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  1. Sep 2016
  2. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. XML

      I'm not very code savvy so I looked up what XML is. XML is a markup language (like HTML) that stands for Extensible Markup Language and is used a lot to make CMSs. This post by Margaret Rouse helped me understand what XML is if your curious: http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/definition/XML

    2. intranet

      Intranet= a network that can only be used by members of an organization.

      Extranet= a part of an intranet that people outside of the organization that owns the intranet can use. (helpful) Source: http://www.hcidata.info/inet.htm

    3. Enterprise ContentManagement

      Enterprise Content Management is the way (method) information is stored and arranged for an organization (an enterprise). Source: https://www.onbase.com/en/learn-ecm/what-is-ecm#.V893iCgrLIU

    4. the difficulty involved in understanding the relationshipsbetween different pieces of information

      As a student, I can relate to this problem.

    5. Busi-ness leaders, who are often the decision makers in the adoption and implementa-tion of ECM systems, “tend to examine the value of ECM solutions and theirdisparate applications from a production process model, the extent to which thetechnologies promise to increase process efficiencies and reduce maintenance andsystem costs.”

      I feel like it if it costs the organization less money, even if the ECM solution is not ideal for technical communicators, it is still their job to work with what is best for the company overall. Like we said in class, technical writing is not about yourself, and affordability is no small issue.

    6. What gets lost amid this ECM vender rhetoric

      I think it is interesting that professors of rhetoric also use the word rhetoric with a negative connotation. I guess the way it is used here is more of a colloquial usage rather than talking abut the study of persuasion though.

    7. the possibility of content management system design that could affordmeans for the writer to use her own text to “keep track of certain pieces of metadataduring composition.”

      This idea seems really helpful. It reminds me of what we are doing with our individual class blogs. How we can structure the information from the class in the way we feel is best for us.

    8. Whittemore believes the mnemonic systems employed by ancient rhetors offerpractical implications for the design of the memory tools in content managementsystems.

      This is really intriguing, especially how techniques created centuries ago are still useful. Also what is interesting is how these ideas can bring us to an understanding of new technologies that we have and how we as humans relate to them.