215 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. 11

      Step 15:

      Secure piece assembled in the previous step using the 4 102509 with a Flat-Head screwdriver. Consult the graph for proper alignment.

      Step 16:

      Insert the 8 101345 studs into the pre-drilled holes.



  2. Jun 2018
  3. Mar 2018
    1. The incorporation of private or local companies, except such as related to matters assigned to the General Parliament, would be reserved to the local Governments, being matters of a local character. Even the present law permitted the incorporation of companies under a very simple system, which would probably be continued.

      §.91(15) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. It was desirable the General Government should have the control of the medium through which the trade and commerce of the country was carried on, and that in the establishment of banks, the issue of paper money and in offering to the public the paper representative of their labor, in whatever part of the country, there should be the same legislative security for the people

      §§.91(2)(14)(15)(16) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    3. The control of the Militia was certainly a subject which they must all feel ought to be in the hands of one central power. If them was one thing more than another which required to be directed by one mind, governed by one influence and one policy, it was that which concerned the defence of the country.

      §§.15 and 91(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

  4. Jun 2017
  5. Mar 2017
  6. Feb 2017
  7. Dec 2016
  8. Sep 2016