- Jan 2018
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Page 11 really delves into the meat of the publication. This section about how students learn about the interconnectedness of objects and history and culture is not talked about in "Material Culture." While the connectedness of history and objects is dived into in "Material Culture" there is nothing in it about students which makes "Essays in Material Culture" a unique source of information for that topic.
http://www.jstor.org/stable/1180761 This journal article Mind in Matter: An Introduction to Material Culture Theory and Method by Jules David Prown helps explain Prown's method of material culture analysis in full detail beyond what is found in this collection of essays. Looking at the process in a more detailed and outlined way. Being able to use the steps (description, deduction, speculation, research, and interpretive analysis) and understand what each step entails through a primary source is helpful to really make the most of the process and analyze an item with a process you understand completely. https://youtu.be/B9gN63kLw3U This youtube video helps explain the steps of Prownian Analysis by seeing it applied in a demonstration. Being able to see the process applied in real time is immensely helpful in simplifying the process and being able to apply it to an object being studied. http://www.engineeringthepast.com/prownian-analysis/ This website suggests that taking notes on a commonly found household items and using the Prownian Analysis steps to familiarize yourself with the process and be able to understand and practice the process. It later explains steps that can help you expand your initial Prownian Analysis. It suggests writing a short paragraph on each step to expand the details of what has been written for each step. The last step suggested in the article is to find other sources, blogs and articles that could assist as outside information. Overall, this article is very helpful in understanding Prownian Analysis and how to apply it.
The idea of not just summarizing other people's content but using our own ideas and outside is one we have learned in class. It is important to separate summarization from our own ideas and emotions based on the text. It can also be helpful to include outside sources, supplementary text, images, link, and our own observations and emotional feedback to determine what the object represents and the significance it has beyond the description. While both bodies of text describe the importance of object description, it is more important to introduce evidence and that supports your ideas.
schematized- arranged or represented in a schematic form
Emotional connections are necessary to being to understand or speculate the meaning of an item. The emotional connection between humans and items is also discussed in "Material Culture" but it isn't discussed in connection with a bigger cultural meaning the way its connected here. Using your own interpretation of an item and using that to create a cultural understanding and connection is very key in the central idea of "Essays in Material Culture."
elucidate- make (something) clear; explain
Something "Essays in Material Culture" goes into that "Material Culture" does not, is that the observer's perspective and description is unique. Obviously, looking at an object with historical significance can lead to understanding other cultures and how an object is reflective of or effects a culture or group of people. However, each description or perception of an item is individual. Each person may have different emotional reactions or connections. Someone may have a deep connection to a Torah for example if they are Jewish or have respect for the Jewish faith. A Torah is a physical book that has association to the Jewish faith and is important to those who actively practice this faith. However, someone else may understand this about the culture but not experience the same emotional connection to this item. However, with increased self-awareness there is the ability to connect with an object more, which is why it is so necessary to be self aware of your response and description when studying an object for cultural significance.
The additional text "Material Culture" by Sophie Woodward defines and starts to explain what material culture is. The work goes into brief detail about how there is a cultural effect on items. It makes the point that an object, it's physical properties, the material it's made with, and what makes them central to understanding culture and social relations. This work also challenges the belief that a physical item is separate from their cultural association. For example, in Christianity (although this is not universal to every sect of Christianity, Jehovah's Witnesses being an example of a religion that rejects symbols of worship) the cross is a well known symbol. At it's base, it is a cross shape possibly made out of wood. That is what it is at base level. However, the cross is culturally accepted as a symbol of Christianity and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This is the cultural association that goes along with this artifact.
It argues that material properties should not be overlooked when looking at the meaning if an item, but instead are central to the meaning the item possesses. Items also produce an effect on humans. We see this in the real world example of precious family heirlooms or the idea of "prized possessions." The article "Prized Possessions found at http://www.businesspsych.org/articles/113.html illustrates this point by giving an example of a widow who is attached to a home that she lived in with her husband, even though this home may not be practical for a woman living alone. It supports the idea that people become attached and have emotional connections and responses to physical items. It also goes to explain a brief history on the roots of Material Culture in Anthropology and Archeology. Material Culture in itself however is merging the two worlds of items and artifacts and examining how they affect culture and the relationship between people and things. “Obo.” Material Culture - Anthropology - Oxford Bibliographies, 4 Jan. 2018, www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199766567/obo-9780199766567-0085.xml.
The idea highlighted on page 6 of "Essays in Material Culture" that we explain remarks about pictures coincide with Chapter 4 of "Images with Messages" by Paul Martin Lester. It delves into the types of signs; an iconic sign being a picture itself. For example, a picture of a dove, at an iconic level, is just a sign of a dove. It is a sign because it is not a physical dove, but an image of one. On an symbolic level, if one is Christian for example, a dove can be symbolic of purity or good tidings. In paganism, doves represent certain goddesses. In Judaism, it can depict a soul. They are also associated with peace (Norman A. Rubin. "The Dove"). This would explain a dove as we have come to know it. However, if someone has never seen a dove, they would need to be able to receive a detailed description of the physical attributes. The color white culturally can represent purity. Knowing a dove is white may help someone make the connection between doves and purity or holiness. This is why a solid description of the physical attributes of an object, in full detail, are necessary to be able to explore the meaning behind and item or the cultural effect an object has.
Lester, Paul Martin. Visual communication: images with messages. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2014.
This paragraph seems to hint that a physical item is just the basis of what the cultural effect, or representation is. "Material Culture" actively challenges this idea by claiming the physical item is central to its meaning. While both texts seem to support that a physical object cannot be separate from its cultural meaning, they differ in the importance of the physical item in the study of material culture.
taxonomy- the branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms; systematics.
Like "Material Culture" this paragraph details the importance of observing the physical item in detail to be able to grasp a better meaning. While "Material Culture" explains the "why" of observing an object on a physical level, or the importance in doing so, "Essays in Material Culture" describes how to describe and observe an object on a physical level in a body of writing.
This is very reminiscent of the fourth chapter in the textbook "Images with Messages" by Paul Martin Lester. This chapter focuses on semiotics (the study of signs) and the types of signs, more specifically, it is reminiscent of the section on symbolic signs. This details that humans attach values and ideology to items. This section of "Essays in Material Culture" goes into the types of object metaphors humans give to objects, complimenting what is taught in this textbook.
Lester, Paul Martin. Visual communication: images with messages. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2014.
gerundial- relating to a verbal noun
Both passages talk about the physical object as important to study. "Material Culture" challenges the idea that the physical item is somehow separate or less important than the meaning behind the object. It states that material properties are key to the meaning behind the item. "Essays in Material Culture" seems to imply that there are steps to observing an object and that finding cultural significance is a more complex step. These two ideas are complimentary and help paint a full picture of the importance of studying both the physical object, and its cultural significance.
This passage begins to explain something that "Material Culture" does not go into detail about. It begins talking about the connection between studying material culture and studying history and learning about history. "Material Culture begins to talk about the history of the study of material culture in the last section of the passage but it does not talk about what is learned about history from studying material culture. "Material Culture" talks about the start of the study in the 19th and 20th centuries and how central it is to anthropology but does not begin to talk about the impact it has on the knowledge of history through studying significant cultural artifacts.
The idea that "only some of culture takes material form" is one that could be shared with the source "Material Culture" but is not specified in that piece of writing. "Material Culture" places emphasis on the meaning humans give to material items in a cultural sense and does not offer this type of disclaimer. However, both dive into defining what the study of material culture is. By definition, material culture is "The physical objects that belong to or were created by a group (http://sociologydictionary.org/material-culture/)." Both documents, while differing slightly in how detailed they are in explaining whether or not all items possess a level of cultural influence, explain this definition of material culture in their beginning and explain what the study of this is.
Etymological- relating to the origin and historical development of words and their meaning
Pedagogic- relating to teaching.