4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. So would Marion Nestle, as a dietician, as one of America’s most important critics of dietary policy, advocate for local eating? “Absolutely.”

      Marion Nestlet agree with locavore movement.

    2. obviously fresher foods that are grown on better soils are going to have more nutrients. But people are not nutrient-deprived.

      It is more nutrices to eat freshly picked friuts but even if we dont consume them it doesnt mean that were losing nutrience.

    3. 100-mile diet — even in winter — was almost certainly more nutritious than what the average American was eating. That doesn’t mean it is necessary to eat locally in order to be healthy.

      Eating locally is not the only way to eat healthy.

    4. Food begins to lose nutrition as soon as it is harvested. Fruit and vegetables that travel shorter distances are therefore likely to be closer to a maximum of nutrition. “

      The longer the food stays picked from its root the more nutrience is lost.