- Sep 2016
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
The web is a network for conversations, and if students still see their audience as a teacher with a red pen, then nothing changes.
It needs to be expressed to the student that when establishing a domain, the object is to create a greater conversation via the internet.
Gaining ownership over the data is vital—but until students see this domain as a space that rewards rigor and experimentation, it will not promote student agency.
Interesting counterargument to Watters' article about emoower a student's control over their education.
rebus.press rebus.press
This can be a way to track growth and demonstrate new learning over the course of a student’s school career
It is very important for students to see their educational progressed laid out as such, since most of the progress is unseen throughout the years.
they are the subjects of their learning, not the objects of education technology software.
Best way to educate a student!!
the domain and all its content are the student’s to take with them. It is, after all, their education, their intellectual development, their work.
Working as a student toward building basically a portfolio for future endeavors gives us a sense of greater importance rather than just executing assignments for the class sake.
Students have little agency when it comes to education technology – much like they have little agency in education itself.
We need to give students a voice in there future!
www.uvm.edu www.uvm.edu
Within disciplines, of course, teaching should encourage students to draw knowledge together from many sources.
Not just from one single textbook.
Without liberal arts to provide a context for technical training, young people cannot be expected to understand the general nature and structure of our society, the role of the university, or the importance of values.
A broad understanding creates more compassionate students.
Because many high schools don't do their jobs, 53 percent of college students, including those who attend community colleges, require remedial courses.
A broad, cohesive educational system would be very beneficial for our society, but it would be very challenging to do so.
the complexity of the world requires us to have a better understanding of the relationships and connections between all fields that intersect and overlap — economics and sociology, law and psychology, business and history, physics and medicine, anthropology and political science.
One subject majors are not cutting it in the real world anymore. There is a growing importance for multiple disciplines within careers.
Instead of helping students learn and grow as individuals, find meaning in their lives, or understand their role in society, college has become a chaotic maze where students try to pick up something useful as they search for the exit: the degree needed to obtain decent employment.
This is sadly the case in most higher education. Hopefully we will help change this perception of a college education.
- Aug 2016
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
The computer cannot provide an organizing moral framework. It cannot tell us what questions are worth asking."
My mom is currently doing computer classes at a university and this relates to something her professor says all the time, " the computer is only as smart as the person using it". The information is there but if you do not have the ability to find it it is useless.
Instead of helping students learn and grow as individuals, find meaning in their lives, or understand their role in society, college has become a chaotic maze where students try to pick up something useful as they search for the exit:
This sentence stands out to me because of how often I find me and my peers discussing it. I feel as if going to college is just another step added into the motions of life. In todays work field a degree is turning into more than a want for higher education but a requirement. Instead of students finding there way in the world there main focus in college is to get a job to pay for their loans, the loans they had to take out to become eligible for said job.