- Sep 2021
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estate of regeneracy.
Winthrop uses the phrase "estate of regeneracy" as a way to say to be born again and how they were godly in other words. A way of bringing in biblical ideas into them as they thought they, the Puritans were somehow living through these scriptures during their journey exploring the New World.
Mimms, Walker. "A model of Christian Charity Term: Regeneracy."(2019, November 27) LitCharts.LitCharts LLC https://www.litcharts.com/lit/a-model-of-christian-charity/terms/regeneracy Accessed 2021, September 6
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
In the 1600's a shallop was a "rater modest wooden boat" of which the explores at this time used to travel across the sea. It states that these shallops were small with 1-2 sails that they were also able to row but also able to still carry heavier cargo.
U.S. Department of the Interior. (2016, January 7). The shallop. National Parks Service. https://www.nps.gov/cajo/learn/historyculture/the-shallop.htm#:~:text=In%20the%201600s%2C%20the%20word%20%22shallop%22%20referred%20to,sails.%20Captain%20Smith%27s%20shallop%20could%20carry%2015%20men.