2 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
I don't believe the sprockets and sprockets-rails maintainers (actually it's up to the Rails maintainers, see rails/rails#28430) currently consider it broken. (I am not a committer/maintainer on any of those projects). So there is no point in "waiting for someone else to fix" it; that is not going to happen (unless you can change their minds). You just need to figure out the right way to use sprockets 4 with rails as it is.
- whose responsibility is it?
- waiting for someone else to fix it: that is not going to happen
- whether maintainer or contributor should/will implement something
- frustrating when maintainers stubbornly stick to opinions/principles/decisions and won't change despite popular user support
- at the mercy of maintainer
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
I guess I was just waiting for some interest from a maintainer, since there's not much point in wasting my time on developing this if the maintainers aren't even interested in this feature.