- Nov 2017
the Interdisciplinary Studies program at PSU has been here since 1974.
No matter how many times I hear this establishment date, it still astonishes me that more students did not have the opportunity to explore their true passion or course of study.
Open textbook: our textbook is a mix of CC-licensed work from key established scholars and work written by undergraduates in our own program
Having a textbook written by multiple voices has made it easier, and definitely less daunting to read. Knowing who these people are now from my years at PSU, it makes reading their work more personal.
But we do it by helping students see themselves as part of an academic community, and then leveraging the power of that community to support itself in the ways that it needs.
This community has been accepting of all, and there is no shame when someone actually needs something. As a community, we reach out to help each other, and others outside of our community, as much as we can.
100% of students are admitted on their second try after receiving constructive feedback from our Council
While this is undeniable statistic, some of those students do end up taking months to resubmit their program due to the extensiveness of the development of the each program.
this is clearly overstated
Honesty never hurt anyone! Like previously mentioned, I know a couple students that were in IDS, but ended up transferring to another school that had their program already established.
students in interdisciplinary fields that are well-established at other colleges but which Plymouth State,
There are many college across the country that do offer my major, but I wanted to be able to stay in NH due to finances and family. IDS gave me the opportunity to pursue my ideal education without compromising on location.
retools program design in order to create more flexible structures to support degree completion and student agency.
The student agency aspect of my learning has been one of the most frustrating and rewarding. Frustrating in the way that there was a minimal amount of direction, but rewarding since I had the ownership of my program.
- Oct 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
the need for learning contexts that bring together in-school and out-of-school learning and activity.
This would really enforce the connection between classroom learning and everyday learning
- Sep 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
link a broader and more diverse range of culture, knowledge, and expertise to educational opportunity.
This has been one of the most overlooked, but important aspects within my journey of connected learning. I have learned so much while staying connected.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
The domains project isn’t revolutionary to the traditional classroom, but it is revolutionary to a classroom reimagined around public scholarship, student agency and experimentation.
This point is spot on. The domain relies upon student agency and public scholarship in order to be a successful approach to education.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
to demonstrate and discuss, as fellow learners, how they have created and connected their own personal cyberinfrastructures
Professors should have the continuing education with the changing technological world. More professors are embracing being students along with their own students.
students not only would acquire crucial technical skills for their digital lives but also would engage in work that provides richly teachable moments ranging from multimodal writing to information science, knowledge management, bibliographic instruction, and social networking
This is an excellent way to learn through multiple pathways. This allows each student to take away what they need in the way that they need it.
progress means looping back to earlier ideas whose vitality and importance were unrecognized or underexplored at the time, and bringing those ideas back into play in a new context.
Progress does not always have to be forward. Progress can encompass testing multiple ideas to ensure success.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
their learning portfolio – can travel with them.
This allows professors and employers to see progress and a bettering of ones self.
students have already developed rich social lives online and could use help, not punishment or paternalism, in understanding how to think through the data trails they’re leaving behind.
Throughout my educational career, I have been preached to about posting on social media and the internet, but I never received any help with what and how I should post in or even explained to what anything was on the internet.
the domain and all its content are the student’s to take with them
This is extremely helpful when building a portfolio, or trying to explain to future employers what you have done throughout your education.
safeguarding their data from advertisers as well as from unscrupulous people and companies.
But would this "safeguard" hinder research pertaining to student's online usage? Research can help parents understand usage better as well as teachers in developing techniques to teach the students through
fail to give students themselves a voice, let alone some assistance in deciding what to share online.
This seems to be the case in most instances with students. We are told what to do but never informed why or assisted in the implementation.
- Nov 2016
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Funding agencies and universities should remove the barriers to interdisciplinary research and training.
University funding is lacking in interdisciplinary programs because it is still an up-and-coming concept. Hopefully by spreading a greater understanding in interdisciplinary programs, recognition within the institutions and funding will increase.
The cross-departmental nature of interdisciplinary research is likely to compound the problems of allocation of credit and research resources when grants are funded across departments or schools.
Funds are a huge part of research. Mentioned previously in this article, funds are hard to obtain when doing interdisciplinary work versus disciplinary work.
bringing people together through the creation of central facilities or common areas can increase its probability.
This is a great way to establish a very natural feeling interdisciplinary environment. A common conversation could result in a world breaking discovery.
To coordinate the efforts of a diverse team requires credibility as a research scientist, skill in modulating strong personalities, the ability to draw out individual strengths, and skill in the use of group dynamics to blend individual strengths into a team.
Usually, these leadership skills are a result of experience and interpersonal skills. To be able to lead an interdisciplinary team, one should have a decent understanding of each members background and strengths and weaknesses.
Good communication skills are helpful in alleviating such problems, but most members of interdisciplinary teams lack training and proficiency in such skills.
The team is only as strong as their weakest member. If one group member lacks the communication skills, the other team members have to help with those skills.
To work together, people must understand and appreciate the value and limitations of both their own and others' methods.
To be humble of one's own discipline and respectful to another's discipline is extremely important. To undermine the importance of another discipline will not condone a successful relationship.
We speak the language of our discipline, which raises two problems: first, we may not understand the languages of the other disciplines; second, more dangerously, we may think that we understand these, but do not, because although the same terms are used in different disciplines, they mean something very different in each.
Clarification within communication is critical to any successful solutions. Many important details can be lost in translation if not clearly communicated
they would be lost in a team effort and “lose their professional identity.”
This is an interesting concept. Coming from a creative collaborative background, I find that being able to work in interdisciplinary teams is a beneficial element to my professional identity.
most significant scientific problems cannot be accommodated within arbitrary disciplinary structures.”
Although many scientific problems seem to revolve around a single disciplines, the research in order to reach a solution or understanding is often interdisciplinary.
www.iiisci.org www.iiisci.org
real-world events because such events are not typically solitary;rather they contain multiple interrelated issues that shouldbe addressed simultaneously to arrive ata solution.
As interdisciplinarians, we need to apply knowledge from multiple disciplines to problems and solutions. This is what makes us a threat in the work place.
When students reach a newlevel, an entirely new set of challenges should bepresented, once again slightly above their existing level of competence.
There needs to be a constant challenge for the students. To present students the same level of challenge is to provide the students with a stagnant education.
employersacross the United States, the most important skills cited werecritical thinking, creativity, collaboration, oral and written communication.
All of these skills are stated to be emphasized within an interdisciplinary program. These are key skills to success in the IDS programs as well as future careers.
Students enrolled in interdisciplinaryprograms see instructorsas theymodel continued learning, have an opportunity to build upon their individual strengths and become personally invested in their work.
I see this increasingly as a student now that interdisciplinary studies has become a huge part of this university.
Real world problems “rarely arise within orderly disciplinary categories, and neither do their solutions
This seemed to be the case in the majority of high school classes. When it comes to higher education, this is less frequent but still relevant especially in some general education courses.
- Oct 2016
drnissani.net drnissani.net
The modern mind divides, specializes, thinks in categories: the Greek instinct was the opposite, to take the widest view, to see things as an organic whole.
Interdisciplinary is not a modern concept
those who stop at the disciplinary edge run the risk of tunnel vision
Or narrow mindedness, referring to "What are the benefits of interdisciplinary study?"
Most observers of the creative moment concur: "The clashing point of two subjects, two disciplines, two cultures--of two galaxies, so far as that goes--ought to produce creative chances. In the history of mental activity that has been where some of the break-throughs came"
Absolutely love this quote.
In academic discourse, interdisciplinarity typically applies to four realms: knowledge, research, education, and theory.
Love how it is broken down like this!!
www.open.edu www.open.edu
Educational systems are serving students best if they enable and encourage students to build their own interdisciplinary pathway. This approach is sure to foster a love of learning, ignite a spark of enthusiasm and address learning differences for students.
So true!! I advocate for more interdisciplinary pathways to every student I can!
Students are highly motivated as they have a vested interest in pursuing topics that are interesting to them. As a result, the content is often rooted in life experiences, giving an authentic purpose for the learning and connecting it to a real world context. Consequently, the learning becomes meaningful, purposeful and deeper resulting in learning experiences that stay with the student for a lifetime.
I find this to be so true given my experience with interdisciplinary students. Very motivated!!
the theory assumes that we are active creators of our own knowledge requiring students to ask questions, explore, and assess what is known or learned.
This is great! Being active and curious while learning is key!
their learning is deepened when they reflect on the connections between what they are learning in different disciplines.
Love how this is explained! It almost seems like connecting the dots!
This type of study allows the student to learn by making connections between ideas and concepts across different disciplinary boundaries. Students learning in this way are able to apply the knowledge gained in one discipline to another different discipline as a way to deepen the learning experience.
This is a really good way to define interdisciplinary in a simple way as well as why it is beneficial for the student.
katherinedeluca.wordpress.com katherinedeluca.wordpress.com
According to Grunewald colleges must be redesigned as completely interdisciplinary. I couldn’t even imagine my excitement if I attended a school with zero majors.
This would be a very interesting concept! I would be very intrigued to see how a college with zero majors would fair.
spinmelikearecord.wordpress.com spinmelikearecord.wordpress.com
Interdisciplinary Studies also greatly fosters the ideals of metacogniton. Metacognition is the, “awareness of your own learning and thinking process(57, Repko)”.
A really great connection between terms.
I am creating and envisioning a possibility that others may not see or may not have the confidence to direct.
very interesting concept
education.stateuniversity.com education.stateuniversity.com
Only white Christian males were allowed to matriculate. Women and African-Americans were denied participation by statute and custom, but colleges did serve Native Americans in a missionary capacity.
It is interesting that they provide ministry education for Native Americans and nothing for any others.
gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com
The medical field is most likely one of the most specialized fields in the world, even though it seems the human body and its complex systems would be the number one use for interdisciplinary study.
Many specialists work closely with interdisciplinarity so all bases are covered and knowledge can be transferred to each other.
shelbychapman1.wordpress.com shelbychapman1.wordpress.com
What was interesting to me was thinking about disciplines outside of education and how they interact with each other and in which ways they belong to a social community.
Social communities are a huge part to the development and definition of a discipline. These help the spread of knowledge among similar scholars.
melissaaronis.wordpress.com melissaaronis.wordpress.com
Discipline was introduced as “discipline” by the Romans and was originally applied to the professions because of the need that was perceived to relate education to specific political, economic, and ecclesiastical ends.
Disciplines evolve to meet the needs of the times, which during the Roman's time was political, economic, and ecclesiastical needs.
www.cleary.edu www.cleary.edu
colleges began to broaden their focus to include education for the ministry, medicine and law.
Interesting combination, especially with ministry in the mix. Reflecting on the origins of education during the times of the Greeks, religion was at the forefront of their teachings.
- Sep 2016
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
The web is a network for conversations, and if students still see their audience as a teacher with a red pen, then nothing changes.
It needs to be expressed to the student that when establishing a domain, the object is to create a greater conversation via the internet.
Gaining ownership over the data is vital—but until students see this domain as a space that rewards rigor and experimentation, it will not promote student agency.
Interesting counterargument to Watters' article about emoower a student's control over their education.
rebus.press rebus.press
This can be a way to track growth and demonstrate new learning over the course of a student’s school career
It is very important for students to see their educational progressed laid out as such, since most of the progress is unseen throughout the years.
they are the subjects of their learning, not the objects of education technology software.
Best way to educate a student!!
the domain and all its content are the student’s to take with them. It is, after all, their education, their intellectual development, their work.
Working as a student toward building basically a portfolio for future endeavors gives us a sense of greater importance rather than just executing assignments for the class sake.
Students have little agency when it comes to education technology – much like they have little agency in education itself.
We need to give students a voice in there future!
www.uvm.edu www.uvm.edu
Within disciplines, of course, teaching should encourage students to draw knowledge together from many sources.
Not just from one single textbook.
Without liberal arts to provide a context for technical training, young people cannot be expected to understand the general nature and structure of our society, the role of the university, or the importance of values.
A broad understanding creates more compassionate students.
Because many high schools don't do their jobs, 53 percent of college students, including those who attend community colleges, require remedial courses.
A broad, cohesive educational system would be very beneficial for our society, but it would be very challenging to do so.
the complexity of the world requires us to have a better understanding of the relationships and connections between all fields that intersect and overlap — economics and sociology, law and psychology, business and history, physics and medicine, anthropology and political science.
One subject majors are not cutting it in the real world anymore. There is a growing importance for multiple disciplines within careers.
Instead of helping students learn and grow as individuals, find meaning in their lives, or understand their role in society, college has become a chaotic maze where students try to pick up something useful as they search for the exit: the degree needed to obtain decent employment.
This is sadly the case in most higher education. Hopefully we will help change this perception of a college education.