3 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. context to plain words.

      So true. Peoples words are always taken out of context and twisted to make the person look some way or be presented in a certain light. This is another con of constant communication.

    2. What sets us humans apart is the speed at which our means of communication develops and innovates.

      This quote is true. The question is, is this always a good thing? Sometimes being connected all the time is a bad thing. We feel even less connected even when we have so many opportunities to connect. I know I feel this way. There are certainly cons to the increase in communication. (Cyber bullying, etc.)

    1. With this idea I guess it's also important to think about what a human driver would do. Would they willingly sacrifice themselves to save others? I guess it depends on the person. At least with the self driving car it would be consistent. Do you think the car would chose the smallest harm to smallest number of people or not? That is a tough question.