2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. Hallatt, Alex. “Arctic Circle.” Comic strip. King Features Syndicate, Inc. 1 Sept. 2008. Web. 12 July 2009.

      Source G is inside take place in an igloo. Nothing grows in 100-mile radius in a place as cold as there. Everyone can not be Locavores because some places can not grow foods. Locavores eat food from places far away. you may have apples in your neighborhood but Locavores make this more difficult by eating from other places because they think it is more healthy but sometimes people do not have a choice to eat locally. Being a locavore limit your choices in the food you eat. In this source, Hallatt Alex, agrees with becoming a locavore and supports the movement.

    2. Loder, Natasha, Elizabeth Finkel, Craig Meisner, and Pamela Ronald. “The Problem of What to Eat.” Conservation Magazine. The Society for Conservation Biology, July-Sept. 2008. Web. 16 Dec. 2009.

      Greenhouse Gas is how much Carbon Dioxide is being released in the air when these foods are transported, produced and retailed. Production is the main problem not transportation like most locavores think. Transportation is the second highest but production is the highest.Whole sale retail is the lowest but all of these things pollutes our air. Being a locavore does not necessarily save the environment.