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  1. Apr 2020
    1. After debridement of devitalized tissue, tracheal injuries are repaired end-to-end using a single layer of interrupted absorbable sutures. Associated injuries of the esophagus are common in penetrating injuries due to its close proximity. After debridement and repair, vascularized tissue is interposed between the repaired esophagus and trachea, and a closed suction drain is placed. The sternocleidomastoid muscle or strap muscles are useful for interposition and help prevent postoperative fistulas.

      end-to-end repair of tracheal damages with absorbale sutures after debridement. then placing vascularized tissue between repaired esophagus and trachea and close drain. SCM and strap mus are useful for interposition and fistula prevention.

    2. Fractures of the larynx and trachea may manifest as cervical emphysema. Fractures documented by CT scan are usually repaired. Common injuries include thyroid cartilage fractures, rupture of the thyroepiglottic ligament, disruption of the arytenoids or vocal cord tears, and cricoid fractures.

      larynx and trachea fx can result cervical emphysema, usually thyroid cartilage, thyroepiglottic lig rupture, arytenoid or vocal cord damage and cricoid fx,