1 Matching Annotations
- May 2018
austin-sparks.net austin-sparks.net
We are met at the very threshold of that realm with a statement which is calculated to check our steps for the moment, and if we approach with a sense of knowing or possessing anything already, with a sense of contentment, of personal satisfaction, or with any sense other than that of needing to know everything, then this word should bring us to a standstill at once: "...no one knoweth the Son, save the Father..." Maybe we thought we knew something about the Lord Jesus, and that we had ability to know; that study, and listening, and various other forms of our own application and activity could bring us to a knowledge, but at the outset we are told that "...no one knoweth the Son, save the Father..." All that the Son is, is locked up with the Father, and He alone knows.
The utter solitariness of Christ is reminded here. All external human efforts can only teach and talk about Christ objectively, that too only to a certain limit; they can only tell about him in a mere mental and propositional way, not an inch more. All true knowledge of Christ and any subjective comprehension can only be initiated by God himself by the work of the Holy Spirit ; through the means of the Word of God. This is revelation, revealed truth.