2 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. we will never find anything morethan gradual differences. Yet we are not a bit “man” and a bit“woman” (or vice versa), but either “man” or “woman”—we areone or the other. This absolute difference does not exist in (lived)reality, which knows only gradual distinctions.

      This is an example of how language or symbolic signifiers alter the lived experience more than the lived experience does simply to the real. Does this mean that as one grows up and is exposed to more of the symbolic world and language, one is indulged more in the phantasy and is further from accessing the "real"?

    2. hat clearly cannot bedirectly derived from the facts of experience.

      Language shapes the experience of reality in a way that simply experiencing cannot. Like performativity. Is there a signifier that articulates this way of experience? this is created in the symbolic order, rather than any other.