703 Matching Annotations
- May 2019
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
15% Acetic acidTris-Borate Saline(TBS):25 mM Tris150 mM NaClpH was adjusted to 7.4withHCl.This was prepared as 10 X stock solution and used at 1 X concentration.Blocking and wash buffers(PBS-T and TBS-T):5% Fat-free milk 0.1% Tween-20 Volume was made to 100 ml either with 1 X PBS(PBS-T)or 1 X TBS(TBS-T)
0.02% Bromophenol blue 2% DTT This was prepared as a 4 X stock solution and used at a 1 X concentration.SDS-PAGE running buffer:0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) 1.92 M Glycine 1% SDS This was preparedas a 10 X stock solution and used at a 1 X concentration.Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) staining solution:50% Methanol10% Acetic acid0.1% Coomassie brilliant blue-R250Western blotTransfer buffer:0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) 1.92 M Glycine 1% SDS Thiswas preparedas a 10 X stock solution and used ata 1 X concentration.1X Transfer buffer (1litre):200 ml of methanol 100 ml of 10 X transfer buffer 700ml of waterPonceau 3S staining solution:0.25% Ponceau 3S40% Methanol
SDS-PAGE30% Acrylamidesolution29 g Acrylamide1 g Bis-acrylamideDissolved in 100 ml H2O.10% Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS):10 g SDS in 100 mlH2OResolving gel mix (12%) (15 ml): 4.89 ml H2O6 ml 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix3.8 ml 1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8) 150 μl 10% SDS 150 μl 10% APS 10 μl TEMEDStacking gel mix (3 ml):1.689 ml H2O500 μl 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix380 μl 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8) 30 μl 10% SDS 30 μl 10% APS 10 μl TEMEDSDS loading buffer:130 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) 20% (v/v)Glycerol 4.6% (w/v) SDS
Whole cell lysis buffer(Homogenizing buffer):50 mM Tris-HCl(pH 7.5)2 mM EDTA10 mM sodium fluoride*1 mM sodium orthovanadate*1 X protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche Cat # 04693159001)**To be added fresh before use
Protein isolation and SDS-PAGE(sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)
Protein isolation and SDS-PAGE(sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)
Buffer C:100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)10 mM EDTA10% SDSRNA isolation bufferAE buffer: 3 M Sodium acetate0.5 M EDTA(pH 8.0)Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1)solution:25 volume of Phenol24 volume of Chloroform1 volume of Isoamyl alcholDNA sampleloading buffer:0.25% Bromophenol blue0.25% Xylene cyanol15% Ficoll
Genomic DNA and RNA isolation buffers
15 mM CaCl2.2H2O 250 mM KCl 55 mM MnCl2.4H2O pH was adjusted to 6.7 with 1 N KOH. MnCl2needsto beaddedseparately,drop by drop with stirring, tothe buffer. PIPES goes into solutionwhenpH is greater than 6.7. The solution, after pH adjustment to 6.7 was filter-sterilized and stored at -20ºC.Reagents for yeast transformation:1 M Lithium acetate (LiOAc)50% Polyethylene glycol10 mg/ml Carrier DNADimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)
INOUE transformation buffer:For bacterial DH5α ultra-competent cells preparation10 mM PIPES (free acid)
Transformation-related solutions
10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1 mM EDTA Tris-Acetic acid EDTA (TAE) buffer:40 mM Tris base 0.5 M EDTApH was adjusted to 8.5 with glacial acetic acid.This was prepared as a 50 X stock solution and used at a 1 X concentration. Tris-Borate EDTA (TBE) buffer:90 mM Tris-borate 2 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) pH was adjusted to 8.3withHCl.This was prepared as a 10 X stock solution and used at a 1 X concentration.Both TAE and TBE were used asstandard gel electrophoresis buffers.HEPES buffer:This was used to prepare YNB medium of different pH.1M HEPESpH was adjusted to 7.5withNaOH.Bufferwas filter-sterilized and stored in an amber-coloured bottle. Citrate buffer(0.1M, pH 5.5):4.7 volume of 0.1 M Citric acid 15.4 volume of 0.1 M Sodium citrate
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS):137 mM NaCl 2.7 mM KCl10 mM Na2HPO42 mM KH2PO4pH was adjusted to 7.3.This was prepared as a 10 X stock solution andused at a 1 X concentration.Tris-HCl buffer:0.5 M TrizmaBase pH was adjusted to7.6 using concentrated HCl.This was prepared as a 10 X stock solution andused at a 1 X concentration.Tris-EDTA (TE)buffer:
Common buffers
Buffersand solutions
0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base2% DextroseYeast Carbon Base (YCB):1.17% Yeast CarbonBase1% DextroseCAA:0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base 2% Dextrose0.6% Casamino acids Plates weremade by adding 2% agar
Yeast Extract-Peptone-Dextrose (YPD):1% Yeast extract2% Peptone 2% DextroseYeast Nitrogen Base (YNB)
Yeast medium
Luria Bertani (LB):0.5% Yeast Extract1% Tryptone 1% NaCl LB-ampicillinand LB-kanamycin plates:LB medium50 μg/ml ampicillin30 μg/ml kanamycinSuper Optimal Broth (SOB): 0.5% Yeast extract2% Peptone 10 mM NaCl2.5 mM KCl10 mM MgCl210 mM MgSO4
Bacterial medium
antibodies,anti-mouse IgG andanti-rabbit IgG conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were obtained from Cell Signaling Technology, USA
All chemicals were purchasedfrom commercial sources. Mediacomponents for bacterial and yeast growthwere obtained from BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company, USA). Other chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co., USA. Materials used in recombinant DNA experiments were primarily obtained from New England Biolabs, Invitrogen, Bangalore Genei and MBI Fermentas. SuperScript™ III first-strand synthesis system was purchased from Invitrogen.MESA GREEN qPCR MasterMix Plus for SYBR®Assay was purchased from Eurogenetec. Kits used for plasmid isolation, PCR product purificationand DNAgelextractionwerefrom Qiagen.Radioactive chemical, ortho-P32-phosphoric acid,wasprocured from BRIT-Jonaki, CCMB, Hyderabad.Anti-Pma1 polyclonal antibody raised against S. cerevisiaePma1 was purchased from Santa CruzInc.,USA. Anti-phospho-p44/42 MAPK (Thr202/Tyr204) was purchased from Cell Signaling Technology, USA. Anti-CPY polyclonal antibody raised against S. cerevisiaeCPY was procuredfrom Thermo Scientific. Anti-Gapdh antibody raised against human Gapdh was purchased from Abcam. Secondary
Chemicals and antibodies
All C. glabratastrains and plasmids used in this study are listed in Tables 2.1 and 2.2, respectively.Table 2.1: List of yeast and bacterial strains used in this study
Strains and plasmids
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.inChapter 233
Spheroplast resuspension buffer0.1M KCl15 mM HEPES (pH 7.5)3 mM Ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid(EGTA)10% GlycerolPhosphatidylinositol sonication buffer10 mM HEPES (pH 7.5)1 mM EGTA PI3-kinase reaction buffer40 mM HEPES (pH 7.5)20 mM MgCl280 μM ATP5 μCi γ-P32ATPDeveloping solution for thin layer chromatography(120.2 ml)Chloroform –60 mlMethanol –47 mlAmmonia –4.4 mlWater –8.8 ml
Reagents for PI3-kinase assay
SDS-loading buffer was prepared as a 4X stock solutionin H2Oand used at a 1X concentration.SDS-PAGE running buffer0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1.92 M Glycine1% SDSRunning buffer was preparedas a 10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration before use.Buffers for Western blotanalysisTransfer buffer (10X stock solution)0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1.92 M Glycine1% SDSTransfer buffer was prepared as a 10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration.1X Transfer buffer (1 litre)200 ml of methanol100 ml of 10X transfer buffer700 ml of waterTris-BufferSaline (TBS)25 mM Tris150 mM NaClpH was adjusted to 7.4 with HCl.TBS buffer was prepared asa10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration.Blocking and wash buffers (PBS-T and TBS-T)5% Fat-free milk0.1% Tween-20Volume was made to 100 ml with 1X TBS
1 mM sodium orthovanadate1 X protease inhibitor cocktail SDS-PAGE30% Acrylamide solution29 g Acrylamide1 gBis-acrylamideDissolved in 100 ml H2O.10% Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)10 g SDS in 100 ml H2OResolving gel mix (12%) (20 ml)6.6 ml H2O8 ml 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix5 ml 1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8)200 μl 10% SDS200 μl 10% Ammonium persulfate(APS)8 μl N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine(TEMED)Stacking gel mix (5%, 6 ml)4.1 ml H2O1 ml 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix750 μl 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8)60 μl 10% SDS60 μl 10% APS6 μl TEMEDSDS loading buffer130 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)20% (v/v) Glycerol4.6% (w/v) SDS0.02% Bromophenol Blue2% DTT
Whole cell lysis buffer (Homogenizing buffer)50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)2 mM EDTA10 mM sodium fluoride
Buffers for protein extraction and analysis by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)
150 mM NaCl1% Triton-X1% SDSBuffer B50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)10 mM EDTA1.1 MSorbitol50 mM β-mercaptoethanol (To be added just before use)Buffer C100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)10 mM EDTA10% SDSAE buffer3 M Sodium acetate(pH 5.3)0.5 M EDTA (pH 8.0)Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) solution25 ml Tris-equilibrated Phenol24 ml Chloroform1 ml Isoamyl alcholDNA sample loading buffer0.25% Bromophenol blue0.25% Xylene cyanol15% FicollDNA sample loading buffer was prepared in water
Buffer A50 mM Tris-HCl(pH 8)10 mM EDTA
Buffers for extraction and analysis of genomic DNA and RNA
Stripping solutionfor DNA1% SDS0.1% SSCDesired volume was adjusted with sterile water. Alternatively, 0.4 M NaOH was also used to stripthe bound probes fromnylon membranes.HEPES [4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid] buffer1 M HEPESpH was adjusted to 7.5 with NaOH.HEPES was used as a buffering agent for preparing plates of YNB medium of different pH. Buffer was filter-sterilized and stored in an amber-coloured bottle.INOUE transformation buffer10 mM PIPES15 mM CaCl2.2H2O250 mM KCl55 mM MnCl2.4H2OpH was adjusted to 6.7 with 1 N KOH.Yeast transformation reagents1 M Lithium acetate 50% Polyethylene glycol2 mg/ml carrier DNADimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)Zymolyase cocktail buffer for yeast colony PCR2.5 mg/ml Zymolyase1.2 M SorbitolZymolyase buffer was prepared in 1X PBS
pH was adjusted to 8.5 with glacial acetic acid.TAE buffer was prepared asa50Xstock solution and used at 0.5X concentration.Alkaline denaturing solution for DNAfor membrane preparation0.5 M NaCl0.25 M NaOHVolume was adjusted with sterile water.Denhardt’s solution (50X)1%Ficoll-4001% Polyvinyl pyrollidone1% Bovine serum albuminVolume was adjusted with water and solution was stored at -20°C.Saline Sodium Citrate (SSC) buffer(20X)3.0 M Sodium chloride0.3 M Sodium citrate Volume was adjusted with water and solution was sterilized by autoclaving.Prehybridization Buffer5X SSC5X Denhardt’s solution50% Filtered formamide1% SDSVolume was adjusted with sterile water.Post hybridization wash buffersWash buffer 12X SSC0.1% SDSWash buffer21X SSC0.1% SDS
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS)137 mM NaCl2.7 mM KCl10 mM Na2HPO42 mM KH2PO4pH was adjusted to 7.3 before autoclaving.PBS was prepared as a 10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration before autoclaving.Tris-HCl buffer0.5 M Trizma BasepH was adjusted to 7.6 using concentrated HCl.Tris-Cl buffer was prepared as a 10Xstock solution and used at a 1X concentration.Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)1 mM EDTATris-Acetic acid EDTA (TAE) buffer40 mM Tris base0.5 M EDTA
Common buffers
Buffers and solutions
10 mM NaCl2.5 mM KCl10 mM MgCl210 mM MgSO4LB-ampicillin and LB-kanamycin platesLBmedium50 μg/ml ampicillin30 μg/ml kanamycinMedia and solutions were sterilizedeither by routine autoclaving at 121°C and 15 psi for 20 minor by filtration through membrane of 0.22 μm porosity
Luria Bertani (LB)0.5% Yeast Extract1% Tryptone1% NaClSuper Optimal Broth (SOB)0.5% Yeast Extract2% Peptone
Bacterial media
Yeast extract Peptone Dextrose (YPD)1% Yeast extract2% Peptone2% DextroseYeast Nitrogen Base (YNB)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base2% DextroseFor alternate carbon source utilization experiments, dextrose was replaced withother carbon sourcesviz.,sodium acetate, ethanol, oleic acid, glycerol and citric acid.Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB) without ammonium sulphate and amino acids0.17% Yeast Nitrogen Base2% DextroseCasamino Acid (CAA)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base2% Dextrose0.6% Casamino acidsFor preparing plates, 2% agar was added tothe medium before autoclaving
Yeast media
Table 2.4: List of the oligonucleotides used to confirm deletion of C. glabrataORFs
Table 2.3: List of the oligonucleotides used in the study
Table2.2: List of the antibodies used in the study
Table 2.1: List of strains and plasmidsused in the study
methanol, acetic acid, potassium dihydrogen orthrophosphate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen orthrophosphate, acetone and citric acid were purchased from Qualigen chemicals. Fluconazole was procured from Ranbaxy.Lysotracker-Red DND 99 and FM 4-64 were obtained from Molecular Probes. Hybond-N and Hybond-P membranes for nucleic acid and protein transfer, respectively, were purchased from Amersham Biosciences. SYBR-green kit for real-time PCR was procured from Eurogentech. Superscipt SS-III RT kit and Pfu polymerase were obtained from Invitrogen. Different restriction enzymes used for cloning and knock-out generation were purchased from New England Biolabs (NEB). High fidelity DNA Pfx polymerase waspurchased fromFinnzymes. Plasmid DNA purification, PCR purification, gel extraction and reaction clean up kits were procured from Qiagen.Medium components for C. glabrataand bacterial culture viz.,yeast extract, peptone, tryptone, cassamino acid hydrolysate, yeast nitrogen base, yeast nitrogen base without ammonium sulphate, yeast nitrogen base without ammonium sulphate and amino acids and yeast carbon basewere purchased from BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company, USA). Animal cell culture media RPMI-1640, DMEM and α-MEM were procured from Hyclone. Fetal bovine serum, glutamine and antibiotics for cell culture medium were obtained from Gibco-Invitrogen
Agarose, phenol, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), sodium acetate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, trizma base, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), formamide, calcium chloride, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA), glycerol, polyethylene glycol, ficoll, diphenyleneiodinium (DPI), methyl methanesulphonate (MMS), camptothecin, hydroxyurea, ammonium persulphate, TEMED, acrylamide, bis-acrylamide, coomassie brilliant blue (CBB), chloroform, formaldehyde, glycine, lithium chloride, lithium acetate, menadione, isopropanol, phorbol myrsityl acetate (PMA), nuclease free water, wortmannin, bafilomycin-A, diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC), orthrophenylenediamine (OPD), tween-20, acid washed glass beads, trypan blue, Taq DNA Polymease, trisodium citrate dihydrate and uracil were purchased from Sigma Chemicals. β-mercaptoethanol was obtained from GE Biosciences.Protease inhibitor tablets were procured from Roche. Dextrose, sucrose, agar, ammonium sulphate, potassium chloride, caffeine, magnesium chloride and sorbitol were obtained from Himedia.Hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid,
Chemicals, kits and culture medium components
Oligonucleotides used in this study were designed either by freely available online tool Primer 3 plus (http://www.bioinformatics.nl/cgi-bin/primer3plus/primer3plus.cgi/)or Generunner software. Oligonucleotides were commercially synthesised at MWG Biotech Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India. Oligonucleotides used in this study are listed in Table 2.3
All antibodies, their sources, clonality and dilutions used are listed in Table 2.2
Strains and plasmids
All C. glabrataand bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study are listed in Table 2.1
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Malachite green reagent
Reaction Buffer
Cell lysis Buffer
Calcineurin phosphatase assay
DNA staining solution
For cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry
Inoue buffer
For preparation of Ultra competent cells
DNA loading dye
Agarose gel
For DNA electrophoresis
Neutralization solution(Solution III)
Lysissolution(Solution II)
Resuspension solution(Solution I)
For Plasmid isolation
Binding Buffer (10X)
EMSA Buffer
Nuclear lysis buffer
Polydeoxy (Inosinate-cytidylate) (Poly dI-dC)
For Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)
Nuclear extractionbuffer (without protease inhibitors)
Cytoplasmic extractionbuffer (without protease inhibitors)
For Cell fractionation
Blocking buffer: 2% BSA
Permeabilization buffer: 0.2% Triton X100
Fixative : 4% Formaldehyde
For Immunofluorescence
Stripping Buffer
Blocking Buffer
Transfer Buffer
Running Buffer
Stacking and resolving AcrylamidegelsResolving gel (10 ml)
6X protein loading buffer (Laemmlibuffer)
Cell lysis buffer(RIPA Buffer)
For Immunoblotting
Tris Buffered Saline (TBS)
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)
General Buffers
Ammonium persulfate(APS)
Acrylamide (29:1)
Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF)
NP-40ComponentsFinal concentrationFor 10 mlNP-4010%1mlH2O9ml
Dithiothreitol (DTT)ComponentsFinal concentrationFor 5 mlDTT1.0M0.7725gH2Oq.s
Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), pH 8.0ComponentsFinal concentrationFor 500 mlEDTA0.5M93.05gH2Oq.sThe pH is adjusted to 8.0 using 10M NaOH
Ethylene Glycol Tetraacetic acid (EGTA), pH 7.0ComponentsFinal concentrationFor 50 mlEGTA0.1M1.902gH2Oq.sThe pH is adjusted to 7.0 using 10M NaOH
Potassium Chloride (KCl)ComponentsFinal concentrationFor 100 mlKCl2M14.91gH2Oq.s
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)ComponentsFinal concentrationFor 100 mlNaCl5M29.22gH2Oq.s
Potassium Chloride (KCl)
HEPES pH 7.9ComponentsFinal concentrationFor 100 mlHEPES1M23.83gH2Oq.sThe pH wasadjusted to 7.9 using 10M NaOH
Stock solution
Buffers and solutions
forpreparation ofregular buffers and solutions viz. Tris, Glycine, SDS, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Disodium Phosphate,NP-40, Tween 20, TritonX100, Formaldehyde, Glycerol, Agarose, Acrylamide,Bis-Acrylamide,Ammonium per sulphate (APS), TEMED,BSA, Propidium Iodide, RNase Aetc. were obtained from Sigma(St Louis, MO, USA). PVDF membrane, X –ray films and western blotting detection reagent (ECL prime) were obtained from GE Healthcare (Little Chalfont, UK). Proteaseinhibitor tablets were obtained from Roche (Penzberg,Germany). Anti mouse and anti-rabbit secondary antibodies tagged to HRP (Horse radish peroxidise) were obtained from Bangalore Genei(Peenya, India). Secondary antibodies for Immunofluorescence (anti mouseIgGand anti rabbitIgG) conjugated to Alexa Fluor (488 and 594) from Molecular Probes, Invitrogen and Vectashield mounting medium with DAPI wasobtained from vector laboratories(Burlingame, CA, U.S.A).Antibodies from different sources were used in the present study. The list of different antibodies used in the present thesis is provided in Table 2.1.Table 2.1: List of antibodies used
Media for cell culture (DMEM and Ham’s F12) and foetal bovine serum (FBS) were obtained from Gibco, Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA). Cell culturereagents such asTrypsin, Phosphate Bufferedsaline (PBS), Antibiotics, Glutamine, etc. were also obtained from Gibco, Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA). Chemicals for cell culture experiments Aphidicholin, Nocadazole, Polybrene, and Puromycinwere obtained from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). Cyclosporine A, MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide), wortmannin, UO126, SP 600125, cycloheximide, camptothecin, Tacrolimus/FK506 , Tween 20 and Malachite green were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Specific calcineurin substrate RII peptide, calmodulin, eIF-2α inhibitor salubrinal, MG-132 and caspase inhibitor z-VAD FMK were obtained from Calbiochem (San Diego, CA, USA). Cytotoxicity detection kit (LDH) was obtained from Roche Diagnostics, (Mannheim, Germany).Live /Dead cytotoxicity assay kit was obtained from Molecular probes, Life technologies, USA.Lipofectamine-2000 and Opti-MEM for transient transfections were also obtained from Invitrogen(Carlsbad, CA, USA).Growth media for bacteria (LB) was obtained from HiMedia laboratories (Mumbai,India). Enzymes used for recombinant DNA experiments (Restriction endonucleases, DNA ligase) were obtained from New England Biolabs (Ipswich, MA, USA). Markers for DNA and protein gels were from Fermentas (Vilnius, Lithuania). Various kits used for macromolecular isolation (Plasmid isolation kit-Mini and midi, Gel extraction kit, PCR purification kit, RNA isolation kit) were procured from Qiagen(Hilden, Germany) or HiMedia (India).Trizol reagent for RNA isolation was obtained from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA). BCA protein estimation kit was from Pierce (Rockford Illinois, USA). Cell fractionation kit was obtained from Fermentas (USA). Kitfor TUNEL assay kit wasobtained from Invitrogen(Carlsbad, CA, USA). PCR reagents (PCR buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2, Taq DNA polymerase) were obtained from Fermentas. Polymerasefor long PCRs (AccuTaq) was obtained from Sigma. Reverse transcriptase (SuperScript III) was obtained from Invitrogen. Various chemicals required
Media, reagents, chemicals and antibodies
- Mt-2-Mt-10
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-5-d
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-7-d
- Mt-2-Mt-11-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-4-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-4-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-8-Mt-3-d
- Mt-2-Mt-8
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-10-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-8-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-9-d
- Mt-2-Mt-8-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-10-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-7-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-11-d
- Mt-2-Mt-9-d
- Mt-2-Mt-6-Mt-3-d
- Mt-2-Mt-3
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-5-d
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-8-d
- Mt-1
- Mt-2-Mt-5-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-2-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-7
- Mt-2-Mt-6-Mt-4-d
- Mt-2-Mt-2-Mt-1-d
- Mt-1-d
- Mt-2
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-4-Mt-3-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-13-d
- Mt-2-Mt-6
- Mt-2-Mt-1
- Mt-2-Mt-11
- Mt-2-Mt-5
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-4-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-3-d
- Mt-2-Mt-7-Mt-3-d
- Mt-2-Mt-11-Mt-3-d
- Mt-2-Mt-7-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-2
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-5-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-9
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-6-d
- Mt-2-Mt-6-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-4-d
- Mt-2-Mt-11-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2-Mt-7-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-6-d
- Mt-2-Mt-8-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-10-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-4
- Mt-2-Mt-6-Mt-2-d
- Mt-2-Mt-3-Mt-3-d
- Mt-2-Mt-1-Mt-12-d
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Extraction buffer
MTT reagent
For Cytotoxicity assays
6XEMSA sample loading dye
5X EMSA buffer
10XBinding buffer
For Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)
For preparation of Ultra competent cells
Inoue buffer
6X DNA loading dye
Agarose gel
For DNA electrophoresis
Nuclear lysis buffer (without protease inhibitors
Cytoplasmic extraction buffer (without protease inhibitors)
For Cell fractionation
Blocking buffer: 2% BSA
Permeabilisation buffer: 0.2% Triton X100
4% Formaldehyde fixative
For Immunofluorescence(IF)
Stripping buffer
Blocking buffer
Transfer buffer
(f) Running buffer
(e) Stacking polyacrylamide gel
(d) Resolvingpolyacrylamide gel
(c) 6X Protein loading buffer (Lammeli buffer)
(b) Celllysis buffer B(For IB)
Cell lysis bufferA(For IP)
II. For Immunoprecipitation(IP)and Immunoblotting(IB)
Table 2.1: Commonly used buffers and solutionsI. General buffers(a)Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)
(b) Tris Buffered Saline (TBS)
For DNA isolation and purification, various kitssuch as Miniand midi-prep plasmid isolation, Gel extraction, PCR purification,etc., wereprocured fromQiagen(Hilden, Germany) or HiMedia(India). For RNA extraction, TRIzol wasobtained from Gibco BRL(Grand Island, NY). cDNA was made from RNA byeither Reverse transcriptase (SuperScript III, Invitrogen) or One step Access RT-PCR kit (Promega, Madison, WI). Reagents for PCR such as PCR 10X buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2, Taqpolymerase or AccuTaq were obtained from Fermentas or Sigma Aldrich. Recombination enzymes such as Restriction Endonucleases and DNA ligaseused for recombinant DNA experiments (Bam-H1, Hind-III, Xho-I, Eco-RI, Not-I, and Sal-I) were obtained from New England Biolabs(Ipswich, MA, USA). Oligonucleotidesusedfor various Gel shift assays viz.AP-1, NF-κB, p53 and Sp-1 were commercially synthesizedfrom XCelris(Ahmedabad, India).For protein extraction, protease inhibitors such as aprotinin, leupeptin, PMSF, NaF, NaVO4,etc. were obtained from Sigma Aldrich.Bradford reagent for estimation of protein concentration wasobtained from Bio-Rad(Rockford Illinois, USA).ForImmunoblotting, PVDF membrane, X-ray films andchemi-luminiscentdetection reagent (ECL prime) were obtained from GE Healthcare(Little Chalfont, UK). For Immunofluorescence, vectashield-mountingmedium with DAPIand Propidium Iodide (PI)were obtained from Molecular Probes, Invitrogen.For detection of cytotoxicity, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) dye, SDS and DMF (Dimethylformamide) wereobtained from SigmaAldrich. Live and dead cell assay kit was obtained from Molecular Probes.Various chemicals required for preparation of regular buffers and solutionsviz. Tris, Glycine, SDS, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, HEPES, Disodium Phosphate, Nonidet P-40, Tween 20, TritonX100, Formaldehyde, Glycerol, Agarose, Acrylamide,Bis-acrylamide,APS, TEMED, BSA,etc. were obtained from SigmaAldrich.The procedure of preparation of buffers and reagents usedin the present studied are described below:
Reagents and Buffers
Wild type or H133S mutant of profilin-1 witheither FLAG or un-tagged werecloned in pcDNA3.1 (+).Mdm2 gene upstreampromoter region having p53 binding site was cloned in pLUC vector (designated as p53-Luc). The constructs of NF-κB-SEAP, p65 (RelA), wild type and dominant negativeIKKβ(IKKβ-WT and IKKβ-DN, respectively)were a kind gift fromProf.Bharat B. Aggarwal (M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,Houston, TX). The constitutive active mutant of IKKβ, in which two serine residues are mutated to glutamic acid, at position 177 and 181 (referred as IKKβ-EE or IKKβ-CA) was gifted byProf. GourisankarGhosh (University of California, San Diego, USA).FLAG or Myc tagged Full length andtruncationmutants of PTEN wereprovided by Dr.M.Subba Reddy (CDFD, Hyderabad).For p53 gene knockdownstudies, TP53 mission shRNA were obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA). For PTEN silencing, retroviral vector based PTEN shRNA (shRNA#1-AGGCGCTATGTGTATTATTAT; shRNA#2-CCACAGCTAG-AACTTATCAAA; shRNA#3-CCACAAATGAAGGGATATAAA)wasgifted by Dr. M.Subba Reddy (CDFD, Hyderabad)
obtained from Gibco, Invitrogen(Carlsbad, CA, USA). For cell culture transfections, Lipofectamine-2000 and Opti-MEM were alsoobtainedfrom Life Sciences, Invitrogen(Carlsbad, CA, USA).Commonly used chemicals in cell culture based experiments such asall-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), arabinoside cytosine (AraC),carbobenzoxy-Leu-Leu-Leucinal (MG-132), cycloheximide (CHX),DMSO, doxorubicin, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),lipopolysaccharide (LPS, Escherichia coli055:B5), okadaicacid (OA), oleandrin,paclitaxel, phorbolmyristate acetate (PMA), vinblastine and vincristine wereobtained from SigmaAldrichChemicals.Benzofuran was synthesized as reported earlier (Manna et al., 2010).Recombinant human TNFα, IL-1and IL-8 were obtained from PeproTech Inc.(Rocky Hill, NJ, USA).Growth media for bacteria culture,Luria Broth (LB) and Agar were obtained from HiMedia laboratories (Mumbai, India). Bacterial strain DH5was used to make ultra-competent cells for transformation and plasmid isolation. Antibiotics, such as Ampicillin and Kanamycin used for selection of transformed colonies and culture were obtained from Sigma AldrichChemicals
The cell lines used in the present study, HuT-78 (human T-cell lymphoma), MDA-MB-231 (human breast cancer) and MDA-MB-468 (human breast cancer) were obtained from American Type culture collection (Manassas, VA, USA). Human colon carcinoma cell lines HCT-116 (wild-type, p53+/+) and HCT-116 (null, p53-/-) were a kind gift fromProf. B. Vogelstein (Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, MD). Cells were cultured in DMEM or RPMI medium containing 10% FBS, penicillin (100 U/ml), and streptomycin (100 μg/ml). Cells were maintained in humidified incubator at 37ºC in 5% CO2-95% air. Media for mammalian cell culture (DMEM and RPMI),fetal bovine serum (FBS)and other reagentsused in cell culture such as, PBS, Trypsin-EDTA, Antibiotic-antimycotic, Freezing medium, Geniticin, L-Glutamine, HEPES, etc. were
The following antibodies were used in the present study:Primary antibodies against GAPDH (anti-rabbit), FLAG (anti-mouse), Immunoglobulin (IgG, anti-rabbit or anti-mouse),profilin-1 (anti-rabbit), tubulin (anti-mouse) and ubiquitin (anti-rabbit) were obtained from Sigma Aldrich Chemicals(St Louis, MO, USA). Antibodies againstAKT (anti-rabbit), cleaved caspases-3, 8 and 9 (anti-rabbit),HA-tag(anti-rabbit), Myc-tag (anti-rabbit), p21 (anti-rabbit), phospho-p53 (anti-mouse), PTEN (anti-mouse), phospho-AKT (Ser473; anti-rabbit), phospho-GSK-3β (Ser9; anti-rabbit), phospho-IKKα/β (Ser177/181; anti-rabbit), phospho-IκBα (Ser32; anti-rabbit), and phospho-p65 (Ser276; anti-rabbit) were obtained from Cell Signaling Technologies(Danvers, MA, USA), whereas antibodies for cox-2 (anti rabbit), c-Rel (anti-rabbit), ICAM-1 (anti-rabbit), IKKα/β (anti rabbit), IκBα (anti-rabbit), Mdm2 (anti-rabbit), PARP-1/2 (anti-rabbit), Rel-B (anti-rabbit), p50 (anti-rabbit), p53 (anti-mouse), p65 (anti-rabbit) were obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology(Santa Cruz, CA, USA).HRP (Horse radish peroxidase)-conjugated secondary antibodies (anti mouse and anti-rabbit) were obtained from Bangalore Genie(Peenya, India). For immuno-fluorescencestudies, secondary antibodiesconjugated toAlexa Fluor (488 and 594, anti-mouse and anti-rabbit) were obtained from Molecular Probes, Invitrogen(Eugene, OR, USA)
Cell cultureand Media
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-3-Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-5-Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-4-Mt
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-4-Mt-2-d
- Mt-4-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-5-Mt-2-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-5-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-8-Mt-2-d
- Mt-3
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-7
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-8
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-5
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-3-Mt-3-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-9-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-4-Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-8-Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-6
- Mt-3-d
- Mt-1
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-7-Mt-4-d
- Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2
- Mt-4-Mt-1-d
- Mt-2
- Mt-4
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-6-Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-3
- Mt-2-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-7-Mt-1-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-4-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-3-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-7-Mt-2-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-7-Mt-3-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-5-Mt-3-d
- Mt-4-Mt-2-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-3-Mt-2-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-6-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-2-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-8-d
- Mt-4-Mt-1-Mt-2-Mt-7-d
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
0.83mL1.5 M Tris-HCl,pH 6.8 50μL10% SDS 50μL10% Ammonium persulfate (APS)8 μLN,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)Resolving gel mix (12%) (20 ml)6.6 mLH2O 8 mL 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix 5 mL1.5 M Tris-HCl,pH 8.8 200 μL10% SDS 200 μL10% Ammonium persulfate (APS)8 μLN,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)
Whole cell lysis buffer for yeast (Homogenizing buffer) 50 mM Tris-HCl,pH 7.52 mM EDTA yeastprotease inhibitor cocktail SDS-PAGE 30% Acrylamide solution 29 g acrylamide 1 g bis-acrylamide dissolved in 100 mLH2O. 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) 10 g SDS in 100 mLH2O Stacking gel mix (6%)(5 mL)3.4mLH2O 0.63mL 30% acrylamide:bisacrylamide (29:1) mix
Buffers for SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)
20 mM HEPES500 mM NaCl 2 mM EDTA1% Triton-XYeast protease inhibitor cocktail and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail (added fresh to the buffer C)IP7 reaction buffer(10X)250 mM HEPES,pH 7.4500 mM NaCl60 mM MgCl210 mM DTT (1 M stock was made separately, aliquoted into 100 μL and stored at -20oC).10X buffer was made and stored at 4oC. An appropriate amount was added to the reaction mix to get a final concentration of 1X.DTT was added fresh to the reaction buffer just before use
Buffer C
2 mM EDTA5 mM DTT1% Triton-XYeast protease inhibitor cocktail and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail (added fresh to the buffer B)
20 mM HEPES pH 6.8100 mM NaCl
Buffer B
20 mM HEPES pH 6.8100 mM NaCl2 mM EDTA5 mM DTTYeast protease inhibitor cocktail and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail (added fresh to the buffer A)
Buffer A
Buffers for protein purification and IP7reaction
Buffer A1 mM EDTAin HPLC grade water (Fisher Scientific)Buffer B 1 mM EDTA(NH4)2HPO41.3 M, pH 3.8171.6 g of (NH4)2HPO4was dissolved in 750 mL of HPLC grade water. pH was adjusted to 3.8 with 75 mL of H3PO4by continuous stirring and the volume was made upto 1000 mL.Both buffers were filtered througha0.22 μm filter (Millipore) using vacuume filter apparatus (Tarsons) and degassing was performed atleast for 20 min using a vacuume pump
Buffers for IP7 purification
Wash buffer II10 mM Tris-HCI,pH 8.01 mM EDTA250 mM LiCl0.75% NP-400.75% sodium deoxycholateProtease inhibitor cocktailElutionbuffer II50 mM Tris-HCl,pH 8.0 10 mM EDTA 1% SDS
Lysis buffer50 mM HEPES,pH 7.5140 mM NaCl1% Triton X-1000.1 % sodium deoxycholate1 mM EDTAProtease inhibitor cocktail (added fresh)Wash buffer I50 mM HEPES,pH 7.5500 mM NaCl1% Triton X-1000.1 % sodium deoxycholate1 mM EDTAProtease inhibitor cocktail
Buffers for chromatin immunoprecipitation
Volume was adjusted with water to 1 L and solution was sterilized by autoclaving.Pre-hybridization/hybridization buffer (Modified Church and Gilbert buffer)0.5 M phosphate buffer (134g of Na2HPO4.7H2O,4 mL of 85%H3PO4), pH7.27% (w/v) SDS10 mM EDTA Volume was adjusted to 1 L with DEPC treated sterile water. Buffer was aliquoted into 50 mL RNase free conical tubes (Corning) and stored in -20oC.Post hybridization wash buffersWash buffer 1 2X SSC 0.1% SDS Wash buffer 2 1X SSC 0.1% SDSWash buffer 3 0.5X SSC0.1% SDSBuffers were prepared with sterile DEPC treated water
TMN buffer10mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.45 mM MgCl2100 mM NaCl Permeabilization buffer950 μLof coldwater50 μLof 10% (wt/vol)sodium N-lauroyl sarcosineTranscription assay buffer(100 μL)50mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4100mMKCl5mM MgCl21mM MnCl22 mM dithiothreitol 0.5mM ATP 0.25 mM GTP0.25mM CTP10mM phosphocreatine2.4 units creatine phosphokinase100μCi [α-32P] UTP (3,000Ci/mmol)Alkaline denaturing solution for DNA for membrane preparation0.5 M NaCl 0.25 M NaOH Volume was adjusted to 20 mLwith sterile water. Saline Sodium Citrate (SSC) buffer (20X) 3.0 M Sodium chloride 0.3 M Sodium citrate
Buffers fortranscription run on analysis
50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC37% sucrose solution
100mM NaCl30mM MgCl250μg/mLcycloheximide 200μg/mL heparin All the components were made in DEPC treated water.Gradient buffer10% sucrose gradient buffer50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC10% sucrose solutionTo analyse individual ribosome subunits, MgCl2 was eliminated from the gradient buffer.30% sucrose gradient buffer50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC30% sucrose To analyse individual ribosome subunits, MgCl2 was eliminated from the gradient buffer.50% sucrose gradient buffer50 mM Tris-HCl,pH7.450 mM NH4Cl12 mM MgCl21 mM DTT0.1%DEPC50% sucrose To analyse individual ribosome subunits, MgCl2 was eliminated from the gradient buffer.37% sucrose gradient buffer
Lysis buffer10mM Tris, pH7.4
Buffers for ribosome and polysome analysis
30%GlycerolMade in 100 mL.RNA sample loading buffer (10X)50% glycerol10mM EDTA 0.025% Bromophenol blue 0.025% Xylene cyanolInoue transformation buffer, pH 6.7(125 mL, prepared just before use)10 mM PIPES 15 mM CaCl2.2H2O 250 mM KCl 55 mM MnCl2.4H2O (1.361 g is dissolved in 10 mL of water separately)PIPES(0.307 g), CaCl2.2H2O (0.275 g) and KCl (2.325 g)were added to 80 mL ofsterile water while mixing with a magnetic stirrer and the pH was adjusted to 6.8with 1 N KOH. After attaining the appropriate pH, MnCl2solution wasadded slowly in aliquotes of 300 μL over 10 min,while stirring to avoidabrown precipitate.MOPS buffer(10X)0.2 M MOPS, pH 7.220 mM CH3COONa10 mM EDTABuffer was made in DEPC treated waterYeast transformation reagents1 M Lithium acetate 50% Polyethylene glycol2 mg/mLSalmon sperm carrier DNA Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) Zymolyase cocktail buffer for yeast colony PCR 2.5 mg/mLZymolyase (ZymoResearch)1.2 M SorbitolZymolyase buffer was prepared in 1X PBS
Yeast lysis buffer for genomic DNA extraction50 mM Tris-HCl,pH 8.010 mM EDTA 150 mM NaCl 1% Triton-X 1% SDSAE buffer for RNA extraction50 mMSodium acetate,pH 5.31 mMEDTA,pH 8.0Solution was made in DEPC treated water. 0.2%diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC)was added to the water and stirred for 12 h. To remove DEPC,water was autoclaved twice. DNA sample loading buffer (6X)15.25 mg Bromophenol blue15.25 mg Xylene cyanol
Buffers for extraction and analysis of genomic DNA and RNA
EDTA (pH 8.0)186.1 g of EDTA.2H2O was dissolved into 800 mL of water stirredvigorously and the pH was adjusted with NaOH pellets. When the pH of the solution reached8.0 EDTA dissolvedcompletely and was made upto 1000 mL with water.Tris-HCl buffer (1M)121.1 g of Tris base was dissolved in 800 mLof water and pH was adjusted to 7.2 using concentrated HCl Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.01 mM EDTA Tris-Acetic acid EDTA (TAE) buffer 40 mM Tris base 1mMEDTApH was adjusted to 8.4with glacial acetic acid. TAE buffer was prepared as a 50X stock solution and used at 1Xconcentration.Tris-Saline20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.20.9% NaCl
PhosphateBuffered Saline (PBS) 137 mM NaCl 2.7 mM KCl 10 mM Na2HPO42 mM KH2PO4pH was adjusted to 7.3 using HCl and NaOH beforeautoclaving. PBS was prepared as a 10X stock solution and diluted to 1X concentration before autoclaving
Common buffers
Buffers and solutions
0.5% Yeast Extract 1% Tryptone 1% NaClLB-ampicillin plates LB medium 100 μg/mL ampicillin Media and solutions were sterilized either by routine autoclaving at 121°C and 15 psi for 20 min or by filtration through membrane of 0.22 μm porosity.For yeast and bacterial growth, plates were preparedby adding 2% to the medium before autoclaving
Luria-Bertani (LB) medium forbacterialgrowth
Yeast synthetic complete medium without leucine(SC-Leu)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base without amino acids 76mg/L His76mg/L Ura76 mg/mL Trp76 mg/mL Met2% DextroseYeast sporulating medium1% Potassium acetate0.05% Dextrose
Yeast extract Peptone Dextrose (YPD)1% Yeast extract2% Peptone 2% Dextrose Yeast synthetic complete medium(SC)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base with amino acids 2% Dextrose1.92 g/LYeast Synthetic Drop-Out media supplement without Uracil76 mg/L uracilYeast synthetic complete medium without histidine(SC-His)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base without amino acids 1.92 g/L Yeast Synthetic Drop-Out media supplement without histidine2% DextroseYeast synthetic complete medium without uracil(SC-Ura)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base without amino acids 1.92 g/LYeast Synthetic Drop-Out media supplement without Uracil2% DextroseYeast synthetic complete medium without methionine(SC-Met)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base without amino acids 380mg/L Leu76 mg/L His76mg/L Ura2% DextroseYeast synthetic complete medium without tryptophan(SC-Trp)0.67% Yeast Nitrogen Base without amino acids 380mg/L Leu76mg/L His76mg/L Ura76 mg/L Met2% Dextrose
Yeast media(Media composition was followed as described by Sigma product data sheet)
Taq polymerase was from ThermoScientific. Plasmid DNA purification, PCR purification, gel extraction and reaction clean up kits were procured from Qiagen. Medium components for growth of S. cerevisiae,namely, YPD, yeast nitrogen base, and yeast nitrogen base without ammonium sulphate were purchasedfrom BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company, USA).Yeastsyntheticdropoutmediasupplementwithouturacil/histidinewereobtainedfromSigma-Aldrich
Agarose, phenol, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), sodium acetate, sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), formamide, calcium chloride, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), glycerol, polyethylene glycol, ammonium persulphate, N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED), acrylamide,dithiothreitol (DTT),bis-acrylamide, chloroform, formaldehyde, lithium chloride, lithium acetate,isopropanol, nuclease free water, diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC), Tween-20, acid washed glass beads, trisodium citrate dehydrate, β-mercaptoethanol, 0.4% trypan blue solution, yeast protease inhibitor cocktail, magnesium chloride, manganese chloride and phosphatase inhibitors were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals. Agar, uracil, leucine, lysine, histidine, tryptophan, methionine, yeast extract, peptone, tryptone, and sorbitol were obtained from HiMedia. Dextrose, sucrose, potassium chloride, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, Tris and glycine were from Fisher Scientific. [14C]-labelled uracil was from Ogene Systems.γ[32P]ATP, [35S]Met/Cysin vivoprotein twin label mix, α[32P]UTP and Taq DNA polymease were from JONAKI/BRIT,Ultimaflow liquid scintillation fluid was obtained from Perkin-Elmer.Hybond-N+and Hybond-P membranes for nucleic acid and protein transferrespectively, and protein A beads were purchased from GE Life Science. NuPAGE gradient gels, MES running buffer and 4X LDS sample buffer were purchased from Invitrogen. Super Signal West pico chemiluminiscent substrate was from Thermo Scientific. Different restriction enzymes used for cloning and knock-out generation were purchased from New England Biolabs (NEB). High-fidelity Phusion
Chemicals, kits and culture medium components
- Mt-6-Mt-8
- Mt-5-Mt-1
- Mt-6-Mt-7-Mt-2-d
- Mt-6-Mt-4-d
- Mt-6-Mt-3
- Mt-4-d
- Mt-4
- Mt-6-Mt-1
- Mt-6
- Mt-6-Mt-8-d
- Mt-6-Mt-7-Mt-2
- Mt-6-Mt-7-Mt-1-d
- Mt-6-Mt-1-d
- Mt-6-Mt-7-Mt-3
- Mt-6-Mt-7-Mt-3-d
- Mt-6-Mt-2
- Mt-6-Mt-7-Mt-1
- Mt-6-Mt-5-d
- Mt-6-Mt-2-d
- Mt-5-Mt-1-d
- Mt-5
- Mt-6-Mt-7
- Mt-6-Mt-6-d
- Mt-6-Mt-4
- Mt-6-Mt-6
- Mt-6-Mt-5
- Mt-6-Mt-3-d
- Mt-5-Mt-2
- Mt-5-Mt-2-d