10 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2016
    1. Gordon (2005) explained that color blindness ‘‘maintainsthat race does not exist as a meaningful category and posits that the benefitsaccrued to White people are earned by (gifted) individuals rather than sys-temically conferred’’

      Here's an interesting comic dealing with this idea: http://www.gradientlair.com/post/102200016923/white-privilege-cartoon

    2. inequities in health, wealth, and education.

      One criticism I have heard of the focus on race in the US recently is that we do not talk about class enough. Maybe this is true, but of course like this part of the article suggests race and class are tied together in a lot of ways.

    3. nfortunately, there was still little research in this area in 2004

      It is interesting how that was not that long ago. I wonder if there has been a lot more research done on the topic.

    4. Beyond Compliance: Participatory Translation ofSafety Communication for Latino Construction Workers,’

      Again, another example of the importance of Spanish in the US and therefore in technical communication in the US.

    5. Writing New Mexico White: A Critical Analysis of Early Representationsof New Mexico in Technical Writing

      This would be an interesting read, because as a country we often forget that half of the US was originally a part of Mexico and there are still ties in those states to the country (if only in the names, e.g. New Mexico) so it is worrying to hear about them erasing this past and replacing it with WEA culture.

    6. ‘‘Instructions, Visuals, and the English-Speaking Bias of Technical Commu-nication’’ address the representation of Latinos in U.S. technical communica-tion.

      This ties into what I wrote earlier that the US has the second biggest number of Spanish speakers out of all the countries in the world. In general in the US we should opt to have technical documentation available in different languages, however in my opinion due to the large presence of Spanish in the US we should definitely have more technical communication in Spanish and try to embrace the language more as a culture and as part of our identity as a nation.

    7. We acknowledge, though, that many, inside and outside of our field,believe that race is not a relevant concept in our society or field. Some arguethat we live in a nonracist society, and thus the need to acknowledge colorno longer exists

      I like how this (short) comic explains white privilege: http://everydayfeminism.com/2014/09/white-privilege-explained/ Also, if you are interested in feminism/social justice this is a really neat site.

    8. 50.5 million people, making Hispanics the largest minority group in theUnited States.

      -I want to preface this by noting that not all Hispanic people in the US can speak Spanish.- Anyway, this is important because at least according to the study mentioned in this CNN article: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/01/us/spanish-speakers-united-states-spain/ the US has the second highest population of Spanish speakers in the world, second only to Mexico. Meaning there are more people that speak Spanish in the US than in Spain.

    9. Through a careful, criticaldeconstruction of the 2010 census form and census data reports, Pimenteland Balzhiser propose a ‘‘double occupancy of Hispanics’’ whereby theHispanic-origin and race questions simultaneously encourage the U.S. soci-ety to keep a tab on Hispanic growth and inflate the white count

      This is important because a lot of people confuse being Hispanic with being a race, when it is really an ethnicity (at least it is considered so in the US). And since being Hispanic is an ethnicity and being white is a race, it is possible to be a white Hispanic. Spanish-speaking countries are extremely diverse (for a large part consisting of black, white,indigenous and multiracial populations). So it'd be interesting to see how the race and ethnicity questions affect census findings.I also would like to know what they mean by double occupancy.

    10. monographs

      according to Wikipedia a monograph is "a specialist work of writing (in contrast to reference works)[1] on a single subject or an aspect of a subject, usually by a single author."