16,232 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Nov 19, Helen E Benson commented:

      The complement receptor family page on the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY can be found here.

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    1. On 2015 Jun 26, Donald Forsdyke commented:

      In the light of new reviews (Zhang J, 2015 and Forsdyke DR, 2015), the following email to the senior author (Feb 6 2013) may be of interest:

      'I was delighted to see a new paper from your laboratory in this week’s PNAS Early Edition Park C, 2013 and, as expected, it did not disappoint me. The convergence of our thinking can be seen in the earlier emails and the attached articles on "Functional Constraint" (ELS where I squeezed in a last-minute reference to your work) and on "Collective Gene Functions" (BioEssays). Since I differ from you and your coauthors in some current interpretations, I hope you will not mind my again offering comments, which I hope will be helpful.

      1. I think you would agree that your statement "Amino acid substitutions are slower as the mRNA folding strength increases" could be restated as "Amino acid substitutions are faster as the mRNA folding strength decreases". The latter was the main observation of my paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution (1995 12, 1157-1165, http://post.queensu.ca/~forsdyke/introns.htm). In other words, under strong Darwinian positive selection (high dN), amino acid substitutions (codon changes) primarily serve the needs of protein function, rather than of nucleic acid structure. When the protein is conserved (evolving slowly) then the needs of nucleic acid structure are more readily accommodated. This approach can even be used to assay positive Darwinian selection (see Immunogenetics 1996 43, 182-189, http://post.queensu.ca/~forsdyke/introns.htm). The point was recently reiterated (see J. Biol. Systems 2007 15, 95-108, http://post.queensu.ca/~forsdyke/speciat3.htm).

      2. While your Introduction implies the possibility of "a selective pressure at any level (DNA, mRNA, or protein)," you assume that there is "a major role of natural selection at the mRNA level in constraining protein evolution." You do not mention the possibility that mRNA structure is by default, because the encoding DNA needs structure (i.e. DNA has the potential to extrude single strands as stem-loops). Since such structure is pervasive in DNA (in exons and introns and in extragenic locations), it appears that DNA needs structure, whether it encodes proteins or not. I have considered the rationale for this elsewhere.

      3. You note that "most of the correlations reported in this study are strong" when using enzymic (Fig. 1a) rather than computational (Fig. 1b) RNA structure determination. And you point out that mRNA folding strength may be impacted by "different amino acid, nucleotide, and synonymous codon frequencies." Here it might have been better first to look at the nucleotide component by comparing folding energies with randomly shuffled sequences. Your use of "pseudo-mRNAs" as a basis for comparison was useful for eliminating the possibilities of roles for "specific protein sequences or synonymous codon usages," but would have greatly reduced the statistical significance of your results.

      4. You call for "further improvement of the computational prediction." Base composition tends to be a genome-wide, or segment-wide, characteristic; it tends not to be a local characteristic. On the other hand, base order is a local characteristic. Nucleic acid structure depends on both base composition and order, but for many purposes, base order provides a more sensitive measure. If you follow my method for dissecting out the base order-dependent component of the folding energy, I believe you will obtain more satisfactory results with the computational method of structure determination.

      5. Compared with low expressed proteins, highly expressed proteins are more likely to have both specific and collective functions. Thus, there are two sources of negative selective pressure on genes with highly expressed protein products, and only one source of negative selection pressure on genes with low expressed protein products. So the former genes tend to evolve more slowly, and are less likely to be affected by deletion mutations since their contributions to collective functions are shared with other highly expressed proteins, which can compensate. Since they evolve slowly, they are better able to accommodate structure at the nucleic acid level. I consider this more extensively elsewhere.

      6. Genes under positive Darwinian selection pressure may be of various expression levels, so "amino acid substitution rate is negatively correlated with mRNA folding strength, with or without the control of expression level." Furthermore, there is "a significant [negative] correlation between mRNA folding strength and dN/dS, even when gene expression level is controlled."

      All this comes with no guarantee. I may be wrong. If you have any problem with these comments please get back to me. Having crossed this territory in the 1990s I feel some obligation to warn later explorers of possible pitfalls!'

      The ELS and BioEssays papers referred to in the above email were:

      Nature Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 7, 396-403 (2002). Functional constraint and molecular evolution. This was updated for Wiley Online Library in 2005 and 2012.

      BioEssays (2012) 34, 930-933 Forsdyke DR, 2012.

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    1. On 2016 Aug 23, Ben Goldacre commented:

      This trial has the wrong trial registry ID associated with it on PubMed: both in the XML on PubMed, and in the originating journal article. The ID given is NCT00167000. We believe the correct ID, which we have found by hand searching, is NCT00167700.

      This comment is being posted as part of the OpenTrials.net project<sup>[1]</sup> , an open database threading together all publicly accessible documents and data on each trial, globally. In the course of creating the database, and matching documents and data sources about trials from different locations, we have identified various anomalies in datasets such as PubMed, and in published papers. Alongside documenting the prevalence of problems, we are also attempting to correct these errors and anomalies wherever possible, by feeding back to the originators. We have corrected this data in the OpenTrials.net database; we hope that this trial’s text and metadata can also be corrected at source, in PubMed and in the accompanying paper.

      Many thanks,

      Jessica Fleminger, Ben Goldacre*

      [1] Goldacre, B., Gray, J., 2016. OpenTrials: towards a collaborative open database of all available information on all clinical trials. Trials 17. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1290-8 PMID: 27056367

      * Dr Ben Goldacre BA MA MSc MBBS MRCPsych<br> Senior Clinical Research Fellow<br> ben.goldacre@phc.ox.ac.uk<br> www.ebmDataLab.net<br> Centre for Evidence Based Medicine<br> Department of Primary Care Health Sciences<br> University of Oxford<br> Radcliffe Observatory Quarter<br> Woodstock Road<br> Oxford OX2 6GG

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    1. On 2014 Jan 31, George W Hinkal commented:

      The National Cancer Institute has been investing in the development of an online webportal of curated cancer nanotechnology data called caNanoLab. The numerical data and additional nanomaterial characterizations related to this publication have been added to the database and can be found at:









      The left navigation links on these pages provide information about each sample (under Navigation Tree).

      For general information on how to use caNanoLab, please visit https://cananolab.nci.nih.gov/caNanoLab/home.jsp

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    1. On 2014 Jan 12, Om Prakash commented:

      This CBT model appears useful in patients with Dhat syndrome.

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    1. On 2016 Dec 15, M Mangan commented:

      This paper is being used by nonsense peddlers to suggest that GMO insulin is harmful to people, and to scare people away from proper treatment for diabetes. Please see this piece for some guidance on this issue: http://kfolta.blogspot.com/2014/06/when-liars-cross-line-gmo-insulin.html

      Edit to add: another science blogger has taken this on now as well. http://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/abusing-science-you-dont-understand/

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    1. On 2014 Jun 09, Jake Chen commented:

      This is the first article that showed how to use multi-scale network models to classify breast cancer subtypes using noisy proteomics data. The method can be applicable to other disease classification applications.

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    1. On 2014 Aug 11, Dr. Priyanka. M Jadhav commented:

      Ayurveda: science beyond scepticism and snake oil

      Priyanka M. Jadhav, Research Scientist

      Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

      Comment on: Ayurvedic medicine offers a good alternative to glucosamine and celecoxib in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled equivalence drug trial

      Sir, This is the age when the concept of remote surgery does not surprise us, but we are not prepared to accept a concept that has existed and survived for centuries—the science of Ayurveda. I read with great interest the study published by Chopra et al. and am excited that the New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NIMTLI) project set up with an interdisciplinary approach is evaluating traditional and Ayurvedic drugs in clinical trials for treatment of osteoarthritis[1]. It is interesting to see how modern medicine approach is being used to study the effect of an Ayurvedic medicine assessed by a series of experiments [2–4]. The acceptance of Ayurveda or any other traditional system of medicine in western medicine is low; however, what causes frustration are the allegations and misinformation being promoted.

      Recently, a a letter was published in which the author termed Ayurveda as quackery.[5] Patients and the next generation who aspire to find a cure and career in this age-old science find such information as very misleading and confusing. On the other hand, many other journals are documenting the reports on the study of these drugs.

      The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine clearly states the lack of randomized controlled clinical trial for complementary and alternative medicines and a need to build evidence-based datab to assess the plausibility of claims[6].

      As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I welcome such suggestions and efforts, which are more than mere dismissal of age-old science. Although the current research and published papers concentrate on the extracts of plants, the point of holistic treatment is lost. As many scientists use extracts, the pressure of using purified extracts in studies is very high. Any researcher who proposes to work on a whole medicinal plant not only faces technical difficulties but also pressure from the scientific community, which again steers them to use purified extracts. Negative results of many experiments are not even published.

      NMITLI arthritis project is one such attempt to translate the language of traditional medicine in a way that the western world can understand. In doing so, the scientists involved are those who are experts in their field and have done their best to generate data from in vitro and human studies. Moreover, one can also argue that Ayurveda treats a patient not only by medicine but also by other methods such as application of oil, hot fermentation, purgation, etc., which varies for each patient depending on their prakruti or constitution.[7] If one aims to study these medicines, a novel and innovative approach or a fresh perspective is needed when designing a suitable trial. [8]

      More such studies as the one done by Chopra et al. should be done. Such studies will focus on chronic and infectious diseases, which are of grave concern not only for the developing or resource-poor countries but also for the developed world too. These medicines may form a good alternative, if not a substitute, for modern medicine that has mild to severe adverse effects particularly for chronic diseases. In a way, this study may be a base to prove to the funding agencies and other organizations that natural products can be just as effective as modern ones.

      Some very important issues to be addressed are whether we are prepared to accept a concept riddled with prejudice or embrace one used by billions for their good for centuries.


      1 Chopra A, Saluja M, Tillu G et al. Ayurvedic medicine offers a good alternative to glucosamine and celecoxib in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled equivalence drug trial. Rheumatology 2013. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kes414. First published online: January 30, 2013.

      2 Chopra A, Saluja M, Tillu G et al. Evaluating higher doses of Shunthi - Guduchi formulations for safety in treatment of osteoarthritis knees: a Government of India NMITLI arthritis project. J Ayurveda Integr Med 2012;3:38-44.

      3 Chopra A, Saluja M, Tillu G et al. A randomized controlled exploratory evaluation of standardized ayurvedic formulations in symptomatic osteoarthritis knees: a government of India NMITLI project. eCAM 2011;2011:724291.

      4 Sumantran VN, Kulkarni A, Chandwaskar R et al. Chondroprotective potential of fruit extracts of Phyllanthus emblica in osteoarthritis. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM 2008;5:329-35.

      5 O'Cathail S, Stebbing J. Ayurveda: alternative or complementary? Lancet Oncol 2012;13:865.

      6 Briggs JP. NIH. Turning discovery into health? Available from: http://nccam.nih.gov/about/offices/od/2011-06.htm (17 April 2013, date last accessed).

      7 Dieppe P, Marsden D. Managing arthritis: the need to think about whole systems. Rheumatology 2013.doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ket127 First published online: March 7, 2013.

      8 Patwardhan B. Ayurveda GCP guidelines: need for freedom from RCT ascendancy in favor of whole system approach. J Ayurveda Integr Med 2011;2:1-4.

      Conflict of Interest: None declared

      Published July 9, 2013 http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.org/content/52/8/1408.long/reply#rheumatology_el_105

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    1. On 2017 Nov 25, Tom Kindlon commented:

      More data demonstrating why the SF-36 physical functioning threshold of 60+ is problematic

      The PACE trial's principal investigators (PIs) argue that scores of 60 or higher on the SF-36 physical function subscale (SF-36 PF) fall within the "normal range" and use this threshold as one component of their revised definition of recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), as well as a post hoc measure in the main PACE trial paper[1,2].

      Referring to the normal ranges for physical function and fatigue used in the PACE trial, one of the trial's PIs, Trudie Chalder, stated that “twice as many people on graded exercise therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy got back to normal”[3]. This same terminology, "back to normal", was also used by the PIs in a patient information leaflet[4].

      The use of this phrase, which implies full restoration of health, merits closer scrutiny following publication of a new paper containing data from CFS patients assessed at one of the PACE trial's treatment centres, the Chronic Fatigue Research and Treatment Unit in London, UK, between November 2007 and January 2014[5].

      The paper, whose corresponding author is Trudie Chalder, reports that 39.6% of the patients diagnosed with CFS (228/576) had SF-36 PF scores of more than 60; i.e, despite having a score within the normal range, they were judged as sufficiently disabled to be diagnosed with CFS. Note that the data given were for more than 60 on the SF-36 PF so the figure for 60 or more would likely be higher again.

      Moreover, Dutch researchers recently reported that 39% of patients with CFS had SF-36 PF scores of 65 or higher[6], and in the PACE trial itself patients could start with a SF-36 PF score of 65 at baseline[7]. Also, as we reported in a reanalysis of the PACE Trial data, in a large British community sample 90% of people aged 18–59 without a long-term illness or disability actually score 90 or higher[8].

      Taken together, these data suggest that the derived normal range threshold for physical function is too low to serve as a meaningful indicator of recovery and does not, in fact, represent getting "back to normal".


      1 White PD1, Goldsmith KA, Johnson AL, Potts L, Walwyn R, DeCesare JC, Baber HL, Burgess M, Clark LV, Cox DL, Bavinton J, Angus BJ, Murphy G, Murphy M, O'Dowd H, Wilks D, McCrone P, Chalder T, Sharpe M; PACE trial management group. Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial. Lancet. 2011; 377: 611–690

      2 White PD, Goldsmith K, Johnson AL, Chalder T, Sharpe M. Recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome after treatments given in the PACE trial. Psychol Med. 2013;43(10):2227–2235.

      3 Boseley, S. Study finds therapy and exercise best for ME. The Guardian. Feb 18, 2011 https://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/feb/18/study-exercise-therapy-me-treatment

      4 PACE participants newsletter 4. February 2011. http://www.wolfson.qmul.ac.uk/images/pdfs/participantsnewsletter4.pdf

      5 Ryan EG, Vitoratou S, Goldsmith KA, Chalder T. Psychometric properties and factor structure of a shortened version of the Cognitive Behavioural Responses Questionnaire (CBRQ). Psychosom Med. 2017 Oct 10. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000536. [Epub ahead of print]

      6 Janse A, Nikolaus S, Wiborg JF, Heins M, van der Meer JWM, Bleijenberg G, Tummers M, Twisk J, Knoop H. Long-term follow-up after cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2017.03.016.

      7 White, PD, Sharpe, MC, Chalder, T et al. Protocol for the PACE trial: a randomised controlled trial of adaptive pacing, cognitive behaviour therapy, and graded exercise, as supplements to standardised specialist medical care versus standardised specialist medical care alone for patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis or encephalopathy. BMC Neurol. 2007; 7: 6

      8 Wilshire CE, Kindlon T, Matthees A, et al. Can patients with chronic fatigue syndrome really recover after graded exercise or cognitive behavioural therapy? A critical commentary and preliminary re-analysis of the PACE trial. Fatigue. 2017;5:1–4.

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    2. On 2016 Sep 27, Alem Matthees commented:

      A preliminary re-analysis of ‘recovery’ in the PACE trial based on the published protocol

      Much has been written about the problems with the revised recovery criteria in the PACE trial and the poorly or erroneously justified deviations from the published protocol after the trial was over. There have been calls for a re-analysis of recovery using the protocol-specified recovery criteria. While a formal publication is still pending, a preliminary re-analysis of 'recovery' using individual participant data has recently been released on Virology Blog [1].


      Summary: The PACE trial tested interventions for chronic fatigue syndrome, but the published ‘recovery’ rates were based on thresholds that deviated substantially from the published trial protocol. Individual participant data on a selection of measures has recently been released under the Freedom of Information Act, enabling the re-analysis of recovery rates in accordance with the thresholds specified in the published trial protocol. The recovery rate using these thresholds is 3.1% for specialist medical care alone; for the adjunctive therapies it is 6.8% for cognitive behavioural therapy, 4.4% for graded exercise therapy, and 1.9% for adaptive pacing therapy. This re-analysis demonstrates that the previously reported recovery rates were inflated by an average of four-fold. Furthermore, in contrast with the published paper by the trial investigators, the recovery rates in the cognitive behavioural therapy and graded exercise therapy groups are not significantly higher than with specialist medical care alone. The implications of these findings are discussed.

      Update 1:

      When asked about the re-analysis for an article in The Times, Professor Peter White (lead PACE trial investigator) did not dispute the methodology of the re-analysis, but added that the argument was about the definition of recovery. He stated: "We thought people who rated their health as 'much better' or 'very much better' should be included. They used 'very much better'." [2]

      We used the recovery criteria as established by Prof. White and colleagues in the published PACE trial protocol. However, including those who rated themselves "much better" makes little difference to the number of participants classified as recovered when using the other protocol-specified recovery criteria, even when imputing the missing participant-rated CGI scores with doctor-rated scores, which tend to be more optimistic than the participant-rated scores: SMC, 5 to 6; APT, 3 (unchanged); CBT, 11 to 13; GET, 7 to 9. Our conclusion remains the same, no therapy group has a (statistically) significantly higher rate of recovery than for SMC alone, for either intention-to-treat or available-case. Almost all the participants who rated themselves "much better" failed to meet the remaining protocol-specified recovery criteria.

      The comment from Prof. White does not address the major changes to other criteria. The revised "normal range" for fatigue and physical function overlaps with trial eligibility criteria for severe disabling fatigue, whereas previously there was a significant gap. Not meeting Oxford CFS criteria in the revised recovery criteria is not what it sounds: participants were counted as not meeting Oxford CFS criteria if they had a CFQ (bimodal) fatigue score of less than 6 or a SF-36 physical function score of more than 65, irrespective of whether they still met Oxford CFS criteria or not. Approximately half of those who 'no longer met Oxford CFS criteria' according to the revised recovery criteria still actually met Oxford CFS criteria. Feeling "much better" is not necessarily the same as recovered and can be a result of changes not relating to fatigue or physical function. None of the revised recovery criteria, alone or combined, convincingly reflect being recovered. Over one-third meeting all the revised recovery criteria still met Oxford CFS criteria.

      Contrary to the impression given by Professor George Lewith's statement for The Times [2], we did not "torture the data until it proves what they believe", we followed the published PACE trial protocol before it was changed after the trial was over, and we made this clear in our article. While the article in The Times states that Prof. Lewith was not involved in the original research, perhaps it should be noted that he has co-authored a paper with the co-principal PACE trial investigators using PACE trial data [3].

      Individuals who defended the revised PACE trial recovery criteria, including in the UK House of Lords [4], argued that the results were impressive or meaningful because it means no longer having CFS. Unfortunately, the PACE trial data shows or confirms that these people have been misled.

      Update 2:

      In an article in The Guardian, Prof. White asserts that "The authors got their figures by tweaks such as increasing the pass-grade for what counted as recovery, and excluding patients who had reported themselves as 'much better'." [5]

      This implies that we fiddled with the recovery criteria to get the results we wanted. That is false and misleading; again, we simply used the thresholds established by Prof. White himself (and colleagues) in their own published trial protocol, before they changed it after the trial was over. Furthermore, counting "much better" towards recovery makes no significant difference to the results; CBT and GET still do not significantly increase recovery rates.


      1) Matthees A, Kindlon T, Maryhew C, Stark P, Levin B. A preliminary analysis of ‘recovery’ from chronic fatigue syndrome in the PACE trial using individual participant data. Virology Blog. 21 September 2016. http://www.virology.ws/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/preliminary-analysis.pdf

      2) Whipple T. Exercise and therapy cure for ME is 'seriously flawed'. The Times. 28 September 2016. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/b0c9d588-84d8-11e6-9270-cf26736cb244

      3) Lewith G, Stuart B, Chalder T, McDermott C, White PD. Complementary and alternative healthcare use by participants in the PACE trial of treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome. J Psychosom Res. 2016 Aug;87:37-42. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2016.06.005. Epub 2016 Jun 10. PMID: 27411750.

      4) PACE Trial: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. House of Lords Hansard. Volume 743. 06 February 2013. https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2013-02-06/debates/130206114000195/PACETrialChronicFatigueSyndromeMyalgicEncephalomyelitis

      5) White P. If my team’s research on ME is rejected, the patients will suffer. The Guardian. 30 September 2016. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/30/me-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-patients-suffer-put-off-treatments-our-research

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    3. On 2016 Mar 31, Lily Chu commented:

      Dr. Rebecca Goldin of STATS.org, connected to the American Statistical Association, recently published a critique of this paper at the link below:


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    4. On 2016 Feb 15, Sam Carter commented:

      Exploring changes to PACE trial outcome measures using anonymised data from the FINE trial.

      When the results of the PACE trial were published (1, 2) it was noted that the primary outcome measures and the definition of "recovery" described in the trial's published protocol (3) had been abandoned and replaced with markedly less stringent criteria.

      The fully anonymised data set from the FINE trial(4), considered to be the PACE trial's "sister" study, makes it possible to explore how these changes may have affected the reported efficacy of the PACE trial's interventions.

      At week 20 (assessment 2), 18 FINE trial participants met PACE trial post-hoc recovery thresholds (SF36 PF ≥ 60 and CFQ Likert ≤ 18) compared to only 3 participants who met the stricter, protocol-defined recovery thresholds (SF36 PF ≥ 85 and CFQ bimodal ≤ 3). Therefore, at assessment 2, the post-hoc changes increased the "recovery" rate by a factor of 6.

      By week 70 (assessment 3), between 10 and 12 of the original 18 had relapsed so that they no longer met the post-hoc recovery thresholds (data are missing for two participants). Such a high rate of relapse within a year shows that the post-hoc recovery thresholds, said to represent a "strict criterion for recovery" in a Comment (5) which accompanied the original publication of PACE trial results, are neither strict nor reliable indicators of sustained wellbeing.

      Regarding the Chalder fatigue questionnaire, White et al wrote that "we changed the original bimodal scoring of the Chalder fatigue questionnaire (range 0–11) to Likert scoring to more sensitively test our hypotheses of effectiveness" (1). However, data from the FINE trial show that Likert and bimodal scores are often contradictory and thus call into question White et al's assumption that Likert scoring is necessarily more sensitive than bimodal scoring.

      For example, of the 33 FINE trial participants who met the post-hoc PACE trial recovery threshold for fatigue at week 20 (Likert CFQ score ≤ 18), 10 had a bimodal CFQ score ≥ 6 so would still be fatigued enough to enter the PACE trial and 16 had a bimodal CFQ score ≥ 4 which is the accepted definition of abnormal fatigue.

      Therefore, for this cohort, if a person met the PACE trial post-hoc recovery threshold for fatigue at week 20 they had approximately a 50% chance of still having abnormal levels of fatigue and a 30% chance of being fatigued enough to enter the PACE trial.

      A further problem with the Chalder fatigue questionnaire is illustrated by the observation that the bimodal score and Likert score of 10 participants moved in opposite directions at consecutive assessments i.e. one scoring system showed improvement whilst the other showed deterioration.

      Moreover, it can be seen that some FINE trial participants were confused by the wording of the questionnaire itself. For example, a healthy person should have a Likert score of 11 out of 33, yet 17 participants recorded a Likert CFQ score of 10 or less at some point (i.e. they reported less fatigue than a healthy person), and 5 participants recorded a Likert CFQ score of 0.

      The discordance between Likert and bimodal scores and the marked increase in those meeting post-hoc recovery thresholds suggest that White et al's deviation from their protocol-specified analysis is likely to have profoundly affected the reported efficacy of the PACE trial interventions.

      An independent re-analysis of anonymised PACE trial data as described in its published protocol is urgently required to quantify the effects of the revised outcome and recovery criteria.


      (1) White PD et al (2011) Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial. Lancet Mar 5;377(9768):823-36.<br> (2) White PD, Goldsmith K, Johnson AL, Chalder T, Sharpe M (2013) Recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome after treatments given in the PACE trial. Psychol Med. Oct;43(10):2227-35.<br> (3) White PD, Sharpe MC, Chalder T, DeCesare JC, Walwyn R (2007) Protocol for the PACE trial: a randomised controlled trial of adaptive pacing, cognitive behaviour therapy, and graded exercise, as supplements to standardised specialist medical care versus standardised specialist medical care alone for patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis or encephalopathy. BMC Neurol Mar 8;7:6.<br> (4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4685991/bin/pone.0144623.s002.dta<br> (5) Bleijenberg G, Knoop H. (2011) Chronic fatigue syndrome: where to PACE from here? Lancet. Mar 5;377(9768):786-8.

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    5. On 2015 Oct 25, Tom Kindlon commented:

      A lot of the focus of the critique is this paper (i.e. Recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome after treatments given in the PACE trial).

      The critique is spread over three pieces: http://www.virology.ws/2015/10/21/trial-by-error-i/ ; http://www.virology.ws/2015/10/22/trial-by-error-ii/ ; http://www.virology.ws/2015/10/23/trial-by-error-iii/

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    6. On 2015 Oct 23, Lily Chu commented:

      For a critique of the PACE trial and papers related to it, see:


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    7. On 2014 Sep 20, Tom Kindlon commented:

      Letter published criticising aspects of the PACE Trial recovery paper and criteria:

      Kindlon T, Baldwin A. Response to: reports of recovery in chronic fatigue syndrome may present less than meets the eye. Evid Based Mental Health doi:10.1136/eb-2014-101961 http://ebmh.bmj.com/content/early/2014/09/19/eb-2014-101961.extract

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    8. On 2014 Apr 28, Tom Kindlon commented:

      Easy-to-understand video criticising the (adjusted) recovery definition:

      A former mathematics teacher has made an easy-to-understand video explaining and criticising the PACE Trial's recovery criteria:


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    9. On 2013 Oct 29, Tom Kindlon commented:



      Cella M, Chalder T (2010). Measuring fatigue in clinical and community settings. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 69, 17–22.

      Chalder T, Berelowitz G, Hirsch S, Pawlikowska T, Wallace P, Wessely S (1993). Development of a fatigue scale. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 37, 147–153.

      Evans S (2007). When and how can endpoints be changed after initiation of a randomized clinical trial? PLoS Clin Trials 2, e18.

      Lerdal A, Wahl A, Rustøen T, Hanestad BR, Moum T (2005). Fatigue in the general population: a translation and test of the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the fatigue severity scale. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 33, 123-30.

      McAteer A, Elliott AM, Hannaford PC (2011). Ascertaining the size of the symptom iceberg in a UK-wide community based survey. British Journal of General Practice 61, e1– e11.

      Stulemeijer M, de Jong LW, Fiselier TJ, Hoogveld SW, Bleijenberg G (2005). Cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 330, 7481–7486.

      Tummers M, Knoop H, van Dam A, Bleijenberg G (2012) . Implementing a minimal intervention for chronic fatigue syndrome in a mental health centre: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine 42, 2205-15

      van't Leven M, Zielhuis GA, van der Meer JW, Verbeek AL, Bleijenberg G (2010). Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome-like complaints in the general population. European Journal of Public Health 20, 251-7

      Wearden AJ, Dowrick C, Chew-Graham C, Bentall RP, Morriss RK, Peters S, Riste L, Richardson G, Lovell K, Dunn G; Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Evaluation (FINE) trial writing group and the FINE trial group (2010). Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Evaluation (FINE) trial writing group and the FINE trial group. Nurse led, home based self help treatment for patients in primary care with chronic fatigue syndrome: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 340, c1777.

      White PD, Goldsmith K, Johnson AL, Chalder T, Sharpe M; PACE Trial Management Group (2013). Recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome after treatments given in the PACE trial. Psychological Medicine Jan 31:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]

      White PD, Sharpe MC, Chalder T, DeCesare JC, Walwyn R; PACE trial group (2007). Protocol for the PACE trial : a randomised controlled trial of adaptive pacing, cognitive behaviour therapy, and graded exercise, as supplements to standardised specialist medical care versus standardised specialist medical care alone for patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis or encephalopathy. BioMed Central Neurology 7, 6.

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    10. On 2013 Oct 29, Tom Kindlon commented:

      Changes to the recovery criteria have not improved their validity

      When one publishes a protocol for a trial, as the PACE Trial investigators have done (White et al. 2007), there needs to be compelling reasons to deviate from it (Evans, 2007). White et al. (2013) claim that the revised recovery definition is conservative, with the changes being made to "more accurately reflect recovery". Is this true with regard to the Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire (CFQ) and SF-36 physical functioning (SF36 PF) criteria?

      The new CFQ criterion, a score of 18 or less (Likert scoring), was chosen because it represented the mean plus 1 standard deviation in a community sample (Cella & Chalder, 2010). The CFQ scores were not normally distributed but we know that only 13.6% of the sample scored higher than 18. However, it does not follow that this threshold represents a reliable cut-off for fatigue-caseness as fatigue problems are common in the general population. For example, in the paper the authors referenced when discussing symptoms in the general population (McAteer et al. 2011), 41.3% reported “feeling tired/run down” while 23.1% of a representative sample of the Norwegian population had high levels of fatigue (Lerdal et al. 2005). That is to say, it is quite possible that more than 13.6% of the sample in Cella & Chalder (2010) were experiencing significant fatigue problems.

      The recovery criteria described in the protocol require a score of 3 or less (bimodal scoring) which is a validated definition for the absence of fatigue (Chalder et al. 1993). Although exact translation between Likert and bimodal scores is not possible, it can be shown that such a score is stricter than the new criteria because it translates to a Likert score between 6 and 17. Therefore, when compared against the established definition of fatigue-caseness, a Likert score of 18 always indicates the presence of abnormal levels of fatigue.

      Furthermore, the trial's entry criterion for fatigue, a CFQ bimodal score of 6 or higher, translates to a Likert score between 12 and 23 meaning that participants could have baseline scores which were already 18 or less so that no improvement was required for them to recover according to the new criteria. Indeed, 17.6% of patients diagnosed with CFS at the Chronic Fatigue Unit at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust had scores of 18 or less on the CFQ before treatment for their fatigue.

      For SF-36 PF scores, the protocol required a score of ≥85 for recovery, whilst the newer criteria require a score of ≥60. Again, participants could score 60 or more at baseline which suggests the new criterion is neither conservative nor "more accurately reflects recovery".

      Also, while I have not undertaken an exhaustive search, in all the other trials that I am aware of that used the SF36 PF to operationalize CFS criteria, a score of 60 would have been sufficiently low to meet each trial's requirements for a diagnosis of CFS (e.g. Stulemeijer et al. 2005; Tummers et al. 2012; van't Leven et al. 2010; Wearden et al. 2010).

      White et al. (2013) used the formula of mean minus one standard deviation (sd) from data on the UK general population from Bowling et al. (1999) to derive the threshold of SF-36 PF ≥60. However, CFS is not unique in causing reductions in this domain, with Bowling et al. noting that 22% in the same survey reported a long-term health problem while 16% reported having an acute illness. Moreover 28.6% were aged 65 or more; population norms from these age groups are of questionable relevance to the PACE Trial cohort (mean (sd) age at baseline: 38 (12)).

      In summary, the CFQ and SF-36 PF criteria that constitute White and colleagues' new definition of recovery have been revised such that they are less strict than those contained in the published protocol. These changes suggest that it is not safe to conclude that the new criteria are either conservative or more accurately reflect recovery than those published in the trial's protocol.

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    1. On 2014 Aug 27, Ryan Radecki commented:

      Post-publication commentary:

      "The Latest Myth: Contrast-Induced Nephropathy?"

      Here’s the simple explanation for why none of our observed treatments to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy – acetylcysteine, hydration, sodium bicarbonate – reliably work: CIN is a myth.

      There’s a lot of observational literature evaluating the incidence of mild acute-kidney injury after iodinated contrast exposure – either CT scans or vascular procedures – and every study shows some increase in serum creatinine in a small, but significant, proportion of patients. But, as this study suggests, is this just random effects, a confounder from co-occurring medical illness, or true dose-dependent renal injury?


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    1. On 2016 Apr 30, Morten Oksvold commented:

      Please be aware that this article represents one of eleven publications which were found to contain false data, after an investigation lead by ORI in 2015:


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    1. On 2016 Feb 21, Torsten Skov commented:

      The main conclusions of the paper are not founded in the data but rather in the theory which the data was set to test. To show this, I have revisited the five studies which are being reported in the paper and pinpointed a number of methodological issues which limit the conclusions that can be drawn, please see the file


      In summary, the analysis and interpretation of the WVS data is flawed and strongly biased towards the authors’ preconceived theory. Study 2 does not address the effect of instincts on welfare opinion but this does not prevent the authors from drawing conclusions from it about this relation. Study 1 is invalidated by the findings of Study 2. The limitations of cross-sectional designs are either unknown to the authors or are being ignored. Causal direction is assumed rather than demonstrated. Basic theoretical concepts are used inconsistently. In the end, no empirical evidence relating to the political psychology aspects of the article, the translation of the instinctive reactions to political welfare opinion, holds up.

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    1. On 2016 Feb 05, Kristina Hanspers commented:

      The pathway in Figure 3b is available in the "Open Access Publication" Collection at WikiPathways: http://wikipathways.org/index.php/Pathway:WP3300. This pathway can be used for network analysis in tools like Cytoscape and PathVisio.

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    1. On 2014 May 27, Irving I. Gottesman commented:

      Scholars interested in a deep understanding of the complex etiology of ASD can find no better starting point than the perspective provided by Stein, Parikshak, & Geschwind and the citations they invoke to support their data-informed views.Uninformed pontifications in our field of inquiry are all too common. No one said it should be easy. Their perspective can be generalized to other complex psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and even suicide.

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    1. On 2013 Oct 23, Andrew R Kniss commented:

      Although this paper provides necessary toxicity data on some common pesticides, the extension of that data to causing global amphibian decline is quite a leap (pun intended). Toxicity alone does not equal risk, and this paper (and many they cite) provide little information on the exposure aspect of risk. The authors also fail to provide context about other risks amphibians may face in the absence of pesticide use. If pesticides are removed, pests would still need to be controlled in agricultural fields. Those other pest management practices may be equally likely to harm amphibians. More information about the proper context for this study here.

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    1. On 2016 Aug 23, Ben Goldacre commented:

      One of the trials in this article has the wrong trial registry ID associated with it on PubMed: both in the XML on PubMed, and in the originating journal article. The ID given is NCT003766090. We believe the correct ID, which we have found by hand searching, is NCT00376090.

      This comment is being posted as part of the OpenTrials.net project<sup>[1]</sup> , an open database threading together all publicly accessible documents and data on each trial, globally. In the course of creating the database, and matching documents and data sources about trials from different locations, we have identified various anomalies in datasets such as PubMed, and in published papers. Alongside documenting the prevalence of problems, we are also attempting to correct these errors and anomalies wherever possible, by feeding back to the originators. We have corrected this data in the OpenTrials.net database; we hope that this trial’s text and metadata can also be corrected at source, in PubMed and in the accompanying paper.

      Many thanks,

      Jessica Fleminger, Ben Goldacre*

      [1] Goldacre, B., Gray, J., 2016. OpenTrials: towards a collaborative open database of all available information on all clinical trials. Trials 17. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1290-8 PMID: 27056367

      * Dr Ben Goldacre BA MA MSc MBBS MRCPsych<br> Senior Clinical Research Fellow<br> ben.goldacre@phc.ox.ac.uk<br> www.ebmDataLab.net<br> Centre for Evidence Based Medicine<br> Department of Primary Care Health Sciences<br> University of Oxford<br> Radcliffe Observatory Quarter<br> Woodstock Road<br> Oxford OX2 6GG

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    1. On 2013 Nov 01, Casey M Bergman commented:

      In reviewing the location of P-element insertions in the human genome reported in Table 1 of Majumdar S, 2013, we noticed that the sequences of the P-element target site duplications reported in the paper did not correspond to the sequences observed in the GRCh37/hg19 version of the human genome sequence available at the UCSC Genome Browser.

      To resolve this discrepancy, we obtained the original data and methods used to generate the genomic coordinates reported in Table 1 from the authors. Sequence data for integration events catalyzed by the P-element transposase or THAP9 that were mapped from both the 5’ and 3’ end of the P-element insertions are as follows (target site duplication shown in capitals, posted with permission of the authors):

      Drosophila P-element Transposase

      ctacaaggatgccaagggctgtttcttcagcatggtggGTGGCCATatgtaagcaggtgtgcacacatgtgggcacatgtgctgcat cttgaatgagagctgtgattgttagtgatgtccaggtatgtGTCTGCCAtctcagagtgaccctgagaaaggcattcatttggaagctt tgtttcctgactttgctgtGTGTTCGAtcgtctgttttcaaagtgggatcattagttatgaaggaagatttttcatgaa tttctttccttgtctctgagacgccactttctcctggctctccttctttccgtcggTCTGCCTTttgctctccttttctggttccgtctcacca cgagccactggtggggctcctgccacctccacactgGTCGGCCTcggccacctccacgcctcagggatggggcgcgcgtgccc tctcagtagataatgaggatcactgcagatggcatgatatttagcagactacGGATCTCGagcagtcatccaggatctcaacagtgg

      Human THAP9

      gtggcgtgatcccagctcactgcaaccTCGGCCTGctcggcttaagtgatcctttcacctcagcttctcaagtagctgggactacag ccctgtccctgtgagtgatgttcccttgttgttccaGTCTCTCTtctctggtcaggaaggtaccactcaatccagggctttctcctggttt gaacttccccagtgagggcctGTGTCTGCattcaggagtgagagtttccccaggagaggagactgaaaagacctgggaaggcaa ccactggactccagcctgggcgacagagcgaTACGTCTCataaaaataaataaataaaacagaaacttaacacaattaaatgactg ataaagaggaatttgtttctccacaccacaaggcctttGTGCGAAGgtgactgtgtgtgtcaacgtcagacagtccctctttctgggag ttaaatgaggttgttagggtggtccatcattcaacatgactgcGGTCGTCCtaacgacaggaaatttgggccccagagacagacac

      Using these data, we were able to reproduce the majority of the authors’ results in Table 1 using the default settings of the BLAST service at NCBI for the GRCh37/hg19 version of the human genome in September 2013. However, the same sequence data yielded different coordinates when mapped to either the UCSC Genome Browser (using default BLAT settings) or the Ensembl Genome Browser (using default BLAST settings), with consistent genomic coordinates being reported by both UCSC and Ensembl.

      Based on empirical observation and through correspondence with Dr. Deanna Church at NCBI, we learned that results for the organism BLAST service at NCBI prior to mid-September 2013 defaulted to local (scaffold) not global chromosome ("top level") coordinates. Thus, the coordinates of the P-element insertions reported in Table 1 of Majumdar S, 2013 do not accurately reflect the exact location of integration on global chromosomal coordinates.

      Based on our re-analysis, the chromosomal location of target site duplications for P-element insertions in the human genome are as follows (GRCh37/hg19, 0-based coordinates):

      chrom start end strand

      chr17 5024087 5024095 +

      chr20 16619371 16619379 +

      chr21 17382446 17382454 +

      chr11 122102746 122102754 +

      chr3 61550440 61550448 +

      chr9 25178151 25178159 +

      chr14 87818626 87818634 +

      chr11 72875900 72875908 +

      chr11 79446804 79446812 -

      chr15 55619023 55619031 +

      chrX 17150535 17150543 +

      chr11 11291642 11291650 +

      As a consequence of this interchange, NCBI have now updated the default behavior of their organism BLAST service to report global (scaffold) chromosome coordinates, as reported in the 17 Oct 2013 BLASTFeed update.

      We thank the authors for making their raw data available and Deanna Church and others at NCBI to help resolve this issue, and thank the authors and Deanna Church for reviewing this comment before posting.


      Casey Bergman

      Raquel Linheiro

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    1. On 2014 May 09, Chandan Kumar commented:

      Is there a middle ground between Dystopia and Utopia?! May be the real, organic world, with or without the internet driven education system. Methinks, as well as the brick and mortar business has survived, nay thrived in an internet world, so the academic community has and will- if for no other reason, than that Education is Big Business!

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    2. On 2014 May 06, Madhusudana Girija Sanal commented:

      Dr. Norman is picturing the great progress in education as a result of the information distribution revolution as if it is an ‘unavoidable evil’! Probably, many of his generation expresses high inertia, still consider, 'physical' universities, libraries, books, lecture halls etc. very much essential! I understand their nostalgia! You know what this means for humanity? Rich countries such as USA hold only a small fraction of the world’s population. Through virtual universities more and more people across the world, irrespective of rich and poor, would be able to attend the best schools and courses. They would be able to take the same exams and get ranked along with the most privileged, rich or intelligent. This would be great! This is 'new' justice! (Although I believe “Justice is ‘man made’ or artificial”). All we want is better tools to evaluate human intellectual qualities, online. I do not think face to face lectures will be better than online recorded, interactive lectures, may be multidimensional (3D-4D-5D) lectures by several professors of the learner’s choice. Lectures will be ranked and paid by based on their quality by student communities and not by bureaucrats or by administrators and politicians. This system is great especially when I consider the advantages! On demand, personalized lectures would be "ready-made" for commonly observed (student) personality traits -say there are 100 personality subtypes and intellectual levels! Custom lectures are available for them all because there are much more people to teach online-lectures need not be real time. You can learn from a "personality" who matches your rare personality, perhaps, one who lived 10 years back. His lectures had to wait for ten years for a student like you! Is not this a very exciting possibility? However, I do agree that face to face lectures can be more individualized and beneficial (for the rich, because they only have money to ‘buy’ good teachers!) Nevertheless, I do not think there is a huge benefit for extreme personalization except for exceptional children who are extremely out-of-the-box in a positive or negative way. It may be, however, noted that overall poor but brilliant students have a better opportunity to come out and stand before the world. This global free learning system will benefit specially those brilliant minds in less privileged countries. Do Dr. Norman has any evidence to support his statements in the editorial? I do not know what Dr. Norman will write if tomorrow we find a new technology which allows direct transmission of knowledge to brains! Then what will happen? Think! Everyone will have equal opportunity to accumulate the same amount of information if he or she wants. Now who will win this game? Those who have money? Probably not! Those fractions of the society who are blessed with right genome, epigenome and the best neural connections!

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    1. On 2015 May 04, Peter Rogan commented:

      The Logic and Formulation of Exon Definition for Splice and Splicing Regulatory Sites with Negative Information Content. PK Rogan, EJ Mucaki

      Update on: Mucaki EJ, 2013 and the Automated Splice Site and Exon Definition Analysis server (ASSEDA).

      In Mucaki EJ, 2013, we described a method of predicting the overall strength of an exon by calculating its total information content (Ri,total) from the sum of the Ri values of its donor and acceptor splice sites, adjusted for their gap surprisal (the self-information of the distance between the two sites). Differences between ΔRi,total values are predictive of the relative abundance of these exons in distinct processed mRNAs.

      Splice sites altered by mutations that prevent stable interaction with splicesomes are said to be abolished. Information theory predicts abolition of binding below their minimum binding affinity, Ri,minimum, which is empirically derived. This value is slightly above zero bits, the theoretical minimum for binding at equilibrium (ΔG = 0; Schneider TD, 1997). Sites with Ri < 0 are not bound, forming stable interactions would be endergonic (ΔG > 0). This raises the question, when predicting the change in exon strength (ΔRi,total) due to a mutation that inactivates binding, whether mutant sites with varying degrees of negative information content are energetically distinguishable from one another.

      The computation of Ri,total contains the sum of the the Ri values of component binding sites, irrespective of their initial or final strengths. Thus, a mutated site with Ri << 0 would result in greater ΔRi,total compared to a site with Ri ~ 0. To assess whether the degree of unfavorable binding should be applied to the exon definition calculation, or if values below 0 bits should be computed similarly to a binding site at equilibrium (Ri ~ 0), we reevaluated experimentally validated natural and regulatory splicing mutations in our paper with both approaches. Ri,total was calculated for 10 variants from Supplementary Table 2, both including and excluding the negative information (ie. Ri < 0 vs. Ri = 0) of inactivated splice sites. Mutation #2 of Supplementary Table 2 [ADA:g.43249658G>A] abolishes a natural donor site, from 8.8 to -9.9 bits. In applying the full decrease in strength (ΔRi,total: -18.7 bits), the natural exon strength decreases from 21.0 to 2.3 bits. When the negative information content is set to zero bits, the change is significantly smaller (21.0 -> 12.2 bits; ΔRi,total = -8.8 bits). When a weak natural splice site is abolished, the difference as expressed as ΔRi,total can be quite small (Mutation #9; -14.8 vs -3.1 bits). In the case of Mutation #38, the reduction in ΔRi,total leads to a partially discordant prediction where the abolished natural exon is weaker than the experimentally confirmed activated cryptic exon. Results for this mutation were concordant with the published version when the negative bit value of the mutated natural site was included in the calculation.

      The impact of mutations in splicing regulatory (SR) factors can also be predicted on ASSEDA, where the Ri of the SR binding site is added to the R_i,total, as well as a secondary gap surprisal value for the particular SR protein. These sites can also be abolished. But when a SR protein binding site is no longer active, should the SR gap surprisal still be applied, or is the SR gap surprisal no longer applicable?

      We tested mutations from Mucaki EJ, 2013 (Supplementary Table 4), which abolish the splicing enhancer SF2/ASF with and without the SR protein gap surprisal when Ri of the SR site is < 0 bits. The removal of the gap surprisal term for Mutation #2 of Supplementary Table 4 leads to a discordant prediction, where the ΔRi is less than the SR gap surprisal at that distance and therefore the ΔRi,total is positive. As experimental evidence shows an increase in skipping, it is a discordant prediction. Therefore, the gap surprisal is still applied in the computation of both initial and final Ri,total values when the SR protein of interest is abolished as the site is naturally present and therefore expected for binding. Conversely, when we apply the gap surprisal to the initial Ri,total for a splicing factor that is being created, we are essentially applying a penalty for a site that does not normally exist. Therefore, we no longer apply the SR gap surprisal value to the initial Ri,total in these cases.

      The revised Ri,total values of SR binding site mutations slightly differ from those reported in Mucaki EJ, 2013 (Supplementary Table 4). This is because the gap surprisal distributions were recomputed for the following factors: SF2/ASF, SC35 and SRp40, with updated versions of these models based on CLIP Seq data (Blin K, 2015, Khorshid M, 2011). This resulted in small changes to the distributions for SF2/ASF and SC35, however changes for SRp40 were significant, and now more closely resembles the other gap surprisal functions. The updated graphs of distance vs. gap surprisal are available at: http://splice.uwo.ca/gapsurprisals.html. While this should not significantly affect ΔRi,total values, it may affect the initial and final Ri,total values.

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    1. On 2013 Oct 31, John Cannell commented:

      The authors stated that markers of oxidative stress are present in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). I wonder if the authors are aware that the genes for the antioxidants superoxide dismutase and thioredoxin reductase are directly up-regulated by the secosteroid 1,25 di-hydroxy vitamin D3 (calcitriol). I believe both genes also harbor a vitamin D response element.

      Peehl DM, Shinghal R, Nonn L, Seto E, Krishnan AV, Brooks JD, Feldman D. Molecular activity of 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 in primary cultures of human prostatic epithelial cells revealed by cDNA microarray analysis. J. Steroid Biochem Mol. Biol 2004;92:131–141. PMID:15555907>

      Calcitriol also directly up-regulates glutathione reductase and increases glutathione levels.

      Jain SK, et alo. Vitamin D upregulates glutamate cysteine ligase and glutathione reductase, and GSH formation, and decreases ROS and MCP-1 and IL-8 secretion in high-glucose exposed U937 monocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Jul 19;437(1):7-11. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.06.004. Jain SK, 2013

      Also, supplemental vitamin D significantly reduces oxidative stress in humans.

      Nikooyeh B, et al. Daily intake of vitamin D- or calcium-vitamin D-fortified Persian yogurt drink (doogh) attenuates diabetes-induced oxidative stress: evidence for antioxidative properties of vitamin D.J Hum Nutr Diet. 2013 Jul 5. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12142. Nikooyeh B, 2014

      Asemi Z, et al. Vitamin D supplementation affects serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, insulin resistance, and biomarkers of oxidative stress in pregnant women. J Nutr. 2013 Sep;143(9):1432-8. doi: 10.3945/jn.113.177550. Asemi Z, 2013

      Thus the vitamin D theory of ASD (vitamin D deficiency being the environmental risk factor for this highly heritable disorder) is consistent with the authors work. Three recent studies, using community controls, have found 25(OH)D levels are significantly lower in children with ASD. Two of the studies below (Mostafa et al and Gong et al) also found ASD severity, as rated on standard ASD rating scales, is inversely correlated with 25(OH)D levels. Mostafa et al found an R value of -.86 for the association of serum 25(OH)D with ASD severity.

      Gong ZL, Luo CM, Wang L, Shen L, Wei F, Tong RJ, Liu Y. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport. 2013 Oct 1. Gong ZL, 2014

      Meguid NA, Hashish AF, Anwar M, Sidhom G. Reduced serum levels of 25-hydroxy and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D in Egyptian children with autism. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jun;16(6):641-5. Meguid NA, 2010

      Mostafa GA, Al-Ayadhi LY.Reduced serum concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in children with autism: relation to autoimmunity. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Aug 17;9:201. Mostafa GA, 2012

      There is a plethora of basic science explaining why low gestational or early childhood 25(OH)D levels would adversely effect brain development.

      Eyles DW, Feron F, Cui X, Kesby JP, Harms LH, Ko P, McGrath JJ, Burne TH. Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Dec;34 Suppl 1:S247-57. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.04.015. Epub . Review. Eyles DW, 2009

      DeLuca GC, Kimball SM, Kolasinski J, Ramagopalan SV, Ebers GC. Review: the role of vitamin D in nervous system health and disease. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2013 Aug;39(5):458-84. doi: 10.1111/nan.12020. DeLuca GC, 2013

      Eyles DW, Burne TH, McGrath JJ. Vitamin D, effects on brain development, adult brain function and the links between low levels of vitamin D and neuropsychiatric disease. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2013 Jan;34(1):47-64. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Jul 11. Review. Eyles DW, 2013

      Furthermore, the vitamin D theory of autism explains most of the epidemiological facts of ASD.

      Cannell JJ. On the aetiology of autism. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Aug;99(8):1128-30. Cannell JJ, 2010

      Cannell JJ. Autism and vitamin D. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(4):750-9. Cannell JJ, 2008

      70% of American toddlers do not take

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    1. On 2013 Oct 31, John Cannell commented:

      The authors reported that immune system dysregulation is common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD”. Vitamin D deficiency produces very similar immune dysregulation.

      Prietl B, 2013

      < PMID:20119827>

      < PMID:23359064>

      < PMID:20427238>

      Thus the vitamin D theory of ASD (vitamin D deficiency being the environmental risk factor for this highly heritable disorder) is consistent with the authors work. Three recent studies, using community controls, have found 25(OH)D levels are significantly lower in children with ASD. Two of the studies below (Mostafa et al and Gong et al) also found ASD severity, as rated on standard ASD rating scales, is inversely correlated with 25(OH)D levels. Mostafa et al found an R value of -.86 for the association of serum 25(OH)D with ASD severity.

      Gong ZL, Luo CM, Wang L, Shen L, Wei F, Tong RJ, Liu Y. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport. 2013 Oct 1. Gong ZL, 2014

      Meguid NA, Hashish AF, Anwar M, Sidhom G. Reduced serum levels of 25-hydroxy and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D in Egyptian children with autism. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jun;16(6):641-5. Meguid NA, 2010

      Mostafa GA, Al-Ayadhi LY.Reduced serum concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in children with autism: relation to autoimmunity. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Aug 17;9:201. Mostafa GA, 2012

      There is a plethora of basic science explaining why low gestational or early childhood 25(OH)D levels would adversely effect brain development.

      Eyles DW, Feron F, Cui X, Kesby JP, Harms LH, Ko P, McGrath JJ, Burne TH. Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Dec;34 Suppl 1:S247-57. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.04.015. Epub . Review. Eyles DW, 2009

      DeLuca GC, Kimball SM, Kolasinski J, Ramagopalan SV, Ebers GC. Review: the role of vitamin D in nervous system health and disease. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2013 Aug;39(5):458-84. doi: 10.1111/nan.12020. DeLuca GC, 2013

      Eyles DW, Burne TH, McGrath JJ. Vitamin D, effects on brain development, adult brain function and the links between low levels of vitamin D and neuropsychiatric disease. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2013 Jan;34(1):47-64. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Jul 11. Review. Eyles DW, 2013

      Furthermore, the vitamin D theory of autism explains most of the epidemiological facts of ASD.

      Cannell JJ. On the aetiology of autism. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Aug;99(8):1128-30. Cannell JJ, 2010

      Cannell JJ. Autism and vitamin D. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(4):750-9. Cannell JJ, 2008

      70% of American toddlers do not take the American Pediatric Association's recommended vitamin D supplement of 400 IU/day and few toddlers or pregnant women get any sunshine due to the sun scare. As vitamin D fortified milk consumption and sun exposure has declined, so have toddlers and pregnant women’s vitamin D levels. The dramatic increase in the incidence of ASD occurred during the same time vitamin D levels were falling in toddlers and pregnant women.

      Cannell JJ. Autism, will vitamin D treat core symptoms? Medical Hypotheses. 2013 Aug;81(2):195-8. Cannell JJ, 2013

      Some autism researchers seem cognizant of the entire body of autism research. For example, a group of well-known European ASD researchers, including Professor Christopher Gillberg of the Gillberg Neuropsychiatric Institute, have recently called for the need for “urgent research” into the vitamin D deficiency theory of ASD.

      Kočovská E, Fernell E, Billstedt E, Minnis H, Gillberg C. Vitamin D and autism: clinical review. Res Dev Disabil. 2012 Sep-Oct;33(5):1541-50. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2012.02.015. Epub 2012 Apr 21.Kočovská E, 2012

      Until all autism researchers become cognizant of the wider body of scientific research, we will continue to wonder how to prevent - and perhaps even treat - this modern day plague.

      John J Cannell, MD

      Vitamin D Council


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    1. On 2014 Jan 13, Brett Snodgrass commented:

      Grant described the vessels of Wearn in 1926.

      In 1929 Grant and Viko assessed hearts for the presence of the vessels of Wearn, but noted they were identified. The reason for this negative study is not entirely clear. It may be explained that some of the vessels of Wearn are greater than 10um but less than 40 um. 40um was the smallest lumen diameter of a vessel which the specific dye would enter.

      Vessels of Wearn identified by Grant in 1926:

      1. https://twitter.com/BrettSnodgrass1/status/420281076070637568

      For additional commentary and reference to Grant's 1929 study, please see:

      1. http://bit.ly/1929Grant

      2. http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=5189678684113164458&hl=en&as_sdt=0,26&sciodt=0,26

      3. https://twitter.com/BrettSnodgrass1/status/410929217170206721

      4. http://bit.ly/ThebesianVeins

      5. http://bit.ly/vasaThebesii

      Comments and suggestions are welcome. If this comment is not helpful, please consider adding a comment about how it may be improved.

      Thank you kindly.

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    1. On 2014 Aug 09, Michael Cianfrocco commented:

      To view the UCSF Chimera session associated with this paper, you can download the .zip Chimera session from figshare

      If you use this Chimera session, please cite figshare!

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    1. On 2017 Feb 20, Jiri Forejt commented:

      I appreciate the historical aspects of speciation theories elaborated in the above comment and other studies of the author (e.g. Forsdyke DR, 2011 or Forsdyke DR, Biol. Theory, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s13752-016-0257-z) since they help to understand the origin of some tacitly agreed dogmas in the field. We interpret the F1 hybrid male sterility described in Bhattacharyya T, 2014 and Bhattacharyya T, 2013 as incompatibility between Prdm9 and Hstx2 genes and diversified genomic sequence of the Mus musculus subspecies. The phenotype is largely chromosomal, representing a failure of meiotic pairing and synapsis of homeologous chromosomes and disruption of MSCI. However, we are hesitant to call it chromosomal sterility to avoid confusion with male sterility associated with large chromosomal rearrangements (see e.g. Forejt J, 1996, Zanders SE, 2014). I agree that non-genic, genomic divergence as a mechanism of reproductive isolation would deserve its own designation or even acronym. But first, it has to be accepted as a reproductive isolation mechanism by the community of evolutionary geneticists.

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    2. On 2017 Feb 17, Donald Forsdyke commented:


      The remarkable observations made in this outstanding paper have been well supported by subsequent studies (e.g. Moehring 2011; Forsdyke 2016). However, encompassing both genic and non-genic incompatibilities under the Dobzhansky-Muller rubric is regrettable. As described elsewhere (Forsdyke 2011), while William Bateson's term "epistasis" is used to describe interactions between genes, he himself espoused a non-genic "chromosomal" model for the initiation of the divergence of one species into two species. Thus, Bhattacharyya et al. (2013) correctly employ the eponymous acronym "DM" rather than the widely employed "BDM."

      Yet, they write that "several pieces of indirect evidence are in favor of D-M incompatibilities based on non-genic sequence divergence." This implies that Dobzhansky and Muller had non-genic viewpoints (which they did not). For those who like eponymous acronyms, some new form, relating to the history of the chromosomal viewpoint, would seem appropriate.

      Clear articulations of the chromosomal viewpoint trace back to the Danish "father of yeast genetics" Ojvind Winge, and were elaborated in the 1920s by Crowther and Bateson. Thus, it would seem appropriate that, while retaining "DM incompatibilities" for appropriate genic speciation theories, we introduce "WCB incompatibilities" for appropriate chromosomal theories. For further background please see Bateson Webpage.

      Bhattacharyya T, Gregorova S, Mihola O, Anger M, Sebestova J, Denny P, et al., (2013) Mechanistic basis of infertility of mouse intersubspecific hybrids. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 110: E468–E477.Bhattacharyya T, 2013

      Forsdyke DR (2011) The B in BDM. William Bateson did not advocate a genic speciation theory. Heredity 106: 202.Forsdyke DR, 2011

      Forsdyke DR (2016) Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 3rd edn. Springer: New York.

      Forsdyke DR (2017) Speciation: Goldschmidt's chromosomal heresy, once supported by Gould and Dawkins, is again reinstated. Biol Theor (in press) doi: 10.1007/s13752-016-0257-z

      Moehring AJ (2011). Heterozygosity and its unexpected correlations with hybrid sterility. Evolution 65: 2621–2630.Moehring AJ, 2011

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    1. On 2013 Jul 01, lu tian commented:

      The authors have made the timely call for moving beyond the traditional statistical analysis plan that “within the tried and true comfort zone for clinical acceptance and regulatory approval” in the setting of survival analysis with re-current events. In this case, the “comfort zone” is the so-called time to the first event analysis which is not only often underpowered but also completely fails to characterize the treatment effect beyond the first event. The true difficulty to go beyond the “comfort” zone is in summarizing the whole patient experiences during or after the treatment in an objective clinically meaningful way. For example, how to weigh the relative importance of non-fatal events compared with death? This is a difficult task and probably we will never be able to come up with a perfect consensus.

      However, the authors convincingly conveyed the message that albeit those difficulties, clinicians and statisticians need to be bold to go beyond the simple “time to the first event analysis” to address the clinical meaningful question which is to understand the treatment effects on entire disease burden characterized by both non-fatal and fatal events in this case. The initial solution may not be perfect but at least we should answer the right question.

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    1. On 2014 Dec 05, Dina Danso-Abeam commented:

      The discussion part of this article mentions 3 proposed modes of inheritance for Olmsted syndrome (OS). However, via exome sequencing, it is now known that the X-linked inheritance form of the disease has MBTPS2 (Membrane-bound transcription factor protease, site 2) as the pathogenic gene. The autosomal dominant form of OS has TRPV3 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 3) as the pathogenic gene Lin Z, 2012. Recent study from Wang et al, actually challenges the existence of the X-linked form to be a true OS instead of being a severe form of IFAP (Itchyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia) syndrome Wang HJ, 2014.


      1. Lin, Z. et al. Exome sequencing reveals mutations in TRPV3 as a cause of Olmsted syndrome. American journal of human genetics 90, 558-564 (2012).

      2. Wang, H.J. et al. Recurrent splice-site mutation in MBTPS2 underlying IFAP syndrome with Olmsted syndrome-like features in a Chinese patient. Clinical and experimental dermatology 39, 158-161 (2014).

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    1. On 2015 Aug 27, Zhicheng Lin commented:

      The evidence that unconscious response inhibition emerges when subliminal stimuli are mixed with supraliminal stimuli (mixed session), but disappears when they are presented alone (single session) is unwarranted because the two types of session differ in a critical aspect: level of awareness (Lin and Murray, 2014). Indeed, when the level of awareness is comparable between sessions, there is no difference in unconscious response inhibition between the mixed and single sessions (Lin and Murray, 2015).

      Refs: Lin, Z., Murray, S. O. (2014). Priming of awareness or how not to measure visual awareness. Journal of Vision, 14(1), 1–17. Lin, Z., Murray, S. O. (2015). Automaticity of unconscious response inhibition: Comment on Chiu and Aron (2014). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(1), 244–254.

      Direct links to the refs: http://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2295565 http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/xge/144/1/244

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    1. On 2013 Oct 25, Stephen Turner commented:

      Two of the most common questions at the beginning of an RNA-seq experiments are "how many reads do I need?" and "how many replicates do I need?". This paper describes a web application for designing RNA-seq applications that calculates an appropriate sample size and read depth to satisfy user-defined criteria such as cost, maximum number of reads or replicates attainable, etc. The power and sample size estimations are based on a t-test that the authors claim performs no worse than the negative binomial models implemented by popular RNA-seq methods, such as DESeq {1}, when there are three or more replicates present. Empirical distributions are taken from either (1) pilot data that the user can upload; or (2) built-in publicly available data. The authors find that there is substantial heterogeneity between experiments (technical variation is larger than biological variation in many cases), and that power and sample size estimation will be more accurate when the user provides their own pilot data.

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    1. On 2013 Nov 09, Jonathan Moore commented:

      Very nice job to the team who made this. The prospects for integration of automated learning and literature-based curation of ontologies are great, and it looks like a useful tool for discovery - I'd like to try it in discovery mode with some other species with 'thin' ontology annotations.

      One thing I wondered about is the need for the hierarchical tree imposed at step one, and its effects on the final result. I wonder whether the tree-like requirement leads to the possibility of falling into a local optimum final graph, ending up with more of the initial tree-like structure than the data really suggest, rather than finding the optimum final graph from the true shape of the input data. The computational requirements for learning an arbitrary graph at step one seem daunting though.

      Maybe this could be part of the reason for the better match to GO for cellular components, which maybe tend to be more inherently hierarchical in comparison to molecular functions or biological processes.

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    1. On 2014 May 27, Chris Hafner-Eaton commented:

      This study should be viewed as one "data pull" of 29 systematic reviews. In order to support the conclusions, the study must be replicated many times. It will be through repeated true positives (the sensitivity) with minimal false positives/maximizing the specificity or true negatives that we will come closER (although never declarative) to saying that Google Scholar "could be use alone for systematic reviews." As others have noted, PubMed doesn't capture all and yet it is entirely possible to pick up too much erroneous material--particularly in the grey literature and for certain review topics such as Comparative Effectiveness Reserach. However, one must always weigh the costs of being wrong versus being late with the results!

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    2. On 2014 May 21, Francesc Roig commented:

      From my point of view, according to the methodology of the study of Gehanno et col, and according to the results presented, they cannot affirm that "If the authors of the 29 systematic reviews had used only GS, no reference would have been missed". The only conclusion we could maintain would be something like "all references in the 29 systematic reviews selected were accessible through GS", but not that these references would be retrieved in a search with the objective to conduct the systematic reviews. As far as the study doesn’t compare search results in both engines (as other studies posted here actually do), it seems clear that you cannot maintain that results would be the same and then, you cannot maintain that using GS for the systematic reviews would produce the same results.

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    3. On 2014 Apr 01, Stephen E. O. Ogbonmwan commented:

      It is scholarly wise to use more than one data base in searching for articles for review publications. Google Scholar is good but it is not better than a combination of two or three or all the other search engines together as each database has different criteria for inclusions and exclusion of articles. An article not in data base A may be found in data base B hence it is wise to use more than one data base for search purposes. The recall potential of the data in Google Scholar is not 100% like the other data bases which is another good reason to use a combination of data bases.

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    4. On 2014 Mar 31, M Felix Freshwater commented:

      The AMSTAR standard http://amstar.ca/Amstar_Checklist.php is 2 electronic sources. According to the Cochrane Handbook http://handbook.cochrane.org/ Database overlap

      Of the 4,800 journals indexed in EMBASE, 1,800 are not indexed in MEDLINE. Similarly, of the 5,200 journals indexed in MEDLINE, 1,800 are not indexed in EMBASE. o www.info.embase.com/embase_suite/about/brochures/embase_fs.pdf

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    5. On 2014 Mar 28, Farhad Shokraneh commented:

      I think the conclusion of the paper is not supported by the data. This study just shows that "If you KNOW that a paper ALREADY exist, you can find it in Google Scholar". So the authors have NOT used Google Scholar for searching for systematic review but just for re-finding the list of the papers have ALREADY found by other resources and included in the systematic reviews. The conclusion could be right just when the authors use GS for systematic searching and finding the relevant studies among search results. Also, the next time I think 'Google' gives the same coverage!

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    6. On 2013 Dec 27, Wichor Bramer commented:

      More recently another article was published that revisited the conclusions from Gehanno: Bramer WM, 2013.

      In this article we conclude that, though the coverage of Google Scholar is near 100%, the retrieval is far from that. Because Google Scholar is only able to show the first 1000 hits, we investigated whether the authors of 21 reviews that used google scholar would have identified every included reference if they had used only google scholar.

      Only 72% of all references would have been found, which is almost equal to the recall of PubMed (68%).

      Therefor Google Scholar should not be used alone in searching for Systematic Reviews.

      Not even with improved precision, because the factual precision (the number of hits found in the first 1000, divided by 1000) is not as problematic as when precision is calculated based on the (estimated) total number of hits, which very often is exeptionally high when searching Google Scholar.

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    7. On 2013 Nov 15, Gaétan Kerdelhué commented:

      Two later studies confirmed a high recall of Google Scholar but argued it could not be used in realistic settings for systematic reviews. See Giustini D, 2013 and Boeker M, 2013.

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    1. On 2016 Apr 09, Arnaud Chiolero MD PhD commented:

      An easy-to-read review to better understand what brings modern approach of causal inference in epidemiology and public health.

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    1. On 2014 Feb 14, Daniel J Simons commented:

      I just wrote a post-publication review of this paper on my blog: http://blog.dansimons.com/2014/02/hi-bar-10-questions-about-inattentional.html

      If the method proves robust, this approach could have large theoretical and practical implications for our understanding of attention sets in inattentional blindness. I do have some concerns about how robust this effect is. And, as my blog post highlights, I have a number of questions about the methods and analyses. It would be great if the authors could provide additional information here or as supplemental material for their paper.

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    1. On 2013 Jun 17, John Overington commented:

      Reviews and discusses two important concepts - firstly - ligand-based clustering of biological receptors on the basis of ensembles of ligands that bind to them, and then the development of an organisational framework based on these similarities; and secondly - the concept of a time domain in biological signalling and response to a given small molecule ligand - reflecting the limited repertoire of small molecule ligands and the response systems with radically different time constants.

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    1. On 2014 Dec 15, Chinmoy Saha commented:

      I think there is a printing mistake in the abstract (line 3). Wrong: 13 to 8% in K562 cells? Right: 3 to 8% in K562 cells?

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    1. On 2016 Apr 06, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      The authors' approach has serious problems, similar to those discussed by Teller (1984), as commented on by me here: https://pubpeer.com/publications/23283693

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    1. On 2014 May 31, Torsten Seemann commented:

      There is now a HTTP redirect to the new version: http://cge.cbs.dtu.dk/services/snpTree-1.1/

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    2. On 2014 Apr 30, Jason Stajich commented:

      Unfortunately the web server URL referenced in this manuscript is no long available (as of April 2014).

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    1. On 2015 Apr 25, Arnaud Chiolero MD PhD commented:

      Probably the best and more exhaustive review addressing the issue of overweight and mortality. Many health scientists have difficulties to accept the idea that a BMI in the overweight category is not associated with a higher mortality. To move beyond this controversy, studies assessing the effect of interventions to reduce BMI will be needed (see e.g. Chiolero Epidemiology 2015). Meanwhile, it seems difficult to deny these observations.

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    2. On 2015 Apr 18, John Spitzer commented:

      The article in JAMA by Flegal et al is a summary of the literature. It includes 97 articles with 2.88 million individuals and more than 270,000 deaths. The conclusions described as "misleading" by Munafò et al (below) are simply a summary of the results that arise from the data and the statistical methods. Munafò et al do not present any specific criticisms of the methods of the Flegal et al article nor do they assert that the summary of the literature is incorrect. The single study by Lawlor, described by Munafò et al as "large," based its results on 5,337 never-smoking participants, and it was one of the articles included in the review by Flegal et al. The majority of those articles do not show smoking and pre-existing illness as important causes of bias. Opinions about "detrimental" public health messages arising from scientific findings should be distinguished from scientific criticisms of those findings. In a commentary on reactions to the Flegal et al article the editors of Nature stated: "It is risky to oversimplify science for the sake of a clear public-health message." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23936910

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    3. On 2015 Apr 02, Marcus Munafò commented:

      Flegal and colleagues suggest that being overweight may decrease risk of all-cause mortality, and being slightly obese confers no increased risk compared to being of normal weight [1]. We think these conclusions are misleading and may give a detrimental public health message, particularly given the publicity they attracted.

      Despite the authors’ suggestion that there is “little support for the suggestion that smoking and pre-existing illness are important causes of bias”, these factors are not consistently controlled for within the contributing studies [1]. It has been demonstrated in two large prospective studies that the increased risk of death from being overweight or obese can be masked when smoking is not adequately controlled for, and when sufficient initial years of follow up are not excluded [2]. Smoking is associated with both lower body mass index (BMI) and increased risk of death, while underlying illness can lower BMI prior to death. Furthermore, it is widely appreciated that conventional statistical approaches to “control” for such factors are inadequate. Support for a positive causal effect of BMI on mortality comes from studies less subject to the biases associated with BMI measured in later life because they used BMI in adolescence or offspring BMI as the exposure [3, 4]. These measures are suitable proxies since they are strongly associated with an individual’s BMI in middle age but are not substantially affected by reverse causality and are less confounded by smoking. Higher BMI in adolescence was associated with greater risk of all-cause mortality in middle age in a study of over 200,000 individuals [3]. Stronger inferred associations were observed with offspring BMI and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality than with own BMI, suggesting that positive associations of BMI and mortality may in fact be underestimated in conventional observational studies [4]. In addition, this study demonstrated that the commonly observed inverse association between BMI and death from respiratory and other diseases may also be due to such biases.

      Given the importance of the public health messages regarding “healthy” weight, we feel that further research is needed in this area using innovative research methods to overcome potential biases; further conventional observational studies will simply recapitulate the biases inherent in all such investigations. One such approach would be Mendelian randomisation, using obesity-related genetic variants, such as those in FTO. Mendelian randomisation methods, when applied correctly, are free from confounding by environmental factors and are not affected by reverse causality [5].

      Marcus Munafò, Amy Taylor and George Davey Smith

      1. Flegal, K.M., et al., Association of all-cause mortality with overweight and obesity using standard body mass index categories: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA, 2013. 309(1): p. 71-82.
      2. Lawlor, D.A., et al., Reverse causality and confounding and the associations of overweight and obesity with mortality. Obesity (Silver Spring), 2006. 14(12): p. 2294-304.
      3. Bjorge, T., et al., Body mass index in adolescence in relation to cause-specific mortality: a follow-up of 230,000 Norwegian adolescents. Am J Epidemiol, 2008. 168(1): p. 30-7.
      4. Davey Smith, G., et al., The association between BMI and mortality using offspring BMI as an indicator of own BMI: large intergenerational mortality study. BMJ, 2009. 339: p. b5043.
      5. Davey Smith, G. and S. Ebrahim, 'Mendelian randomization': can genetic epidemiology contribute to understanding environmental determinants of disease? Int J Epidemiol, 2003. 32(1): p. 1-22.

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    1. On 2017 Oct 05, ROBERT HURST commented:

      Unfortunately, KU-7 is not bladder cancer but is, instead, HeLa cells. PMC3805942

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    1. On 2015 Apr 10, Martine Crasnier-Mednansky commented:

      According to Bledig SA, 1996, deletion of FruR (Cra) resulted in an appreciable increase of pykF-encoded pyruvate kinase synthesis on gluconeogenic carbon sources as compared to glycolytic carbon sources (casamino-acids were added to the culture medium to allow gluconeogenic growth). In addition, overexpressed FruR repressed the transcription of the pykF gene significantly on gluconeogenic carbon sources but not on glycolytic carbon sources. Thus the FruR (Cra) effect on pykF transcription significantly takes place under conditions of gluconeogenic growth. Therefore using pykF as a reporter gene for analyzing, under glycolytic growth conditions, a transcriptional regulation by FBP/Cra appears inappropriate. In addition, the concentration of FBP is dependent on the concentration of PEP because phosphofructokinase is subject to allosteric control by PEP Blangy D, 1968. Therefore decreasing pyruvate kinase synthesis below physiological level also decreases the FBP concentration which is in conflict with the present data (see Fig. S1 and Fig. 2B).

      As shown in Fig. 1C, concentrations of FBP controlling the glycolytic flux are below 1 mM. This concentration range has been reported to be insufficient for FBP to displace FruR from its operator sites. In addition, cAMP-dependent carbon catabolite repression was reported by Nanchen A, 2008 to be the dominant control mechanism of metabolic fluxes under glucose limitation condition (used in Fig. 1B, black squares).

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    1. On 2016 Aug 24, Ben Goldacre commented:

      This trial has the wrong trial registry ID associated with it on PubMed: both in the XML on PubMed, and in the originating journal article. The ID given is NCT700732472. We believe the correct ID, which we have found by hand searching, is NCT00732472.

      This comment is being posted as part of the OpenTrials.net project<sup>[1]</sup> , an open database threading together all publicly accessible documents and data on each trial, globally. In the course of creating the database, and matching documents and data sources about trials from different locations, we have identified various anomalies in datasets such as PubMed, and in published papers. Alongside documenting the prevalence of problems, we are also attempting to correct these errors and anomalies wherever possible, by feeding back to the originators. We have corrected this data in the OpenTrials.net database; we hope that this trial’s text and metadata can also be corrected at source, in PubMed and in the accompanying paper.

      Many thanks,

      Jessica Fleminger, Ben Goldacre*

      [1] Goldacre, B., Gray, J., 2016. OpenTrials: towards a collaborative open database of all available information on all clinical trials. Trials 17. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1290-8 PMID: 27056367

      * Dr Ben Goldacre BA MA MSc MBBS MRCPsych<br> Senior Clinical Research Fellow<br> ben.goldacre@phc.ox.ac.uk<br> www.ebmDataLab.net<br> Centre for Evidence Based Medicine<br> Department of Primary Care Health Sciences<br> University of Oxford<br> Radcliffe Observatory Quarter<br> Woodstock Road<br> Oxford OX2 6GG

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    1. On 2014 Apr 13, Tom Kindlon commented:

      There are quite big differences between the two groups in terms of changes in healthcare costs:

      In the abstract have collapsed the healthcare costs from the two groups, one of which is "enhanced treatment as usual" which would usually be seen as more like a control group.

      Mindfulness therapy: One year prior to baseline: $4643 Baseline and one year ahead: $3937

      "Enhanced treatment as usual" One year prior to baseline: $5996 Baseline and one year ahead: $3355

      Also, the baseline figures may not be average figures for a typical year: this figure was in the year in the lead up to be referred to the clinic so these were likely in the period when the patients, and indeed health professionals, were looking for answers to do with their health problems.

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    2. On 2014 Apr 13, Tom Kindlon commented:

      When one looks at all the transfers (i.e. unemployment, etc.) the differences between the groups effectively disappear:

      The abstract only gives the percentages who received disability pension. However, there are other transfers and most people in both groups got transfers.

      "Transfer payments were divided into five categories: 1: disability pension; 2: flexible work (jobs created for persons with limited working capacity); 3: sickness benefit; 4: unemployed; and 5: self-supporting. Which of these five categories each patient fit into was determined at two time points: a 12-week period immediately before baseline and a 12-week period 15 months after baseline. We chose a 12-week period over a one-week period to obtain an estimate as precise as possible of the transfer payments received during the two time periods.

      "We used the transfer payment categories proposed by Hjollund et al. [18] and Carstensen [19]. Carstensen [19] grouped sickness benefit and vocational rehabilitation as temporary health-related benefits, whereas flexible work and disability pension were grouped as permanent health-related benefits."

      "Flexible work and disability pension are permanent health-related benefits"

      Here are the results (I haven't tried to calculate the percentages but the sample sizes in both groups are virtually the same so one can see the similarities by inspection).

      Mindfulness therapy (n=59):

      Baseline: Self-support: 19 Unemployed: 6 Sickness benefit: 21 Flexible work: 9 Disability pension: 4

      Follow-up: Self-support: 17 Unemployed: 9 Sickness benefit: 2 Flexible work: 16 Disability pension: 15

      "Enhanced treatment as usual"

      Baseline: Self-support: 17 Unemployed: 6 Sickness benefit: 23 Flexible work: 7 Disability pension: 7

      Follow-up: Self-support: 13 Unemployed: 4 Sickness benefit: 3 Flexible work: 13 Disability pension: 27

      So if one just looks at self-support, the only one that doesn't involve transfers, there is little difference (as well as there being a (small) deterioration in both groups):

      Mindfulness therapy (n=59): Baseline: 19 Follow-up: 17

      "Enhanced treatment as usual" (n=60) Baseline: 17 Follow-up: 13

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    1. On 2014 Dec 10, Kath Wright commented:

      Other search filters are available from the InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group Search Filter Resource at https://sites.google.com/a/york.ac.uk/issg-search-filters-resource/home

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    1. On 2014 Aug 10, Raha Pazoki commented:

      "GPRC6A in Myocardial Infarction"

      The article by Rossol and co-workers demonstrated the role of GPRC6A in activation of inflammatory response in the necrotic area. This topic could be interesting in cardiovascular genetics specifically in understanding the mechanisms involved in cardioprotection during myocardial infarction (MI).

      Depending on the size of infarction, tissue injury and necrosis of cardiomyocytes occurs during MI. GPRC6A may activate inflammatory response in the infarct area and may have a function in cardioprotectivity and healing of the damaged tissue. Experimental investigations are necessary to give insight on this topic.

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    1. On 2013 Oct 28, Mick Watson commented:

      We have now published the software behind many of the analyses in this paper:

      Watson M, Schnettler E, Kohl A. (2013) viRome: an R package for the visualization and analysis of viral small RNA sequence datasets. Bioinformatics. 29(15):1902-3


      The website for the software is here: http://www.ark-genomics.org/bioinformatics/virome

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    1. On 2014 Nov 17, Raphael Levy commented:

      The evidence behind the structure and special properties of “striped” nanoparticles has been challenged by Cesbron Y, 2012. The publication in 2012 of Cesbron Y, 2012 took three years and has been followed by post-publication peer review of the various existing and new stripy articles on my blog, PubPeer, etc.

      A detailed analysis of this body of work is published today in PloS One by Stirling et al; from the abstract: “through a combination of an exhaustive re-analysis of the original data with new experimental measurements of a simple control sample comprising entirely unfunctionalised particles, we conclusively show that all of the STM evidence for striped nanoparticles published to date can instead be explained by a combination of well-known instrumental artefacts, strong observer bias, and/or improper data acquisition/analysis protocols.

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    1. On 2016 Apr 19, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      I don't think it is ever explained why "noise" is added to the stimuli.

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    2. On 2016 Apr 19, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      The authors state that "the conclusions of this paper do not depend on our claim that Gabor "letters" are letters; it is enough that they are objects." This seems to imply some kind of generality of the conclusions, extending to "objects" generally. But later they seem unsure if the method can be extended beyond collections of Gabor patches: "It may be possible to extend our approach beyond Gabor letters to other stimuli, such as words, faces and scenes, whose features are unknown. If one assumes the separability found here, then it may be easy to factor out the efficiency of detecting."

      If the "features" of these other entities are unknown, then what is to be separated, and how? How might the "features" come to be known?

      What is clear is that the authors have not considered and do not seem obliged to consider whether in principle (and on the basis of what principle), their specific experimental conditions and results have any generality - i.e. theoretical significance for perception - at all. In this case, they have simply collected some data and crunched the numbers in some arbitrary (because theoretically ambiguous) fashion. Yet this is supposed to be a top journal, whose editors, one might assume would take such factors into consideration.

      The fact is that the whole conversation is moot because perception demonstrably does not and cannot consist of an arbitrarily asserted "two-step process of feature detection and combination" even if the authors could explain what they mean by "feature."

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    3. On 2016 Apr 19, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      You refer to “detection” and “identification.” In vision science, people often refer to “perception.” Where does perception come in, in your scheme? It would seem that identification of any percept presupposes perceiving it in the first place. In addition, we are capable of seeing things that we cannot “identify.” A random blob, for instance. Given that you refer (however invalidly) to the primary visual areas (V1), it would seem that you are interested in the way percepts arise, i.e. perception. Perceiving an object obviously doesn't correspond to detection, which you describe, in effect, as perceiving any inhomogeneity in the surface on which the stimulus is presented, and again, identification is post-perception. So where in your model does object perception come in?

      Relatedly, your equations are founded on terms for contrast, but it seems inappropriate to model identification or recognition on contrast, since this is a post-perception act of comparison. You might say, in response, that your viewing conditions are so poor that observers need to guess, but what does guessing have to do with basic visual processes? And since the reliability of their guesses depends on an arbitrary selection of “letters” and their in particular their frequencies, of what relevance is such reliability to understanding perception?

      Finally, are you aware that the perceptual emergence of parts of a stimulus are contingent on its structure? This was ascertained in experiments performed by Gottschaldt (1929) (in Ellis, A Source Book of Gestalt Psychology) using line drawings (and you state that you consider lines - “bars” - to be “features.”) He showed that for particular figures, the order of emergence of parts with increasing illumination (analogous to increasing contrast here), was repeatable and structure-dependent. You take for granted that all of the parts of your individual Gabors are “detected” (or identified, I'm not sure which) simultaneously, but if this is the case it is because of their structure, which you don't consider.

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    4. On 2016 Apr 19, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      I would like to pose a few questions to the authors of this paper.

      First, with respect to the meaning of the term “feature”

      In paragraph 1, the authors state that: “Identifying a letter requires two steps of visual processing: the observer first detects the letter's features and then combines them to recognize the letter (Pelli, Burns, Farrell & Moore-Page, 2006).”

      The insertion of the reference to Pelli et al (2006) seems to imply that this assertion has been corroborated by those authors, but it turns out that in fact, the study in question does not even clarify what it means by the term “features” nor does it employ “features” as independent variables.

      Specifically, Pelli et al, (2006) define features “as an image, or image component...” So they have merely equated “feature” with “image” or “part of an image.” (That this is pretty useless is confirmed by them when they say that “Rather than start with a given list of features (e.g., Gibson, 1969), we left the features unspecified).” Substituting “image” for "feature" in Suchow and Pelli's (2013) title results in the somewhat nonsensical “Learning to detect and combine images (or parts of images) of an object.”

      In their second paragraph Suchow and Pelli (2013) decide to tackle the question themselves, asking “However, what is a feature?” They “narrowly define features as discrete components of an image that are detected independently of each other (Pelli et al 2006).” (It's not clear what the significance of the Pelli et al (2006) reference is here, given the vagueness described above.) The term “component” is wholly uninformative – and there is no indication of which “components of an image” tend to be “detected independently of each other.” So the authors don't seem to have answered their own question. There is nothing in their definition of the term "feature" to help the reader understand what they mean by it. Claims built on terms without an intelligible working definition are not testable in principle, and therefore are not scientific.

      In fact, the authors admit they don't know what they mean by the term “feature:” “To separate the [arbitrarily hypothesized] steps, we need to know the letters features; they are uncertain for traditional letters, so we use Gabor letters instead.” So now “feature” is equivalent to "Gabor". The title should read: “Learning to detect and combine the Gabors of an object.”

      The authors “suppose that our Gabors are features, detected independently (Watson (1979) Robson, Graham (1981).” So we're not even stating on principle that our Gabors are features, merely "supposing" that they are. Neither of the two references provided to support this “supposing” seem to refer to features.

      On what rationale are Gabors to be referred to as “features” rather than as “objects”?

      It seems as though the authors just want something they can label a “feature” without worrying what they mean by it. They state that the “juxtaposition of n Gabors creates an n-feature letter” but this claim is not supported by the two citations they provide; one deals with peripheral vision and the other uses structures made from Gabors and calls them features but offers no definitions or rationale.

      So I would ask the authors a. What is the basis for your claim, quoted above, that “Identifying a letter requires two steps of visual processing...” b. How do you (or do you) distinguish a “feature” from an image or an arbitrary part of an image, or from an “object”? c. What do you mean when you say that an (undefined) feature is “detected independently”?

      With respect to the phrase “learning to detect.”

      In normal circumstances, we don't need to learn to see the world around us. In your experiments, you're making it so difficult that people have to guess, and practice discerning particular forms when they are very faint or lack the homogeneous surface structure that our visual system relies on to segregate figure from ground. Even if it is possible to learn to harness expectation to achieve better quasi-guesses, why do you consider these difficult and unnatural conditions conducive to learning about the normal functioning of our visual system?

      Is the 75% cut-off point used to define contrast threshold derived from studies of the visual system? On what basis is it chosen? If it is arbitrary, then how can calculations based on it illuminate visual function?

      With respect to the use of “Gabors”

      You say that: “Gabors are fairly well matched to the receptive fields of simple cells in the primary visual cortex” though you offer no references to support this statement. Do you mean to imply that different figures, e.g. drawings of puppies, might be poorly-matched to V1 receptive fields? Would this impair our perception of them? Given that V1 neurons are presumably involved in all of our visual percepts, on what basis do you infer a “well-matched” vs “poorly-matched” dichotomy? Are you aware of Teller's (1984) arguments that the notion that particular stimuli tap into particular neurons or groups of neurons is highly problematic on logical and empirical grounds?

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    1. On 2016 Aug 23, Ben Goldacre commented:

      This trial has the wrong trial registry ID associated with it on PubMed: both in the XML on PubMed, and in the originating journal article. The ID given is NCT0000473. We believe the correct ID, which we have found by hand searching, is NCT00004732.

      This comment is being posted as part of the OpenTrials.net project<sup>[1]</sup> , an open database threading together all publicly accessible documents and data on each trial, globally. In the course of creating the database, and matching documents and data sources about trials from different locations, we have identified various anomalies in datasets such as PubMed, and in published papers. Alongside documenting the prevalence of problems, we are also attempting to correct these errors and anomalies wherever possible, by feeding back to the originators. We have corrected this data in the OpenTrials.net database; we hope that this trial’s text and metadata can also be corrected at source, in PubMed and in the accompanying paper.

      Many thanks,

      Jessica Fleminger, Ben Goldacre*

      [1] Goldacre, B., Gray, J., 2016. OpenTrials: towards a collaborative open database of all available information on all clinical trials. Trials 17. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1290-8

      * Dr Ben Goldacre BA MA MSc MBBS MRCPsych<br> Senior Clinical Research Fellow<br> ben.goldacre@phc.ox.ac.uk<br> www.ebmDataLab.net<br> Centre for Evidence Based Medicine<br> Department of Primary Care Health Sciences<br> University of Oxford<br> Radcliffe Observatory Quarter<br> Woodstock Road<br> Oxford OX2 6GG

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    1. On 2016 Aug 24, Ben Goldacre commented:

      This trial has the wrong trial registry ID associated with it on PubMed: both in the XML on PubMed, and in the originating journal article. The ID given is NCT88597077. We believe the correct ID, which we have found by hand searching, is NCT00597077.

      This comment is being posted as part of the OpenTrials.net project<sup>[1]</sup> , an open database threading together all publicly accessible documents and data on each trial, globally. In the course of creating the database, and matching documents and data sources about trials from different locations, we have identified various anomalies in datasets such as PubMed, and in published papers. Alongside documenting the prevalence of problems, we are also attempting to correct these errors and anomalies wherever possible, by feeding back to the originators. We have corrected this data in the OpenTrials.net database; we hope that this trial’s text and metadata can also be corrected at source, in PubMed and in the accompanying paper.

      Many thanks,

      Jessica Fleminger, Ben Goldacre*

      [1] Goldacre, B., Gray, J., 2016. OpenTrials: towards a collaborative open database of all available information on all clinical trials. Trials 17. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1290-8 PMID: 27056367

      * Dr Ben Goldacre BA MA MSc MBBS MRCPsych<br> Senior Clinical Research Fellow<br> ben.goldacre@phc.ox.ac.uk<br> www.ebmDataLab.net<br> Centre for Evidence Based Medicine<br> Department of Primary Care Health Sciences<br> University of Oxford<br> Radcliffe Observatory Quarter<br> Woodstock Road<br> Oxford OX2 6GG

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    1. On 2016 Jan 21, Sebastian Lourido commented:

      The conditional dimerizable Cre recombinase (DiCre) has been a powerful technique for conditional genome engineering in Toxoplasma, as first established in this article, and elaborated later (see Pieperhoff, et al. 2015. PLoS One). It has worked well in our hands for a variety of applications. Recently, we discovered that the reporter construct used in this study was cloned down stream and in frame of a Ty-tag (EVHTNQDPLD), such that the KillerRed expressed prior to recombination contains and N-terminal Ty-tag. This observation does not affect any of the experiments presented in the article. However, it might be important to note for future investigators planning further manipulations of the existing DiCre strains or reporter constructs.

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    2. On 2014 Jan 22, Lilach Sheiner commented:

      Credit for IPP experiment: Boris Striepen and Carrie Brooks.

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    3. On 2014 Jan 22, Markus Meissner commented:

      Hello Vermont JC. Thank you for the comment and the intriguing questions raised. We fully agree that it will be very interesting to see the composition of the remaining motor complex in absence of MyoA and we currently perform these experiments. You might be interested in our current study, submitted as prepub (Egarter et al., 2014 bioRxiv 01/2014; DOI:10.1101/001800) that adresses some of your questions. With regards to maintaining the act1 KO in presence of IPP we planned this experiment until we were assured from experts working on the apicoplast in Toxoplasma gondii that IPP cannot complement apicoplast loss in this parasite (Sheiner et al. personal communication). I also agree with your conclusion that there must be an actin-myosin-MIC2 independent invasion mechanism and it will be very interesting to see if it plays a major role in wild type parasites as well. Future will tell.

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    4. On 2013 Dec 11, Gary Ward commented:

      This paper presents a clever new way to generate gene knockouts in T. gondii, using a conditional dimerizable Cre recombinase (DiCre) system. Because the knockouts are experimentally induced with rapamycin, even essential genes can be disrupted for phenotypic characterization. In a first application of the technique, the authors show that two genes encoding proteins previously believed to be essential for parasite invasion, myosin A and the secreted adhesin MIC2, are in fact dispensable. In the case of the myoA knockout parasites, it would be interesting to see whether or not another parasite myosin is upregulated or now associates with the myosin motor complex (e.g., as assessed by a GAP45 IP) in the absence of myosin A.

      In contrast, parasites could not tolerate disruption of act1 (actin). Evidence is presented to suggest that the actin knockouts remain capable of invasion and the authors suggest that the most important defect is instead in apicoplast segregation. Have the authors attempted to isolate and maintain an act1 knockout clone in the presence of isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP)? Blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum can survive independently of the apicoplast as long as this isoprenoid precursor is provided (Yeh et al. PLOS Biol [2011] 9(8): e1001138). It would be interesting to look at the T. gondii act1 knockout’s ability (or perhaps inability) to glide and invade under similar conditions.

      The picture that emerges from these ground-breaking studies is that myosin A, MIC2 and actin are involved in host cell invasion, as the current model would posit, but that there is another previously unrecognized way for the parasites to invade independent of these proteins.

      Posted by Gary Ward on behalf of the University of Vermont Toxoplasma Journal Club (UVM ToxoJC); members include Jenna Foderaro, Anne Kelsen, Shruthi Krishnamurthy, Jacqueline Leung, Pramod Rompikuntal, Luke Tilley & Gary Ward

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    1. On 2016 Oct 03, Morten Oksvold commented:

      Please note that after an investigation at the University of Cologne, six articles where T. Wenz figures as first or senior author were found to contain questionable data due to scientific misconduct. This article is one of these six articles.

      The conclusion from the report was ready June 28, 2016, please see the link (in German):


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    1. On 2014 Mar 18, Gwinyai Masukume commented:

      Nejad and colleagues present a case of a man with alcohol withdrawal delirium and multifactorial delirium. This patient had thrombocytopenia and part of his work-up included testing for antibodies against heparin-platelet factor 4 complexes to elucidate the cause of the thrombocytopenia - the test was negative (1). Thrombocytopenia in early alcohol withdrawal is associated with development of delirium tremens or seizures (2). In patients who develop severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome (like the one presented) thrombocytopenia is more frequent (2).

      Additionally, from the provided laboratory data, this patient has a De Ritis (aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase) ratio greater than 2. His albumin/globulin ratio of less than 1.6 is low. Given his history of alcoholism, a De Ritis ratio greater then 2, and a decreased albumin/globulin ratio a diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease is made (3,4). Liver disease is briefly mentioned in the article; however it is important to highlight the role of laboratory data in diagnosing alcoholic liver disease.


      (1) Nejad SH, Schaefer PW, Bajwa EK, Smith FA. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 39-2012. A 55-year-old man with alcoholism, recurrent seizures, and agitation. N Engl J Med 2012, 367(25):2428-34.

      (2) Berggren U, Fahlke C, Berglund KJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Balldin J. Thrombocytopenia in early alcohol withdrawal is associatedwith development of delirium tremens or seizures. Alcohol Alcohol 2009, 44(4):382-6. Berggren U, 2009

      (3) Majhi S, Baral N, Lamsal M, Mehta KD. De Ritis ratio as diagnostic marker of alcoholic liver disease. Nepal Med Coll J 2006, 8(1):40-2. Majhi S, 2006

      (4) Das SK, Vasudevan DM. Biochemical diagnosis of alcoholism. Indian J Clin Biochem 2005, 20(1):35-42. Das SK, 2005

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    1. On 2014 Jan 01, Qian Liu commented:

      This is an official government file for Chinese oncologists. It would be updated in 2014.

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    1. On 2013 Jun 29, Rahul Bakshi commented:

      The association of 'delayed parasite clearance' in response to artemisinin with a general mechanism like DNA repair suggests that Cambodian parasites of interest may simply be 'fitter'in terms of dealing with the DNA damage that accompanies any drug-induced death pathway. This gives rise to a couple of questions: 1) Would these parasites demonstrate delayed clearance when challenged with other drug classes? 2)Why is the parasite population structure in Cambodia still so heterogenous? One would (perhaps naively) expect the fitter population to take over. Is there a cost associated with these SNPs in other stages of the lifecycle? 3)Would the parasite population structure in Cambodia change if artemisinin pressure was withdrawn? Thoughts, anyone?

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    1. On 2014 Jun 02, Claudio Gil Araújo commented:

      For those interested in knowing more about the sitting-rising test (SRT), please access the Youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCQ2WA2T2oA

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    1. On 2014 Jan 08, Brett Snodgrass commented:

      Dear Authors,

      Thank you for the excellent article.

      Is it possible that three of the connections are consistent with the normal connections reported by Wearn in 1933? http://bit.ly/JTWearn

      Wearn identified the vessels of Wearn connecting to both atria and both ventricles. The above report by Sohrabi et al. document a connection between the LAD and LA, and two VCACs connecting to the LV. Wearn reported coronary-cameral connections to each of the four heart chambers and noted that they are were distinct from those described by Thebesius.

      For further references please visit the following link. https://twitter.com/BrettSnodgrass1/status/418780318682738689

      Comments, disagreements, concerns, and feedback are encouraged in the interest of accuracy and clarity.

      Thank you kindly.

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    1. On 2015 Nov 13, University of Kansas School of Nursing Journal Club commented:

      Reviewer (Team 11): April Urie, Caitlin Colston, Elizabeth Diaz, Bethany Macchi, Lauren Meyers, Madison Steele, & Huntre Graham (Senior Nursing Students - Class of 2016)

      Background Introduction:

      The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of new graduate nurses on the influence of authentic leadership and empowerment on the quality of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare work environments (Laschinger & Smith, 2013). Many work environments have little to no interprofessional collaboration, especially new graduate nurses in feeling comfortable with being contributing members. Our team chose this article because we feel that through this study researchers will be able to define what best exemplifies authentic leadership and empowerment and how these two aspects influence interprofessional collaboration through healthcare practice as seen appearing in the lens of new graduate nurses. The article states that, in a previous study lack of communication and collaboration between healthcare team members showed to have dramatic effects and is responsible for approximately 70% of adverse events (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 24). The study presents substantial text and statistics displaying the validity of authentic leadership, empowerment, and interprofessional collaboration within healthcare settings.


      Our group used CINAHL database engine to find opportune related articles. We searched “(Authentic AND Transformational) Leadership” and “Meaningful Recognition”. After sifting through the vast amount of articles we found that this article portrayed many key aspects relating to authentic and transformational leadership, creating a motivational climate, meaningful recognition, and staffing considerations. A correlational survey design and a secondary analysis from a larger longitudinal study of newly graduated nurses were used (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 26). “The original sample was obtained from College of Nurses of Ontario registry list (n = 342). The 2nd wave of the study (2010) contained several items to capture new graduate nurses’ experiences of interprofessional collaboration on their units. 194 of new graduates form the 2nd wave constituted the sample” (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 26). The method to collect data initially was mailed surveys and then reminder letters were sent out at 3 and 6 weeks after. The instrument that was used in this study consists of The Authentic Leadership Questionnaire to measure new graduates’ perspectives of their current leader’s leadership behaviors. The data was then plotted in Supplemental Digital Context 1 (Table) to measure psychometrics. A researcher- constructed Interprofessional Collaboration Scale was also used based on previous research identifying important characteristics of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in health care setting (Laschinger & Smith, 2013). To analyze the data “The Statistical Package for Social Sciences” was used (Laschinger & Smith, 2013). The target population of this study is new graduate nurses and the impacts on interprofessional collaboration in the workplace if authentic leadership and empowerment is being used. This is important in healthcare settings in order to maximize patient care, outcomes, safety, success, decrease burnout, and the provide the opportunity for advancement and acknowledgement in healthcare environments. Laschinger & Smith (2013) suggests because authentic leaders are inclined toward values such as empathy, respect, trust and human connection they are more likely to create environments that empower employees to work with colleagues to accomplish their work in meaningful ways.


      Key findings and outcome of this study overall include, new graduates perceiving their leaders to display a moderate amount of authentic leadership where relational transparency was highest and self-awareness was lowest (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 28). Overall perceptions of IPC on work units were high and personal beliefs that interprofessional teamwork improves patient care rated highest (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p.28). However, what rated lowest by new graduates was the fact that healthcare professionals on their unit understood each other’s role in providing holistic patient care (Laschinger & Smith, 2013). When testing the hypothesis it was found that higher levels of supervisor authentic leadership and structural empowerment were significantly associated with a higher perceived quality of interprofessional collaboration (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 28). This study has shown that new graduates views of the quality of interprofessional collaboration on their units were related to authentic leadership and structural empowerment. “In addition, new graduates perceptions’ of their manager’s authentic leadership behaviors and their own structural empowerment were significantly related to their feelings that their knowledge was respected by other health professionals, that health professionals on the team understood their roles in providing care, and that other healthcare professionals believed that IPC improves patient care” (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 27). The article also spoke of the possibility of new graduates being exposed to interprofessional collaboration before graduating which would also reflect in today’s interactions and within the survey, for example, Team STEPPS. To compare and contrast how this study would be different if done in different parts of the U.S. We would make the assumption that the results would be approximately the same but could vary depending on what college is surveyed. For instance, University of Kansas has had the opportunity to have interprofessional collaboration before graduating nursing school while others have not. If this study was completed outside the US we could see how the results would be different because healthcare settings vary around the world. The cross-sectional, exploratory nature of the design limited their ability to draw strong casual inferences (Laschinger & Smith, 2013). The only other limitations include the possibility of bias from the responders and a low response rate due to mailing out the surveys (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 28).


      This article is important to nursing and nursing practice because it depicts the differences in authentic leadership and structural empowerment in healthcare work environments. While also displaying how this type of leadership can affect interprofessional collaboration whilst influencing less fragmented patient care and positive outcomes. This aids persons’ of charge in knowing the perceptions of new graduates in authenticity and empowerment and how to improve these perceptions and the work environment. “Authentic Leaders are well positioned to ensure that new graduates are integrated into interprofessional teams and are seen as valued contributors in the delivery of care” (Laschinger & Smith, 2013, p. 28). In nursing it is crucial to have this collaboration and for all healthcare caregivers to be in congruence with each other when treating patients. This not only improves the work environment setting but this also improves the care being given. When working in a microsystem it is important to remember that a team is meant to work together, provide each member with the specialty knowledge that the other individual has, and to ultimately treat the patient with the best care possible.


      Laschinger, H. S., & Smith, L. M. (2013). The Influence of Authentic Leadership and Empowerment on New-Graduate Nurses' Perceptions of Interprofessional Collaboration. Journal Of Nursing Administration, 43(1), 24-29 6p. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e318278606-

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    1. On 2013 Nov 01, Stephen Turner commented:

      RNA-seq enables transcript-level resolution of gene expression, but there is no appropriate methodology for simultaneously accounting for biological variability across replicates and uncertainty in mapping fragments to isoforms. Figure 1 in this paper illustrates the problem with existing approaches, which only count the number of fragments originating from either the entire gene or constitutive exons only. The method presented here addresses both of these problems simultaneously by modeling variability in the number of fragments generated by each transcript across biological replicates. Compared to existing methods, the procedure described here has equivalent sensitivity with a much lower false-positive rate when there is substantial isoform-level variability in gene expression between conditions. The manuscript also addresses and points out weaknesses in several undocumented 'alternative' workflows that are highly discussed in the field, where transcript counts from tools like Cufflinks and RSEM (RNA-Seq by expectation maximization) are used in downstream negative-binomial-based differential expression analyses.

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    1. On 2014 Jun 30, Torsten Seemann commented:

      For those who not have access to the paywalled article, the web portal is accessible at http://www.proteomebrowser.org/

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    1. On 2014 Jan 17, Amanda Capes-Davis commented:

      What's in a name? A great deal, when it comes to cell lines. KB, one of the tumor cell lines used in this paper, is cross-contaminated and is actually HeLa. It is not a nasopharyngeal epidermoid cell line. For a database of cross-contaminated or otherwise misidentified cell lines, see http://iclac.org/databases/cross-contaminations/.

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    1. On 2014 Dec 01, Cosmin Saveanu commented:

      Affinity purification of pre-60S complexes associated with tagged Ssf1, Rix1, Arx1 and Lsg1 (alias Kre35) coupled with quantitative mass spectrometry were used to obtain a picture of pre-60S dynamics in yeast. Overexpression of a dominant negative form of Drg1, as well as deletion of BUD20 were also used to perturb 60S assembly and test the changes in levels of various pre-60S factors.

      The quantitations presented in this paper correlate well with our published results that were based on affinity purification of Rlp24, Nog1 and Mak11 associated particles under various mutant conditions and quantitative mass-spectrometry based on stable isotope labeling (Lebreton A, 2008).

      The major caveat of these methods is the uncertainity in the faith of blocked pre-60S particle that accumulate under mutant conditions - are these "dead-end" or real intermediates in the pathway ?

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    1. On 2015 Apr 08, Jason Stajich commented:

      The genome sequence accession is AMRR00000000 but not linked to this pubmed record or vice-versa.

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    1. On 2016 Sep 12, Morten Oksvold commented:

      Please note that this article has been retracted and should therefore not be cited.

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    1. On 2013 Dec 09, Gregory Francis commented:

      I submitted the following text to J. Neuroscience a few months ago. The editor evaluated the critique but decided against publishing it.

      Zhou, Zhang, Chen, Wang, and Chen (2012) reported experimental findings that perfectly matched their theory that olfaction influences early visual perception. Calculations of experimental power suggest that such perfection is contrary to the uncertainty that exists from random sampling.

      Three results showed significant nostril-specific effects of odor on vision: experiments 1 (two results) and 2 had powers of 0.501, 0.513, and 0.529, respectively. Experiment 3 showed a significant effect of odor on visual perception (power 0.547) but, consistent with the theory, no nostril-specific effect.

      Seventeen null results also provided evidence for the theory by ruling out alternative explanations. If the theory is valid, the true effects are similar to what was reported, and the null findings are accurate, then the probability of an entire set of findings being perfectly aligned with the theory is the product of the power values times the probability of the null findings: 0.075 x (0.95)<sup>17</sup> = 0.031.

      One hundred thousand simulated replications, using the observed significant statistics as population parameters, checked the possibility of a chance pattern. Applying the same power analysis, only two of the simulated experiment sets produced a probability below the observed 0.075. On average, a simulated experiment set produced 2.1 significant findings out of four experiments.

      The too perfect data undermine the theoretical interpretation. Perhaps experiments were run improperly, the analysis was done improperly, or publication bias filtered out inconsistent experimental findings. Seemingly trivial choices in experimental design or analysis can bias findings that depend on complex patterns of experimental outcomes.

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    1. On 2013 Nov 08, Tomislav Maricic commented:

      We, who are authors of this publication, are not aware of any modern human contamination over and above that which is clearly quantified and reported in our manuscripts. We have developed and published a number of approaches to quantify modern human contamination using both mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data (Green RE, 2008, Green RE, 2009, Meyer M, 2012). In each paper where we report DNA sequences from archaic humans we have carefully quantified and reported any modern human contamination detected. In the case of this paper, the alleles studied are derived in almost all modern humans and differ from both the Neandertal and Denisovan genomes (which both carry the ancestral allele). This is itself unlikely to be consistent with modern human contamination of the archaic samples. Finally, it is difficult to respond to rumors without knowing the substance of the analyses on which such rumors are based. We would be interested to see the data and analyses that suggest modern human contamination. -Tomislav Maricic, Matthias Meyer, Janet Kelso, Svante Paabo

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    2. On 2013 Oct 28, Steven Salzberg commented:

      I heard a rumor very recently that the contamination problem, discussed cogently after the first Neanderthal papers (see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17937503), has arisen again, and that the authors are now aware of the very real likelihood that modern human DNA is contaminating these samples. If true, this would invalidate the analysis of FOXP2 and the multiple other papers about this genome. What do the authors have to say?

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    1. On 2014 Feb 23, ossama mansour commented:

      it is an interesting topic in endovascular treatment of aneurysms. where actually we do not have such evidence based medicine regarding the optimum option for treatment of such aneurysm . we need to design a RCT for studying such notion.

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    1. On 2014 Dec 10, Kath Wright commented:

      Other search filters are available from the InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group Search Filter Resource at https://sites.google.com/a/york.ac.uk/issg-search-filters-resource/home

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    1. On 2013 Dec 23, Yannick Pouliot commented:

      It would be nice if the gene expression data described in this paper were deposited into GEO...

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    1. On 2016 Jun 03, Ian Fingerman commented:

      The Epigenomics database, a public repository that was developed to archive genome-wide maps of DNA and histone modifications, will be retired on June 1, 2016.

      All epigenomics data are available in our GEO resource. If you are specifically interested in the NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Project, we will maintain a page for this project's data.

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    1. On 2013 Jul 17, Jessie Tenenbaum commented:

      A nice paper that raises some important points. I wonder about the composition of the readership of BB- seems like it's preaching to the choir in informatics- many known points. I wonder what % of readers are more on the biology side of things?

      For that matter, for scientific literature more generally- in the pubmed era, where fewer journals are being read as bound paper versons, how do people come upon papers they decide to read? Scanning TOCs (how I came upon this one), references from other papers, pubmed searches for keywords or authors... Of those 3, only the middle option- bibliography from another paper- would seem likely to bring this paper to the attention of a non-informaticist.

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    1. On 2014 Jan 08, Brett Snodgrass commented:

      Dear Authors,

      Thank you for the excellent article. Please provide your kind consideration to the vascular nomenclature and the distinction between the Thebesian veins and the vessels of Wearn.

      The text highlights at the following website may illustrate the difference.


      Comments and suggestions are welcome.

      Thank you kindly.

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    1. On 2016 Apr 20, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      The authors of this study have constructed an experimental setup that has generated data that are “consistent with a stochastic process that degrades memory for each individual item and plays out independently across them.” On the basis of this, they conclude that “visual working memory is stochastic both at the level of a memory's content and at the level of its quality.”

      A few objections to this assertion are in order. I want to preface them by noting that it has long been understood that it is always possible to generate data “consistent” with any point of view: “A nice adaptation of conditions will make almost any hypothesis agree with the phenomena” (J. Black (1803, Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, quoted by Popper in Popper Selections, Miller, Ed, 1985). In order for “consistency” to carry weight, investigators must have really tried to look for “inconsistency” or falsification, wherever it seems most likely to be found.

      As it happens, there is a preponderance of evidence that memory in general and visual memory in particular is not stochastic either in its content or its quality. With respect to visual memory, the organizing principles that influence the percept itself also influence the memory of those percepts, as is shown, for example, by Goldmeier (1981, The Memory Trace, its Formation and its Fate). Other investigators who have shown that memory changes are not random include Bartlett and Loftus.

      If the authors want to challenge the legitimacy of the view that “degradation” and random change is not the proper account of memory, then they should do it. It would be fine if they validly challenged the results of studies that falsify their position. They could, for example, claim the methods of the falsifying experiments were flawed. What is not OK, however, is for scientists to ignore contradictory evidence, and set up experiments that produces “consistency” with their preferred view.

      Significantly, the task used by Fougnie, Suchow and Alvarez' (2012) involves a structure-less feature – color - thus ensuring that the known effects on memory of structural principles will not interfere with their preferred outcome. As they note in their introduction, this is a task that is commonly used for such studies. Unfortunately, as here, many studies today rationalize their methodological choices not on theoretical grounds, but on the grounds that they are widespread, popular, common, even "traditional" (!). As here, a method may have become normalised for the wrong reason, i.e. because it doesn't complicate the perpetuation of preferred paradigms uncritically accepted.

      In my discussion above I have not distinguished between “working memory” and other types of memory. The authors, while using the term “working memory” have not provided a working definition, i.e. a description of how they circumscribe the term and distinguish it from other types of memory. Once they do this, they might try and check the literature for examples that falsify their account, and construct experiments that, on the basis of what has already demonstrated, make a credible effort to falsify it, rather than simply to “confirm” it.

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    1. On 2015 Dec 02, Christopher Southan commented:

      Queries (Dec 2015) return the quote "Due to technical difficulties, this service has been disabled for online analysis" So is this transient or permenant?

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    1. On 2013 Jun 22, Martin Fenner commented:

      This editorial provides a good overview of the important open questions in the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma:

      • Is radiation therapy needed and if so, who should receive it?
      • Is there a role for midcycle PET scanning in treatment planning and if so, what is it?
      • What about escalated BEACOPP?
      • Is there any prospect for new effective therapies that might actually be an improvement over ABVD?

      This editorial accompanies the report Gordon LI, 2013 of a randomized phase III trial showing no improvement of the response rate with Stanford V chemotherapy compared to standard ABVD. This report comfirms the results of an earlier phase III trial Hoskin PJ, 2009, clearly demonstrating that Stanford V is no improvement over ABVD, and that ABVD remains the standard of care.

      The discussion of the role of escalated BEACOPP in advanced Hodgkin lymphoma is of particular importance, because it is the standard of care for patients up to 60 years old in Germany, but not in the US and other countries. The author follows the logic of the study Viviani et al. Viviani S, 2011 that showed higher progression-free survival for BEACOPP vs. ABVD, but similar overall survival because of salvage high-dose chemotherapy. The paper by Viviani et al. has been critizised in three comments published in the same journal (see link from PubMed page), for example because progression free survival at 5 years was the primary endpoint and no power calculation was made for the secondary endpoint overall survival.

      It is positive to see a discussion of important studies on journal pages (and to make the comments available to readers without a journal subscription), but we are in the unfortunate situation that standard treatment practices for patients with advanced Hodgkin lymphoma vary between countries. If the scientific community can't agree on a standard treatment strategy (the first randomized phase III trial with BEACOPP was published in 1998 Diehl V, 1998), then the different options should at least be clearly stated in treatment guidelines, editorials, and in particular in discussions with patients about to undergo treatment.

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    1. On 2013 Dec 23, Gregory Francis commented:

      A longer version of the following text was submitted to JPSP as a comment. The editor agreed with three reviewers who felt that even if the analysis was valid, it was not useful to publish such a critique.

      Based on six experiments, Wiltermuth and Gino (2012), henceforth WG, concluded that separating rewards into categories increased people’s motivation to complete reward-earning tasks. An analysis of the reported findings suggests that the experiments do not properly support the conclusion.

      The primary variable for experiments 3, 4, and 5 was analyzed with a two-sample t-test, and post-hoc power was estimated with standard calculations. The analyses of the primary variable for experiments 1, 2, and 6 involved a logistic regression analysis, and the post-hoc power for each analysis was estimated with 10,000 simulated data sets that were drawn from populations having parameters matching the sample statistics from the experiments. The simulated data sets were then analyzed in the same way as the original experiments and the proportion of times they reported statistical significance was computed as an estimate of power. For experiment 6, the conclusion of a successful experimental outcome involved two different comparisons being statistically significant, and this requirement was also imposed on the estimate of experimental power. In every case, power was measured as the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in the direction consistent with the findings reported in WG.

      When re-computing the p-values for the data presented in the paper, experiments 2, 3, and 4 produced p-values slightly above the standard significance criterion (.0546, .0516, .0544). The deviations are large enough that they cannot be due to rounding of the reported sample proportions or t-statistics. It appears that WG rounded down some p-values to .05 and then indicated statistical significance. In practice, this means that for these experiments WG used a significance criterion of .055 rather than the typical .05. Experimental power increases with the p-criterion, so the value .055 was used to estimate power, as this properly reflects the criterion used by WG.

      Since most of the experiments just barely rejected the null hypothesis, the post hoc power values tend to be close to one half. For the six experiments, the estimated power values are: .618, .507, .509, .499, .677, .561, respectively. Since each experiment is independent, the expected number of experiments that would reject the null hypothesis is the sum of the power values, which is 3.37. The probability that six experiments like these would all reject the null hypothesis is the product of the power values, which is .030. This probability is so low (an often used criterion is .1) that it renders the reported experimental results “too good to be true.”

      The analysis does not specify how such unusual results could have been produced, but there are three broad possibilities. First, the reported experiments might be a subset of a larger experiment set that included unreported null results. Second, the reported experiments may have been subject to a verification bias that utilized improper sampling methods. Third, the reported statistical analyses may have been one of several different methods (e.g., using different criteria to indicate significance) that were used to find one that produced statistically significant results. All of these approaches misrepresent the properties of the populations or the experimental outcomes. Thus, readers should be skeptical about the theoretical conclusions derived from the data reported in WG.

      R code for the simulated experiments is available at http://www1.psych.purdue.edu/~gfrancis/Publications/WiltermuthGino/

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    1. On 2014 Dec 10, Kath Wright commented:

      Other search filters are available from the InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group Search Filter Resource at https://sites.google.com/a/york.ac.uk/issg-search-filters-resource/home

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    1. On 2014 Mar 09, Gyanshankar Mishra commented:

      We have also done a study on Tuberculosis management In India: Mishra G, Mulani J. Tuberculosis Prescription Practices In Private And Public Sector In India. NJIRM. 2013; 4(2): 71-78. Available online at http://www.scopemed.org/?mno=36915

      Our other study highlights the fact of how drug resistant TB is created under programmatic management of TB in India: Gyanshankar Mishra, S V Ghorpade, Jasmin Mulani (2014) XDR-TB: An outcome of programmatic management of TB in India. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 11: 1. 47-52 Jan-Mar.Available online at

      Full text article Available online at http://www.ijme.in/index.php/ijme/article/view/932

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    1. On 2014 Aug 12, Miguel Lopez-Lazaro commented:

      In this article, my team assessed the in vitro cancer therapeutic potential of the compounds using a colorectal cancer cell line (HT29). We observed that several compounds improved the cytotoxic potency of the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil; the IC50 value of the five most cytotoxic compounds was between 0.36 and 1.48 micromolar, and the IC50 value of 5-Fluroracil was 4.32 micromolar. Because our compounds killed cancer cells at lower concentrations that those of this commonly used anticancer drug, we discussed that they could have therapeutic potential.

      More recently, we assessed the cytotoxic potency of these five compounds against lung cancer cells (A549) and lung nonmalignant cells (MRC5). Their IC50 values were between 0.96 and 4.31 micromolar in the cancer cell line and between 1.24 and 3.11 micromolar in the nonmalignant cell line. Some of the compounds were in fact more cytotoxic against the nonmalignant cell line.

      Considering these new results, I think that the potential of these compounds for the treatment of colorectal cancer and lung cancer is low. I also think that my experimental design was unable to reveal their cancer therapeutic potential. To properly assess therapeutic potential using in vitro experiments one should use the most suitable experimental conditions to answer the following question:

      Can my compounds improve the ability of the standard drugs to kill cancer cells without significantly affecting nonmalignant cells from a variety of appropriate tissues? (1)

      Unfortunately, we did not address this question in our article.

      Dr. Lopez-Lazaro

      (1) Lopez-Lazaro, M. Experimental Cancer Pharmacology for Researchers: At What Concentration Should my Drug Kill Cancer Cells so that it has Potential for Cancer Therapy? 2014, ASIN: B00MMO25NM http://www.amazon.com/Experimental-Cancer-Pharmacology-Researchers-Concentration-ebook/dp/B00MMO25NM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1407829198&sr=8-1&keywords="at+what+concentrations+should"

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    1. On 2015 Dec 11, Mark Johnston commented:

      An interactive protocol from this article is freely available at protocols.io.

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    1. On 2014 Jan 08, Brett Snodgrass commented:

      Dear Authors,

      Thank you for the excellent report.

      Please provide your kind consideration to the distinction between the vessels of Wearn and the Thebesian veins.



      Morphological and Functional Alterations of the Coronary Circulation. Harvey Lecture, 1940 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1933738


      For examples of Thebesian veins, please see:

      1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18703466

      2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23428022

      3. http://bit.ly/Thebesius

      4. http://bit.ly/ThebesianByPratt

      For additional commentary, please see




      Comments and feedback are welcome.

      Thank you very much.

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    1. On 2017 Dec 12, Peter Rogan commented:

      Regarding GABRQ:c.306G>C: Whereas none of the splicing analysis programs tested predict outcomes shown in the mini-gene construct shown in Figure 2A, information theory-based exon definition analyses using ASSEDA (Mucaki EJ, 2013) was completely concordant. A novel band 116nt longer than the product expected from the wild type exon is observed. The mutation reduces the strength of the natural donor splice site of exon 3 from 9.5 -> 4.5 bits (32 fold). The pre-existing intronic cryptic site 116 nt downstream (8.6 bits) is 17 fold stronger than the mutated splice site. ASSEDA indicates that the total exon information (Ri,total) of wildtype exon is reduced (19.8 -> 14.8 bits) and the corresponding strength of the gap-surprisal adjusted cryptic exon significantly exceeds this (17.7 bits). The wildtype exon is predicted to be ~5-6 fold more abundant than the cryptic exon BEFORE mutation, and the cryptic exon is predicted to be ~8 fold more abundant AFTER mutation.

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    1. On 2014 Aug 13, Amanda Capes-Davis commented:

      Much of the work done here is performed using the KB cell line. Please be aware that KB is not an appropriate model for oral squamous cell carcinoma. KB cells are cross-contaminated with HeLa, from cervical adenocarcinoma. For a list of known cross-contaminated cell lines, see http://iclac.org/databases/cross-contaminations/.

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    1. On 2016 Jan 30, Gary Goldman commented:

      The Goldman and King review did not contain an exhaustive summary of varicella vaccine trends. The editor, Dr. Gregory Poland, while not allowing a 500-word rebuttal response letter from Goldman and King, suggested that their material "may be suitable for other peer-reviewed journals."

      In response to Myers' Vaccination to prevent varicella, additional statistically significant trends and supporting documentation derived from annual summary reports to the CDC were published by a different journal editor in Vaccination to prevent varicella: Goldman and King's response to Myers' interpretation of Varicella Active Surveillance Project data. Goldman GS, King PG. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2014 Aug;33(8):886-93. doi: 10.1177/0960327113512340. Epub 2013 Nov 25. Goldman GS, 2014

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    1. On 2014 Jul 05, David Keller commented:

      An important factual error in this paper was corrected by JAMA on their website, as of 7/10/2014. A copy of this paper which is posted on the PubMed Central website was corrected, as of 7/31/2014.

      For readers of the paper edition of JAMA, here is the incorrect statement, from the end of paragraph #5 of this paper's "Comment" section (1):

      "In addition, the Supplementation en Vitamines et Mineraux Antioxydants (SU.VI.MAX) primary prevention trial (2) of 13,017 participants randomized to a low-dose combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, selenium, and zinc found no overall effect on total cancer, but there was a significant interaction with sex with a reduction in risk of total cancer in women only...."

      The above sentence should read "...a reduction in risk of total cancer in men only". To confirm this, I copied the following sentences from the Conclusions section of the abstract of the above-cited Su.Vi.Max study:

      "Conclusions After 7.5 years, low-dose antioxidant supplementation lowered total cancer incidence and all-cause mortality in men but not in women. Supplementation may be effective in men only because of their lower baseline status of certain antioxidants, especially of beta carotene."

      I wish to thank PubMed Central and JAMA for correcting this important error on their websites.


      1: Gaziano JM, Sesso HD, Christen WG, Bubes V, Smith JP, MacFadyen J, Schvartz M, Manson JE, Glynn RJ, Buring JE. Multivitamins in the prevention of cancer in men: the Physicians' Health Study II randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2012 Nov 14;308(18):1871-80. PubMed PMID: 23162860; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3517179.

      Below is the link to the JAMA website page which contains the corrected version:


      Below is the link to the PubMed Central version, which has been corrected, as of 7/31/2014:


      2: Hercberg S, Galan P, Preziosi P, Bertrais S, Mennen L, Malvy D, Roussel AM, Favier A, Briançon S. The SU.VI.MAX Study: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the health effects of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Arch Intern Med. 2004 Nov 22;164(21):2335-42. Erratum in: Arch Intern Med. 2005 Feb 14;165(3):286. PubMed PMID: 15557412.

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    1. On 2014 Jan 21, Ellen M Goudsmit commented:

      This paper describes some of the political issues that have undermined the study of CFS and its subsets during the past ten years. I too have felt the pressure to promote one intervention rather than another, or to support the use of criteria which were clearly flawed. However, the non-scientific influences that have distorted the view of fatigue syndromes are various and often rather surprising. For example, a number of highly regarded journals have for years refused to publish any article which challenges the CBT model of CFS [1]. The last time that the BMJ published a report alluding to a pathological cause was in 1995 (Lane, cited in 1). Alternative views are relegated to the correspondence page. And the one journal that deals with fatigue has just rejected a paper describing criteria which in the past, have shown to select a homogeneous group. The latest issue (2014, 2, 1,) includes two studies that recommend the formulation of new criteria focusing on core symptoms but when these were offered, the editor decided the subject was contentious. We can identify problems but not try and resolve them. Ergo, we are using different terms for different symptom complexes. ME/CFS could refer to CFS or to ME or a hybrid. Is it any surprise that patients and doctors are confused?

      Perhaps it is useful to recall that fatigue is a symptom and not an illness. However, the Oxford criteria for CFS used in the PACE trial require only the presence of fatigue to some degree, at sometime, during six months. A number of referees seem to miss that point. Fatigue is a symptom of many illnesses, and of chronic stress. Five minutes on PubMed would lead one to the conclusion that CBT might well help tiredness but there's no evidence to support its value to deal with dizziness and muscle weakness. If trials only measure fatigue and sleep, and define recovery in terms of a lower score on one or two measures and report that a person feels better, it's easy to argue that it's effective. It's not effective for the majority. It helps with tiredness but as any clinician will admit, there's more to CFS than fatigue.

      There's a lack of balance in scientific publications and some serious spin re CBT and GET, which patients and independent scientists are well aware of. But this journal, like others, doesn't invite commentaries from people who aren't enthusiastic about the CBT protocol as evaluated in RCTs. Readers therefore don't get a range of opinions. It helps no one and undermines the scientific process. Most of all, it's very, very sad.

      [1] Goudsmit, E and Stouten, B. Chronic fatigue syndrome: editorial bias in the British Medical Journal. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 2004, 12, 4, 47-59.<br> http://freespace.virgin.net/david.axford/JCFS.pdf

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    1. On 2016 Jan 31, Christopher Southan commented:

      Aspects described are relevant to the Jan 2016 BIA-10-2474 clinical trial disaster where the structure was initialy blinded http://cdsouthan.blogspot.se/2016/01/the-unfortunate-case-of-bia-10-2474.html

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    2. On 2014 Mar 05, Christopher Southan commented:

      A full-text version can be found at: http://figshare.com/articles/Challenges_and_recommendations_for_obtaining_chemical_structures_of_industry_provided_repurposing_candidates/978680

      The link below is to a March 2014 version of molecular structures and patent mappings for 58 structures from the 77 code names, but note many of these still do not have a name match in PubChem. http://figshare.com/articles/NCats_Compounds_with_identifications/92850

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    1. On 2014 Apr 24, B Hidalgo commented:

      Thanks for your comment. Yes, predictors/risk factors, etc. Hope this helps.

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    2. On 2014 Mar 24, Jennifer Vergel de Dios commented:

      Just asking as a clarification - At the end of your second paragraph, you wrote "Statistically speaking, multivariate analysis refers to statistical models that have 2 or more dependent or outcome variables, and multivariable analysis refers to statistical models in which there are multiple independent or response variables".

      In the last part, did you mean 'multiple independent or <predictor> variables' since a response variable is synonymous with a dependent variable?

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    1. On 2015 Feb 09, Michael Frank commented:

      Thanks to Asael Sklar for sharing raw data from this study. In a reanalysis, we confirmed the analyses of Experiments 6 and 7 that are reported in the paper. We note two discrepancies, however. First, the error bars in Figure 2 are +/- .5 SEM, rather than +/- 1 SEM. Second, the caption has an error: the sign on the plot is the reverse of what is described in the caption: prime incongruent - prime congruent (not, as is described, congruent - incongruent).

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    1. On 2014 Nov 17, Raphael Levy commented:

      A detailed analysis of this body of work, including a detailed discussion of the NMR data of Liu et al, is published today in PloS One by Stirling et al; from the abstract: “through a combination of an exhaustive re-analysis of the original data with new experimental measurements of a simple control sample comprising entirely unfunctionalised particles, we conclusively show that all of the STM evidence for striped nanoparticles published to date can instead be explained by a combination of well-known instrumental artefacts, strong observer bias, and/or improper data acquisition/analysis protocols.

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    1. On 2015 Dec 22, Allison Bischoff commented:

      It came to our attention that the grant HD41890 was erroneously cited in this paper as a source of funding. This grant was not a source of funding for this research.

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    1. On 2015 Oct 13, Bill Cayley commented:

      One of several pieces of evidence suggesting a simpler, non-fasting lipid determination may be better for cardiac risk screening: https://lessismoreebm.wordpress.com/?s=lipid

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    1. On 2014 Aug 16, Miguel Lopez-Lazaro commented:

      It should be noted that the cytotoxic potency of a compound against cancer cells does not reliably predict its potential for cancer therapy. Cancer patients do not need drugs that improve the ability of the standard drugs to kill cancer cells at low concentrations. They need drugs that improve the ability of the standard drugs to kill their cancer cells without significantly affecting their normal cells (http://1.usa.gov/XphR6X)

      I agree with the authors that metal–NHC complexes might be useful in cancer therapy. However, I believe that the in vitro and in vivo therapeutic potential of these complexes have not yet been demonstrated. Future studies should evaluate if these complexes improve the ability of the standard drugs to kill cancer cells without significantly affecting nonmalignant cells from appropriate tissues. If they improve the selectivity of the standard drugs, in vivo studies should evaluate if they can also improve the survival rates of the standard anticancer drugs when tested in animal models representative of the patients that would eventually receive the drugs, under experimental conditions that can reliably predict activity in cancer patients.

      Dr. Lopez-Lazaro

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    1. On 2014 Mar 05, David Reardon commented:

      Dear Dr. Hao,

      I've been viewing your paper "Pregnancy loss and anxiety and depression during subsequent pregnancies: data from the C-ABC study."

      There is evidence in other quarters that women with a history of both induced abortion and miscarriage are significantly more likely to experience subsequent mental health problems than women with just one of these experiences. I see that in your study, 461 women had a history of both miscarriage and induced abortion. In a broader context, there is also evidence that women with multiple losses (miscarriage or abortion) are also at higher risk. (See Increased risk for postpartum psychiatric disorders among women with past pregnancy loss. Giannandrea SA, Cerulli C, Anson E, Chaudron LH. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2013 Sep;22(9):760-8.)

      I am writing to request that you re-analyze tables 3 & 4 to compare (1) women with a history of at least one miscarriage and at least one abortion, and (2) women with 2, 3, or 4 or more losses (miscarriage or induced abortion) with your reference group of women with no history of pregnancy loss.

      Thank you for your consideration.

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    1. On 2016 Apr 05, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      With respect to illusion and the theoretical explanation, Tyler addresses only one relevant factor, even though, as I explain in my article (and perhaps more clearly in a related chapter in the Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions (in press for the past few years)), that factor is not enough to explain this new variant. He states that "Figure 3 also includes a verification that the primary illusion is not due to the orientation [of the] parallelogram of the top surfaces. The upper figure is a block-rotated version of the right- hand block with its surface parallelogram aligned with that of the left-hand block, showing that the illusion persists even in the aligned orientation. This result verifies that the illusion is due to the perspective context of the other two sides."

      In fact, the illusion persists but also changes, a fact that as I have analyzed in detail implies that orientation as well as the 2D structure ("perspective context" is a meaningless term - try defining it) of the figure and its consequent 3D interpretation are implicated in the effect.

      Another aspect of the original illusion that Tyler refers to as paradoxical are the apparent downward slopes of the tabletops, one left, one right. It isn't paradoxical. In the case, for example, in which the sideview of the structure is on the left, the horizontals must be receding from us to some degree. Receding lines rise in the visual field. In order to reconcile the fact that a line that is horizontal on the retinal is receding in space, we must also infer that it is downward sloping in space. When the left side is visible, the downward slope will be to the right, and vice versa.

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    2. On 2016 Apr 01, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      The illusion presented in Figure 3 (without citation) was presented by me here:


      reported on here: https://www.newscientist.com/round-up/best-new-visual-illusions/

      and discussed theoretically here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21125946

      Also, Tyler suggests he has discovered a new effect - “a paradoxical distortion of the length of the rear legs [i.e. the back legs appear shorter than the front legs] and proposes that an “interpretation in terms of surfaces can account for the difference in treatment of the filled-in versus open forms in the Chinese painting from more than 1000 years ago.”

      However, he has overlooked the fact that we are in effect dealing with a case of the Muller-Lyer illusion, and that this therefore represents a confound with respect to the alternative explanation offered.

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    1. On 2015 Nov 19, Robert Eibl commented:

      The authors could have acknowledged the originator of measruring such interactions. To the best of my knowledge to date, I contacted the Physics Lab in Munich in 2001 and started for several years as unpaid guest-scientist in Hermann Gaub's lab a collaboration to transfer my unpublished findings from Stanford University (with Irv Weissman as official sponosr) on lymphocyte-like rolling cancer cells into the specific measurement of such interactions by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The authors could also have cited the first paper on such measurements: Eibl RH and Benoit M, Molecular resolution of cell adhesion forces. IEE - Nanobiotechnology 151(3):128-132 (2004)

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    1. On 2016 Aug 23, Ben Goldacre commented:

      This trial has the wrong trial registry ID associated with it on PubMed: both in the XML on PubMed, and in the originating journal article. The ID given is NCT0121712. We believe the correct ID, which we have found by hand searching, is NCT01217125.

      This comment is being posted as part of the OpenTrials.net project<sup>[1]</sup> , an open database threading together all publicly accessible documents and data on each trial, globally. In the course of creating the database, and matching documents and data sources about trials from different locations, we have identified various anomalies in datasets such as PubMed, and in published papers. Alongside documenting the prevalence of problems, we are also attempting to correct these errors and anomalies wherever possible, by feeding back to the originators. We have corrected this data in the OpenTrials.net database; we hope that this trial’s text and metadata can also be corrected at source, in PubMed and in the accompanying paper.

      Many thanks,

      Jessica Fleminger, Ben Goldacre*

      [1] Goldacre, B., Gray, J., 2016. OpenTrials: towards a collaborative open database of all available information on all clinical trials. Trials 17. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1290-8 PMID: 27056367

      * Dr Ben Goldacre BA MA MSc MBBS MRCPsych<br> Senior Clinical Research Fellow<br> ben.goldacre@phc.ox.ac.uk<br> www.ebmDataLab.net<br> Centre for Evidence Based Medicine<br> Department of Primary Care Health Sciences<br> University of Oxford<br> Radcliffe Observatory Quarter<br> Woodstock Road<br> Oxford OX2 6GG

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    1. On 2013 Nov 01, Stephen Turner commented:

      Epigenetic modification has critical roles in bacteria other than involvement in restriction modification, including regulation of replication, transcription, and virulence. Bisulfite treatment enables the detection of 5-methylcytosine residues, but other epigenetic modifications can't be detected in high-throughput using current sequencing technologies. Recent advances in single molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing (PacBio technology) enable the ability to probe epigenetic modification to any nucleotide based on analyzing kinetic variation - the variation in the rate that DNA polymerase incorporates bases into DNA during synthesis (Schadt EE, 2013). Here, the researchers use this advanced SMRT technology to systematically probe both 5-methylcytosine and 6-methyladenine (m6A) residues in a pathogenic Escherichia coli strain on a genome-wide scale. The researchers then deduce target sites for methyltransferases that catalyze m6A modifications, based solely on the kinetic variation data. The researchers finally show that methyltransferases have additional functionality outside restriction modification systems, including controlling bacterial gene expression and DNA replication.

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    1. On 2014 Apr 02, Gwinyai Masukume commented:

      Getahun and colleagues present a case of a patient with uterine rupture (1). Abnormalities of the fetal heart rate such as tachycardia, recurrent variable decelerations, late decelerations or prolonged decelerations appear to be the earliest and most sensitive indicator of uterine rupture (2). Mentioning this information in their broader discussion of uterine rupture may have been essential.

      Although the clinical presentation of uterine rupture depends on for example, the site, size and duration of the rupture it may also have been worthwhile pointing out in their article that hematuria may occur with uterine rupture (3).


      (1) Getahun BS, Yeshi MM, Roberts DJ. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital: Case 34-2012: a 27-year-old woman in Ethiopia with severe pain, bleeding, and shock during labor. N Engl J Med, 2012 367(19):1839-45.

      (2) Goodwin TM, Montoro MM, Murdespach L, Paulson R, Roy S (eds), 2010, Management of Common Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5th edition, Wiley-Blackwell, page 55.

      (3) Baker PN, Kenny LC (eds), 2011, Obstetrics by Ten Teachers, 19th editon, Hodder-Arnold, London, page 251.

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    1. On 2014 Apr 13, Gyanshankar Mishra commented:

      Relapse rates are very important to monitor in such patients.

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    1. On 2014 Jun 02, Claudio Gil Araújo commented:

      For those interested in knowing more about the sitting-rising test (SRT), please access the Youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCQ2WA2T2oA

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    1. On 2014 Oct 20, David Keller commented:

      Where is the evidence that washing poultry increases food-borne illness?

      This study is based on the assumption that "washing of raw poultry" is a "potentially unsafe food handling practice" for consumers. This counter-intuitive notion forms the basis for a campaign by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (1) and the Food and Drug Administration (2) to educate consumers not to wash raw poultry prior to cooking.

      The recommendation to not wash raw poultry is evidently based on a study of bacterial cross-contamination of kitchen surfaces (3), which is not a clinical endpoint. A more convincing study would compare the rate of food-borne illnesses in consumers who wash raw poultry versus the rate for consumers who do not wash raw poultry prior to cooking it. Perhaps splatter of trace amounts of bacteria during washing causes no harm to the health of consumers, while washing of raw poultry reduces surface bacterial contamination enough to be of benefit.

      I hypothesize the following model: Washing raw poultry with water removes bacteria by mechanical actions, such as disruption of the biofilm on the surface of the meat, and carries away the vast bulk of the bacteria down the drain. While washing poultry may scatter small droplets of water laden with bacteria around the vicinity of the sink, these are not a threat if the sink is rinsed well. The chance of acquiring infection with salmonella, campylobacter or enterotoxigenic E. Coli is proportional to the size of the inoculum ingested. Rinsing poultry has the effect of diluting the concentration of bacteria on the meat and thereby reducing the bacteria count present in any under-cooked meat which is ingested. Unwashed poultry remains contaminated with higher bacterial counts, which increases the risk of infection from under-cooked portions of the meat. In addition, heat-stable toxins produced by bacteria present on unwashed meat (e.g. staphylococcus aureus) cannot be eliminated even with thorough cooking - they must be washed off. This hypothesis can be tested in a clinical trial, as described above.

      Neither the FDA nor the USDA has cited a study which demonstrates that washing raw poultry increases the rate of food-borne illnesses in humans. Until they can do so, it is irresponsible for these agencies to advise consumers not to wash raw poultry prior to cooking it.


      1: USDA website, accessed on 10/20/2014 http://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/2ceaa425-0488-4e86-a397-e2d9c470fc4a/Washing_Food.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

      2: FDA website, accessed on 10/20/2014 http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm092815.htm

      3: The evidence supporting the recommendation against washing raw poultry is not clearly specified on the FDA or USDA websites, but in an email to me, the webmaster of the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline stated: "Our recommendation for consumers to not wash poultry is to prevent cross-contamination. There was recently a study by Drexel University (http://www.drexel.edu/dontwashyourchicken/ ) which showed that bacteria can spread several feet around the kitchen when washing meat and poultry." (email quoted with permission). The Drexel website identified the principal investigator of the cross-contamination study as J.J. Quinlan, Ph.D., but did not supply the citation to any specific publications when accessed on 10/20/2014, nor have several PubMed searches.

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    1. On 2016 Nov 02, Anne Niknejad commented:

      There is a typo error in this paragraph (impacts text mining) :

      "Furthermore, the rapid, abundant and transient induction of CREB1 and several genes belonging to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily transcription factors (including NR4A3, NR1D2, NR2F2 and TRAP59) suggest ..."

      this is not TRAP59 but TRAP95

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    1. On 2013 Dec 23, Wichor Bramer commented:

      This is a comment on Liu X, 2013 but was not linked properly by the journal editors.

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    1. On 2016 Aug 16, vanitha a j commented:

      Can I please have the full text for inclusion in the review update of a Cochrane systematic review

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    1. On 2014 Mar 29, David Keller commented:

      Further evidence linking bisphosphonate therapy with acute myocardial infarctions

      Further evidence of a possible association of bisphosphonate therapy with acute myocardial infarction has emerged. Pittman and colleagues reported that bisphosphonate use was associated with an increased risk of incident acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in their observational study of elderly veterans with a history of osteoporotic fractures (1), and that “the timing of AMI correlated closely with the timing of bisphosphonate therapy initiation”. We now have at least three studies linking bisphosphonates, such as zoledronic acid, with adverse cardiac events. I agree with Pittman and colleagues that "further analysis and confirmation of these findings by prospective clinical trials is required".

      1: Pittman CB, Davis LA, Zeringue AL, Caplan L, Wehmeier KR, Scherrer JF, Xian H, Cunningham FE, McDonald JR, Arnold A, Eisen SA. Myocardial infarction risk among patients with fractures receiving bisphosphonates. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014 Jan;89(1):43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2013.08.021. PubMed PMID: 24388021.

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    2. On 2014 Feb 11, David Keller commented:

      In the interest of transparency, I submitted the above comments to the New England Journal of Medicine shortly after they published the results of this study. My letter was not published, but I was contacted by a physician employed by the sponsoring pharmaceutical company who offered to schedule a teleconference with me. I told him that I would prefer that he answer my comments in writing. He answered that he would arrange for a colleague to contact me, but I was never contacted. I shall invite him to reply in this forum.

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    3. On 2014 Feb 10, David Keller commented:

      Boonen and colleagues report that annual intravenous infusion of 5 mg of zoledronic acid was associated with significantly more myocardial infarctions than placebo in men over age 50 with osteoporosis [P=0.03], but state that “none of the events were considered by the investigator to be related to the study drug”. Given that this study was manufacturer-funded, I would like to see a more detailed explanation of how it was determined that zoledronic acid played no role in raising the risk of M.I. An earlier study of a similar regimen of zoledronic acid versus placebo for treating postmenopausal osteoporosis found that serious atrial fibrillation occurred more frequently in the zoledronic acid group [P<0.001] (1). Given that we now have at least two studies demonstrating significantly increased rates of adverse cardiac outcomes with zoledronic acid infusion, the possibility that we are witnessing the emergence of a faint cardiac safety signal must be addressed by more than vague reassurances.

      1) Black DM, Delmas PD, Eastell R, Reid IR, Boonen S, Cauley JA, Cosman F, Lakatos P, Leung PC, Man Z, Mautalen C, Mesenbrink P, Hu H, Caminis J, Tong K, Rosario-Jansen T, Krasnow J, Hue TF, Sellmeyer D, Eriksen EF, Cummings SR; HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial. Once-yearly zoledronic acid for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. N Engl J Med. 2007 May 3;356(18):1809-22. PubMed PMID: 17476007

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    1. On 2014 May 21, Amanda Capes-Davis commented:

      Please be aware that the MT-1 cell line is known to be cross-contaminated with HeLa, a cervical carcinoma cell line. A database of known cross-contaminated cell lines can be found at http://iclac.org/databases/cross-contaminations/.

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    1. On 2016 Aug 16, Gerard Ridgway commented:

      See also Reimold M, 2006 for more on the effect of smoothing on localisation accuracy in statistical maps.

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    1. On 2013 Oct 31, John Cannell commented:

      The authors found markers oxidative stress is present in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). I wonder if the authors are aware that the genes for the antioxidants superoxide dismutase and thioredoxin reductase are directly up-regulated by the secosteroid 1,25 di-hydroxy vitamin D3 (calcitriol). I believe both genes also harbor a vitamin D response element.

      Peehl DM, Shinghal R, Nonn L, Seto E, Krishnan AV, Brooks JD, Feldman D. Molecular activity of 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 in primary cultures of human prostatic epithelial cells revealed by cDNA microarray analysis. J. Steroid Biochem Mol. Biol 2004;92:131–141. PMID:15555907>

      Calcitriol also directly up-regulates glutathione reductase and increases glutathione levels.

      Jain SK, et alo. Vitamin D upregulates glutamate cysteine ligase and glutathione reductase, and GSH formation, and decreases ROS and MCP-1 and IL-8 secretion in high-glucose exposed U937 monocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Jul 19;437(1):7-11. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.06.004. Jain SK, 2013

      Also, supplemental vitamin D significantly reduces oxidative stress in humans.

      Nikooyeh B, et al. Daily intake of vitamin D- or calcium-vitamin D-fortified Persian yogurt drink (doogh) attenuates diabetes-induced oxidative stress: evidence for antioxidative properties of vitamin D.J Hum Nutr Diet. 2013 Jul 5. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12142. Nikooyeh B, 2014

      Asemi Z, et al. Vitamin D supplementation affects serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, insulin resistance, and biomarkers of oxidative stress in pregnant women. J Nutr. 2013 Sep;143(9):1432-8. doi: 10.3945/jn.113.177550. Asemi Z, 2013

      Thus the vitamin D theory of ASD (vitamin D deficiency being the environmental risk factor for this highly heritable disorder) is consistent with the authors work. Three recent studies, using community controls, have found 25(OH)D levels are significantly lower in children with ASD. Two of the studies below (Mostafa et al and Gong et al) also found ASD severity, as rated on standard ASD rating scales, is inversely correlated with 25(OH)D levels. Mostafa et al found an R value of -.86 for the association of serum 25(OH)D with ASD severity.

      Gong ZL, Luo CM, Wang L, Shen L, Wei F, Tong RJ, Liu Y. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport. 2013 Oct 1. Gong ZL, 2014

      Meguid NA, Hashish AF, Anwar M, Sidhom G. Reduced serum levels of 25-hydroxy and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D in Egyptian children with autism. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jun;16(6):641-5. Meguid NA, 2010

      Mostafa GA, Al-Ayadhi LY.Reduced serum concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in children with autism: relation to autoimmunity. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Aug 17;9:201. Mostafa GA, 2012

      There is a plethora of basic science explaining why low gestational or early childhood 25(OH)D levels would adversely effect brain development.

      Eyles DW, Feron F, Cui X, Kesby JP, Harms LH, Ko P, McGrath JJ, Burne TH. Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Dec;34 Suppl 1:S247-57. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.04.015. Epub . Review. Eyles DW, 2009

      DeLuca GC, Kimball SM, Kolasinski J, Ramagopalan SV, Ebers GC. Review: the role of vitamin D in nervous system health and disease. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2013 Aug;39(5):458-84. doi: 10.1111/nan.12020. DeLuca GC, 2013

      Eyles DW, Burne TH, McGrath JJ. Vitamin D, effects on brain development, adult brain function and the links between low levels of vitamin D and neuropsychiatric disease. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2013 Jan;34(1):47-64. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Jul 11. Review. Eyles DW, 2013

      Furthermore, the vitamin D theory of autism explains most of the epidemiological facts of ASD.

      Cannell JJ. On the aetiology of autism. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Aug;99(8):1128-30. Cannell JJ, 2010

      Cannell JJ. Autism and vitamin D. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(4):750-9. Cannell JJ, 2008

      70% of American toddlers do not take the Ameri

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    1. On 2015 Nov 17, Prof.Dr.Jogenananda Pramanik commented:

      Thyroxine supplementation in solid and liquid culture of M.tb in vitro for advanced immunodiagnostic studies:

      Earlier studies using immunogenic excretory-secretory proteins as released in thyroxine supplemented culture medium of M.tb in vitro have shown to be useful for diagnosis of pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis ( 1-3 ). The current exploratory study using different fractions of the above mentioned immunogenic proteins showed higher discriminatory efficiency during diagnostic evaluation. Affinity chromatography technique proved to be more effective and less time consuming technique for higher yield of specific antigenic protein fractions compared to conventional protein purification techniques such as Salt precipitation, SDS-PAGE, cation exchange fast protein liquid chromatography(FPLC) etc. Thyroxine supplementation in L-J medium and Sauton's medium for culture of M.tb in vitro, augmented yield of excretory secretory proteins and helped to circumvent the hurdles in progress of research activities as described in the current study (4). However, molecular studies are warranted to explore the effects of thyroxine hormone on the mycobacterial protein synthetic machinery and protein products thereof. Advanced molecular studies may help us to eliminate our worries about genetic manipulation under influence of thyroxine on mycobacterial genome. In such such situation, excretory-secretory protein structures, patterns of protein folding etc., may not be the same and immunogenic properties may change if not evolve to a novel one.

      Prof.Dr.J.Pramanik.MD Professor Faculty of Medicine Lincoln University College, Malaysia.


      1. Pramanik.J et al.,Increased yield of excretory-secretory antigen with thyroxine supplement in in vitro culture of tubercle bacilli.Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 1997 Oct; 44(4): 185-90
      2. Pramanik.J et al.,Detection of tubercular antibody and antigen in sera of bone and joint tuberculosis: Indian J Clin Biochem. 2000 Aug; 15(1): 22–28.doi: 10.1007/BF02873543,PMCID: PMC3453540. 3.Lodam A.N., Pramanik J.,Reddy M.V.R. et al.,Diagnostic potential of fractionated Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra excretory—secretory (EST-DE1) antigen in pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian. J. Clin. Biochem. 1997;12(1):71–77
      3. Nair ER et al.,Isolation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 31 kDa antigen protein of diagnostic interest from culture filtrate using anti-ES-31 antibody by affinity chromatography. Indian J Clin Biochem. 2001 Jan;16(1):132-5. doi: 10.1007/BF02867583.

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    1. On 2016 Nov 01, Torsten Seemann commented:

      The software has moved to Github: https://github.com/alexdobin/STAR

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    2. On 2013 Nov 01, Stephen Turner commented:

      Aligning RNA-seq data is challenging because reads can overlap splice junctions. Many other RNA-seq alignment algorithms (e.g. Tophat) are built on top of DNA sequence aligners. STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) is a standalone RNA-seq alignment algorithm that uses uncompressed suffix arrays and a mapping algorithm similar to those used in large-scale genome alignment tools to align RNA-seq reads to a genomic reference. STAR is over 50 times faster than any other previously published RNA-seq aligner, and outperforms other aligners in both sensitivity and specificity using both simulated and real (replicated) RNA-seq data. The notable increase in speed comes at the price of a larger memory requirement. STAR requires ~27GB RAM to align reads to a human genome - a moderate amount, but not atypical on most modern servers. STAR aligns ~45 million paired reads per hour per processor. Notably, the STAR algorithm is also capable of handling longer reads such as those from PacBio SMRT and forthcoming nanopore technologies. STAR is free and open source software.

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    1. On 2014 Mar 12, George W Hinkal commented:


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    2. On 2014 Feb 27, George W Hinkal commented:

      The National Cancer Institute has been investing in the development of an online webportal of curated cancer nanotechnology data called caNanoLab. The numerical data, nanomaterial characterizations and composition information for the ten nanoparticles related to this publication have been added to the database and can be found at:











      The left navigation links on these pages provide information about each sample (under Navigation Tree).

      For general information on how to use caNanoLab, please visit https://cananolab.nci.nih.gov/caNanoLab/home.jsp

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    1. On 2016 Dec 22, Peter Good commented:

      New insights into studying fever’s dramatic benefit were recently published online at Clinical Nutrition ESPEN: "Simplifying study of fever’s dramatic relief of autistic behavior". Instead of studying only how fever helps, it recommends studying how autistic behavior returns soon after fever. All the complex mechanisms that generated fever have abated or reversed; simpler cooling mechanisms prevail. How many plausible explanations can there be?

      It also recommends studying improvements appearing hours before fever’s onset, and improvements persisting days after fever subsides – when stress and heat of brain imaging will be minimal. A scan as autistic behavior returns will be more stressful – but most revealing. Studying fever’s benefit in phases also invites triangulation of decisive factors in relief and recurrence. The full-text PDF can be downloaded at <www.autismstudies.net>

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    2. On 2015 Oct 07, Peter Good commented:

      Report of a ‘single case clinical trial’ of citrulline for ASD. Glutamine is immediate precursor of citrulline, a (usually) nonprotein amino acid like taurine. Citrulline is immediate precursor of arginine, a protein amino acid most critical as substrate for nitric oxide, primary vasodilator in the brain and body.

      After learning that most ingested arginine is taken up by the liver, whereas citrulline bypasses the liver and forms arginine in the kidneys, increasing systemic arginine [Romero MJ, 2006] I replaced 2g/day of arginine I’d been taking for a year with 2–4g/day of citrulline in two doses – before breakfast (fasted state) and several hours after breakfast or lunch (between meals). After five months of 2–4g/day of citrulline (plus 2–4g of taurine), I’ve concluded:

      Considerable evidence argues the brain hemispheres of autistic children are chronically isolated and atypically asymmetric in anatomy, function, neurochemistry, and blood flow. Low brain blood flow in hyperexcitable children is especially anomalous – suggesting failure of neurovascular coupling from lack of nitric oxide, the primary vasodilator, or its substrate arginine. Is too much arginine taken up by the liver to detoxify ammonia? One test is oral citrulline, which bypasses the liver and forms arginine in the kidneys, increasing systemic arginine. Replacing 2g/day of oral arginine with 2–4g/day oral citrulline (+ 2–4g taurine) evoked spontaneous speech, calmed anxiety, and enhanced focus and planning – left hemisphere attributes. Evidence that glutathione sustains release of nitric oxide prompted addition of undenatured whey protein for glutathione precursors. Evidence that glutathione also matures myelin argues glutathione depletion is a key mechanism in autism – keeping myelin immature, brain hemispheres isolated, and brain blood flow low. Is autism reversible?

      Was my trial of citrulline too subjective? My best evidence is spontaneous speech. I rarely notice right away I’m reading or thinking aloud; in other words, I hear myself speaking, I didn’t intend to. Who is speaking?

      My citrulline trial was recently mentioned at Cortical Chauvinism http://corticalchauvinism.com/2015/10/04/peter-good-a-single-case-clinical-trial-with-citrulline/ with a link to a more comprehensive explanation of citrulline’s potential as a remedy for autistic disorders (and the need for glutathione) Chronic neurochemical asymmetry and dysconnection in autism. Implications of a personal trial of citrulline + taurine at: http://www.autismstudies.net

      Peter Good Autism Studies La Pine, OR autismstudies1@gmail.com

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    3. On 2015 Jun 21, Peter Good commented:

      At the 7th International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) pediatric neurologist Andrew Zimmerman and colleagues presented parents’ reports of dramatic improvements of their child’s autistic behavior during fever [1]. These reports were spontaneous responses to their study published the previous year (2007) confirming fever’s benefit in 30 children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) [Curran LK, 2007]. A few parents reported improvements in a sauna, steam room, or hot tub/bath – rare events. A single sentence on their IMFAR poster lay dormant: “Improvements were reported both during and prior to the onset of fever.” The first formal report of improvements of autistic behavior before fever – a critical clue to the phenomenon.

      Zimmerman summarized parents’ anecdotal reports of improvements before fever [3]: “My impression has been that those children who improve before the appearance of fever are those who also have the most striking improvements overall during fever (and are more likely to have enduring effects after fever subsides), possibly 10% of those who have the ‘fever effect’. The ‘fever effect’ may be more common than we realize because there are different gradations of the responses. Also, the improvements in social relatedness and language may then be obscured by sickness behavior during the illness and are subject to a ‘threshold effect’ (i.e. caregiver recognition).” Zimmerman suggested a low grade fever might explain early benefits. “It is usually a period of hours [up to 6–8] when benefits are seen before fever is recognized. . . . Unfortunately we do not have clinical data to support these observations.”

      Parents and practitioners have known for decades that fever often relieves a child’s autistic behavior dramatically, and rarely aggravates. It’s also known that improvements in some children persist days after fever breaks, although improvements in most children subside when fever does. Is there a temperature-independent mechanism and a temperature-dependent one? The temperature-dependent mechanism may simply be fever increasing brain metabolism and blood flow – consistently low in these children. The temperature-independent mechanism may be release of free glutamine from skeletal muscles for anabolic responses to infection.

      Why would glutamine relieve autistic behavior? Glutamine is precursor (via citrulline) of arginine – required to detoxify ammonia to urea in the liver, synthesize the ATP-transporter creatine, and only substrate for the vasodilator nitric oxide. Ammonia is often high in these children from intestinal bacteria and yeast, yet plasma glutamine is consistently low and brain glutamine often low. Arginine required to detoxify ammonia may deplete arginine as substrate for brain nitric oxide and creatine. Most dietary arginine is taken up by the liver. Because citrulline bypasses the liver and becomes arginine in the kidneys, oral citrulline may be a better source of arginine for brain nitric oxide and creatine than arginine itself.

      For further evidence and citations, see A critical clue to fever’s dramatic relief of autistic behavior at www.autismstudies.net.

      1. Zimmerman AW, Connors SW, Curran LK. Fever in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs): spontaneous reports. Poster presented at the 7th International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) London 2008 https://imfar.confex.com/imfar/2008/webprogram/Paper2529.html

      2. Curran LK, Newschaffer CJ, Lee LC, Crawford SO, Johnston MV, Zimmerman AW. Behaviors associated with fever in children with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics 2007;120:e1386–e1392.

      3. Zimmerman A (MD). Personal communication 2014.

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    1. On 2015 Dec 22, Christopher Southan commented:

      GtoPdb is most recently described in the 2016 NAR Database issue http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26464438

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    2. On 2014 Nov 19, Helen E Benson commented:

      All content from IUPHAR-DB is now available via the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology (GtoPdb). Our original database now redirects to the new site.

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    1. On 2014 Jan 29, Amanda Capes-Davis commented:

      KB cells are widely used as a model for multidrug resistance. However, users need to be aware that these cells are NOT oral squamous cell carcinoma. The KB cell line is known to be cross-contaminated with HeLa. For a list of known cross-contaminated or misidentified cell lines, see http://iclac.org/databases/cross-contaminations/.

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    1. On 2014 Dec 10, Kath Wright commented:

      Other search filters are available from the InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group Search Filter Resource at https://sites.google.com/a/york.ac.uk/issg-search-filters-resource/home

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    1. On 2014 Nov 26, Matthew Katz commented:

      The EORTC and SWOG trials demonstrate that radiation can improve biochemical and disease control after prostatectomy. However, it's still unclear whether it's best to wait for early 'salvage' therapy in proven PSA recurrence or to act immediately after surgery.

      Future studies will be helpful for risk stratification and better patient selection. But given the low morbidity of radiotherapy after surgery, it's worthwhile discussing the pros/cons of postoperative radiation in the adjuvant setting or if the PSA begins to rise in the future.

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    1. On 2015 Aug 29, Rafael Najmanovich commented:

      Beyond the fact that homeopathy to be true would invalidate most of what we know of physics and chemistry it begs an answer to the issue below that Tim Minchin sings:

      "It's a miracle! Take physics and bin it! Water has memory! And while it's memory of a long lost drop of onion juice is Infinite It somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!"

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    2. On 2015 Mar 09, Dana Ullman commented:

      Jim Woodgett's comment is very typical of skeptics of homeopathy. First, homeopaths do not manufacturer their own homeopathic drugs, just as conventional physicians are not "drug manufacturers."

      The researchers at India's Institute of Technology (IIT)(none of which were homeopaths) used standard homeopathic manufacturing methods to make the six different medicines, and using three different types of spectroscopy, the researchers found nanoparticles of each of the original medicines in the final solutions, despite dilutions of 1:100 six times, 30 times, and 200 times (with the typical 40 vigorous succussions/shakings of the solutions in-between each dilution).

      Woodgett and his ilk are very humorous in suggesting that homeopathic medicines are "contaminated" with the precise "medicine" that was placed in the original water solution and that is listed on the label of the drug.

      It is helpful when skeptics of homeopathy expose their ignorance of the subject in which they vigorously attack, and it is additionally typical that they maintain a deep arrogance despite their ignorance (this is a poor combination of characteristics for those of us who are truly interested in maintaining a good and healthy scientific attitude). What is worse is that Woodgett and his ilk are trying to defend "science" but are not modeling a good scientific aptitude themselves.

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    3. On 2015 Mar 09, Jim Woodgett commented:

      It is quite bewildering that this hypothesis and study was ever published. It basically suggests that homeopaths, in preparing dilutions, do an incredibly lousy job of this simple task. The inherent flaws include:

      1. There is no evidence that general homeopaths adhere to the very strict and unusual procedural limitations of pipetting at the meniscus as required here or allow sufficient time for the "nanoparticles" to "levitate" to that fraction for each of the 200 times the 100 fold dilutions are made.

      2. The "levitation" process must be equivalent for all homeopathic ingredients (i.e. they must have the same physico-chemical properties regardless of composition).

      3. There is clearly no means to reliably predict the effect of 200 serial dilutions if the dilution factor is variable.

      4. This could be devastating if there was indeed a single virus particle in the final potion (e.g. Ebola). In essence, such a preparation would be an infectious agent.

      5. Why do homeopaths claim that higher dilutions are stronger than lower dilutions?

      The American Chemical Society is truly embarrassing itself in publishing such a terrible study, which is being referred to by practitioning homeopaths to support their beliefs: https://twitter.com/HomeopathicDana/status/574934072511746049

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    1. On 2014 Nov 25, Harri Hemila commented:

      Novotny JA, 2012 studied vitamin E kinetics and proposed that the requirement for vitamin E may be lower than previously assumed. However, the study was restricted to just 12 healthy participants who were on average 27 years old. It is not obvious that the metabolism of vitamin E remains constant over the life span, and over various lifestyle and health conditions. Furthermore, the study of concentrations and half-lives teaches us little if anything about the relationship between doses and clinical effects.

      In clinical outcomes, the effects of vitamin E depend on age and lifestyle conditions. In the large-scale ATBC Study with 29,133 participants, the effects of 50 mg/day vitamin E on common cold incidence diverged at about 65 years Hemilä H, 2006, DOI. Vitamin E had no effect on younger people, but depending on the smoking level and residential neighborhood, it decreased or increased the incidence of colds in the older participants. Furthermore, vitamin E decreased pneumonia risk by 69% in men who had the least exposure to smoking and exercised during their leisure time, but increased pneumonia risk by 79% in those who had the highest exposure to smoking and did not exercise, whereas vitamin E did not differ from the placebo in the remaining participants Hemilä H, 2011, DOI. Apart from smoking and exercise, the effect of vitamin E on pneumonia risk was also modified by weight and dietary vitamin C intake Hemilä H, 2008, DOI. Finally, among the ATBC Study participants with a dietary vitamin C intake above the median, vitamin E increased mortality by 19% in those aged 50–62 years, whereas it decreased mortality by 41% in those aged 66–69 years Hemilä H, 2009, DOI. For each of these three clinical outcomes very strong statistical evidence showed that the effect of vitamin E supplementation was heterogeneous over the ATBC Study participants.

      Median dietary vitamin E intake in the ATBC Study, Anonymous, 1994 was 10 mg/day. Although the abovementioned analyses indicate that some subpopulations benefit from vitamin E in doses higher than the median intake, the ATBC Study does not teach us about dose dependency in those subpopulations. Similarly, there were harmful effects in other subpopulations, but here too we do not know at which dose levels the harm started to appear since only one level of vitamin E supplementation was used.

      Nevertheless, the substantial heterogeneity in the effects of the constant dose vitamin E supplementation on the clinical outcomes indicates that its metabolism probably varies by the same factors that modify its effects on clinical outcomes. Therefore, Novotny et al.s kinetic findings with 12 young adults should not be extrapolated to the whole adult population, over all ages and over all diverse lifestyle conditions.

      Novotny et al. assume that a vitamin E plasma concentration of 12 μmol/L is ideal, and they estimate that a dietary intake of 4 mg/day may be sufficient to maintain such a plasma concentration in all adults. However, Novotny et al. do not present any evidence that 12 μmol/L is the ideal level for clinically relevant outcomes. As described above, the ATBC Study indicates that some subpopulations may benefit from additional vitamin E even though their median dietary intake was 10 mg/day. Therefore, 4 mg/day is insufficient for them if the abovementioned clinical outcomes are used as the basis for evaluating the best doses of vitamin E. Although the ATBC Study analyses do not teach us what the ideal doses of vitamin E are, they indicate that there cannot be a single best dose for all adults. Thus, the significant heterogeneity in the effects of vitamin E on clinical outcomes indicates that estimating a single recommended dose for all adult people may be ill advised.

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    1. On 2016 Jan 31, Hamid Salehiniya commented:

      Dear Dr Khosravi

      Telemedicine is an important issue in all the world, especially in developing country, so we need more research and information on this field(Barriers to telemedicine).

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    1. On 2013 Oct 31, John Cannell commented:

      The authors reported that immune system dysregulation is common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD”. Vitamin D deficiency produces very similar immune dysregulation.

      Prietl B, 2013

      Kamen DL, 2010

      Yang CY, 2013

      Baeke F, 2010

      Thus the vitamin D theory of ASD (vitamin D deficiency being the environmental risk factor for this highly heritable disorder) is consistent with the authors work. Three recent studies, using community controls, have found 25(OH)D levels are significantly lower in children with ASD. Two of the studies below (Mostafa et al and Gong et al) also found ASD severity, as rated on standard ASD rating scales, is inversely correlated with 25(OH)D levels. Mostafa et al found an R value of -.86 for the association of serum 25(OH)D with ASD severity.

      Gong ZL, Luo CM, Wang L, Shen L, Wei F, Tong RJ, Liu Y. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport. 2013 Oct 1. Gong ZL, 2014

      Meguid NA, Hashish AF, Anwar M, Sidhom G. Reduced serum levels of 25-hydroxy and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D in Egyptian children with autism. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jun;16(6):641-5. Meguid NA, 2010

      Mostafa GA, Al-Ayadhi LY.Reduced serum concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in children with autism: relation to autoimmunity. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Aug 17;9:201. Mostafa GA, 2012

      There is a plethora of basic science explaining why low gestational or early childhood 25(OH)D levels would adversely effect brain development.

      Eyles DW, Feron F, Cui X, Kesby JP, Harms LH, Ko P, McGrath JJ, Burne TH. Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Dec;34 Suppl 1:S247-57. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.04.015. Epub . Review. Eyles DW, 2009

      DeLuca GC, Kimball SM, Kolasinski J, Ramagopalan SV, Ebers GC. Review: the role of vitamin D in nervous system health and disease. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2013 Aug;39(5):458-84. doi: 10.1111/nan.12020. DeLuca GC, 2013

      Eyles DW, Burne TH, McGrath JJ. Vitamin D, effects on brain development, adult brain function and the links between low levels of vitamin D and neuropsychiatric disease. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2013 Jan;34(1):47-64. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Jul 11. Review. Eyles DW, 2013

      Furthermore, the vitamin D theory of autism explains most of the epidemiological facts of ASD.

      Cannell JJ. On the aetiology of autism. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Aug;99(8):1128-30. Cannell JJ, 2010

      Cannell JJ. Autism and vitamin D. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(4):750-9. Cannell JJ, 2008

      70% of American toddlers do not take the American Pediatric Association's recommended vitamin D supplement of 400 IU/day and few toddlers or pregnant women get any sunshine due to the sun scare. As vitamin D fortified milk consumption and sun exposure has declined, so have toddlers and pregnant women’s vitamin D levels. The dramatic increase in the incidence of ASD occurred during the same time vitamin D levels were falling in toddlers and pregnant women.

      Cannell JJ. Autism, will vitamin D treat core symptoms? Medical Hypotheses. 2013 Aug;81(2):195-8. Cannell JJ, 2013

      Some autism researchers seem cognizant of the entire body of autism research. For example, a group of well-known European ASD researchers, including Professor Christopher Gillberg of the Gillberg Neuropsychiatric Institute, have recently called for the need for “urgent research” into the vitamin D deficiency theory of ASD.

      Kočovská E, Fernell E, Billstedt E, Minnis H, Gillberg C. Vitamin D and autism: clinical review. Res Dev Disabil. 2012 Sep-Oct;33(5):1541-50. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2012.02.015. Epub 2012 Apr 21.Kočovská E, 2012

      Until all autism researchers become cognizant of the wider body of scientific research, we will continue to wonder how to prevent - and perhaps even treat - this modern day plague.

      John J Cannell, MD

      Vitamin D Council


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    1. On 2016 Mar 22, Christopher Grefen commented:

      rBiFC vector maps and sequences can be downloaded from my webpage.

      I have prepared this little "How-to guide" for primer design of 2in1 Entry vectors; it can be accessed here.

      For any other questions or vector requests, feel free to contact me via email: christopher.grefen@uni-tuebingen.de

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    1. On 2016 Mar 18, ZHONGMING ZHAO commented:

      My lab recently moved to the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The web site for this database is now available at https://bioinfo.uth.edu/TSGene1.0/.

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    1. On 2013 Jul 01, Dita Gratzinger commented:

      This important study evaluates the performance characteristics of morphologic classification of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) according to the currently-used World Health Organization (WHO) 2008 criteria. Importantly, while moderate agreement was observed overall, significant areas of poor concordance included erythroid dysplasia and percentage of circulating blasts. The latter is particularly important given the impact of small changes in peripheral blood blast percentage on MDS category as per WHO 2008 criteria: a hypothetical patient with 3% bone marrow blasts and multilineage dysplasia would be classified as refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia if she had 0.5% circulating blasts, myelodysplastic syndrome-unclassified if she had 1% circulating blasts, and refractory anemia with excess blasts-1 if she had 1.5% circulating blasts. It is possible that a 500 cell, rather than 200 cell, differential count would be helpful in increasing concordance in instances where circulating blasts are present, although even a low rate of miscalls could still result in discordance when such small changes in percentage result in reclassification.

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    1. On 2013 Oct 29, Tom Kindlon commented:

      Pacing is another therapeutic option available for chronic fatigue syndrome

      In this article, the authors state that there is substantial evidence for two treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET). However, the findings rely largely on a limited number of subjective measures: this is significant given trials of these therapies are effectively non-blinded and thus changes may be due to non-specific factors such as therapist attention and other reporting biases.

      For example, the review highlighted the positive results for CBT and GET reported in a large randomized controlled trial (RCT).<sup>1</sup> However, on the only objective measure reported in that paper, the six minute walking test, there was no significant difference between the CBT group and controls. The participants who completed GET did improve somewhat (35 m more than controls); however 379 m remains a very poor result given age- and gender-matched population norms predict around 640 m.<sup>2</sup> By comparison, a review reported an average distance of 393 m for 1083 patients with various cardiopulmonary disorders.<sup>3</sup>

      Comparable results were found in a review of three RCTs of CBT interventions aimed at increasing activity. While participants recorded lower fatigue scores compared to controls, no difference emerged when activity was objectively assessed.<sup>4</sup> Apart from some people simply deteriorating, two other explanations are possible for these somewhat paradoxical results. Participants may not have consistently performed the scheduled activities and exercises in the protocol. Alternatively, participants may be reprioritizing their activities, substituting those in the protocol for other activities in their daily lives.<sup>2</sup> Compliance has generally not been recorded in trials but both explanations are plausible given that post-exertional exacerbation of symptoms is a core feature of CFS.

      More concerning, various patient surveys have noted high percentages reporting becoming worse following CBT (mean: 20%, n=1805) and GET (mean: 51%, n=4338).<sup>2</sup> By comparison, only 2.6% (n=5894) reported such an adverse effect with pacing. The sample size indicates that many people with CFS have utilised pacing. Patient preference is increasingly recognised as important in clinical practice and pacing offers an alternative to CBT and GET that, among other things, is potentially safer.<sup>2,5</sup>

      Pacing can be symptom or time-contingent, or a combination of both.<sup>6</sup> The aim is simply to remain as active as possible while avoiding over-exertion. This contrasts with CBT and GET where patients are encouraged to tolerate post-exertional exacerbations. Although not as widely tested as CBT and GET, there is some evidence from RCTs for pacing’s efficacy.<sup>6</sup>


      1 White PD, Goldsmith KA, Johnson AL, et al.; PACE trial management group. Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial. Lancet. 2011;377(9768):823-836.

      2 Kindlon T. Reporting of Harms Associated with Graded Exercise Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Bulletin of IACFS/ME. 2011;19(2):59-111. http://iacfsme.org/BULLETINFALL2011/Fall2011KindlonHarmsPaperABSTRACT/tabid/501/Default.aspx (Last accessed: November 11, 2012)

      3 Ross RM, Murthy JN, Wollak ID, Jackson AS. The six minute walk test accurately estimates mean peak oxygen uptake. BMC Pulm Med. 2010 May 26;10:31.

      4 Wiborg JF, Knoop H, Stulemeijer M, Prins JB, Bleijenberg G. How does cognitive behaviour therapy reduce fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome? The role of physical activity. Psychol Med. 2010;40(8):1281-7.

      5 Mulley AG, Trimble C, Elwyn G. Stop the silent misdiagnosis: patients’ preferences matter. BMJ. 2012;345:e6572

      6 Goudsmit EM, Nijs

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    1. On 2013 Jun 18, Jonathan Dugan commented:

      This work describes ongoing efforts that are closely related to current efforts here at PLOS Labs looking at open, structured methods and tools to evaluate published works by peers.

      I thought the section on "Providing Appropriate Incentives" was both an excellent review of the issues there, and the most important part to getting next generation evaluations to occur. Specifically, "there simply isn't any meaningful incentive to contribute" is a core issue in both the issues with current peer review, and with other novel new systems for peer evaluation.

      In terms of what happens to traditional pre-publication review, it's my opinion that the existing peer review process is essential for fair reputation management in the professional work of researchers - and our work on this problem is predicated on a hybrid model that preserves 'peer review' in its current form for the foreseeable future. Any future situation around evaluation that "might ultimately obviate the need for conventional journals" would need to be predicated on Internet-scale identity systems and significantly robust and resilient professional reputation systems that are far from being produced at this point. Many issues exist in both identity and reputation online that are unsolved and will likely require changes in the expectation of researchers and the public (think generations of people) in these core concepts before online systems will be successful. A new system that "obviates" peer review would need to be measurably and obviously better for science and for researchers using the system. The hybrid model referred to in the paper with novel methods working beside existing publishers using journals to encode professional reputation using peer review has many extremely positive points in how it works.

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    1. On 2014 Jan 15, Satoko Hattori commented:

      "ImageLD", "ImageEP", and "ImageTM", image analysis application softwares used in this article, are now freely available from http://www.mouse-phenotype.org/software.html.

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    1. On 2013 Oct 27, Graham Coop commented:

      This article goes a long way towards demonstrating that the higher genetic similarity between Eurasians and Neandertals is due to recent admixture rather than deep population structure. Back when it appeared as a preprint I wrote a blog post discussing some of the scenarios that the authors' results couldn't distinguish between; i.e. whether the source of the recent gene flow was in fact Neandertal, or another population related to Neandertals. I thought I'd post a link to the post on Haldane's sieve, I've also placed the blog post on figshare to establish a permanent, citable copy of it. The figshare version is here.

      My understanding is that the Reich group has now addressed these alternative hypotheses, so it is great to see this moving forward.

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    1. On 2014 Jul 27, David Keller commented:

      A prokinetic agent with a similar mechanism of action, cisapride, was withdrawn from the U.S. market due to its side-effect of electrocardiographic QT interval prolongation, which increases the risk of an often-fatal heart arrhythmia called torsade de pointes. Therefore, it is pertinent to ask what effect, if any, mosapride may have on the QT interval or other parameters of the ECG. In at least one animal model, the answer appears reassuring, with no QT prolongation noted.(1)


      1: Endo J, Nomura M, Morishita S, Uemura N, Inoue S, Kishi S, Kawaguchi R, Iga A, Ito S, Nakaya Y. Influence of mosapride citrate on gastric motility and autonomic nervous function: evaluation by spectral analyses of heart rate and blood pressure variabilities, and by electrogastrography. J Gastroenterol. 2002;37(11):888-95. PubMed PMID: 12483243.

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    1. On 2013 Jun 13, Julia Salzman commented:

      This is an intriguing and provocative study especially given the excerpt below. More controls and more data would be very interesting. For example, could the authors use Sanger or NGS to show that the detected XY DNA in the maternal brain had SNPs or other markers that identified the DNA as coming from their sons?

      "Regarding the relationship between pregnancy history and Mc prevalence, five of nine subjects who were known to have at least one son harbored male Mc in at least one of their brain regions (Table S3). All positive individuals had AD; among the negatives were three with AD and one without neurologic disease. One of two women without history of having sons was also positive for male Mc in her brain and without neurologic disease; the negative individual had AD."

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    1. On 2013 Jun 30, Jonathan Eisen commented:

      A blog post describing some more detail about this paper by Russell Neches (one of the authors) is available here http://phylogenomics.blogspot.com/2012/11/story-behind-paper-functional.html

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    1. On 2016 Apr 09, Lydia Maniatis commented:

      For comments (and author reply) on the craziness of the claim of "orientation averaging" go here: https://pubpeer.com/publications/62E7CB814BC0299FBD4726BE07EA69

      Additional craziness (based on conventional visual psychophysics wisdom):

      "The voluntary averaging paradigm assumes that we perceive identical samples as slightly different due to noisy sample estimates (i.e. internal noise) and therefore have to average them to find a group estimate." And the contradiction: "However, voluntarily averaging different samples is a demanding task, and we can easily imagine that observers might see no reason to average samples that appear to be identical. Indeed, we do not often perceive identically oriented Gabors as having slightly different orientations except when their signal strength is weak (with brief or noisy presentation. [No citation for this last]. Indeed, we even perceive slightly different orientations as being identical (Morgan et al 2008). This could be due to a thresholding mechanism preventing us from perceiving our internal noise...."

      A few things are worth noting. First, the authors seem to be claiming both that the samples don't look identical ("we perceive identical samples as slightly different") and that they do look identical "we do not often perceive identically oriented Gabors as having slightly different orientations." Which is it? Second, the fact that identical samples look identical in no way interferes with the authors "noise" belief system. They just explain it away on the basis of "a thresholding mechanism." But the noise paradigm, aside from being arbitrary, falls at the mere hint of a logical breeze.

      Some things that should be taken into consideration: Some orientations are perceived with more precision than others (vertical, horizontal); we don't perceive orientation averages (see link above for discussion); differences in orientation in a field of oriented objects are subject to pop-out effects, not averaging effects.

      The casual attitude towards assumptions that I've commented on frequently is of course on display here too: "This function is typically used [so it must be right] to quantify the averaging efficiency...and, based on the averaging model, this efficiency is assumed [in psychophysics, we can assume anything we want, whether Teller (1984) https://pubpeer.com/publications/70EEEA9EF5D6A4AE003C4559D2832C likes it or not] to be the same in low noise."

      How many psychophysicists can dance on the head of a pin? I'm sure there's a model for that.

      Also: It seems rather strange at first that there was a condition in which people's (supposed) estimation of “average orientation” was better for the case of four patches versus one patch. We can make sense of this if we consider the authors' methods and some of the conclusions of Solomon, May and Tyler (2015) (commented on also in the link above).

      First, the location of the single patch in the periphery was both brief and unpredictable. This unpredictability was designed to avoid saccades to the object.

      Second, Solomon, May and Tyler (2015) concluded that the observers were “averaging” one or two patches (because there's really no such thing as an orientation averaging percept). It's a little bit of a stretch to refer to an average of a single one out of a group of patches.

      Now, in the single patch condition, it takes a little time to locate and focus attention on the single relevant object. In the four patch condition, the observer could already be focussed on any of the four locations, and base their response on that, perhaps they'd also have time to attend to a second one. Since they don't really consider more than one or two anyway, knowing where the patches are going to appear is an advantage, and explains the paradox.

      The proper control (assuming the experiment had been worth doing in the first place) would have been to make the four-patch condition locations unpredictable as well. But instead, the authors contrive a strained interpretation in terms of orientation averaging in one “process” vs no orientation averaging in another.

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    1. On 2014 Aug 27, Jim Woodgett commented:

      Non-competitive (with regard to ATP) inhibitors are an important addition to the arsenal of GSK-3 inhibitors (like TDZD). However, it should be noted that this analysis did not test GSK-3alpha (a highly structurally related kinase to GSK-3beta and the docking to the crystal structure was performed in silicon with no mutational verification. These pilot compounds are likely to be similarly potent against GSK-3alpha (as is TDZD and essentially all other small molecule GSK-3 inhibitors).

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    1. On 2016 May 10, Morten Oksvold commented:

      Please pay attention to the following report from ORI (Office of Research Integrity) before reading this article:


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    1. On 2013 Oct 31, John Cannell commented:

      The authors stated that markers of oxidative stress are present in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). I wonder if the authors are aware that the genes for the antioxidants superoxide dismutase and thioredoxin reductase are directly up-regulated by the secosteroid 1,25 di-hydroxy vitamin D3 (calcitriol). I believe both genes also harbor a vitamin D response element.

      Peehl DM, Shinghal R, Nonn L, Seto E, Krishnan AV, Brooks JD, Feldman D. Molecular activity of 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 in primary cultures of human prostatic epithelial cells revealed by cDNA microarray analysis. J. Steroid Biochem Mol. Biol 2004;92:131–141. PMID:15555907>

      Calcitriol also directly up-regulates glutathione reductase and increases glutathione levels.

      Jain SK, et alo. Vitamin D upregulates glutamate cysteine ligase and glutathione reductase, and GSH formation, and decreases ROS and MCP-1 and IL-8 secretion in high-glucose exposed U937 monocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Jul 19;437(1):7-11. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.06.004. Jain SK, 2013

      Also, supplemental vitamin D significantly reduces oxidative stress in humans.

      Nikooyeh B, et al. Daily intake of vitamin D- or calcium-vitamin D-fortified Persian yogurt drink (doogh) attenuates diabetes-induced oxidative stress: evidence for antioxidative properties of vitamin D.J Hum Nutr Diet. 2013 Jul 5. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12142. Nikooyeh B, 2014

      Asemi Z, et al. Vitamin D supplementation affects serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, insulin resistance, and biomarkers of oxidative stress in pregnant women. J Nutr. 2013 Sep;143(9):1432-8. doi: 10.3945/jn.113.177550. Asemi Z, 2013

      Thus the vitamin D theory of ASD (vitamin D deficiency being the environmental risk factor for this highly heritable disorder) is consistent with the authors work. Three recent studies, using community controls, have found 25(OH)D levels are significantly lower in children with ASD. Two of the studies below (Mostafa et al and Gong et al) also found ASD severity, as rated on standard ASD rating scales, is inversely correlated with 25(OH)D levels. Mostafa et al found an R value of -.86 for the association of serum 25(OH)D with ASD severity.

      Gong ZL, Luo CM, Wang L, Shen L, Wei F, Tong RJ, Liu Y. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport. 2013 Oct 1. Gong ZL, 2014

      Meguid NA, Hashish AF, Anwar M, Sidhom G. Reduced serum levels of 25-hydroxy and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D in Egyptian children with autism. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jun;16(6):641-5. Meguid NA, 2010

      Mostafa GA, Al-Ayadhi LY.Reduced serum concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D in children with autism: relation to autoimmunity. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Aug 17;9:201. Mostafa GA, 2012

      There is a plethora of basic science explaining why low gestational or early childhood 25(OH)D levels would adversely effect brain development.

      Eyles DW, Feron F, Cui X, Kesby JP, Harms LH, Ko P, McGrath JJ, Burne TH. Developmental vitamin D deficiency causes abnormal brain development. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Dec;34 Suppl 1:S247-57. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.04.015. Epub . Review. Eyles DW, 2009

      DeLuca GC, Kimball SM, Kolasinski J, Ramagopalan SV, Ebers GC. Review: the role of vitamin D in nervous system health and disease. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2013 Aug;39(5):458-84. doi: 10.1111/nan.12020. DeLuca GC, 2013

      Eyles DW, Burne TH, McGrath JJ. Vitamin D, effects on brain development, adult brain function and the links between low levels of vitamin D and neuropsychiatric disease. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2013 Jan;34(1):47-64. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Jul 11. Review. Eyles DW, 2013

      Furthermore, the vitamin D theory of autism explains most of the epidemiological facts of ASD.

      Cannell JJ. On the aetiology of autism. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Aug;99(8):1128-30. Cannell JJ, 2010

      Cannell JJ. Autism and vitamin D. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(4):750-9. Cannell JJ, 2008

      70% of American toddlers do not take

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    1. On 2013 Jun 29, Andries Zijlstra commented:

      The authors have also published a definitive review that defines the contribution of cell migration to tumor progression and metastasis. PMID: 21664937

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    1. On 2013 Nov 12, Lillian Kenner commented:

      In a quest to biochemically characterize the Zuo1 protein’s dual role of regulating transcriptional activation and folding of nascent polypeptides via its association with the ribosome, the functional role of the conformational heterogeneity of this protein is explored. Zuo1, a co-chaperone of Hsp70, consists of an RNA-binding domain and an autoinhibited 4 helix bundle located at the C-terminal domain (CTD). Here the authors show that upon unfolding of the CTD of Zuo1, Zuo1 dissociation from the ribosome and subsequently activating of the transcription factor Pdr1.

      This paper highlights the multiple functional states sampled by Zuo1, by the novel concept that regulation can be achieved by an equilibrium of protein folding and unfolding. It also establishes that there is a feedback mechanism initiated from Zuo1’s primary role in translation to regulate transcriptional activity. The authors state that though they are among the first to establish signalling through an unfolding mechanism, they are not the first group to find a link between ribosomal associated proteins and transcriptional regulators.

      There are still plenty of questions that could be followed up on. What would cause the unfolding necessary for activation of Prd1? And by what mechanism does this unfolding lead to dissociation from the ribosome? Though this is briefly addressed in the paper by saying that based on thermal unfolding measurements they calculate the CTD to be unfolded 4% of the time, or that perhaps that unfolding is caused by another binding partner.

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    1. On 2014 Mar 19, Patrice Brassard commented:

      We are interested in the study by Schramm et al. (1) on a relationship between the incidence of sepsis-associated delirium (SAD) and cerebral autoregulation. Cerebral autoregulation was found impaired one day after the diagnosis of sepsis and several patients developed SAD (after four days). SAD was attributed to the impaired cerebral autoregulation detected on day 1 suggesting that impaired dynamic cerebral autoregulation might trigger SAD. As mentioned by the authors, PaCO2 levels were at the upper normal range and increased from day 1 to 4. We consider that these high PaCO2 levels could have impaired dynamic cerebral autoregulation in these patients.

      The reason for that consideration is that we (2) and others (3) studied systemic hemodynamics, cerebral blood flow velocity, and dynamic cerebral autoregulation (by transfer function analysis) in healthy volunteers before and after an endotoxin bolus, which represents a model for evaluation of the systemic inflammatory response including vasodilatation (2) without the SAD-associated altered microcirculation. In these healthy volunteers, in whom cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2 seemed intact, endotoxemia was associated with reduced PaCO2 and cerebral perfusion and, in contrast to the patients studied by Schramm et al. (1), with enhanced dynamic cerebral autoregulation. Cerebral autoregulation depends critically on PaCO2 (4-6) and it may be that in septic patients a low PaCO2 would maintain (dynamic) cerebral autoregulation and in turn delay the development of SAD.

      Patrice Brassard (a) Yu-Sok Kim (b,c) Johannes van Lieshout (b,c,f) Niels H. Secher (d) Jaya B. Rosenmeier (e)

      a) Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Quebec, Canada; b) Department of Internal Medicine; c) Laboratory for Clinical Cardiovascular Physiology, Heart Failure Research Center, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; d) Department of Anesthesia, The Copenhagen Muscle Research Center, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; e) Department of Cardiology, Gentofte University Hospital, Gentofte, Denmark; f) School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Nottingham Medical School, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, U.K.

      References (1) Schramm P, Klein KU, Falkenberg L, Berres M, Closhen D, Werhahn KJ, David M, Werner C, Engelhard K. Impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation in patients with severe sepsis and sepsis-associated deliriu. Crit Care. 2012;16:R181

      (2) Brassard P, Kim YS, van Lieshout J, Secher NH, Rosenmeier JB. Endotoxemia reduces cerebral perfusion but enhances dynamic cerebrovascular autoregulation at reduced arterial carbon dioxide tension. Crit Care Med. 2012;40:1873-1878

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