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  1. Mar 2018
    1. But they continue to shape the world, even after they are discarded

      Part of the CRTs material culture is how it changed the culture of how desk jobs work. It continues to shape the world in different ways than it was meant to. CRT screens keep the material culture that they gained in their heyday while also creating new material culture as we try to get rid of it in a way that is good for the environment, as taking care of the environment has become a larger focus of American culture.

    2. "man-machine interface"

      It became such a functional thing in human life, that it started to become an integral part of human life in the U.S. When something becomes that tied to human life, it often picks up meaning from the importance that human's give it.

    3. for the new medium to become an electric hearth at the center of family life

      Hearths used to be a main feature of roman houses. It was a very important part of family rituals to the roman gods so to compare a CRT tv to a hearth probably means that watching the tv is becoming a ritual like honoring a family god.

    4. The CRT is technologically fundamental to modern seeing, yet its inner workings depend on something completely invisible: a vacuum.

      CRT technology was for a long time the only way to see things like what would be on an old computer screen, but it is fascinating that one of the major components for making it work is something that cannot be seen. It is a kind of polarity which the Haltman text says is very important when looking at an object.

    1. Themethodasthusconfiguredworksbecauseitworks

      Not quite sure how this makes sense. It seems like a kind of roundabout way of creating an argument. How does something work just because it works. That is like saying technology runs on magic.

    2. Asopposedtoapassiveinventoryonestrivestocraftanarrativeaccountinanattempttorecreateanobject'svisualandphysicaleffectinwords

      Useful in writing about panels where people got very attached to when making them. It is only right to give justice to these creators by making the panels sound as living as possible. CRT TVs would show narratives so they should have a narrative for themselves.

    3. functional-betweentheobjectandsomefundamentalhumanexperience,

      The CRT screens used to be very useful and functional for humans (worked as well as most electronics work for people). At this point, screens seem to be a fundamental part of human experience due to everything that can be seen, like computers and TV, to educational programming that can be used around the world (as long as there is wifi).

    4. Whatculturalworkmightitoncehaveaccomplishedoraccomplishstill:

      The panels and the CRT screens have both accomplished parts of what they are intended to be but both still have more to accomplish. The panels are to help keep the memory of individual people alive into the future while the CRT screens are still getting attention due to the challenge that it is to get rid of such an interesting piece of technology that changed the way that the majority of Americans live.

    5. bynarrowingyourfocustoofar.Foryou,simplyexplainthedirection(ordirections)inwhichyoufindyourselfheaded,thesortofresearchyouanticipateundertaking,andtheresearchproblemstheendeavorposes

      An important part of research in this project is to not go to narrow in topic as it causes trouble when trying to find sources. I could see the same thing happening if I were to write about CRTs, as I would want to look more into how they work and their history than looking at what they signify about American culture.

    6. Whatquestionsaremostfruitfultoaskinone'sworkwithanobjectandhowmightonebestgoaboutaskingthem?

      This is an especially good question when it comes to looking for sources for research. It can be very hard to figure out the right question to be asking when it comes to looking at panels of the quilt. I know that I finding sources is hard when the question is not right given experience. I was looking to closely at the details on the quilt instead of what inspired the creators of the Howard Ashman panels as there are so many different ones.

    7. Countlessdeductionsofthiskindsuggestthemselves.Theprocessoperates,infact,soquicklythatitseffectsarenaturalized,cometoseemtruebydefinitionratherthanasevidenceofmeaningfulinscriptionorconstruction.Onlyifweslowthisprocessdowndowefindourselvesenabledtorecognizeandsotoevaluate,indeedquestion,themyriadconclusionsweriskotherwisetodrawuncritically;onlythuscanwecontrolforourown-howeverwell-intended-carelessorprecipitousorculturally-biasedleapstoarguablywrongconclusions.

      Another reason to do Primary Source Descriptions. Our brains are wired to see patterns and connections, so it is harder to just stop and soak in information. If we do not stop, then we might just look at a panel through our biases without looking at the panels as a symbol for another group or individual.

    8. wedonotanalyzeobjects;weanalyzeourdescriptionsofobjects●writingconstitutesanalysis:wedonotreallyseewithclaritywhatwehavenotsaidthatwehaveseen

      This is a key concept of why we do Primary Source Descriptions of our panels. Without detailed descriptions, we might not have all we need to really analyze what we saw in the panels.

    9. “themostpersistentobjectmetaphorsexpressiveofbelief”seemembeddedinpolarities

      This is apparent in CRT screens as they show what is happening in the computer or TV using a vacuum system which cannot be seen. CRT screens have a polarity of seen and not seen.

    10. Essays in Material Culture

      The text that I examined is"A Terminal Condition: The Cathode Ray Tube's Strange Afterlife." I choose this text because of its significance in my house throughout my childhood and I still sometimes use a CRT. The text describes how the CRT came to be and how it was popularized. It then goes on to explain how CRT was replaced by newer technology and the challenges faced when trying to get rid of CRT screens or trying to replace them. All throughout the article, it is explained how CRT screens became important items in the lives of Americans.