- Sep 2022
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Above all, a fresh and original intellectual approach is needed, avoid-ing all standard solutions.
This relates to the increasing difficulty of being originial with the rapid advances in productivity today.
A striving for order can, and must, also be expressed inasymmetrical form.
This relates to sticking to past foundations that are somewhat indispensable.
Thetypographer must take the greatest care to study how his work is read andought to be read.
Today, this is foundational since there are constantly advances in works of typography making documentation and research important to giving future credit.
Evenin good central-axis composition the contents are subordinated to “beautifulline arrangement.”
Clarity becomes less important due the focus on the composition being centralized as it relates to improving the visual appeal of the artistic, "arrangement."
the rigidity of central-axis setting hardly allows work tobe carried out with the degree of logic we now demand.
The central axis in art relates to a somewhat balanced distribution of space on an art piece.
“ARTTALK Chapter 10 Balance - Ppt Google Img.” SlidePlayer, https://slideplayer.com/slide/10709291/.
This utmost clarity is necessarytoday because of the manifold claims for our attention made by the extraor-dinary amount of print, which demands the greatest economy of expression.
This emphasizes that having clear communication is made crucially important due to the difficulty of communicating to those who are surrounded by countless other "prints."