8 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. St. Francis

      He is a Monk. Monk: Within the Christian Church: such a person typically living a celibate life according to the rule of a particular order (order n. 5) and adhering to vows, esp. of poverty, chastity, and obedience. (OED, na)

    2. punishment of that was enough to the disappointed without the addition of unkind lan|guage—I consider'd his grey hairs—his courteous figure seem'd to re|enter and gently ask me what injury he had done me?—and why I could

      Here, we can see that he regrets about what he said to the Monk earlier. By him realizing what he said earlier to monk demonstrate why he is a sentimental traveler. He is trying to pursue knowledge and improvement in the course of his journeys.

    3. "I had had an affair with the moon, in which there was neither sin nor shame,"

      This demonstrates the powerful relationship between Yorick and Nature. He also talks about how human natures are different from each other throughout his nobel

    4. NAMPONT.
    5. A well-a-way! said I. I have but eight sous in the world, shewing them in my hand, and there are eight poor men and eight poor women for 'em.

      Here he sees the beggar in the street and offers them to give eight sous. At the beginning of the novel, Yorick refused to give Monk any money, and ignored him. Sentimental journey is all about perusing knowledge and getting better as a human everyday. This particular sentence is another demonstration of how Yorick has changed from the time he started to travel, therefore he calls himself a sentimental traveler.

    1. trellis,

      A structure of light bars of wood or metal crossing each other at intervals and fastened where they cross, with open square spaces between; used as a screen in window openings or the like; a window, gate, screen, etc. so constructed; a lattice; a grating. Now rare. (OED,na) https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O34942/trellis-furnishing-fabric-heals/


      The Paris Peace Conference, held at the conclusion of the First World War (1914–18), mainly in the Palace of Versailles, or the Treaty of Versailles, the peace treaty which formally ended that war and was signed in the Palace at the culmination of the conference on 28th June, 1919. OED (n,a). https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x47e67d94d7b14c75%3A0x538fcc15f59ce8f!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOGyYnQtAiEf9VOgmios2V0AvSpk6tnVHawUAUy%3Dw420-h240-k-no!5sVERSAILLES.%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipOGyYnQtAiEf9VOgmios2V0AvSpk6tnVHawUAUy&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIs6DF2JXvAhVrS98KHS4ODzcQoiowJnoECGsQAw

    3. poor Le Fleur advanced three ſteps towards me, and with that ſort of movement which a good ſoul makes to ſuccour a diſtreſs'd one—the fellow won my heart by it; and from that ſingle trait, I knew his character as perfectly, and could rely upon it as firmly, as if he had ſerved me with fidelity for ſeven years.

      The fact that Le Fleur was by his side, even when he was in big trouble, won the heart of Yorick and he sees Le Fleur as someone who he can trust with his eyes closed.