- Jun 2015
langsci-press.org langsci-press.org
lower case
- Mar 2015
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
to beat random search in a carefully-chosen intervals.
to beat random search in a carefully-chosen intervals.
remove the "a"?
That is, we are generating a random random with a uniform distribution, but then raising it to the power of 10.
That is, we are generating a random random with a uniform distribution, but then raising it to the power of 10.
The word random is repeated?
Tue to the denominator term in the RMSprop update
True to the denominator term in the RMSprop update
the step decay dropout is slightly
remove the word dropout?
theoretical converge guarantees
theoretical convergence guarantees
update has recently
update that has recently
appears more as a slightly more interpretable
appears as a slightly more interpretable (remove first more)
sizes of million parameters
can have sizes in the millions parameters can have millions of parameters
hack the code to remove the data loss contribution.
Maybe it should be: hack the code to remove the regularization loss contribution.
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
to to
xi scaled
\(x_i\) is scaled
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
The final loss for this example is 1.58 for the SVM and 0.452 for the Softmax classifier
The figure above has a value of 1.04 for the softmax case. I think that should be \(0.452\).
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
The synapses are not just a single weight a complex non-linear dynamical system
Typo. Grammar.
The synapses are not just a single weight ,but a complex non-linear dynamical system
The usual spelling is "no one" and to a lesser extent "no-one". Just nit-picking. B-)
typo: drop-out
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
This is motivated by based on a compromise and an equivalent analysis
Typo/grammar: The motivation for this is based on a compromise and an equivalent analysis
- May 2014
www.shuttleworthfoundation.org www.shuttleworthfoundation.org
Editorial nitpicking: spaced en dash needed here :)
Double-space here
- Apr 2014
www.newschallenge.org www.newschallenge.org
typo? or just confusion grammar?
- Nov 2013
www.libertariansquare.com www.libertariansquare.com
Another issue to that should be addressed
Another issue that should be addressed
seize to exist
seize purchasing
- Oct 2013
www.realfarmacy.com www.realfarmacy.com