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  1. Oct 2024
    1. Rebekah Willett: assistant professor, School of Library and Information Studies, University ofWisconsin–Madison. Willett has conducted research on children’s media cultures, focusing onissues of gender, play, literacy, and learning. Her most recent research examines maker-focusedprogramming in the Madison Public Library system, with a specific focus on learning throughmaking. Her publications include work on playground games, amateur camcorder cultures, youngpeople’s online activities, and children’s story writing. Before moving to Madison, Willett was alecturer at the Institute of Education, University of London, and a researcher in the Centre for theStudy of Children, Youth and Media. E-mail: rwillett@wisc.edu

      Dr. Rebekah Willett is a professor at the Information School of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She received a PhD in Education from the University of London, and she researches a variety of topics relevant to this article, including childhood studies, new literacies, and public library makerspaces (Willett, Rebekah, 2017).