8 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
  2. Aug 2021
    1. Introduced in the perfectly named “Typescript and validations at runtime boundaries” article @lorefnon, io-ts is an active library that aim to solve the same problem as Spicery:TypeScript compatible runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding


    2. It means that when having a type guard:TypeScript and JavaScript runtime are tied to the same behaviour.
    3. Inside the if statement, TypeScript will assume that amount cannot be anything else than a string, which is true also at the runtime thanks to typeof JavaScript operator.
  3. Nov 2020
    1. I'd say it's better overall because it replaces paths at compile-time. It means there is no runtime dependency or any performance overhead.
    1. Loaders use a mapping configuration to map module names to files at run-time, see RequireJs documentation and SystemJS documentation.
  4. Oct 2020
    1. Doing so also means adding empty import statements to guarantee correct order of evaluation of modules (in ES modules, evaluation order is determined statically by the order of import declarations, whereas in CommonJS – and environments that simulate CommonJS by shipping a module loader, i.e. Browserify and Webpack – evaluation order is determined at runtime by the order in which require statements are encountered).

      Here: dynamic loading (libraries/functions) meaning: at run time

    2. This PR replaces nested require statements in files in vendor/postcss with import declarations, so that they can be properly resolved at build time.