glasswares, plasticwares and equipments
Source of chemicals
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
Statistical analysis
Post-challenge survival
Determination of antileishmanial antibody responses in hamster
cDNA synthesis and amplification
Formaldehyde gel electrophoresis
RNA isolation
Quantification of mRNA cytokines and inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in hamsters by Real time-PCR
NO production
LTT assay
Immunological assays
Vaccination schedule and assessment of parasitic burden
2 Anim
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
Preparation of media for bacterial cell culture
Cloning of gene in pTZ57R/T (T/A cloning) vecto
Elution of amplified gene from the Gel
PCR amplification
Genomic DNA isolatio
Cloning, expression and purification ofADH
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Python Molecular Viewer
PubChem Compound Database Screening
Molecular Docking
Inhibitors Dataset
Active site analysis
Receptor X-ray structure
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Molecular Docking
Inhibitors Dataset
Receptor X-ray Structure
- Jun 2019
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
RNA Interference
Cell transfection
Secondary antibodies
Primary antibodies
Antibodies used in our study
Cell culture
General reagents and plastic wares
Medium and Serum
pGEX6P2-BPN (1-993 a.a)
pET30a-GFP-FL (GFP antigen)
pET30-b-APC Nde/Sca (1211-1495 a.a) (antigen for APC antibody)
pET30a-β-catenin-FL (Antigen for -catenin antibody)
GFP-β-cateninC-C (423-634 a.a) (ARM-C)