1,091 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
    1. CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope

      Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).


    2. CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma

      Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).


    3. CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man

      Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).


    4. CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty

      Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).


    5. CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified

      Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?

      Answer:Not at all justified

    6. Oh, of course statistics provided by pro-vaccine agencies and Big Pharma were included in the National Post article that “prove” HPV vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

      Question:Are any experts, organizations, or studies cited that are separate from the central study quoted in the article? If so, highlight relevant section(s).

      Answer:4 or more


      Oh, of course statistics provided by pro-vaccine agencies and Big Pharma were included in the National Post article that “prove” HPV vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

    7. A couple of years ago, one of the lead HPV vaccine developers for Merck’s Gardasil, Dr. Diane Harper, came clean and warned that Gardasil was not only ineffective and unnecessary, it was dangerous.

      Question:Are any experts, organizations, or studies cited that are separate from the central study quoted in the article? If so, highlight relevant section(s).

      Answer:4 or more


      A couple of years ago, one of the lead HPV vaccine developers for Merck’s Gardasil, Dr. Diane Harper, came clean and warned that Gardasil was not only ineffective and unnecessary, it was dangerous.

    8. Harper mentioned the medically known fact that 98 percent of HPV warts among sexually active women heal on their own within a year or two.

      Question:Are any experts, organizations, or studies cited that are separate from the central study quoted in the article? If so, highlight relevant section(s).

      Answer:4 or more


      Harper mentioned the medically known fact that 98 percent of HPV warts among sexually active women heal on their own within a year or two.

    9. [Image of a table titled “WARNING (HPV4 Gardasil & HPV 2 Cervarix): Adverse Reactions And Deaths As Reported To The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]

      Question:Are any experts, organizations, or studies cited that are separate from the central study quoted in the article? If so, highlight relevant section(s).

      Answer:4 or more


      [Image of a table titled “WARNING (HPV4 Gardasil & HPV 2 Cervarix): Adverse Reactions And Deaths As Reported To The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]

    10. [Image of a table titled “WARNING (HPV4 Gardasil & HPV 2 Cervarix): Adverse Reactions And Deaths As Reported To The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]

      CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies

      Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:

      Answer:Scientific Study 3


      [Image of a table titled “WARNING (HPV4 Gardasil & HPV 2 Cervarix): Adverse Reactions And Deaths As Reported To The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]

    11. Oh, of course statistics provided by pro-vaccine agencies and Big Pharma were included in the National Post article that “prove” HPV vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

      CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies

      Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:

      Answer:Scientific Study 2


      Oh, of course statistics provided by pro-vaccine agencies and Big Pharma were included in the National Post article that “prove” HPV vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

    12. Rail and study co-author Abby Lippman, a McGill University professor emeritus,

      CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies

      Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:

      Answer:Scientific Study 1


      Rail and study co-author Abby Lippman, a McGill University professor emeritus,

    13. published an op-ed article in Montreal’s Le Devoir newspaper questioning the safety and benefits of human papillomavirus vaccines.

      CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies

      Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:

      Answer:Scientific Study 1


      published an op-ed article in Montreal’s Le Devoir newspaper questioning the safety and benefits of human papillomavirus vaccines.

    14. one of the lead HPV vaccine developers for Merck’s Gardasil, Dr. Diane Harper,

      CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts

      Question:Highlight each expert cited:

      Answer:Expert 2


      one of the lead HPV vaccine developers for Merck’s Gardasil, Dr. Diane Harper,

    15. Rail and study co-author Abby Lippman,

      CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts

      Question:Highlight each expert cited:

      Answer:Expert 1


      Rail and study co-author Abby Lippman,

    16. Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.


    17. Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.


    18. Canadian Concordia University’s kinesiology professor Genevieve Rail was awarded a grant of $270,000 to study the effects of HPV vaccines on the public.

      CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article

      Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?



      Canadian Concordia University’s kinesiology professor Genevieve Rail was awarded a grant of $270,000 to study the effects of HPV vaccines on the public.

    19. It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

      CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?

      Answer:Inducing fear (“Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on You?”)


      It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

    20. It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

      CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?

      Answer:Hidden secret or trick (“Fitness Companies Hate Him...”, “Experts are Dying to Know Their Secret”)


      It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

    21. It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

      CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?

      Answer:Provoking emotions, such as shock or surprise (“...Shocking Result”, “...Leave You in Tears”)


      It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

    22. CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:Is the headline clickbaity?

      Answer:Somewhat clickbaity

    23. CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness

      Question:How is the title unrepresentative of the content of the article? (Select all that apply).

      Answer:Title carries little information about the body

    24. CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness

      Question:How is the title unrepresentative of the content of the article? (Select all that apply).

      Answer:Title emphasizes different information than the body

    25. CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness

      Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?

      Answer:Somewhat Unrepresentative

    26. Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article

      Answer:Somewhat low credibility

  2. May 2017
    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    5. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    6. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    7. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    8. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    5. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    6. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    7. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    8. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    4. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    5. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    6. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    7. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    8. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    1. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    2. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

    3. Air Quality Standards Coalition

      This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.

  3. Jun 2016
    1. By 1988

      Five years after I started teaching, and a couple of years into our work at University Heights Secondary School where we were inspired with the Coalition of Essential Schools to re-think school from the bottom up -- and in our case for African-American and Latino students in the Bronx.

  4. Sep 2015
    1. let’s recognize these internal wars for the distraction they have become
    2. When groups that share common cause, utopian dreams and a joined mission find fault with each other
    3. And as people “call each other out” to a chorus of finger snapping, we seem to be rapidly losing all sense of perspective and instead of building alliances, we are dismantling hard fought for coalitions.
    4. the re-emergence of a rhetoric of harm and trauma that casts all social difference in terms of hurt feelings and that divides up politically allied subjects into hierarchies of woundedness
    5. recognize that the enemy was not among us but embedded within new, rapacious economic systems