- Dec 2024
login.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca login.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca
The internet community is expanding at an incredible speed with profound implications for the emerging economies, not to mention social norms and political systems of countries.
The internet community, economies, political systems, everything is ever-changing at every second of every day.
- Sep 2024
login.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca login.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca
Annotation: "At every stage of the performance of middle-class identity, one looks at the others in the social networks to gauge how much they accept the performance."
I find this line to be quite interesting. To me, this line represents how people often need to look at the circumstances of others in order to evaluate the conditions their own lives. I am guilty of doing this. For example, if I see someone who drives a nicer car than me, I often assume that their lives are better than mine, solely based on the fact that they are driving a nicer car than me. People often times forget to appreciate the to appreciate the things they have, and need to realize that just because they may not have the nicest or most expensive things in life, does not mean that their lives are worse off, compared to those who do the nicest or most expensive things. People need to stop comparing their lives to the lives of others, appreciate the things they have, and work towards improving their own lives, instead of putting themselves down by looking at the circumstances of others.
- Jun 2024
vut.oer4pacific.org vut.oer4pacific.org
pen-source software (F
"A natural initial question is what is open source software? Roughly, being open source requires that the source code, and not only the object code (the sequence of 1's and 0's that computers actually use), be made available to everyone, and that the modifications made by its users also be turned back to the community."(Lerner & Tirole, 2001).
Lerner, J., & Tirole, J. (2001). The open source movement: Key research questions. European economic review, 45(4-6), 819-826.