- Jul 2024
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Case: patient #573, male
Disease Assertion: UCD/OTCD
Family Info:
Case Presenting HPOs:hyperammonemia (HP:0001987), Neonatal onset (HP:0003623)
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Case Previous Testing: GDNA extracted from blood leukocytes using the proteinase K/phenol extraction procedure on a model 340 A nucleic acid extractor (Applied Biosystems). 5mg samples of DNA were digested with BamHI, MspI, or TaqI restriction endonuclease, electrophoresed through 1 % agarose gels, and transferred to a nylon membrane by standard procedures. The blots were then hybridized with a radiolabeled full-length cDNA probe for human OTC.
Supplemental Data: TABLE 3,
Variant: NM_000531.6: c.67C>T(p.Arg23*)
CAID: CA224742
Gene Name: OTC (ornithine transcarbamylase)