13 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2016
    1. However, not every kind of investigative measure yields the same kind of information;

      Correlates to the idea in Wicked Problems where different statistics and accounts were being found across the student groups, as well as the affect of perspective. Each specialized group would have a different perspective within their different fields

    2. What is it that we are doing in relation to others who study usability, and what might we need to be doing?

      This is important in a rhetorical sense because it is the open question that we need to address to an audience. It relates to Wicked Problems in that it questions the relation of Technical communication to other fields' areas of study.

    3. Construed narrowly, “usability testing of documentation” can be limited to validating the usability of a nearly completed draft.

      "The usability of an interface is a measure of the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users can achieve specified goals in a particular environment with that interface."


    4. We remember our interest is in helping users to learn, and we approach situating new mate- rial within that general stance of advocating users and their learning.

      This can readily affect organization of material and the diction used, as well as introducing the potential of multimodal communications.

    5. The first step in situating a study is to build an interpretation of the context that the study grows out of. We begin to situate studies when we place the study: 0 In a time 0 In a place 0 In an investigative group 0 In a project/event sequence 0 In a society 0 In a set of research goals

      By defining the parameters of origins, you create an easily definable topic for your audience. This helps you compose your document because there is a clear intent behind your piece. Essentially, if we view each piece as teaching the audience (as mentioned earlier in this article), then we can really go about the structure like a lesson plan. With any lesson plan, you need to ensure that the foundation of basic knowledge is addressed and reinforced through the lesson. Establishing these foundational characteristics are key to this goal.

    6. The focus of their re- search has been on the design of interfaces, that space where humans and computers interact

      This is interesting in the lens of rhetoric because the interface is the persuasion and the mode. Each interface is designed with ease in mind with readability, attractive appearance, legibility, information organization, and efficiency of the reader retaining the information.

    7. she argues that more attention needs to be paid to the differences between people and computers.

      The difference she argues for may become more difficult to navigate as people become part of each; we create computer-based existences alongside or completely separate from our human life.

    8. To this end, the marketers are constantly working to build mar- kets and satisfy customers.

      This seems to imply that for this sector of usability research, the potential market has priority. This means that the information could be manipulated for the benefit of a larger market margin.

    9. Writers, document designers, and educators fo- cus on the educational materials that surround a system and on how users employ those aids to help them learn a sys- tem.

      Technical writers focus more on source material; what users utilize to learn a system and what materials are out there to help them.

    10. Like those in human-computer interaction, technical communicators are educated in a number of disciplines, in- cluding English, education, graphics, and technical writing.

      These various disciplines provide a variety in Technical Communication productions. They are not overly focused in "empirical studies" (Professional Communications), but rather focus on analyzing the effective avenues of communicating to audiences

    11. Finding an efficient way to “grade the text” has been a persistent goal, an idea founded on the notion that a text holds the meaning. Writers have looked for a textual measure of quality, and of readability, and of comprehensibility, and of usability.

      Fascinatingly, the humanity roots of Technical Communication professionals seems to create a more liberal way to assert accuracy in a message to an audience. They focus more on case studies that have more philosophical nature of discussing success. As such, they are always entertaining the idea of what grading should be. This spurs the discussion of usability within the community.

    12. eports on a series of interviews that probe how professionals and clerical workers organize the information on their desks.

      Looking at the natural to introduce the manufactured seems to be a common goal of technology. If we study what we reflexively do through daily tasks, such as organization, then it is easy to create a platform emulating these natural habits, putting users at ease. Hence, the Iphone brands itself as :user friendly" by focusing on the same habits to operate the slew of apps available.

    13. ng new and complex approaches to the study of usability, as sure as they have the possibility of becoming a battleground for philosophical disputes.

      Wicked Problems comes to a similar conclusion about cross-field studies. Each person in the group has an expertise and a perception that differs from the other. This effects priorities, study type experiences, and diction decisions. Combining fields allows a wider lens view of issues and potential solutions.