- Jul 2019
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Mr. Nystrom: My second and last question, Mr. Chairman, concerns another area where l have admired your organization- the whole question of the conscientious objector. You mentioned this morning, if I heard you correctly, two possibilities: one. enshrining in our constitution that no one should be compelled to take human life against one’s conscience, and you also referred to another option, which is in Federal Republic of Germany, that basically you enshrine that it pertains only to military service. I gather that you prefer the first option, which is more sweeping, that one of you mentioned earlier, the possibility of problems concerning policemen in their work, and firefighters in their work, and getting into the whole abortion controversy and euthanasia and so on. You did mention, I believe, two options: that no one should be compelled to take human life against one’s conscience, and the other option being what is enshrined in the German Republic which, I gather, says the same thing but as it pertains only to military service. Mr. Janzen: We would prefer the more general one in regard to taking human life. Mr. Nystrom: If the Committee or the government in its wisdom did not want to be as sweeping, the second would also cover a very important point, would it not? Mr. Janzen: We would be grateful for what there is.
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), p. 124.
Mr. Epp: Could I ask you, in page 5, taking your position a little further, you argue that the same rights should be extended to persons working in hospitals, people in the medical field. specifically people who because of conscience cannot accept the taking of life through abortion. Do you feel that the clause that you propose would in fact given them that protection they seek? Mr. Janzen: We are not sure about that. As it stands here we say it might have some implications for that concern, and I think it would suggest something in that direction but we are not sure of that and we have not sought a specific legal opinion. It is a concern to us that we recognize that that is not something on which we have complete clarity. Mr. Epp: Do you have practical demonstration of members of your organization. adherents to your organization of churches that form your constituency. that people have been put into that position, namely of performing medical acts which contravene their conscience and specifically their position that they do not have the right to take life in that form? Mr. Janzen: l do not know of specific personnel from our community. I do know that in the 1977 Badgley report there is [Page 51] some rather strong testimony from doctors and so on who werer subject to considerable pressure and that is the reference for it here.
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), pp. 123-124.
A conscientious objector clause in the Charter might have implications for areas other than military service. People in police work or in medical work sometimes have to face the question of taking human life, too. The areas of euthanasia and abortion are examples but because of technological and other changes the number of areas may increase. In 1969, when the abortion issue was debated in Parliament, along with other amendments to the Criminal Code, it was emphasized that medical personnel would not be forced to be involved with them. Because of this, a conscientious objector clause, which was considered at the time. was viewed as unnecessary, However, the government’s Badgley study of 1977 found that some strong pressures are brought to bear on medical workers. [Page 48] We believe the right to abstain from the taking of human life should be extended in the area of abortion as well.
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), p. 122.
Mr. W. Janzen (Director General, Ottawa Office, Mennonite Central Committee, Canada): Thank you. This concern is somewhat different than the one which Mr. Nigh has explained. lf that one could be covered with a clause like, “No one shall be compelled against his conscience to take human life,” then the second one might be covered with a simple affirmation of freedom for religion without specifying that it be for individuals or for groups, thus leaving that question to be decided when problems in relation to that arise. As it is worded at the present time in the proposal, it is cast in explicitly individual terms and we are concerned that that might create difficulties which perhaps are not foreseen at the present time or even considered desirable. The written brief refers to several such difficulties and l will not go over that material, but l would say that these difficulties can arise also in relation to communities other than the Amish or Old Order Mennonites or Hutterites which are referred to in the brief. We know that for generations and centuries the phenomenon of people going off unto themselves for religious reasons to live a bit more as a community unto themselves is an experience that has been present in our civilization and probably will be present. and we would like to have that freedom respected. We are a bit concerned that by casting the provision for freedom of religion in individual terms there might be seine difficulties, as explained in the brief. We could go on and talk further about community rights and collective rights and some aspects that relate to the concerns of the native people as well, but I do not think at this point we would want to go into that. I would point out, however, that in a number of other constitutions or bills of rights the provision for freedom of religion is not as individual as it is in the one that is being proposed. I refer to the I960 Canadian Bill of Rights and there is a simple affirmation of freedom for religion without specifying the way it shall apply. The one to which Mr. Nigh has referred also is general on that point. The American constitution, although generally an individualistic document. is general on that point. It does not specify that it is exclusively for individuals and so on. So what we are asking basically is two clauses: one is a clause that would say something to the effect that no one shall be compelled against his conscience to take human life, and the other one would be at simple affirmation of freedom for religion without specifying that it be for individuals or communities, thus leaving that to the wisdom of the legislatures or the courts to deal with those problems as they might arise.
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), pp. 122-123.
Our spiritual forefathers where the anabaptists of western Europe. Over 400 years ago they felt compelled to take a stand against the taking of human life in any form and to many of them it was contrary to their understanding of the teaching of scripture. For their beliefs and practice they suffered cruelly; many died. When our forefathers came to Canada around 200 years ago they appealed for and were promised exemption from military duty. The history of these negotiations which are very much abbreviated are contained in paragraphs on pages 3 and 4 of the brief which you have had in your hands. In World War I, the severe test of these provisions came. In the spring of I918 the German forces made one last gigantic assault on the Western Front and for a while it looked as if the Allied front would break. It was under the stress and desperation of that time that exemptions which had been written through Order in Council by government were cancelled and the young men of our churches had their faith and their convictions severely tested; many served periods in jail. I had hoped to bring along today a very close friend of mine who was my bishop for many years. Mr. B. J. Swalm who is 84 years of age. but he had other commitments and was not able to come. He could articulate his experiences during this war. One thing I remember, while he served as my bishop in the Niagara Area was that when he was visiting our area he would ask me to drive past St. Catharines Jail where he spent several months during World War I. Bishop Swalm was one of the founders of this organization, the Mennonite Central Committee. The experience in World War II was different and here I can speak from personal experience. because I was of draft age at that time and young men of my age were being called into service. My spiritual training and upbringing, church teachings, taught me participation in war was wrong but I had to make a decision at that time that I had to know what I believed personally and I had to make a personal decision. I went through weeks of study and soul-searching which reinforced my teaching and brought me to the decision that I could not take a human life. or be part of a life-taking organization. Now, in the Second World War, because of early representation to government by the leaders of our churches, an alternative service program was developed whereby our young [Page 47] men could serve in non-military forms of service such as reforestation, road-building, fire-fighting, agricultural work and some in ambulance and hospital work on the front lines. As l came through those years and in perspective I have two strong feelings. First of all I have a deep respect for the boys, for the integrity of the boys who were my friends and are still my friends. who did not feel as I and went into military service. and we today wish to acknowledge our deep respect for those who disagree with us in this area. The second was a great appreciation which I also hold today for a country where conscience is recognized and where opportunity was given for alternative forms of service of national value, and service that was helpful to society. I an thankful for a country where the right to be different is recognized: where a minority view does not endanger or dehumanize. So it is for this reason that we feel now in the formulation of a constitution in peaceful times apart from emotional pressures of a wartime society, that we include a clause in the constitution that would recognize the right of conscience that would lead one to abstain from the taking of human life. We are making this presentation today from our own experience and perspective as stated in the brief. which is prepared by Mr. Janzen and which I have briefly summarized. We believe in light of past experience and differences of interpretation and application of past government decisions that a clear and brief. concise statement in the constitution would be helpful and we urge the inclusion of such in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I might just call your attention to the statement that is written in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany; “No one may be compelled against his conscience to render war service involving the use of arms.”
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), pp. 121-122.
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Mr. McGrath: My question is, does Section 2 of the Charter in any way threaten the tax exempt privileges that you now enjoy as a church, in terms of any question that could be placed before the courts; because freedom of religion means freedom not be exposed to religion in certain circumstances, in other words, no religion in terms of interpretation can be construed as a religion, for the purposes of this section. Mr. Smith: Mr. Chairman, it had not occurred to us that this section would in any way threaten our tax exempt status, at least it had not occurred to me, and I do not see any inherent meaning in this. I think along with other sections of the Charter that the possibility for amendment could indeed threaten any of these sections and thereby affect the question before us.
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), p. 118.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or the “Mormon Church’, is a Christian organization with roots in Canada which go back to the early 1830s. There are at present approximately 85,000 members of the Church in Canada, with congregations in every province and the territories. We deeply appreciate the opportunity to appear before this Committee and to comment on some aspects of the proposed resolution respecting the constitution. At the onset, we wish to make it clear that as a church we take no position on the purely political aspects of the proposed resolution; our members are totally free to think and act according to their own individual wishes on those matters. Believing as we do that churches have a responsibility to provide and safeguard a moral framework in which their members can exercise their beliefs, we wish, however, to address some of the possible moral implications of the resolution. Our basic concerns relate to the potential impact of certain proposals within the resolution on the sanctity and strength of the family, on protection provided by society to women and children, on the relationships between courts and legislatures in making legal policy, and on the inviolability of fundamental freedoms. We can perhaps best illustrate these concerns by examining specific sections of the proposed resolution. In doing so, we wish only to point out concerns, not obvious and totally identifiable dangers. Indeed, it is in the vagueness of the wording of certain portions of the proposed resolution that the [Page 8] greatest dangers lie, because it is impossible to tell exactly what is meant or what was contemplated by the draftsmen. Section 2 of the proposed resolution deals with fundamental freedoms. We applaud the apparent intention of the proposals, believing as we do that “no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property and the protection of life”. Yet we must admit to an uneasiness about the extent to which the proposed resolution actually safeguards the essential freedom it so laudably espouses. Part V of the proposed resolution provides provedures for amending the constitution, either as a result of legislative resolutions or by referendum. These amending procedures apparently do not ensure that legislative action cannot sweep away those fundamental freedoms outlined in Section 2. We strongly believe that freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, opinion, expression, assembly and association must be very carefully safeguarded; subject only to the reasonable restraints commensurate with a democratic society, they must not be subject to the vagaries, no matter how well intentioned, of legislatures. Past history, our own and others, has taught us the need to place them above legislative action. Unless they are safeguarded, it would be possible, at some time in the future, for legislatures to deny them to one group or another in our society. The procedures for amending the constitution must, we submit, pay particular attention to the absolute need to protect those fundamental freedoms mentioned in Section 2 of the proposed resolution.
§2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), pp. 113-114.
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I would invite anyone to define what religion means in a comprehensive manner. I think that that term, while we know that certain religions, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism are religions, there will be many borderline cases where we do not know if those groups are religions or not. But that has not precluded the drafters of this Charter form including religion.
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), p. 116.
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Mr. Black: It seems to me that the value of including freedom of conscience as well as freedom of religion is that it makes clear that people can have very deeply held beliefs that they might not call religious beliefs, but which are equally fundamental to them, and using the phrase “freedom of conscience” it gives them rights as well as people who deeply hold religious beliefs. It seems to me that the possibility that the Supreme Court of Canada or any other court would interpret that in a way which would hinder law enforcement is nonexistent. I cannot imagine the court giving it any such interpretation.
§[2] (https://primarydocuments.ca/canada-act-1982/#Fundamental) (2(a)more specifically) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Referenced in Adam Dodek, The Charter Debates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), p. 116.
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Phase 2 is a collaborative phase during which both teachers and students conduct think-aloud demonstrations and minilessons. Teacher modeling in the beginning of the phase gives way to student modeling in the latter half. Students take responsibility for teaching their peers a variety of online reading comprehension strategies. Instruction also begins to move from search skills to critical evaluation and synthesis skills. (See a complete checklist of skills.)
Phase 2: Essentially students and teachers initially have a thinking brainstorm session about the topic/theme. Teacher is the model in the start of this phase and then lets the student take the reigns. Students have responsibility for teaching their peers online reading comprehension strategies. Also moves into critical evaluation and synthesis skills.
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
www.milestonedocuments.com www.milestonedocuments.com
Be it known to the readers of this work that this humble slave of the Almighty is going to describe in a correct manner the excellent character,
The person who wrote this a slave describing the emperor
www.milestonedocuments.com www.milestonedocuments.com
What ho! my work is in the hall of arms, I listen to no mortal, nor can any put me to shame, I know none such, I am the Terror, I know none other, I am where war is, my work is said to be in the hall of arms, let no one curse my children.
the god of arms openly says he is terror but cares for his people
1. Huitzilopochtli is first in rank, no one, no one is like unto him: not vainly do I sing (his praises) coming forth in the garb of our ancestors; I shine; I glitter. 2. He is a terror to the Mixteca; he alone dest
many of the hymns are about how fear the gods are
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Germination of N.sativaseeds
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
In vitro cytotoxic activity of methanolic extract of N. sativafrom different germination phasesduringSRB assay
Cytotoxicity assay by Sulphorhodamine B (SRB) me
Germination of N. sativaseeds
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Activation of TLC plate
Tests for Alkaloids
Germination of N.sativaseeds
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Testing of bioformulations
Sequence analysis
DNA sequencing of the 18S rDNA fragment
Purification of PCR product
Analysis of internal transcribed spacer region
RAPDand SSRscoring and data analysis
PCR amplification
Running of gel and visualization of DNA
Determination of the yield
Agarose gel electrophoresis
Qualitative and quantitative estimation of DNA
Determination of the yield
Procedure for DNA isolation
Reagents required for fungal DNA isolationand p
DNA isolation of Trichodermaisolate
Genetic variability analysis through RAPD and SSR
Photography, evaluation and documentation
Procedurefor SDS-PAGE
Materialsrequired for SDS-PAGE
Protein profiling of bioagent through SDS-PAGE
Assayof xylanase activity
Dinitrosalicylate reagent (DNS)(per liter)
Effect of temperature on growth of bioagent
Identificationof bioagent
Isolation and purification of Trichoderma sp.
Sterilization of media and distilled water
Source of chemicals
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- md-2-md-1
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- md-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-2
- md-1-md-2-mt-2
- mt-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-5
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-12
- md-1-md-2-mt-1
- mt-9-mt-8-mt-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-10
- mt-3-mt-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-9
- mt-6-mt-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-1
- md-12-md-2
- md-1-md-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-3
- mt-6-mt-6-mt-2-mt-1
- mt-9-mt-8-mt-1-mt-2
- mt-9-mt-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-8
- md-1-md-2-mt-3
- mt-7-mt-2
- md-2-md-11-md-1-md-4
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Prevalence of extracellular virulence factors in Vibriofrom shrimp farm
Gel documentation and image analysis
Screening for virulence genes in V. parahaemolyticusfrom Cochin estuary, shrimp farm and seafood
Bacterial strains used
Detection of virulence genes tdhand trhby multiplex
Detection of type III secretion system genes
Production of Lipase
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
MAR indexingand antibiotic resistance pattern amon
Antibiotic resistance amongVibriofrom shrimp farm
Detection of blaTEMgene
MAR indexing
Antibiotic resistance amongVibriofrom Cochin estu
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Species level identification and distribution of Vibriospecies in Cochin estuary
Gel documentation and image analysis
Detection of toxR gene
Detection of tlhgene
Extraction of genomic DNA
Detection of V. parahaemolyticusspecies-specific gene
PCR amplification of 16S rRNA gene
Carbohydrate fermentation test
Oxidase test
Analysis of hydrographical parameters
Carbohydrate fermentation tes
Oxidase tes
Analysis of hydrographical parameters
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.inChapter 416
Active site identification, metal detection and interaction of Dof domain structure
Superposition of the Dof domain with predicted 3D structure
Validation of the predicted 3D structure
Tertiary structural prediction
Chromosomal locations
Phylogenetic and motif analysi
In silico characterization of cloned Dof gene
Phylogenetic and motif analysis of sequenced Dof domains
In silico characterization of sequenced Dof domains of cereal
Sequencing of Dof domain and gene
Cloning of Dof genes of sorghum using pBSK vector
Cloning of Dof domain and Dof genes using pGEM-T Easy
Gel elution of PCR products
PCR based cloning, sequencing and in silico characterization of Dof domain and Dofgenes of cereals and millet
PCR amplification of Dof gene
Primer designing for PCR amplification of Dof domain and Do
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.inChapter 338
Active site prediction and docking study
Superposition of predicted structure and template (Dof
Three dimensional structure prediction, refinements and evaluation of Dof proteins
Cis-regulatory element analysis
Mapping of SbDof genes on sorghum chromosomes and its intron/exon gene structure prediction
In silico prediction of Dof gene family members in S. bicolor (L
Motif identification
Multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis
In silico analysis of sequenced Dof domain and Dof genes
Reaction resuspension
Post-reaction clean up
Sequencing PCR
Sequencing reaction
Digestion of Plasmid DNA
Minipreparation of plasmid DNA from transformed co
Screening of recombinant E. coli clone
Transformation of ligation mixture in electro-competent E. coli host cells (DH5ααααstrain)
Transformation of ligated product in chemically competent E. coli host cells (DH5αααα strain)
Ligation reactions
Dephosphorylation of vector
Restriction digestion
Ligation of eluted PCR product in pBSK vector
Cloning of gel eluted PCR produc
Gel elution of PCR Produ
Scoring of amplification data points and construction of a den
Analysis of PCR amplicons using agarose gel electrophoresis
Cycling condition
PCR reaction set up
Basic requirements for PC
PCR amplification of Dof domain and Dof genes from different
Primer designing for PCR amplification of Dof domain and D
Qualitative analysis of DNA by agarose gel electrophoresi
Spectrophotometric quantification of genomic DNA
DNA purification
DNA extraction procedure
Isolation of genomic DNA by CTAB method
Glasswares, plasticwares and equipments
- md-2
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- mt-2
- md-2-md-2
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- md-2-md-6-md-1
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- md-2-md-7-md-2
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- md-2-md-13-md-1
- md-2-md-11
- md-2-md-13-md-3
- md-2-md-4
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
Immunological Responses (DTH, mitogenic and Leishmania-specific cellular responses)
Formaldehyde gel electrophoresis
LTT assay
2 Anim
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
Nitrite production in macrophages of hamsters
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
rLdTPR was cloned, overexpressed, purified and antibody rais
Overexpression and Purification of recombinant protein (rLdTP
Clone confirmation
Colony PCR
PCR amplification
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Active site analysis
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Inhibitors Dataset
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
Assay for Lipid peroxidase(LPO)
Cytomorphological analysis
Growth kinetic studies
Reducing power assay
TEM-EDAX analysis
Qualitative analysis of compounds
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
The table 6.1 gives the mixing probabilities and the associated parametricvalues fork(number of components) = 2,3, and 4. It may be noted thatthe Log likelihood value is smaller fork= 4 (the results fork= 5 , 6 etc.are not better than that fork= 4 and hence are not given here). The fourcomponents Poisson Mixture model is given in table 6.2. It may be notedthat 58% of wards may have higher incidence/relative risk and the remainingwards have lesser/lower incidence for the Cancer disease. We computed theposterior probability for each component for each ward (see table 6.3). Eachward is assigned to a particular component so that the posterior probability islarger. These results are also given in table 6.3 Finally we present Choroplethmaps based on those results
The Posterior Probability of Mixing Dis-tribution
EM Procedure
Poisson Mixture
Data Sources
Poisson Mixtures Distribution
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Poisson Model
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Haemolymph protein profile
Helicoverpa armiger
Spodoptera litura
Gut enzyme profile
Haemolymph protein profiling
Lactate dehydrogenase
VS preparation
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Utilization of VS by the prey
Influence of prey on VS yield
Quantification of protein of VS yielded in the prey deprivation
Survival (SR) and venom milking rate (VMR
Venomous saliva optimization
Statistical analysi
Quantification of VS for protein
Venomous saliva utilization
Prey type
Starvation and collection method
Venomous saliva optimization
Insects Collection
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Mandibular stylet
Head and stylet preparation
shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
Micronuclei test
Malic dehydrogenase
Alkaline Phosphatase
Glycogen content
Analysis of Physico-chemical parameters of the water sampled
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Increments in biomass:
Residual nutrients
Chlorophyll content in waters:
Growth maximum values
Rates of growth (OD678/day
Experimental Set up
- Jun 2019
krishikosh.egranth.ac.in krishikosh.egranth.ac.in
Soil pH and electrical conductivity (EC)
Experiment 2: Assessing the impacts of elevated temperature and N levels on yield and nutrient uptake in rice
Experiment 1: Assessing the impacts of elevated CO2and N levels on yield and nutrient uptake in rice
Experimental Design and Treatments
Temperature Gradient Tunnels (TGT)
krishikosh.egranth.ac.in krishikosh.egranth.ac.in
Yield and its component traits:
Differences among cultivars for yield, biomass and HI