- Oct 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
I think this is the first and only time the word 'please' is uttered in the story. And I would not have expected it to come from the young girl. There's something very seemingly obnoxious yet profoundly mysterious about this girl. She pleads to wait in the car, finally not exposed or seen by others. It sounds like her appearance has shaped her life and defined much of her identity thus far, but she's fighting not to let it be everything (e.g., she's seeing through people who are staring at her). Symbolically, when her dark coat, perhaps symbolizing her beauty as a curse rather than a blessing or her rude demeanor, falls, revealing her opposite-colored skin, and, "like a flower... emerging from its dark bud, " she's becoming herself again.