- Sep 2017
hpalms22.gsucreate.org hpalms22.gsucreate.org
The debate is still going on, and what scientist find out in the future will hopefully answer some of the many questions we all have.
So what's the problem? That science doesn't know enough about climate change? Or that some politicians reject the notion of climate change? Or something else. ?
but how climate change has made the storms more powerful and devastating
So... climate change creates stronger variations in weather, not necessarily "hotter"... We might get exceptionally strong snow storms this winter. That confirms scientists' conceptions of climate change. right? This is a very nuanced subject. I'll be looking for your ideas about the issue to become nuanced, too. Great!
scientist need to get to the bottom of it.
This implies that scientists have only recently begun studying "climate change." True? If now, how can you reword this to be more precise?
Therefore climate change is not real.
Because this is a sentence fragment, it can be interpreted to be your view. Is this what you mean?
fact of scientist changing the research of “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” makes him skeptical, and he is not the only one. On The Daily Dot
Can you provide links to these sources within this document?
climate change is not real.
This is an opportunity to define more than 2 p.o.v.'s. For instance some don't believe "climate change" is "real." But others believe climate change is "natural" not "man made..."
Great transition to another p.o.v. by the way...
Which? The "the" here refers to an article you've already introduced...
Who? Rewrite this to address an audience from the year 2050. How would you change the language? Why?
Trumps view that climate change is not real, and that it is just an act of nature.
How do we know this is President Trump's view?
Michael E. Mann, Susan J. Hassol and Thomas C. Peterson
Are these scientists? Why should we listen to them? What is there expertise?
New York Times
Italicize titles of books, magazines, newspapers.
With these natural disasters coming out of the blue
Isn't your point, and the point of scientists, that these storms and their severity are not coming "out of the blue"?
was Texas that was
Just as a matter of interesting style practice, can you rewrite this sentence so that there is no verb "to be'? No "was"?
Many people are suffering from devastating hurricanes right now
If someone reads this two months from now, how will this read?