283 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. ou will probably need short (50-100 words) and long (500 words)

      Its not long so think carefully about your essential points

    2. Group exhibitions you’ve participated in • Performance pieces you’ve participated in • Residencies you’ve undertaken • Grants, prizes and awards you’ve received • Memberships to professional organizations • Commissioned projects you’ve worked on • Articles or books you’ve published • Institutions that hold collections of your work

      examples of things to add to a resume

    3. Your resume should tell the gallery that you are a serious artist who has had some experience of the art world before.

      Assembling a resume the important facts

    1. Images

      Step 3. Have professional images of your art with nice lighting and make sure if you have colors they are true to life

    2. Cover Letter

      Be professional add a cover letter, let the boss know you are there for business

    3. Think about what ties the work together.

      This is the BIG IDEA

    4. if they have a particular exhibition proposal format they prefer

      check the artsciencegallery requirements

  2. Sep 2015
    1. Prediction: that this is going to go into the earliest of Fad diets

    2. Over the decades, certain foods acquire -- and lose -- near-mystical properties. In recent years it has been cabbage soup (the mainstay in an extremely strict diet that emerged around 1996); grapefruit (enzymes in grapefruit are supposed to attack fat cells); and apple vinegar (romantic poet Lord Byron allegedly lost weight by eating food drenched in vinegar).

      Fad diets often give one food mystical powers

    3. by the early 2000s, Atkins was back in favor

      Fix-up: Altough made in 1972 it became popular in the 2000s

    4. And Metrecal begat Carnation's Slender.

      Summary: liquid diets started here.

    5. Gayelord Hauser

      Prediction: I predict that he was the creator of some fad diets.

    6. is book, Look Younger, Live Longer was a 1951 hit and his followers included Greta Garbo and Paulette Goddard.

      Visualization: I can see the cover of the book with some guy looking very plasticity and "young" with a blender and a big white smile.

    7. his own invented cereals, would bring perfect weight and perfect health.

      Summarize: he made a fad diet around his cereals and there is still one.

    8. "Chewing Song"

      Connect: I remember my mother playing this song for me when I was younger and I kept eating too fast and getting the hiccups.

    9. Fletcher, dubbed "the Great Masticator," also called for lower meat consumption and higher carbs and vegetable intake.

      Summary: This diet made you chew and chew and chew.

    10. liquid oblivion;

      Visualization: like a smoothie of meat and vegetables. just grossness.

    11. But his real legacy was the coarse-flour flatbread we now call graham crackers.

      Confusion: I am confused about his role in graham crackers. Were they a diet food?

    12. Americans have a long history of eating badly -- that is, of jumping from one fad diet to another in a scramble to lose weight or gain health

      Wondering: I wonder if it is just Americans are the only ones who eat bad.

    13. "Banting" became a weight-loss strategy across the Atlantic in America, and his best-selling book Letter on Corpulence opened the floodgates to diet mass-marketing.

      Summary: Banting was the first low carb diet, and the first fad diet because of its marketing.

    14. chewing each mouthful of food 50 times

      Visualization: I can picture someone chewing and chewing and chewing on the same bite of food.

    15. Today it's: Eat no carbohydrates. Yesterday it was: Eat no fat. Today it's South Beach. Yesterday it was Scarsdale.

      Connection: I remember my mother and her friends talking about the south beach diets when I was growing up, now my friends talk about the Scarsdale

    16. But that seems so un-American.

      Wonder: Why is it unamerican.

    1. Media ownership determines not only the media we can or cannot view, but also what the ordinary user can share and say online and to whom we can say it.

      Isn't this what makes the internet so dangerous?

    2. he commercial backbone of online media should factor into what we choose to share about our community and ourselves.

      The media should not have that much to control over how the interactions on the internet spread

    3. We forget that the online content can easily travel beyond our intended audiences,

      The internet is such a dangerous place and can lead to getting an audience that do not understand and in turn and lead to complicated interactions.

    4. When creating your own media, one should be aware of how imitation of popular or approved media images might come into play,

      Thinking about how messages are communications it makes you wonder if there are ways to get around the stereotypes of social media posts or if we are stuck in a rut where there is no getting out of imitating what is popular because there is such a push to follow the pop culture trends

    5. we can apply these principles to our own self-created content,

      Does this mean that we have to watch our own interactions on the internet in the same way that we regard government propaganda and other forms of communication?

    6. So how can we create a media literacy framework that takes into account our power and participation in the media?

      What does this mean for our future in the development in creating literacy and looking at how to go in regards to internet usage?

    7. an increase in our power to influence and persuade should come the critical frameworks that we can apply to the media we create, and not just the media we consume.

      Does this predict that we are going to have to be much more careful about what kind of media we use in our everyday life and in research?

    8. We are no longer just consumers of media, but content creators and distributors, as well as editors, opinion makers, and journalists.

      This comment causes me to predict that in the future the internet will only become less unreliable because of how easy it is to go in and alter the internet.

    1. Yet Americans’ well-meaning intentions may be in earnest

      I predicts that its going to talk about how america is an unhealthy countries.

    2. www.snackandbakery.com16Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery - January 2014Christine Cochran, executive director of the Grain Foods Foundatio

      I believe this person is credible because she is an executive director

    1. I refer, of course, to that mixed bag of politicized professors and theory-happy revisionists of the 1970s and 1980s — feminists, ethnicists, Marxists, semioticians, deconstructionists, new historicists, and cultural materialists — all of whom took exception to the canon while not necessarily seeing eye to eye about much else.

      This makes me think that there is a constant shift in how people view literature in regards to the societal context as was done in regards to Milton and Shakespeare.

    2. The canon, they argued, represented the best that had been thought and said, and its contents were an expression of the human condition: the joy of love, the sorrow of death, the pain of duty, the horror of war, and the recognition of self and soul.

      Letting the mentality around a canon change should not occur???

    3. canon formation was, in truth, a result of the middle class’s desire to see its own values reflected in art.

      This is what I was thinking about.

    4. The tree he had helped cultivate now bent dangerously under the weight of its own foliage. Other genres — mysteries, thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, horror, and romance — extended from the trunk, sprouting titles that Adler must have bristled at, including those by women and minority writers whose books flourished, so it was claimed, because of their sex and ethnicity.

      I don't like the idea that he would be mad about the different genres of writing. I think the genres have just shown us how far literature has come as a whole.

    5. questioning whether “something called literature actually exists,”

      Why wouldn't literature exist? The difference between what people deem as "good" literature versus "bad" literature is up for debate. But literature has existed for hundreds of years. Even before the novel was big in the public eye. Beowulf was literature despite being a Epic poem.

    6. reason alone should be sufficient to tell us that War and Peace is objectively greater than The War of the Worlds, no matter which one we prefer to reread.

      Logic and passion should not be considered in regards to what is defined as literature.

    7. We want important writing (bearing in mind that not every successful poem, play, or story need be utterly serious) to explore the human condition,
    8. always

      Always is a very, very strong word

    9. a record of one human being’s sojourn on earth, proffered in verse or prose that artfully weaves together knowledge of the past with a heightened awareness of the present in ever new verbal configurations.

      Human condition and growth is what is most important isn't it???

    10. literature does not encompass every book that comes down the pike, however smart or well-made.

      Why not????

    11. as late as 1970 there was probably little disagreement as to what constituted literature.3

      Why did literature need a concrete definition?

    12. the canon became equated with a syllabus.

      This is something I had never thought about, that is really cool.

    13. uniform sets of poetry or the “complete works” of writers were standard publishing fare; and because the books looked and felt so good — The Aldine Edition of the British Poets (1830–52) was bound in morocco and marbled boards with gilt on the front covers and spines — each decorative volume seemed to shout “Literature.”?

      Literature should not be simply because of the look it also should not be a uniform style for writing like they wanted in the 1800s

    14. critics hoped that a tradition of great writers would help create a national literature.

      This is the idea behind reading the classics isn't it? To help us to develop an understanding about reading as a whole?

    15. Because a canon of vastly superior ancient writers — Homer, Virgil, Cicero — already existed, a modern canon had been slow to develop. One way around this dilemma was to create new ancients closer to one’s own time, which is precisely what John Dryden did in 1700, when he translated Chaucer into Modern English. Dryden not only made Chaucer’s work a classic; he helped canonize English literature itself.

      Canons have been slowly developing and can create a new form of literature?

    16. “perpetual copyright”

      Is this idea of there only being a certain number of plots in the world?

    17. Greil Marcus and Werner Sollors’s A New Literary History of America. Alongside essays on Twain, Fitzgerald, Frost, and Henry James, there are pieces about Jackson Pollock, Chuck Berry, the telephone, the Winchester rifle, and Linda Lovelace

      This seems to really illustrate the mentality that lots of things can be considered literature

    1. designers

      the mochino line that was barbie and mcdonalds inspired only one season apart i believe. defs pop art

    2. eries of images on one print

      epiphany, there is a photo booth filter called pop art. #famous #itscurrent

    3. the best art form for anyone who might be intimidated by art.

      thats a really good point, its easily accessible and fun for most people to look at and appreciate

    4. Pop Art is so popular today that it’s used for creating awesome birthday cards, t-shirts, badges, calendars, posters, canvases – so it’s really hard to ignore. The features of this art like the bright colors and the prints haven’t yet faded and I seriously doubt that they’ll ever will, as the popular movement still continues to fascinate today.

      there it is, so it is in clothing. thought confirmed

    5. Today, Pop Art is still very popular, whether we’re talking about old originals selling for thousands of pounds or copies of those which are selling in large numbers for a small price. It’s clear that pop art has became more than just a statement and it’s impossible to ignore, it’s absolutely everywhere you go, in everyday life places, used for advertising (that is what it was initially used for in the 50’s).

      but where is it mostly?

    6. Clemens Briels, James Rizzi, Romero Britto, Steve Kaufman among others. All of these artists work in a Pop style and they have all found success in today’s art marketplace.

      this will come in handy!

    7. Pop Art in packaging designs

      oh and now there is a section on packaging.

    8. his

      so if pop art isnt as popular now in the fine arts, hypothetically, i know there is alot of pop art themed packing for products, would that still count? in a different way? Its mass produced... so maybe

    9. technique of silkscreen printing, a very popular technique used for mass production


    10. The most famous American Pop Artist, Andy Warhol had a very special interest in movie stars

      i wonder if current pop artists keep the celebrity fascination in the same way

    11. collages

      diff medium for pop art, then became pretty popular #magazinecutouts

    12. Andy Warhol’s motto was “I think everybody should be a machine” and actually tried to make it artworks that looked like there were made by a machine.

      thats intense, but he did a good job at making machine paintings

    13. Pop art is about removing the material from its context and isolating the object or combining it with other objects for contemplation. This concept actually refers to the attitudes that led to art.

      so if its in oil paint, its definitely not a portrait of a royal family member in the traditional sense

    14. Britain

      thought it was america???

    15. visual pleasures of people – like television, magazines or comics.

      this is still true but maybe in even more ways, social media, computer games

    16. Modern Era

      When was this exactly

    1. he decorative

      going back to practicality, you could argue that the high fashion industry doesn't make artistic decisions. But if you look at certain designers like jean paul guatie(sp?) he has very artistic views of something as practical as fashion.

    2. craft and art have long been contested

      have they? why? like the craft of making something, like an artisan in comparison to artist?

    3. Unilever Series

      What is this?

    4. The V&A and the Crafts Council

      Didn't know there was a council, is it a formal council?

    5. 13 October 2011

      older article

    1. But seeing [these diets] in photos is really striking and makes them look much less appealing than hearing that Beyonce did it."

      this is a good idea I am going to see what celebrity backings for these fads.

    2. "A lot of times, it's a draw: No diet is better than the other," she says in a video press release. "When a diet does outdo another diet in terms of weight loss, it's by a very small amount."

      these diets do not work and no one is better than the other. I think they will talk about the diet rebound weight.

    3. "There's all this stuff in the media about fad diets," she says, "and I think we need to eat better and watch what you eat, but you don't necessarily need these diets to take care of that

      I wonder how much social media has affected the popularity and spread of Fad diets.

    4. It was that sort of thinking that first prompted photographer Stephanie Gonot to investigate many current fad diets.

      I think this is an awesome artist view of fad diets, on paper some of these diets can sound healthy but looking at them in context paints a different picture.

    5. On one level, it's easy to understand the allure of a fad diet: Eat this, not that and you'll lose weight, guaranteed. Who doesn't want an easy way to shed unwanted pounds?

      when reading this I cant help to think about how much this is reflective of today's society. wanting everything instantly, without working to hard for it.

    6. Fad Diets Will Seem Even Crazier After You See This

      I think that this is going to be a satire on fad diets. Making fun of them and how crazy they sound

    1. She said that in order to make sense of it, you need to think of musicals, because the plot in a musical exists to stop all of the songs from happening at once, and to get you from song to song. You need the song where the heroine pines for what she does not have, you need the songs where the whole chorus is doing something rousing and upbeat, and you need the song when the lovers get together and, after all the vicissitudes, triumph.

      I want to understand this analogy, but it's eluding me. I'm reading on in hopes that the next paragraph clears things up for me.

    2. invented fairly recently by the publishing industry?

      always market interests at play. always.

    3. Readers are often, refreshingly, less territorial as they work with a text. I'm happy to see that Ishiguro didn't lose popularity for genre-busting. He's earned the right at the very least.