1,405 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
I know it is an ordinary subject of inquiry whether more is contributed by writing, reading, or speaking. This question we should have to examine with careful attention, if we could confine ourselves to any one of those exercises. 2. But they are all so connected, so inseparably linked with one another that if any one of them is neglected, we labor in vain in the other two, for our speech will never become forcible and energetic unless it acquires strength from great practice in writing.
Writing is essential to improve not only the way we speak, but how we organize our thoughts. It produces clarity
- Sep 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
We can now see that a writer must disguise his art and give the impression of speaking naturally and not artificially.
consider the audience and mask rhetoric, make it seem spontaneous
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
It is the ability to collect an army which is adequate to the war in hand, and to organize and to employ it to good advantage.
A theory of good writing (collect evidence and organize them in order).
First of all is the ability to know against whom and with whose help to make war; for this is the first requisite of good strategy, and if one makes any mistake about this, the result is inevitably a war which is disadvantageous, difficult, and to no purpose.
A theory of good writing. (Know the audience.)
I shall never be found to have had anything to do with speeches for the courts.33 You can judge this from my habits of life, from which, indeed, you can get at the truth much better than from the lips of my accusers
Writing vs. Speeches