- Apr 2017
cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org
The support
You need twice as many
cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org
It would take nothing short of a miracle which I do not see happening anytime soon.
It's never a good idea, I think, to end with "it's a lost cause." if things aren't likely to change, then why are you writing this? Write this project as though you WANT change to happen. Who could make it happen? Write to that person/people. This imagination for a specific audience and a real/specific purpose might help you focus the project and get you full credit.
If more people chose to walk and ride the bus rather than drive, than the overall health of those that use Memorial drive would improve.
This conclusion is likely going to get stronger if you make the case for Memorial Drive being typical of many urban thoroughfares that could be beneficial if design to encourage more pedestrian traffic.
cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org
es involving the sidewalk
What are the sidewalks like along Memorial. You really need to go there; do a thick description of the space.
Memorial drive did not always have four lanes, it used to be a a two lane street but as the city population increases, so will the demand for cars on the street. T
This is more like it. Memorial Drive needs to be in the claim you're developing. Move it to the first sentence of all your sections; this might help.
d advertisements ar
What kind of advertising happens along Memorial Drive? This project simply lacks focus. It makes the right moves, just not substantially in terms of meaning.
cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org
Pedestrians aspire to be car owners
Nothing here seems to support the idea that the design of Memorial drive (the stretch you're observing) discourages pedestrian culture.
Instead: How do urban designers design for pedestrian traffic? How does Memorial drive enact these designs or not?
cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org
This repeated stimulus combined with human nature also has an integral role as to how Memorial drive affects the pedestrians in the space.
Hmmm. What does increased population, increased car use, dealerships, have to do with a "coersion" away from the pedestrian. This work seems to have veered off track.
Is the area pedestrian friendly?
ng to statista. T
Nice use of affordance: linking.
so why is the statistical evidence not able to be visually seen?
What do you mean? You mean more people are living in the area, but you don't see those people along the streets? Along memorial? Maybe these people aren't moving into the area you're focusing on...
I feel as though the built environment of Memorial drive coerces would be pedestrians into not being pedestrians anymore
Great claim, but what happens when you take out the "I feel"? Does the claim become more forceful? valuable? impactful? (in terms of objectivity, the perception of)
cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org
History behind the street
Okay, so as discussed you need a title that reflects the focus of your thesis and research. At this point I don't even know what street you're talking about. I mean... do you mean "the street" as in like "mean streets"? Like, he's so "street"? (Do people say that?)
cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org cmoncuhh09.gsucreate.org
Since the majority of the people who use Memorial drive are a part of the working class, they have money that can readily be spent on goods and services. With that being said, I strongly feel that Memorial drive, as one entity, reduces the amount of pedestrians that use the street.
The connection here isn't clear. There is much missing in this ... intro? What about race? age? are other demographics important? What kind of places lie along this route? Why do pedestrians matter? What does that have to do with working class people?
that is being observed
By whom? why?
Memorial drive has a rather deep history dating back to when Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore were the presidents of the United States. Memorial drive was first called Fair street back in 1850 and was one of the many sites where the historical battle of Atlanta took place.
Is this history relevant to your thesis? How? It seems unrelated and not so useful. Do you find it interesting?