9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2022
  2. Jul 2019
    1. It is agreed that the Total amount of Twenty-one Millions of Dollars, described in the three preceding Articles, shall be paid as follows:

      Why did this amount of money have to be paid? this is a lot of money.

    2. he Treaty of Nanjing rectified for the British what they considered to be long-standing problems in their dealings with the Chinese.

      Why did the British have so many problems with the chinese?

    1. We have further learned that in London, the capital of your honorable rule, and in Scotland (Su-ko-lan), Ireland (Ai-lan), and other places, originally no opium has been produced.

      Why was no opium produced in these places?

    2. Lin also circulated his “Moral Advice to Queen Victoria” as a public announcement to the Western merchants in Guangzhou

      What were the merchants in Guangzhou like?

    1. The emperor wanted to tell the English king how ignorant he was about the magnificence of the Chinese Empire and how improper his request was. However, we are unsure whether Lord Macartney actually delivered Emperor Qianlong’s letter to King George.

      Even though this was mentioned, why didn't he include this in his letter? he definitely should have.

    2. It was in this context that Lord Macartney undertook his mission. Unlike his predecessors, he was permitted to enter the Qing palaces in Beijing and elsewhere, have an audience with the Qing emperor Qianlong and his confident Heshen, and present George III’s letter to the emperor.

      Why was he permitted to enter a place like Beijing and other cities?

    1. Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class

      Why is it a revolutionary class?

    2. summarize the political standpoint of the Communist League, a small group of mostly German radicals

      What was the Communist league all about?