- Nov 2016
stg-sm.us.truenth.org stg-sm.us.truenth.org
This page contains tips and resources specifically tailored for you, based on what you told us about yourself, your treatments, and how you have been doing according to the Symptom Tracker.
Grade Level: 7.65
This page offers tailored tips and resources based on what you told us about your treatments and symptoms.
Please be sure to discuss any questions or concerns with your health care provider.
stg-sm.us.truenth.org stg-sm.us.truenth.org
Men with prostate cancer may experience stress, changes in vitality, or problems with urinary, bowel, or sexual function.
Grade Level: 8.9
This tool helps you see how your prostate cancer symptoms compare to those of other men like you. It also offers ways to help you manage those symptoms.
Men with prostate cancer may experience stress, changes in energy levels, as well as problems with urinary, bowel, or sexual function.
This tool helps you understand how your prostate cancer symptoms compare to those of other men like you and it offers recommendations to help you manage those symptoms. Men with prostate cancer may experience stress, changes in vitality, or problems with urinary, bowel, or sexual function.
Grade Level: 11.66
stg.us.truenth.org stg.us.truenth.org
Explore your values, your preferences, and the current medical knowledge to help you discuss your treatment options with your doctors.
Grade Level: 12
Grade Level: 12
stg.us.truenth.org stg.us.truenth.org
When you agree to the Terms of Use, you can continue with the registration process.
The text edit for this Terms of Use is testing at a Grade Level of 10, as a whole. However, individual sentences test lower 6-8). The multi-syllabic words and unrecognized words (eg-Movember, TrueNTH) add to the increase in reading level. But all in all, I think the edit may read a little clearer.
The TrueNTH portal and tools are offered free of charge to you by the Movember Foundation.
Grade Level: 10 -> 8.28
The Movember Foundation offers these TrueNTH portal and tools to you free of charge.
Thanks for signing up for TrueNTH. First, please review the terms of use to access the TrueNTH tools:
Grade Level: 3.6
Thank you for signing up for TrueNTH. Please review the terms of use before accessing the TrueNTH tools.
Grade Level: 12.73